Pokemon: The Lost Quest

Від violetflame90

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Meowth has been separated from Jessie and James in the Kalos region and is looking to rejoin them. Lost and a... Більше

Lost and Found
A Separate Situation
School Days
Catch me, Catch you
Rocky Trails: Part I
Rocky Trails: Part II
Bread Crumbs and Shattered Paths
Strange Encounters
Strange Hunting
Strange Beginnings
Prepare for Flare!
The Amazing Forest!
The Amazing Rivers!
The Amazing Mountains and their Restless Quarrels!
Following the Flow leads to Amazing Secrets
The Amazing Mask of Secrets
The Amazing Caves and their Secrets
It's Amazing Meowth! Part I
It's Amazing Meowth! Part II
It's Amazing Meowth! Part III
The Anbero Trail
The New Moon Approaches
The New Moon of Truths
The Trio Together Forever

Amazing Discoveries!

350 4 0
Від violetflame90

Author notes:

Ash maybe even more out of character here. i know that he is more forceful and more hot headed but if you came this far please bare with it. I'm trying to keep him in character as much as possible in this situation I created.

I am aware that the gym battle in Snowbelle city already happened, but this story could really happen anywhere. I just placed it there because that's when I started writing this story officially.

Stairs vs. Curia

To avoid confusion, the humans believe that the remains are stairs...only Meowth and Baltoy know the truth. Hence why its always changing due to who's perception I am writing at the moment.

Chapter 14: Amazing Discoveries!


Everyone woke up early, hoping that maybe a new day can put the tension in the air to rest. Some Pokémon yawned while others stretched their muscles as they waited for their breakfast. Despite the harsh reality of how Team Rocket and how other organizations treat their Pokémon, those two are still willing to work for them. Ash didn't understand their logic at all. Why work for someone that would treat you like you were a tool and nothing else? Baltoy and Meowth were nowhere to be seen until they saw Baltoy emerged from behind the bushes and trees that were behind the broken set of stairs, but Meowth was still missing. Ash started to feel uneasy but then suddenly the Pokémon perked up their attention to the canopy as a ball of white fur zigzagged its way back to camp. At times it disappeared and at other times reappeared landing on lower branches. It was Meowth jumping from tree to tree. From branches that were about five to ten feet high from one another in trees that were at least over thirty feet high.

Meowth took one giant leap down landing on one of the much lower branches near the curia then it jumped while doing a somersault as it landed on one hind paw onto the giant boulder that was in the center. Landing on the boulder released a violet flame flashing before Meowth's eyes causing it to lose its balance, falling headfirst to the ground.

"Ow," It moaned as it rubbed its head.

"What was that?" It thought as it looked to the boulder then back at Baltoy who stared at it emotionlessly.

"I'm doing the best I can," Meowth whined inwardly as Baltoy seemed unimpressed. "I get it. Everything up in the canopy is connected. It is an easier way to travel and I am getting the hang of it." He moved to start rubbing his aching hind legs and paws.

"I haven't done stuff like this in a long time so it shouldn't be a surprise that my muscles are aching the way they are. I hope it doesn't show too much how out of practice I am. I'm surprised I can still do this much. Although, I don't know how much more I can take of this...I feel like I can pass out any minute, one hit from an attack and I'm done for."


The sound of someone dropping a plate caused Meowth to turn and face the expressions of complete utter shock and disbelief on everyone's faces including the Pokémon.

"Huh...what's your problem?" Meowth asked annoyingly as if nothing out of the ordinary happened.

"I knew it! I knew it!" Ash excitedly jumped up and down. "You do know some moves after all! What was that just now? Was it agility? It was so amazing and so fast! It was agility, wasn't it?" His questions came out like rapid-fire as he couldn't contain his enthusiasm.

"Tch...of course, it wasn't. Meowth can't learn agility and I told you already that I can't do any moves," Meowth affirmed in utter annoyance.

"Pokémon can't talk and yet you can." Ash dryly pointed out. "How can you keep saying you can't do any moves? I know that can't be true. You can do furry swipes and you know flash. You could probably learn other moves if you tried. What you did just now was amazing, Meowth." Ash stated energetically as he was still pumped from his excitement.

(Are you blind that was pitiful.) Baltoy corrected monotonously awarding itself a glare from Ash.

(I thought I was watching a hatchling. That wasn't fast at all and your form was sloppy and irregular. If this were a test you would have failed if you did that in front of someone like Giovanni.)

"Well...you see..." Meowth tried to find the words to explain itself nervously.

"I guess it does show."

"Back off!" Ash shouted, "Meowth has pushed itself way past its limit and was even able to do all of that on an empty stomach. What more could you possibly want?"

"This doesn't concern you, twerp!" Meowth yelled, "Don't you have some gym battle to win? So hurry it up and leave!" Ash was at a loss for words, his rage started to intertwine with his sorrow overshadowing any sparks of happiness that he may have felt before, causing his body to tremble as he started to reach for an empty poke ball.

"I want to understand it." A spark of light forced its way into his mind as he remembered that night, causing him to stop as his fingers brushed over the hard shell that could change everything.

"Not yet," he thought, "...I will catch you...one day..." He declared to himself, "...However...I need to be able to understand you." He thought with realization as the dark clouds of his inner rage started to fade away.

"What good would it do if I capture you now when I always feel..." Ash stopped his train of thought not wanting to admit it to himself the dark feelings of resentment and indifference he always held towards Meowth. Ash took another deep breath to calm himself down and walked away for a moment only to return with Pikachu on his shoulder and a bag in his hands.

