the bond in bloody roses

By ItaChan19

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Sakika Matsumoto thought she had her life all figured out. She was going to become a vampire hunter. Make her... More

Night One
Night Two
Night Three
Night Four
Night Five
Night Six
Night Seven
Night Eight
Night Nine
Night Ten
Night Eleven
Night 12
Night Thirteen
Night Fourteen
Night Fifteen
Night Sixteen
Night Seventeen
Night Eighteen
Night Nineteen
Night Twenty
Night Twenty-One
Night Twenty-Two
Night Twenty-Three
Night Twenty-Four
Night Twenty-Six

Night Twenty-Six

19 1 0
By ItaChan19

Night Twenty-Six:

Over the next few weeks, Father mostly had me home. He had a doctor that was used to dealing with Hunters over, who took care of me, and made sure everything was going well. It was embarrassing to have my family, and a stranger, doting on me. It was my mistake, and it wasn't like I couldn't take care of myself. I wasn't completely helpless, and my family didn't help matters by doting on me.

However, I was steadily becoming better. My body hurt less and less with each passing day, and I could remember most of what happened, though my family was still confused as to why I was outside the building, or what had happened afterwards. I couldn't really answer them, and I had a feeling that they just gave up trying to ask me as the questions twiddled into nothing, but I could feel that something had changed.

I couldn't explain it even if my life depended on it. My family acted like their normal selves. Ruri and Mother were the glue that held the family together. Always having something kind, and or encouraging to say. Yakumi, as always, was there to keep us down to earth. Always the more serious one, and always making sure things were in order. Mikami was the family's comedian. Always having something funny to say while being there to be my support as well. Mizuki was distant from the family, the family bad kid. Always fighting with Father over one issue or another. Always being scolded by Yakumi, but always there to cheer me up when it came right down to it. Kyou seemed to be the tomboy of the family. She was tough, had a teasing way to show her affection, but she was also very kind. Father, as always, was Father. He was stern, and tough. Always there to reign us in when things got out of hand. Loving, in his own way.

But even with them acting their normal selves, I could tell something was off. Something wasn't right. They didn't look at me the same. It was like they were afraid of me. For what reason, I couldn't be sure. What I had done to deserve their fright was beyond me.

Perhaps I was reading too much into it, but I couldn't help but to feel that they were hiding something, and I wanted to know what it was that they were hiding...


I was in an unfamiliar place. A field, I realized. A field filled with nothing but beautiful yellow flowers. I looked down at myself, but noticed that I was nothing more than a child.

My hands were so tiny, I couldn't help but to notice, but of course they would be this tiny. I was nothing more than a child. Still, I couldn't help but to be fascinated by my own hands.

"Dear, what are you doing?" I looked towards a familiar, and yet unfamiliar woman. Suddenly, I wanted to think of her as my mother, but I couldn't quiet make the connection.

"Mommy, where am I?" My voice was high pitched, like it was when I was a child. The woman smiled, closing her icy-blue eyes as her hand came out, and ruffled my hair.

"You're in a place where I can't reach you, but I promise that I will come back for you."

"But...But I don't want Mommy to go away!" I felt hot tears prickle in my eyes. The woman smiled slightly, and pulled me into a hug. She kissed the top of my forehead.

"Please, Dear, you're Daddy and mine's hope. Our dream. Be safe, and happy until we come back ok?" Her voice was soft, pleading. I felt tears pricking at my eyes again.

"B-but why?" I questioned, sniffling. The woman stepped back, smiling at me as she placed her hands at my shoulders.

"Dear, life from here on out will be tough for you. Times won't be easy, but you have to keep going, ok? You're our hope, and our dream, so try to be happy. Daddy and I will sleep for awhile, but when we wake up, we'll come back for you, ok? Just be strong until then." I sniffled, nodding slightly.

"I promise. I'll stay strong." I pouted, rubbing at my eyes. The woman smiled, and kissed my forehead again.

"Time to wake up...Sakika, wake up..."

"Hey!" I groaned, snapping out of my dream. I rubbed my head, and glared at Mikami.

"What the hell do you want!" I yelled out. Mikami laughed, shaking his head slightly as he puffed out some smoke. I looked at the cigarette in his mouth with an eyebrow cocked, and then looked away as I rubbed my eyes. Damn, my shoulder still hurt.

"Geez, why are you so pissy? It's noon. You need to get up. Father is kinda irritated, but only let you sleep this long because he thinks you need the rest."

"Ok, but if he thinks I need the rest then why the hell are you waking me up?" I dead panned, running my hands over my face.

"Because he told me to wake you up. He wants you to come with me to town." I looked over at Mikami, and then sighed.

"Yeah. Ok. Get out then so I can get dressed." Mikami nodded slightly, stepping out of the room, and closing the door behind him to give me some privacy.

I dressed in the same clothes that I was going to wear the day I planned to go out with my siblings, though this time I wore my hair back with a red headband. Once everything was ready, I went out to meet my brother, who looked at me, and smiled slightly.

"Ready?" He asked with another cigarette between his lips. I nodded, following my brother outside.


