My Monster Mate (Book I)

By Mbalii

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Book One in the My Mate Series - "Elijah," Alexander calls in this terrifying voice. I know it's dangerous bu... More

Part I
One: The Attack
Two: The Joke
Three: The Club
Four: The Almost Rejection
Five: The Brother
Six: The Creatures
Seven: The Encounter
Eight: The Coward
Nine: The Sparks
Ten: The Reason
Eleven: The Russo Brothers
Twelve: The Semi Rescue
Thirteen: The Twin
Fourteen: The Blackout
Fifteen: The Brother
Sixteen: The Discovery
Seventeen: The Rash Decision
Eighteen: The Great Escape
Nineteen: The Mother
Twenty: The Emotions
Twenty-One: The Switch
Twenty-Two: The Ex
Twenty-Three: The Return
Twenty-Four: The Secrets Out
Twenty-Five: The Episode
Twenty-Six: The Shot
Twenty-Seven: The Bullet
Part II
Twenty-Eight: The Wait
Twenty-Nine: The Morning Swaps
Thirty: The Regret
Thirty-One: The Revival
Thirty-Two: The Move
Thirty-Three: The Hex
Thirty-Four: The Dark Magic
Thirty-Five: The Dark Side
Thirty-Six: The Temporarily Wolf-Less Elijah
Thirty-Seven: The Third In Command
Thirty-Eight: The Friend
Thirty-Nine: The Rogue Mission
Forty: The Dream
Forty-One: The Defiance
Forty-Two: The Battle
Forty-Three: The Accident
Part III
Forty-Four: The Flight Home
Forty-Five: The Betrayal
Forty-Six: The Outrage
Forty-Seven: The Confession
Forty-Eight: The Truth
Forty-Nine: The Ceremony
Fifty: The End
Thank You || Q&A
Bonus: Halloween
New: Her Calling. Book II: My Hybrid Mate

Bonus: Alexander's Pov

8.4K 257 5
By Mbalii

Next chapter you want to see in his POV? (In order please)

The Attack
Alexander Russo

I look over my shoulder to my Beta, Kyrie, and ask him, "What's the name of the Pack closest to Nathaniel's?"

We were walking back to my home after the Pack training session. I don't have a weak Pack member, every last one of them can fend for themselves. The compulsory training age is sixteen but if the individual wants to start before then they can at fourteen.

By twenty-one they should be on a warriors level and if they do want to become a Warrior then can continue on after that age. However, that is the usual cut off age for everyone.

I also don't tolerate unemployment, everyone here has a job and something to do. It's not very hard to accomplish seeing as I don't have the biggest Pack in Cape Town. I have enough to call an actual Pack but not too much whereby things are chaotic. I like it better that way because everyone is accounted for and treated well.

I pride myself in my Alpha abilities, I've done a lot for this Pack and I've worked damn hard to grow it to what it is now. There are many things my father disagrees with – one being what I was about to do to Nathaniel's neighbouring Pack – however, I could care less. It's a good pass time and it also builds my Warriors, makes them much deadlier and ruthless. I can't teach that in training – only in the real field of life.

So attacking other Packs is something I simply must do to build that ruthlessness.

"The North Pack." He responds.

A laugh escapes my lips and it takes us both by surprise, "North Pack? Are you serious?"

With a name like that they were begging for an attack, who the fuck came up with that name?

He shrugs, "Deadass."

I shake my head, "Perhaps I should pick another, I mean, would they even be worthy of an attack? With a name like that they probably just farm all day. They probably don't even have any Warriors." I scoff.

I had to pick a worthy opponent for my Warriors, I couldn't be sending them out to Packs that wouldn't even fight back. They wouldn't learn a damn thing from that, they wouldn't toughen up. No one wants to win when they already know they're going to, it takes away the excitement.

"That Elijah girl is from that Pack. They should be worthy if she's all the hype."

My ears perk up at this, "Is she now? Doesn't she train the children too?"

Kyrie mods, "That's what I heard."

I wouldn't attack or even harm kids but my point is she trains wolves too, meaning she should be great enough if they're gonna make her a trainer. Apparently she's the fiercest Warrior there is - frankly, that's insulting to me and my Pack. I'm not a 'warrior' but surely I could be the 'fiercest warrior' or whatever it is they call her.

"The North Pack should be a worthy opponent then. Round them up, Kyrie."

Kyrie rounds up the candidates for Warrior positions. I leave the actual Warriors behind with my Gemma, I can't leave my Pack defenceless.

These wolves will come with us and fight The North Pack, those who survive will become Warriors and those who don't will have at least died trying. They never deserved a place in my Pack if they die anyway.

Everyone who leaves with us knows what is expected of them and know what is at stake for them. There's only one outcome that will gain them success – defeating The North Pack.

Passing through Nathaniel's territory I expect his arrive at the boarder. I know he'll stand there and try to ease me out of this, he tries every other time. I don't know why he even bothers. He knows this is what must be done, there simply is no other way.

"Alex," I hear his voice come up from behind me.

I don't bother to face him, knowing he'll fall into step with me soon enough, "Nate."

"You're going to cross No Man's Land before you reach them." That is the tactic he's going for? Does he think I'm afraid of those things out there?

Granted, they are what he is but they are several stages worse.

I make sure my voice booms, "And so? Do you think they would dare to stand in the way of Alpha Alexander Russo?"