"You left this at the park the other night." He said calmly, regaining Meowth's attention as it turned back around to face him and saw the bag of cookies from Clio.

"I would like it if you two joined us for some breakfast. We can talk freely to each other, you can tell me anything you want."

"I'm not feeling hungry right now," Meowth answered softly as if it was trying to process a proper way to reciprocate his calm approach.

"I will if you agree to leave," Meowth spoke calmly. Ash squeezed the bag lightly, he said he would last night but that was only out of anger. He was hoping a new day could change things but Meowth was still set in its ways. It's so stubborn!

(Rocket!) Baltoy screeched as it stepped in between the two. (You're wasting our time.) It reprimanded.

"How is getting something to eat a waste of time? You need energy if you want to keep going." "Pika, Pika," Ash stated defensively.

(Concern yourself with your own Pokémon.) To silence the nuisance, Baltoy presented colbur, oran and salac berries for each of them to eat. (Eat your share quickly so we can finish what we started.)

"But I don't like these berries. The colbur berry is too bitter and while the salac berry is sweet at first it leaves a bad after taste. And only idiots think that oran berries are tasteful, they're so bland." It whined.

"Learn to be appreciative Meowth! You're in no position to be picky. Baltoy was nice enough to give them to you so you should be saying 'thank you' and eat them without complaints." Ash scolded. "Pikachu!" Pikachu confirmed. Meowth sighed seeing that it was going to be outnumbered if it didn't comply.

It sat down in its place, "Fine," it muttered as it picked up the colbur berry and bit into it distastefully.

The gang smiled happily as they watched it consume the berries as if a weight has been lifted off of them. Ash turned to Baltoy with a warm smile on his face.

"We may not agree on most things, but I do want to say thank you...really...thank you." He said wholeheartedly as his dark brown eyes were stirred with emotion. He got up with Pikachu who was still on his shoulder to rejoin the rest of their friends. Baltoy watched the trainer leave but was unmoved by his actions.

(Come with me, we don't have much time.) Baltoy spoke emotionlessly as it gestured for Meowth to follow it once again back into the dense forest.


"Having some berries isn't such a bad idea for an empty stomach. Pokéchow or anything we have might make it feel sick." Clemont pointed out as he handed some food to his Pokémon.

"So let's go find some more fruit!" Bonnie suggested cheerfully.

"What do you think Dedenne?"

"De, De!" It concurred.

"With Noivern's help, we could find the perfect ones." She proposed.

"Would you mind Noivern?" Ash asked.

"Noivern." It said gladly.

"But would the Baltoy allow that?" Dr. Pan questioned, taking away what little hope they all had.

"Oh, I didn't mean to make you kids feel upset." He quickly tried to recant his last statement franticly. He then returned to a normal composer to add his two cents into the fold.

"I'm just an outsider looking in, you definitely have a past that's filled with anger and hurtful memories together. You're trying to reach out but that overwhelming feeling from the past always seems to bury itself into your mind. Now a Baltoy is by its side, preventing you from getting to close. Personally, I don't think it's a bad thing, I think it's truly trying to help Meowth in a way that no one else can. In fact, some ancient civilizations believed that Baltoy and Meowth have some sort of divine link to each other. Not much is known except that they were always considered to be of great guidance for one another. Baltoy says some pretty harsh things, but that's not the real problem." He paused as their attention weighed heavy on him.

"It seems you don't have much faith in Meowth." They all felt a sharp pain of guilt as he stated the harsh truth in the matter.

"I think you should have a little more faith. Looking back when we parted ways...that look in its eyes, as an archeologist myself I could tell it was searching for something. What that something is I don't think it even knows itself. It's amazing if you think about it. I can only imagine what it might discover and I can't help but want to be there when it does." He said merrily.

"Dr. Pan, it sounds like you're becoming rather fond of Meowth," Serena noted.

"Does it?" He laughed it off.


They had a quick breakfast so they wouldn't get left behind. Ash was more than ready to head back so he could go to his next gym battle but also had a lingering feeling that maybe he should stay a little while longer. Leaving Meowth behind left a sick feeling in his gut telling him not to. Either it was to come with them or they continue to follow it. The only problem was where was it going and how long was it going to take them. Also, Meowth isn't going to come willingly so the use of force would be unavoidable, which wasn't much of a problem since it was just Meowth they were talking about, but it would create unnecessary hurdles in the future. Everyone started to call back their Pokémon; Noivern was flying about searching for good pieces of fruit and bringing them back for Bonnie to place in a bag.

"Hey, where did Meowth and Baltoy go?" Bonnie pointed out, noticing the missing Pokémon.

"Pancham's not here either," Serena confirmed. Sylveon wrapped one of its feelers around Serena's hand tugging her into the direction to show her the path behind the remaining stairs. Ash called back Greninja and Talonflame to their poke balls, noticing that Hawlucha was perched upon the tree branch that Meowth jumped from previously and was focusing on something intently.

"Hawlucha, is Meowth and the others over there?" Ash asked, Hawlucha turned to him and nodded.

"Thank you, you may return," Ash recalled his Pokémon to its poke ball, smiling at it before placing it on his belt.

"Noivern! You can stop now, we are heading towards Meowth!" Ash shouted.

"Noivern!" Noivern cried out, taking that as an indication to fly down to where Meowth and Baltoy were, which didn't seem to far away for the group to get there on their own.


(Rocket,) Baltoy broke their silence, (A Mightyena might be able to disguise itself as a Mareep but it can't hide its fangs.)

Meowth looked at it questionably, "Can...Mightyena really do that?"