Since it was a nice day outside, Mikami and I decided to walk to town, which wasn't that far of a walk. Things were unusually silent between us. He had his hands stuffed in his jean pockets, his head looking down at his sneakers. I glanced at him with an eyebrow raised.

"Mikami?" I questioned in worry. He looked at me, and then threw out the cancer stick from his mouth, rubbing out the cherry. I looked at the half done cigarette, and then at him in question."Mikami?" I again questioned.

"You should quit." He said softly, taking me by surprise. I looked at my brother as if he were crazy, which in my mind he was absolutely crazy. I didn't want to give up being a hunter. No way in hell did I want that in the least bit.

"Why would you even say that?! Yeah, I got hurt, but not every mission goes according to plan! I mean...Why would you even say that?" I sighed, rubbing at my temples. Since the mission, headaches were becoming more and more common for me. Mikami looked at me, and I could feel the worry rolling off of him.

"Because..." He sighed as I looked at him in confusion. He looked off, stuffing his hands in his pockets, and then shrugged slightly."Because you're the baby of the family. Because you're my baby sister. I don't want to see you like that again. Besides, if your shoulder doesn't heal up right, who knows if you can even wield that sword again."

"I know how to use a pistol. I know how to use alot of different weapons. The sword happened to be my favorite. Master Kaito taught me many different things, ya know."

"That's even if the Association wants you to continue. Don't you have a fall back plan?" He sighed heavily, taking out a cigarette, and lighting it.

"You're such a damn chain smoker. Seriously, how are you not dead yet? Don't you know every time you smoke one of those, you take seven minutes off your life?"

"Geez, we're all gonna die sooner or later. I just might happen to die sooner, and don't try to change the subject. Seriously, what is your plan if the Association rejects you as a Hunter. Then what?" I sighed heavily, shrugging slightly.

"I don't know. I never thought about it." Mikami sighed heavily, shaking his head.

"You're such a moron." He muttered, shaking his head. I blushed, and then glared down at my feet."Why don't we stop here for lunch?" My brother pointed to a small cafe. I sighed, and nodded slightly, following after my brother. At least he had dropped the question about what I planned to do if the Association rejected me as a Hunter. I really didn't know what I would do if that were to happen. Being a Hunter was all I ever really wanted.


The cafe was nice. Rather small really, but still nice with it's white walls, and carpeted floor. Pictures hung on the wall of various things. It was pretty.

"Hello! Is there anything I can get you two right now? I'm afraid your waiter is being a little held up." I looked up at the woman in a little maid outfit. She looked a little flustered. I raised an eyebrow, and then picked up the beverage menu.

"What do you mean you don't have anymore rose tea?!" I froze. Damn near dropping the menu when I heard that familiar voice. That familiar, annoying, pompous voice."If you don't have any more than I refuse to have anything from this place. Honestly, a place that runs out of rose tea is simply disgraceful."

"Please, sir, we're trying our best."

"Not good enough." I slid further down my seat, feeling a but flustered.

"Um, so is there anything?" The waitress asked, laughing slightly.

"Who is that guy? He's weird." My brother asked with an eyebrow raised as he looked over the side of the booth we were in.

"Oh. Don't mind him. He comes in here every day around the same time with his friend. Something like this is actual pretty normal. We only tolerate it because they leave such huge tips." The waitress laughed again."So anything you two want?"

Friend? I sat up a bit straighter, and looked out the side of the booth myself. I blushed when I immediately recognized both Aidou and AKatsuki, though Akatsuki looked like he would rather be anywhere else. He looked embarrassed. I blushed heavily, and then sat back properly, blush still on my face as I attempted to hide my face, slumping in the chair. I never expected to see them here. Of all places.

"Sakika? What do you want?"

"Huh?" I looked at my brother, who looked at me in expectation. I was in my own world that I didn't realize he had already ordered his drink."Um. Just some water."

"Right! A glass of water and a glass of soda! Be right back with your order!" I sighed, looking down at the table.

"Alright. I give up." I looked up at my brother with an eyebrow raised.

"What? What are you talking about?"

"You're acting funny. Why is that?"

"Funny? I...I'm not acting funny." Mikami rolled his eyes slightly.

"Sakika? Is that you?" I gasped, blushing as I turned to look at Akatsuki and Aidou, who were both giving me curious expressions. I glanced at my brother through the corner of my eyes. He had dropped his friendly expression, and adapted a more neutral expression as he looked at both of them. I looked back at Akatsuki and Aidou with a small smile.

"It's so good to see you guys again. I didn't expect to see you guys here. Visiting?"

"Passing through actually." Aidou replied in his usual pompous tone, waving his hand around slightly." A few of the others are staying at my place for the break. It's not too far out." I nodded, glancing back at Akatsuki, who had yet to say anything to me. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest. I could feel my brother's eyes shift my way, almost scrutinizing me. I felt so on spot.

"Akatsuki, are..Are you doing well?"

"Yeah. I'm doing well. You didn't say good bye to anyone of us." He pointed out, cocking an eyebrow. I nodded, looking down, feeling a bit guilty. I had totally forgotten about saying good bye to them.

"Totally made us feel bad after all the courtesy we extended towards you." Aidou teased. I looked up at him with a slight smirk.

