the bond in bloody roses

Oleh ItaChan19

1.2K 13 31

Sakika Matsumoto thought she had her life all figured out. She was going to become a vampire hunter. Make her... Lebih Banyak

Night One
Night Two
Night Three
Night Four
Night Five
Night Six
Night Seven
Night Eight
Night Nine
Night Ten
Night Eleven
Night 12
Night Thirteen
Night Fourteen
Night Fifteen
Night Sixteen
Night Seventeen
Night Eighteen
Night Twenty
Night Twenty-One
Night Twenty-Two
Night Twenty-Three
Night Twenty-Four
Night Twenty-Six
Night Twenty-Six

Night Nineteen

17 0 0
Oleh ItaChan19

A/n: Gaaahh~!! I'm sooo horrid~!!!! Please forgive for like not updating in such a long time~!!! Anyways~!! Hope you're all still interested!! Please lemme know what you all think~! Grazi~!

Night Nineteen:

The next day, I seemed to be in oddly good spirits. I had participated fully in P.E, something the seemed to surprise even the profession himself, and I was entirely focused on my studies. Although a million and one questions still rang in my mind, seemingly only amplified from my talk with Kuran, and I knew I still had to leave the Academy, but for now...I was just trying to make everything as normal as possible. I needed to push all my negative feelings to the side, and enjoy what remaining time I had left here.

I was heading towards the courtyard outside when I was suddenly pulled into the shade of the trees near the side of the dorm. Gasping slightly, I fought the urge to fight back, in case it was some idiot Day Student because I didn't want to hurt them, but that instinct was quickly pushed away when I heard the familiar of voice of Aidou speak to me.

"Listen, I don't want a fight. I merely came to explain something." He let go of me, and stepped back. I turned, crossing my arms, and glaring at him.

"This couldn't wait? You're not supposed to be here."

"I know. I want to talk to you about the photos you showed Lord Kaname last night." I felt my chest seize up slightly, and I shook my head.

"No. Kuran already explained to me who those people were, and their history. I don't need further explaining."

"It would be one thing if those photos were taken after an investigation, but they weren't. They were clearly private, family photos, and you don't find it the least bit strange your father had them?" I glared harder at Aidou, but thinking about this served nothing more than to give me a headache. I gripped my temples, and shook my head.

"No. I don't want to think about it. Please, go back to your dorm before you cause a commotion. Please."

"Idol?! Is that you?!" I groaned when I heard the clearly excited tone of a Day class girl. I slapped my forehead.

"Idol! Really?"

"Lemme see!" Aidou smiled his wide, glamours smile, and waved at the girls. I felt irritation, and growled lowly before turning on my heels, and glaring at the girls.

"Everyone move along! There's nothing to see here!" The gathering fangirls just seemed to look at me, and glare.

"Would you like to explain why he's here? Seeing you?"

"Yeah! It's not fair!" I sighed in aggravation, rubbing at my temples in annoyance as the clamoring girls continued to ask questions. I was about to explode with anger, but Aidou touched my arm. I looked at him with a glare.

"This is all your damn fault." I growled out.

"I suggest if you don't want a riot on your hands, and if you want-"

"Everyone! Go away! There's nothing to see here!"

"And you, Aidou, get back to your dorm,a nd leave Sakika alone." I gasped in surprise as Yuki chased the girls away, and Zero gave a hard look towards Aidou. Aidou scowled, and looked at me. I merely looked away.

"I was merely trying to give her something she dropped in our dorm last night. Lord Kaname asked me to deliver it to her." I straightened out my spine, standing straighter as Aidou outstretched his hand towards me, his fist enclosed."Please." His tone changed to a more softer, almost pleading tone. I, perhaps in my state of shock, outstretched my hand towards him as he opened it opened his palm, and I took the velvety case.

"How pretty." Yuki cooed, looking over my shoulders. I looked at her, and then at the case.

"Thank you." I said simply. He nodded slightly.

"Well, I'll be off." He adopted his usual bravado, and then quickly ran off. Zero looked at me with a curious expression.

"Aren't you gonna open it?" Yuki asked with a smile. I looked at her, and then smiled slightly.

"Later. Right now, I'm just gonna put it back in my room." I looked at Zero, who just nodded at me, looking off.

"Do you want us to go with you? In case any of the Night students-"

"No. I can handle it myself. Thanks." I walked off toward my room, fingers gently touching the black, velvety cover.


I had dropped off my "present" from Aidou in my room. I hesitated for another five minutes, deciding between weather or not I should open it, but decided not to open it after a few moments.