(Rocket!) It snapped demandingly, causing Meowth to stand up straight in attention at its demand.

(Humans rely on instincts too, don't forget that.) It warned. Meowth wanted to respond but didn't know what to say.

"Ok." It muttered, thinking that was the best answer.

(When they show up you have to be at your very best. You can't afford to screw this up. Your battlefield will become this forest, which is the perfect match for your speed. It will give you the advantage.)

"Uh...what was that back there?" Meowth asked changing the subject. Baltoy turned and looked at it questioningly.

"That purple light, it came out of the boulder when I touched it. Was I seeing things?" Baltoy was about to answer until something behind Meowth distracted it causing Meowth to turn to see what it was. It was Pancham who carried bashful energy as it walked up closer. It was carrying something behind it.

"Pancham, Pan, Pan." (I hope we can start over.) It showed it was carrying a pecha berry.

"Pancham, Pan, Pan, Cham, Pancham." (I wasn't lying about wanting to be friends.) It said earnestly as it placed the pecha berry into Meowth's paws. Meowth was speechless to the gesture as he was handed the pecha berry. Meowth looked at the berry, he was touched by the friendly gesture and he remembered when Pancham saved him from being captured. After everything, he said Pancham was still reaching out to him. It was the first one to accept him into the group and was the only one while the others remained indifferent or ignored his presence entirely. Pancham was being honest about wanting to be his friend, it wasn't until the twerps took notice and started to manipulate the situation into their favor. He knew right away that was their intention once the twerpete was letting it walk around with them. Not to mention he heard her say exactly that when she was telling the other twerps, he wasn't even that far away from them. Did they think he was deaf? Whatever...Meowth knew that despite the intentions of the twerps, Pancham's were genuine. However...

"You need to understand that we can't be friends." He mumbled softly as he looked at the berry. "I will be rejoining Team Rocket and I will return to stealing Pikachu and the rest of your friends." He then returned the pecha berry back to a saddened Pancham.

"It would be best if you just hated me like the others. I don't blame any of you for it. In the end, you will only be fooling yourself if you think being my friend will change anything."

(Rocket, we are losing time. The pet may come along if it wants.) Baltoy stepped in, causing Pancham to glare at it. They continued to walk through the forest together as Meowth started to feel himself zone out.

(Rocket! Pay attention to your surroundings!) Baltoy impatiently directed.

(You need to know the land to keep the upper hand. When they catch up they are going to use whatever means necessary, do not let what they say deter you from our original plan. We want to make sure their goal on trying to catch you ends here.) Some of the trees were taller in this part of the forest as the tree roots themselves created an entangled mess.

(There are over two hundred of high branches and thick roots combined in this area alone. You are to jump onto every single one at your highest speed. You can do it however you like just make sure you end it right back here.)

"WHAT!?" Are you Crazy!?"

(It's just a little training session to loosen your muscles. Don't you do stuff like this at Team Rocket Headquarters or with your Rusui?)

"Not really."

(What do you mean by that? You're required to train on a daily basis.)

"I saw no point in training after I joined Jessie and James and neither did the boss since I was going to be traveling with them all the time. I just have to pop in every now and then to pass the basic survival test."

(What do you do with your Rusui if you are not training?) Meowth thought about a typical day and it was basically them goofing off, watching TV, sunbathing, soaking it up in a hot spring, playing games or partying.

"We...challenge...our minds." It said nervously.


"I have no need to train, I'm fine with the way things are," Meowth said trying to defend itself.

(You must be joking. What kind of Pokémon doesn't even want to train itself to become stronger? Becoming stronger should be your top priority.)

"Well, it isn't for me! To train day in and day out is a meaningless life if you ask me. The only reason anyone trains is to prove to others that they are worth something. I don't need to prove my own self worth to anyone. If I want to make myself stronger, I will do it for myself, no one else." Meowth protested.

(You sound ridiculous! I was assigned the mission to protect you from Team Flare and I will succeed in doing that, but mark my words I'm not going to let you slack off and risk getting captured. This land is sacred to Pokéteers everywhere, I won't let you soil it. You can't be taking it easy when you are all alone, one false move will lead you to the end of your freedom.)

"You think I don't know that!?" Meowth shouted losing its self-control in the process. Meowth stepped back, raising a paw to cover its eyes in embarrassment.

"I'm sorry...I'm just really tired...I'm tired of everything...Please, let's just head back, I know what is required of me when they get here."

(Your behavior is completely unacceptable for a Pokéteer! You were separated from your Rusui, so what! You're not the first one to be separated, many Pokéteers before you have gone through similar situations. You are in a tough spot now, but do you honestly think your hardships will end once you rejoin your team?) Meowth looked up at Baltoy questionably.

(Our world is changing and our hardships in life will only become greater in the process. If you can't handle it then you are not cut out to be a Pokéteer. Maybe it would be better for you to just surrender yourself to them.)

"How dare you! I will never do that...EVER!" Meowth snapped, "Being apart of Team Rocket is the best thing that has ever happened to me. Being put with Jessie and James was the greatest thing that has ever happened to me. I love traveling with them and I wouldn't trade it for anything." Meowth stopped itself realizing what it was admitting out loud was a weakness. And it was admitting it to an audience member that would not be moved by anything it had to say.

"Hey...have you ever laughed spontaneously with someone before?" He continued anyway in a soft melancholy voice. He looked down at the ground not wanting to make eye contact with someone who was so cold. He knew what he was about to say would only anger it, but holding it in was hurting him even more. He had to get it off his chest.