"Yeah. Yeah. Mister High and Mighty had to deal with problematic me all the time. Excuse me for being such a pain." I hope that he could hear the sarcasm in my voice. Or at least catch it. Akatsuki seemed to catch it as he smirked slightly.

"I assume you're her brother?" Akatsuki questioned, looking at Mikami, who just smiled, and nodded at him.

"Yeah. You're one of her friends from the Night Class aren't you?" My brother cut me a cheeky side glance, and then looked at Akatsuki. I blushed, but kept my eyes trained on what was going on before me.

"...Yeah. Friends." Akatsuki looked at me questioningly. I just shrugged slightly, and looked down at the table. I looked up when my brother cleared his throat.

"Well, we wouldn't want to keep you two. I'm sure you're friends are waiting on you." I looked at Akatsuki, who looked between me and my brother.

"Yeah. I'm sure they are. Hanabusa, let's go." Aidou paused for a moment, looking between me and Akatsuki, and then smirked slightly as he looked at me.

"Ya know, we come here almost everyday. Why don't you drop by some time, and we can catch up." I felt myself blush more, and I shrugged.

"I..I can see what I can do." I looked back at them, at Akatsuki, with a small smile. He returned the smile slightly, and then gently pushed Hanabusa forward.

"Let's get going. Don't wanna keep Lord Kuran waiting." At that, Aidou straightened out, and nodded.

"Right!" Hanabusa walked fast out of the cafe. Akatsuki chuckled slightly, and then looked back at my brother and me.

"Well, see you around."

"Yeah. See ya."

"Bye." Akatsuki looked at me a moment longer, and then walked out of the cafe, calling after Aidou.

"And here are your drinks!" The waitress exclaimed, settling our drinks down in front of us. Mikami smiled at the waitress.

"Thank you."

"No problem. Here's the menus." She handed my brother and me one menu each, and then waited a few moments for us to look over them. I looked up at her with a smile.

"I think I'll have the turkey and cheese sandwich with the fries."

"I'll just have some anpan." The woman smiled, writing down our orders, and then took the menus as she walked into the kitchen with our orders. My brother didn't even have to speak for me to know that he had a million and one questions about the short encounter with Akatsuki and Aidou. I prepared myself for all sort of questions.

"Ok. Just get on with the questioning. You're silence is scaring me." My brother laughed, and shook his head slightly as he leaned back.

"I was just wondering if you and that blonde guy had something going on is all." I blushed heavily, and glared at my brother.

"Ok, that is just insulting. No me in any universe would ever go out with any Aidou Hanabusa in any universe." My brother laughed slightly, and shrugged slightly.

"What about the other guy? What was his name?"

"Akatsuki?" I questioned, my blush returning. My brother looked at me with an eyebrow raised, and nodded slightly.

"Yeah. Akatsuki. Was that the guy we were talking about back when I visited you?" I blushed, and looked off with a slight smile.

"Maybe." I glanced at my brother, his eyes on me steadily for a moment, and then he shrugged, and looked down as he began to sip at the drink before.

"Look," He said after a few minutes, causing me to look at him," I know this is none of my business. I mean, you are my little sister, so naturally I want to know all about your life, but you're also old enough, and way mature enough, to know what's best for you. I just...I don't know. You know Father would flip if he found out that you even had the slightest hint of an interest in them, and I just want you to be careful." i looked at him, nodding slightly. I wasn't sure what it was he was getting at exactly.

"What do you mean? It sounds like there's more." I pressed when he didn't say anything further. Mikami sighed slightly, and then shrugged.

"What I'm saying is that if there's a chance that maybe you want to see them, I can cover for you, and tell Father that I have something to do, and drag you along." I smiled slightly, and looked down at the table.

"Thanks, but I don't want you to get in trouble."

"You're my sister. I don't care if I get in trouble. I just want you to be happy. It's just something to think about anyways." I nodded as I looked out the small window that was beside us. I could still see the smallest hint of Akatsuki.

He looked back towards the cafe, and for a second, we made and held eye contact. He looked away with a smile after a moment. I felt my heart flutter. Maybe I would take my brother up on his offer one day...


Mikami and I spent the rest of the day gathering small little groceries for dinner than night, and then headed home. It was Mikami's turn to cook, and he wanted to make something exotic. Something different than our usual diet.

Needless to say, when we went home, things were normal. My father was there to greet us. I helped Mikami in the kitchen to make things go easier, and faster. When dinner came around, Mizuki said that it was his last night here since Kyou wanted to bring him to her family. I was a bit sad to see my brother go. Mizuki and I hardly spent any time together anymore, and I wanted to know Kyou a bit better. Ruri also announced that she would be heading back to work, but would still stay home. It felt like everyone was already ready to move on with their lives. It felt so strange to me considering I felt so stuck with no clear direction of where I wanted to go.

That night, when I headed to bed, I had thought about what happened at the cafe. I couldn't help but to feel a little bit happy, and excited that Akatsuki was so close. I dug around in my drawer until I found the necklace that I had worn at the Winter Ball, and sat it beside my bed. I then laid down, and went to sleep.

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