He chuckles, "I doubt they would. However, I still don't understand –"

"It is not for you to understand, Nathaniel." I speak just as we cross his boarder stepping foot on the unclaimed territory where Creatures run wild.

We don't encounter a single Creature, I smell them but they do well to steer clear from us. I respect them just the slightest bit for that, it is the wise thing to do. We're in battle mode, anything that stands before us is going to be executed.

I give no orders, I simply supervise I need to know who the strongest are.

As soon as we cross the Pack's boarder and enter into their grounds I hear the thundering. They must have smelt us coming. We haven't even exited the tree line and I can already hear them.

I'm impressed by that, they are vigilant that's good.

Once we cross the tree line I see nothing but greenery, huh, nothing would be damaged but this empty field. The closest house is a decent amount of space away.

I stop just as their Alpha presents himself, "Alpha Russo, I did hope you wouldn't do this."

I laugh, "Peters, we meet again."

Jameson Peters Jr. was an okay wolf, an okay Alpha. I don't have much to say on him, he isn't much.

He snarls, "Alpha Peters to you."

"We'll see if you're still standing to snarl at me when my pups are done with you."

He's taken aback, "Pups? You brought pups in the hope of defeating us?"

"Hope? Oh Peters, you are merely their initiation." I glance behind me at the young warriors, "I hope you make it worth their while." I point forwards and they go forth.

Peters tried to make his way towards me but each time he only gets so far before he is preoccupied. I continue to walk his grounds trying to find a far enough distance to watch the young ones.

When I think I've found a spot good enough to observe I see Kyrie fly above my head and thrown into the house I had seen. I shake my head and he's supposed to be my second in command? How was he tossed like that?

I slowly make my way to the house once I'm much closer I change into a jog and jump one hand just catching onto the balcony. I bring up the other to life myself over, I land with a thud and see Kyrie speaking to two girls.

Stepping past the sliding door threshold I see them scurry away before one turns to glance over at me. When she does my heart races for that short moment and I'm almost left paralysed. Could she be? No.

Just as Kyrie opens his mouth to speak I finally realise that I'm surrounded by the sweetest smell. It smelt like a mixture of cocoa butter and honey. Oddly enough it was intensely satisfying.

"Who was that?" I ask him.

He furrows his brows, "I don't know, man, I got thrown in here. Didn't you see?"

The irritation in his voice is so clear I nearly laughed, "Oh, I saw that."

I exit the room and follow her scent, I don't stop even as Kyrie calls after me and as I pass the carnage that was now happening. I passed it all – following he sweet scent. I had to know more, I had to see her face again but she couldn't by no means see mine.

I don't know how old she is, she could be of age and be able to make out what I could be to her and it's better if she doesn't. She'll be better off that way.

Once I enter the forest I realise that they were about to hide, wasn't she supposed to be the strongest warrior? My face contorts into a scowl, she cannot be serious. The further I get the louder their voices become and eventually I can hear her loud and clear.

I see her looking up into a treehouse, "Elisha, stay up there." She says to the other girl that was in the room.

"What?" The fear in the other girl's' voice was so audible, "Elijah –" She tries to reason with the Warrior but she quickly cuts her off.

"This once, please just listen to me. I know what I'm doing, lock the door." There's no fear detectable, she sounds fierce and certain. The scowl on my face turns into a curious smirk.

She turns in my direction and speaks, "I know you're here. I can smell you. Leave my sister and me alone. I don't even know who you are."

She was in a Warriors stance, was she prepared to fight me? She really mustn't have seen me correctly or her back would be against that bark.

Staying within the tree line and we'll hidden from her I finally speak, "Why that's a shame. I must not be as badass as I'd like to think."

She rolls her eyes, "Well obviously." Coming from any other wolf or she-wolf my wolf would've snarled, I would've snapped their neck or the other side would've taken over.

Coming from her? Nothing happens, not even a malicious twitch.

Taking note of this, I already know who she is to me, "Is this your pack?"

She's hesitant to answer but she does, "Yes."

I fire my next question, "Born and raised?"

She was becoming agitated, "Yes. Why is this important?"

I needed to call off the attack, right fucking now. 'Stand down. Congratulations your initiation is over. Head home for further evaluation.' I send out a link to all the young warriors.

I link Kyrie next, 'Any casualties?'

There better not be.


I smile, 'Good. Take them home.'

I get back to the Warrior ahead of me, "Just."

"Just?" She scoffs, "Who are you, what's your name?" She daringly takes two large steps towards me, I contain my surprise.

I stand tall so she can feel the power that rolls off of me, "Alexander Russo."

My name drills fear into many and unfortunately my little Warrior mate is no different. She gasps and immediately retreats, her back eventually colliding with the bark of the tree.

"W-Why –" She composes herself, "Are you going to kill us?"

I wonder where all be confidence went to, it was better when she was so sure of herself and he capabilities. This was just pathetic.

To ease her I let her know that I've called off the attack and that she and her sister have nothing to worry about. I wouldn't be attacking them either.

My job here was done, none of the initiates have died so they fought well. We can leave, I turn to start my walk back home, "I'll see you later, Eli."

The shock in her voice is crystal clear, "Later? Why would I see you later? You kill people!"

She manages to pull something out of me that I haven't heard in years, something that I'm sure no one around me has probably heard in years either.

I laugh, "I won't kill you." I say over my shoulder.

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