"I have...and it's a very warm feeling that's indescribable. I...never knew what it was like to laugh or to just simply smile before I met Jessie and James. I was really lucky to be placed with them, to feel true happiness. If it wasn't for them I would have been truly lost." It covered its eyes with its paw once again as it felt its tears rolling down.

"I'm sorry...I know it's wrong...but I can't help it. I guess I do have a soft spot for humans. You may not trust them and maybe I shouldn't either, but I feel that it's okay to trust humans, that we can work together. If you think about it humans have a unique power of their own that we Pokémon will never be able to achieve." Meowth took a glance at a very unmoved Baltoy who was silently listening to his plight.


"Hey! Look! There they are!" Bonnie pointed out to the small group of Pokémon standing beside the large entwining roots of a tree.

"Sorry," They overheard Meowth speak in a soft mumbled up whisper due to the acoustics the forest provided.

"I'm probably wrong, I usually am...maybe I'm just being naïve, but if it's true that everything happens for a reason then may...be...could you please just have a little more faith in me to figure it all out." They stopped in their tracks as they listened to its plea. Its back was turned to them as it was confiding to Baltoy.

"Noivern!" The flapping of heavy wings and the rustling of the leaves from the trees and on the ground moved as Noivern landed right next to Meowth who lifted its head slightly to see that Noivern has presented it with another peach.

"Noivern, Noivern." (This is for you.)

"Pancham, Pancham." (You can still have this.) Pancham added as it tried to hand it the pecha berry again. Trying to hide his tear-filled eyes from them as he took in their kind-hearted expressions. They truly wanted to be there to comfort him with the utmost genuine feelings that one could express.

(You can't have it both ways.) Baltoy said emotionlessly, (Agents are meant to intervene when it is necessary, not to be used as a shield. You can't hide forever, our world won't let you. I hope you learn that soon before it's too late.)

"Haven't you heard?" Meowth asked slyly as it still kept its eyes covered by its paw.

"I'm great at making up clever lies." It sounded sly but its voice was still shaking.

"Pancham!"  Serena was the first one to call out as the group walked up closer. Meowth stayed in position with its back facing them, it was slouching slightly so it straightened itself out fast as it heard the twerps coming their way. Wiping its paw across its eyes hoping any remnants of it crying was gone. It kept its back towards them not wanting to acknowledge their presence as it continued to focus on Baltoy who was as emotionless as ever standing in front of it. Its ears started to twitch as it picked up multiple sounds. Meowth swallowed its breath...it was time. Noivern then turned to face the direction where their camp was but was distracted by Ash.

"Thank you for all your help today Noivern." He said as he pulled out his poke ball and called it back as Serena did the same for Pancham. Ash then turned to Meowth with a soft smile but couldn't help but be overcome with sadness for the little scratch cat. Was it crying? They all thought as it kept its back towards them.

(We should get going.) Baltoy suggested as Meowth nodded in agreement. Baltoy floated passed Meowth and the humans heading towards the camp area once again. It signed with its back towards them and Meowth.

(Winning against our enemies is an easy task, it's the battle we face inside ourselves that is the most difficult. I do believe in you, I just hope that you didn't extinguish the flame that once burned so brightly inside of you.) It stated monotonously. Everyone then turned to the Pokémon in question as it kept its back towards them. It suddenly jumped high above them, doing a backflip in the air then landing in front of Baltoy. As if it were creating an 'R' with its body. It stood on one foot with the other ready to sprint off. Its body was titling sideways as its tail was curved out while one paw was placed at the hip and the other was pointing to itself.

"I'm a Rocketeer, there's no end in our persistence." It said confidently as if it were filled with life once again. It was grinning slightly but its eyes showed it was still in deep sorrow. It sprinted on ahead with Baltoy right behind it, leaving everyone behind slightly confused.


Meowth's body was tingling with an unfamiliar sensation. Meowth had to stay calm as it was heading towards the broken curia where its fate will be determined. The two Pokémon made their way out of the bushes and there standing by the arch were two familiar faces, one was sitting on the Rapidash as the other stood in front of it. Meowth and Baltoy stopped once they reached the side of the giant boulder, keeping a good distance between the two parties. Meowth's heart started to beat faster as it saw their smug faces staring at him as if they already won the battle.

"Breath...breath...stay calm."

"We found you!" Takashi chimed pompously as he was perched up on Rapidash.

"All is forgiven little Rocketeer, I can't stay mad at you forever. As you can see, my lovely complexion has not been ruined by your cruel attack." He said charmingly as he placed his pink peony flower to his lips.

"You poor little lost thing, please stop these silly games and join me! I Takashi will grant you everything that your heart desires!"

"What's going on over there?" Dr. Pan asked as everyone reentered the open space.

"TEAM FLARE!" The kids gasped. Takashi glared with his sharp golden eyes as he played with his white hair.

"Don't tell me you wish to travel with these simpletons. You're finally free of those Rocket brutes and now you degrade yourself with them, how uncouth. You are worth so much more, come now our chase ends here my little kitten!"

"Kitten?!" Meowth growled as it was slightly irritated by that remark.

"How many times do I have to tell you, I'm not alone, we just had a fight and I needed to get away for a bit. They should be crawling back here any minute to apologize to me." It spoke rather convincingly as it reiterated a scenario that has happened in the past.

"Enough!" Tatsuo demanded in a strict booming voice that sent chills down Meowth's spine.

"The agents for Team Rocket are nowhere to be found. Make this easy on yourself and come with us willingly."

"Meowth isn't going anywhere with you!" Ash shouted as he stepped in front of Meowth. "Pikachu!"