I walked down to the Headmaster's office with a somewhat heavy heart. My own steps seemed to slow, and my muscles seemed hesitant to even move in the direction, but I had made up my mind, and I knew the longer I had put it off, the weaker my resolve would become. So, like a band aid to a wound, I just had to rip it off.

I approached the familiar door, looking at it a second longer, I knocked tentatively on it, my heart jumping in my chest as the sound seemed louder than what it really was.

"Yes~~? Come in~~~" I hesitated a moment longer before taking a deep breath, and opening the door a bit shyly. Headmaster looked up at me immediately,smiling in a warm way."Oh? Sakika? What a pleasant surprise~! Did you-

"I don't mean to be rude by interrupting you, but I...I came here on not so pleasant matters." I spoke fast, stepping inside his office, and shutting the door behind me. His face fell into a more serious expression, and he nodded slightly. I took a seat across from him, gripping my knees tightly.

"What is the problem, Sakika?" He asked softly, leaning forward. I looked at him, and then looked down at my hands that still gripped my knees. I closed my eyes, tilting my head away slightly as I spoke.

"Thank you for allowing me to come to this Academy, and for putting me on the Disciplinary Committee. I understand the job was a huge risk, and I truly appreciate what you're trying to do here. In fact, a legendary Hunter like yourself, achieving for something like this is truly, truly-"

"Sakika, what is going on?" I gasped slightly, looking at him."Something's been troubling you. I over heard Zero muttering about it in the bathroom last night. Can I ask what's going on?" I felt my throat seize up, and then I sighed. Just like a band aid. Get to the point.

"I...I need to go home." I whispered, my hands tightening on my knees." I hope you know, I don't normally break commitments." I looked up, my voice finding itself again." I just...I need to go home." Head master tilted his head, his eyes hardening slightly.

"If this is because of the attack, I assure you, Lord Kuran has taken care of it. The errant student has been reprimanded, and suspended for the time being. You do not need to leave because of the act of one, disobedient student." I shook my head, biting at my lips.

"No. It's not because of the attack. I just need to go back home. What my father wanted me to do is over. I've become stronger, and I have you to thank for that." Headmaster studied me for a few moments longer, and then nodded.

"Alright. I just ask that you at least stay until the Winter Ball. After that is break time, and then...You don't have to come back." I smiled, nodding slightly.

"Alright. I can wait until then." Headmaster nodded, and then sighed somewhat heavily.

"That is, if it will be cleared with your parents." I nodded, biting at the inside of my cheeks. Somehow, I didn't think my parents would object all that much. They knew I knew what was best for myself.

"Right. Well, I guess I should be going then."

"Right. If there is anything else you need during your remaining time, please never hesitate to come." I nodded, standing up, and bowing before leaving the room.


The rest of my day went speedy, and rather well. I was able to keep a clear head, and focus on my studies. I was able to talk with some of my Day time friends, and my tutoring session with Zero, which had the addition of Yuki, went very well.

It was when I went back to my dorm room to prepare for my duties as a Guardian that I felt some weight finally come over me. I had everything almost together. I reached for my hunter weapon when my hands grazed the velvety box. I gasped in surprised, drawing my hand back slightly as I looked back at it. I had almost forgotten about it.

My pulse raced as, against my better judgement, I opened the box tenderly. A note floated out, and I immediately bent down to pick it up. I turned it over a couple times, not sure what I was really expecting to happen or see, and then sighed as I opened it up.

I know these past few weeks have been confusing for you. I noticed that you were acting a bit strange, and I thought you might need some cheering up. I thought you'd like this necklace. Please, wear it. I thought of you the moment I saw it.

The note was typed up, but in such a beautiful font. I touched the paper for a moment, and then sat it on my desk as I looked at the velvety box. I looked inside to see a beautiful necklace. It had pearls all around, and in the center was a beautiful rose shaped pendent. I gently touched the rose, smiled slightly, and then closed the box shut. I would wear it when it came to the Winter Ball. That would be the appropriate time to wear something so beautiful.


That night, had gone by smoothly so far. Things seemed in order. I still stayed closer to the Sun Dorm, but I wasn't so afraid to approach the Moon Dorm. The only I felt when considering interacting with any of them was the fact that I would soon be leaving, and probably never see any of them again. It saddened me.

"Are you ok?" I jumped slightly when I heard Akatsuki's voice. My pulse raced, for more than one reason, and I took a deep breath before smiling, and turning to face him.

"I haven't seen you in a long time." I commented rather obviously, my right hand gripping my upper arm near my triceps. Akatsuki nodded slightly, stepping out of the shadows.