"Stay out of this twerp! You're only making it worse!" Meowth snapped.

They looked at it in shock as Baltoy added, (This is a matter between agencies, it would be better if outsiders don't get involved.)

"Hmm...and here I thought we were just searching for the one, but now there are two Pokéteers," Tatsuo said methodically. "You're not a Rocketeer but Team Flare can easily take you too, but we are only here for the Rocket. Step aside and I will let you walk freely."

(I can't do that. We may serve different teams but we are both Pokéteers and as Pokéteers we understand the struggles that one must face to survive. Our desires are the same, we wish to stay free and serve at our own will and not by someone else's.)

"As poetic as that sounds, that doesn't change the facts. Kalos belongs to Team Flare and when a Pokéteer from another team is left stranded in someone else's territory that Pokéteer is free for the taking." Takashi explained whimsically as he was off of Rapidash and was stroking its face gently.

"It's no accident that we found you here," Tatsuo stated strictly with arms folded across his chest with a stern expression that was unmoving. Was it Team Flare that was behind all of this?

"No, it doesn't make any sense. Like Anthony said and even our own intelligence at Team Rocket Headquarters claimed that Team Flare have their own priorities. Separating me would be a waste of their time." Meowth kept a blank expression as he kept his eyes on his opponents. Dealing with the twerps was one thing but it was Team Flare that scared him the most, especially Tatsuo. He stared at the man with red hair in the usual Team Flare outfit that consisted of the red blazer with the belt buckle that had Team Flare's insignia. Suddenly, a vision of the shadow man from his dreams flashed before his eyes as he stared at Tatsuo.

"Why would I be thinking about that at a time like this?"

(Listen!) Baltoy whispered, grabbing Meowth's attention.

"Can Baltoy read my thoughts?"

(Listen to what they are telling you.) It continued to whisper.

"Listen to who?"

"You Rockets think your so sly sneaking around our land without our knowledge." Tatsuo continued regaining Meowth's attention once more, "We knew you were here the very minute you set foot onto Kalos and every move that you made since then, that is until recently. Information about the whereabouts of the Team Rocket agents is completely unknown. It is as if they vanished without a trace."

"Vanished?" Ash questioned shockingly as everyone was stunned by the information. Meowth, however, stayed calm, keeping his blank expression intact. As much as he wanted to ask the thousands of questions that were floating around his head, he couldn't afford to show he was bothered by it...it's what they want...a reaction to prove that he is alone.

"The only one that has been accounted for is the Rocketeer that has been traveling with them." Tatsuo continued. "Team Rocket is not the strong formidable organization that it once was. You should consider yourself lucky that Team Flare is invested in you and that we are willing to give you a lifeline to jump off a sinking ship. You would be better off in Team Flare, your talents should be put to use for an organization that is thriving with agents that have higher caliber."

"Prove it!" Meowth demanded harshly. Tatsuo's presence terrified Meowth to the core, but what he was saying about Team Rocket erupted a burning sensation of rage that ignited within itself. How dare he say stuff like that about Team Rocket!

"You sure are confident about being the better choice but for all, I know you could be lying to me. Prove it to me that you are the superior choice!" Meowth spoke daringly as he challenged the Flares head-on. It was dead silence as everyone watched in awe. Sapphire eyes that were filled with passion and determination, keeping its composer and not losing focus of the dilemma at hand. Baltoy observed the Meowth that stood before it, this was the Rocketeer it heard stories about...this was the infamous "Top Cat" of Team Rocket.

"Oooo, how I love the fire in your eyes." Takashi swooned, "Partner, it looks like you made the little Rocketeer angry. Just look at it, the fire in its eyes...it's so mesmerizing. I've been meaning to add a little spunk to my lovely collection."

"I have a challenge for you. If you win I will do whatever you want." Meowth suggested calmly with flames of rage still burning strong within its eyes while catching a few off guard at its proposal.

"If I were to leave Team Rocket, I would want to know that I'm trading up instead of receiving a downgrade. If Team Flare is so great then it should be easy for you. Show me what I can gain by being with you."

"My, my, it certainly knows how to make things interesting." Takashi gloated.

"Tatsuo, a Pokéteer is not something I want to just hand over to our leader, especially one from Team Rocket. Receiving a direct challenge with its own freedom on the line is a great opportunity, we would be fools not to accept its offer." Tatsuo was unmoved as Meowth felt his cold hard glare through his black shades that covered his eyes.

"We've already wasted enough time due to your antics. If you're not going to come willingly then you leave me no choice." He said threateningly as he pulled out a poke ball containing a Pokémon. Ash didn't move an inch as he stayed right beside Meowth, preparing himself for a battle as he and his friends readied themselves.

"So you are weaker then Team Rocket," Meowth spoke boldly as it broke through the high tension.

"You don't even know what the challenge is and yet you're going to back out so quickly. Jessie and James maybe pathetic but at least they would have the courage to face any challenge head-on despite the difficulty." It was like watching a small kitten play with a lit candle. Tatsuo's glare felt colder as the scratch cat challenged him so daringly. Meowth was playing a very dangerous game with a very dangerous player. The Flares were smart, the polar opposite of the level of idiocy that Team Rocket and the twerps have. Meowth had to really bring it's A-game to the table if it wanted to make it out of here.


The wind suddenly picked up speed as something from above was coming towards them. It was coming from behind the Flares as everyone looked up to see what it was. The trees were tall blocking their view, but as the big figurine in the sky made its way closer above the opening in the forest, the Meowth hot air balloon was more apparent.

"They found me!" Meowth felt like it could breathe again as it saw the happy sight. Two familiar figures stood tall inside the basket as a ladder was dropped for Meowth to climb up once it got closer to the ground.

"I told you they were in town!" Meowth exclaimed joyfully as everyone was too surprised by the site.

"Oh how unfortunate, it seems that you were wrong about Team Rocket, Tatsuo," Takashi said, sounding very disappointed. Tatsuo eyed his partner, unmasked by the chain of events.

"I suggest you leave, otherwise you better prepare yourself for double the trouble," Meowth said menacingly but then changed its demeanor into a lighthearted expression as it pulled out a piece of white quartz.

"Here for your troubles." It said snidely as it threw it to Tatsuo to catch. "It's from the Laurel Museum's crypt. I stole that piece for myself and here's an added tip, the crypt has another entrance that leads straight outside. Consider it our way of saying 'no hard feelings.'" It said with a big smile.

"Oh-ho, ho, you are too smart for your own good." Takashi chuckled as he hopped back on Rapidash.

"Come on, Tatsuo we should go have a look. One could never have too many precious gems and stones." He said whimsically. Tatsuo examined the piece of quartz, he then looked up at the balloon that spoiled his plans then back at Meowth.

"It seems that your tricks may have saved you for today, but your days as a Rocketeer are numbered. When that day comes...I'll be the one smiling." He said with an intimating smirk. He hopped onto Rapidash's back behind Takashi and the group watched the Flares disappear into the woods...hopefully for good. Meowth was too preoccupied to realize the big can of Wurmple it just unleashed as Ash and his friends listened to this new development. So Team Rocket was here and Meowth was just a decoy to keep them out of the way. What more proof did they need?


"I'm finally free of this nightmare." Meowth thought as it was near to tears of joy as it jumped up onto the boulder so it could reach the ladder quicker once it got closer. The violet flame reappeared as if it was trying to engulf Meowth. The energy was too intense causing Meowth to lose its balance as it fell to its knees. The boulder started to crack open as a giant gust of wind ripped through the floating balloon revealing the Meowth shape was just a cover for the Solrock shape that was underneath.

"Huh? What's going on?" Meowth thought worryingly as it crawled away from the boulder. The hot air balloon was out of control as the wind started to toss it further away. Baltoy intervened as it used its telekinesis bringing the broken contraption down to safety. Baltoy released it once the green basket touched the ground. The two familiar figurines turned out to be nothing more than paper cut-outs of the silhouettes of Jessie and James. Leaving Meowth feeling empty inside as if the idea of being reunited with its friends was nothing more than a mere fantasy.

"What's going on here?" Dr. Pan asked breaking everyone's silence since the others were too dumbfounded for words. Ash was only mere seconds away from calling out a Pokémon to blast them off once again but this was the last thing he expected to see. Something stirred in the basket, a Bidoof popped out and tumbled its way out while laughing bashfully.

(The plan didn't succeed the way we had planned it but at least Team Flare won't be much of a problem anymore.) Baltoy spoke up as it floated to Bidoof's side.

"Bidoof, Bidoof!" It said cheerfully.

(Rocket, I couldn't tell you the full length of the plan because I needed you to give an authentic performance. The whole point of this morning was to make sure you were ready if it had failed.) Meowth lifted its head with a bright smile.

"I'm glad I was convincing since I knew the whole time. The basket was the give away since we don't use the green one anymore." Meowth laughed it off forcing the feeling of lightheartedness to hide its agony. Meowth mentally kicked himself for not realizing it sooner. The idea of them vanishing without a trace crossed his mind but quickly pushed it away not wanting to agonize over his predicament any further.

"Meowth, did you really?" Bonnie asked sympathetically as everyone was still processing.

"De." It mimicked her feelings.

"Of course!" It said encouragingly.

(I'm quite impressed, you played along well as it is expected of any Pokéteer.)

"Is stealing and giving tips on how to steal from a museum also apart of being a Pokéteer?" Ash demanded. "Don't think I'm going to let that slide, you promised us you wouldn't steal anything."

"Last time I checked our deal ended before that day," Meowth responded casually.

"It was wrong to make that deal, we should have never traveled together in the first place. If you want to be a hero so badly then go stop them yourself." Ash growled out its response.

(I must be honest with you,) Baltoy began regaining their attention.

(After witnessing your foolish behavior, I was worried that you were no longer capable of becoming a true Pokéteer. It wasn't that your potential diminished, it was you who reached your own conclusions prematurely. It is sad really, the life of a Pokéteer isn't an easy one, unlike other Pokémon we are not blind to the ugly truths in this world. You are still young, but maybe this journey will help you to understand what it truly means to be a Pokéteer.) It then looked at the boulder before it continued.

(Our world changes every day and we must know when to change with it. A new moon is on the horizon, I hope that the Rocketeer I saw that day in Kanto remembers the ambition it once had in time to ride the waves of change before its too late and drowns.) Meowth stiffened at the idea. It then remembered the violet flame that appeared.

"Hey," It mumbled, "That boulder...is there something inside it? Like maybe...an amethyst?"

"Amethyst?" Dr. Pan repeated. He ran up to it to get a closer look with Clemont ready to help.

"It looks like a typical boulder to me," Serena said.

"I'm not getting any indication that there's anything inside it." Dr. Pan stated.

"Wait, we'll use this," Clemont said enthusiastically as he pulled out another one of his inventions. His sister, Bonnie, groaned at the site as the two nerds congregated around the rock.

(Timing is everything when it comes to secrets.) Meowth swallowed its breath as Baltoy repeated what Anthony said that day.