On instinct, my eyes looked around, half expecting someone to come out of the shadows as well. As if sensing what I was doing, Akatsuki spoke up with a clearing of his throat, which brought my attention back to him.

"You were worried?" He asked, tilting his head slightly. I couldn't help to think I heard a slightly amused tone in his voice. I felt irritation, but shook it off, and relaxed with a smile.

"I was just curious about what happened to you. What...Are you doing here anyways?" My voice dropped at the end, but I cleared my throat, and adapted my smile back on my face. Akatsuki straightened out his posture, smirked, and then looked off for a second before looking back at me.

"I kinda had to slip past Lord Kaname and Hanabusa, and some of the others, but I had to see you. Make sure you were ok." I was silent, not sure how to react for a moment, but then slowly nodded, even though I didn't know what in the world he was even talking about.

"I'm fine. I'm just on suspension for awhile." His voice trailed off as he looked away, rubbing the back of his neck.

I scrunched up my eyebrows, confused. Why was he on suspension? It didn't make sense. But then it hit me like running into a brick wall, and I felt incredibly stupid for not fully realizing it sooner.

I looked up at Akatsuki with wide eyes. I felt my muscles tense up, but I wasn't afraid. In fact, I felt oddly...Flattered. I knew how exactly wrong that was on so many levels. I shouldn't feel flattered at the realization. I should be angered. I should be ashamed. I should, but I wasn't anything but happy and flattered, and I knew I'd offer a second time without hesitation.

Akatsuki looked back at me when the silence became too much. He furrowed his eyebrows as he took a step closer to me. I fought the urge to take steps back as he came forward to me until we were just inches apart. I fought the urge to smack his hand away when he gripped my chin lightly in his long fingers, and tipped my head back just slightly to look at him in the eyes. Those beautiful eyes...

"You're really not afraid?" He questioned after a moment, smiling slightly. I felt my throat dry up, and I shook my head.

"No." But I should be. I should be doing alot of things I'm not doing. I concluded in my mind, but Akatsuki seemed to understand my struggle." When are you off suspension?" I questioned a moment later when he released my chin, but still stood so close to me.

"I'm guess only a few more days." I nodded fast, glad my pulse was returning to normal.

Silence continued between us. I again fought the many images in my mind that began to build with each second of silence. Me kissing him. What his lips would feel like pressed against my own. Him kissing me. Just us kissing in general. But there was more. I imagined that kiss traveling from my mouth, to my cheek, to my jaw, to my chin, and then a place on my neck. A lick. A needle like sensation in my neck...

"Sakika?" Yuki's confused voice broke me out of my daydreaming. I shook my head, and smiled over at Yuki, who was looking between me and Akatsuki in confusion. "Akatsuki?" She questioned a bit slower, but almost in warning. Akatsuki stepped away from me, and then nodded slightly at Yuki.

"We weren't breaking any rules, Yuki. She simply had a question, and I was here." Yuki looked at me with a suspicious look on her face, but I made sure to keep my face neutral as I smiled, and nodded.

"Yeah. I was just on my way to go somewhere else. Is something the matter?" I questioned. Yuki was silent a moment longer, and then shook her head as she smiled at me.

"No. Zero was just worried about you, so I thought I'd come see what you were doing." I nodded, looking back at Akatsuki, who almost had saddened expression on his face. I quickly looked back at Yuki.

"Tell him I'm fine." I answered, looking back at the orange haired vampire as he looked back at me with what could be a relieved expression. I quickly looked at Yuki again.

"Well, I should be heading back. Lord Kaname must be looking for me." Akatsuki replied after a moment. I felt myself deflate as I looked back at him. He looked at me with a apologetic expression, as if sensing my disappointment."I'll see you two around." I smiled a bit straindly, and nodded.

"Yeah. Later." I waved a bit lamely as I watched him walk away.

I felt Yuki staring a hole in my back. No. More like burning a hole into my back. I sighed, preparing myself for a lecture I often heard her give Zero. I took a moment, and then faced the rather sympathetic looking Yuki.

"You...You like him. Don't you. You like Akatsuki." I wanted to deny it. I wanted to say it wasn't true, but I couldn't deny my own feelings."I have no room to judge, but, Sakika, you-"

" You don't have to remind me. I know. There is nothing you can say that I have not thought a thousand times myself. I just can't help it." There was so much I wanted, should have, and needed to say, but I couldn't find the way to word it right.

"I understand. I understand more than you'll believe." I nodded, and then rubbed the back of my head.

"Let's just finish the night patrol." I muttered with a flush to my cheeks as I walked past the small framed girl. She hesitated for a moment before sighing, and following me...

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