(When you find your friends, don't forget about this place. Great change is inevitable, as you are right now it will destroy you. But as long as you listen to them, you will find your way.) If this was Baltoy's way of a pep talk, it wasn't very good. Meowth was even more confused than it was before. What's it supposed to do now? A great change was coming? Should it even continue this farce of a journey?

Meowth eyed the empty hot air balloon basket, "Wait for me, I will find you!"

(My mission was to protect you from Team Flare, it would be better if I kept a closer eye on them to make sure that our little scheme was good enough for them to leave.) Baltoy wasn't the best companion to travel with, but Meowth was still slightly saddened to see it go so soon.

(Your little tip won't go to waste, Laurel Museum belongs to one of our allies. We will work together to make sure they are satisfied.)

"You mean you're going to go stop them?" Ash asked.

(This is a delicate situation between agencies, the owners of the museum will understand our current predicament. Thanks to the Rocket the circumstances may have flipped in our favor. I must go and inform the agents that sent for me of our progress. They will know what to do, in the meantime, you should continue on with your journey.) Meowth couldn't hide its concern over the idea that other teams were going to collaborate. The idea that Team Flare or any other team that might behind Team Rocket's disappearance was unsettling. The fact that multiple teams were going to converse, most likely about him was even more unsettling.

(Don't worry.) Batloy broke through its train of thought. (We are on your side. I do have faith in you...I hope we will meet again someday.) Meowth looked at it for a moment and smiled warmly.

"Thank you."

Baltoy turned to Bidoof who was standing upright by the damaged balloon. They both nodded to each other and with that Baltoy quickly jumped behind the bushes and the rustling of the bushes decreased as it got further away. Meowth turned its focus onto the hot air balloon once more. It was ruined due to the wind and the pilot's lack of skills, making it unflyable. Ash tried to see its expression to a get a better read on it, but its back was turned to him and looking any further would seem rude. Meowth titled its head down then turned its attention to the boulder. Making its expressionless features visible for Ash to see. There was nothing in its eyes that sparked with emotion, it was as if it drifted off somewhere deep inside its own mind.

"Did you really know?"

Dr. Pan was gathering as much information as he could, such as the few carving details in the arch and the remaining stairs. He snapped pictures and loaded them into his computer while the kids watched him curiously, listening to him rattle off random theories. All of which were wrong, he was thinking it might have been a palace or something to that extent. Meowth eavesdropped every so often as it observed the kooky man and the preoccupied twerps. It started to head back in the direction of the river, passing the arch where Bidoof was standing upright by the disassembled balloon. Bidoof's smile was genuine as it titled its head slightly.

"Bidoof, Bidoof."

"Uh...yeah...don't worry I will return the favor once I find them." It said reassuringly. Bidoof stretched out its paw and grabbed Meowth's to shake.

"Bidoof, Oof."

"Uh...yeah...I was just lucky that one of the clues lead me to that crypt. If it wasn't for that scavenger hunt I wouldn't have known about it." Meowth quickly removed his paw as he bashfully explained his success. He was unsure what to do in this sort of situation and he just wanted to leave this embarrassing ordeal behind him.

"Bidoof, Bidoof, Oof." It stated happily, Meowth widened his eyes slightly before returning to a normal expression. He shook the feeling away as he saw the twerp.

"Scavenger hunt?" Ash with Pikachu on his shoulder walked up to it with a displeased look on his face.

"Is that what you meant about doing a scavenger hunt? What else did you steal?" He asked sternly, as far as Ash was concerned stealing was wrong, it didn't matter if the people were affiliated with a criminal organization. It was a behavior that was not acceptable and it needed to be dealt with. Deal or no deal, he wasn't going to let Meowth get away with it.

"I don't have to answer to you. Later twerp, it's been not so nice traveling with you." It said rudely as it turned away.

"Wait!" Dr. Pan cried out, "Don't go, just give me a few more minutes so we can go together."

"We agreed we would go our separate ways, the show is over. I have places to go and friends to find." It spoke nonchalantly as it started to walk away. Ash wasn't going to let that happen as he stepped in front of it blocking its path as Pikachu jumped off ready to fight.

"You were holding onto something before. Did you steal that as well?" He asked accusingly. This sparked Dr. Pan's curiosity as he remembered seeing something in its paws before.

"I remember that it looked round. I would like to see it as well, it looked very old." He said cheerfully as he walked up to the scratch cat, hoping that maybe this time it will trust him.

"I don't care if you're mad that I stole something from the museum. Our deal was off and their security was weak. I wasn't going to let a chance like that slip me by." Meowth sighed as if it were just explaining a simple errand it had to run.

"It really is too bad Jessie and James aren't here, we could have scored big time." A warmhearted smile suddenly appeared as it giggled slightly, "I just love museum heists, they are truly the best." It said dreamily.

"You're awful," Bonnie stated.

"Is this sort of thing normal?" Dr. Pan questioned as he looked to the others who were embarrassed by Meowth's warped mind. Ash was trying very hard to keep his cool as well as trying to refrain himself from calling on Pikachu to thunderbolt it for gloating about its bad deeds, reminding himself that it was still in a very weak state and its punishment will just have to wait.

"While I don't approve of Meowth's actions since being a victim of theft myself was an awful experience. I still would like to see what you have, I didn't get a good look at it before but it looked like it had something on it. You might be holding a clue to the Statue of Rina."

"I highly doubt that," Meowth mumbled, he sighed seeing that he wasn't going to get anywhere. He pulled out the old medallion in question.

"It was the last clue in the scavenger hunt. Turns out the clue at the hilltop wasn't blank, it was trying to point me to the Kairos Clock Tower. It was in front of me the whole time. I didn't realize it until we were at the train station." It explained softly as it held on to the medallion. It was old, with a carving of the north star in the design of a compass rose. Dr. Pan was astonished to what it was.

"Amazing..." He exhaled as he reached out to touch it but Meowth stopped him by batting his hand away. As it explained the kids recalled when it ran off and when the two bullies mentioned a Meowth being spotted in the town square. But it felt like there was so much more that it was not telling them. That it being out here on its own couldn't be as simple as that.

"I know you have been against it from the beginning Meowth, but if following you lead me to this," He pointed to the ruins. "I just know I will find the Statue of Rina if we keep going together." Dr. Pan exclaimed as he caught his breath. He was so pumped with boundless energy, that stopping prematurely was out of the question.

"It's not like I want to be out here! I need to find Jessie and James not partake in some stupid expedition with you!" Meowth yelled.

The gang felt a twinge of guilt as they have almost forgotten that major fact. Someone purposely separated the Team Rocket trio, they found it when it just woke up wandering the streets looking for its friends. They vanished? That was shocking news even for them, but Meowth seemed calm about it all. It was unwavering as it heard the dark tales of their disappearance, of someone using hypnosis on it, of being separated from its friends and left alone so it would be free for the taking. For someone like Meowth, it should have panicked and acted like the scaredy cat it is, but it never did. It's as if it's trying not to lose control of the only thing it has left. It doesn't react anymore, it's always drifting away to a place where it can't be reached.

"You have been saying that since the beginning," Ash spoke softly as he tilted the lid of his hat to cover his eyes more.

"You've been worried this whole time and yet you treated it like it was some big secret." He choked on his words a little as a few tears made their way down. The smell of saltwater hit Meowth instantly as it stiffened to the new scent.


"I don't care what you say! You stole something, I can't ignore that or our past, but I do want to help you but I can't if you don't let me." He choked on a few of his words again.

"All this time you were spacing out..." He lowered himself to his knees as his eyes remained covered by the lid of his hat. "There's something else your not telling us. You can tell us...you can tell me...you know that we would help you." He paused.

"Please let me help you." He whimpered. Meowth observed him closely as the scent of tears drifted into its nose. It wasn't just him, it was his friends as well. Meowth knew that they truly wished to help, it always knew that. It also understood the logic behind Baltoy's prejudice against humans. Maybe he really is naive about humans but Meowth just can't bring himself to ignore the light he has seen in the individuals he has come across throughout his lifetime. To live an isolated life is a lonely life and it is a life that Meowth doesn't want to relive.

"Stop," Meowth murmured, it reached out with a paw and tapped Ash on the nose gaining his attention.

"Stop it." It spoke softly as it looked away.

"You're really annoying." It sighed as it continued to speak softly.

"Honestly getting rid of you is like trying to break free from a master ball. I can't stop you but stay out of my way and I will stay out of yours." Ash instinctively reached over to pet it on the head. Meowth batted his hand away gently with an aggravated expression. Ash smirked as he rubbed his unscratched hand. Even though it wasn't the ideal way of saying it was willing to start over he was happy nonetheless.

"While I'm willing to put up with traveling with you again," Meowth started off in an annoyed tone, "I will be rejoining Team Rocket. Nothing you say or do will change that and if you try to do another one of your twerpy attempts to change that then I'm outta here." Ash couldn't hide his displeased expression but quickly changed it to a soft grin and reached out with a pinky finger.

"Until then, let's work together...that's the deal I want." He said. Everyone, including Dr. Pan semi-circled Meowth as they reached out with their own pinky.

"What are you doing?" Meowth inquired with a puzzled look.

"It's a pinky promise," Bonnie answered happily.

"Pinky promise? What's that?" It titled its head out of curiosity as Bidoof joined its side observing the situation contentedly with a questionable expression as well.

"Cute!" The girls thought as they blushed.

"It's like a pledge," Ash answered.

"A twerp pledge?" It repeated, smirking at the thought then batted the twerp's hat into his face playfully. Ash startled by its action quickly fixed it as Meowth jumped over him to return to the river's side.

"Making a deal with you twerps was a mistake," Meowth said causally as Bidoof rejoined its side.

"But..." Serena mumbled.

"Let's just stick with the simple idea that we are walking on the same road." It said as it turned to start heading back to the river.

"Wait, before we go I still haven't figured out what you meant by there being an amethyst inside the boulder." Dr. Pan explained causing Meowth to flinch as it turned around to face them again.

"What did you mean by that? The scanner is not picking up anything." He explained happily.

"I...uh...well" It nervously tried to think of a reasonable answer. Its eyes widened as something caught its attention.

"Whoa...amazing." It said in an awestruck tone. It pointed it out causing them to look behind them to see that nothing was there. They turned back around to see that Meowth and the Bidoof were gone.


Author notes:

As I mentioned earlier Ash maybe too out of character. I'm well aware that Ash would have stopped it or would have done something to bring back stolen goods but hopefully the complexity of the situation is clear enough as to why I prevented that action from happening.

The violet flame is to long to explain...to sum it up it deals with the highest level of spirituality in alchemy

Pinky promise

Like I mentioned before, Meowth is not going to know or understand everything about human behavior etc. since its a pokemon and I am treating it as such. I don't remember it doing it in the anime so if it did...oops.

Agility is not a move that Meowth can learn according to all the sites (I also that it could...guess not) But what it does have is the mountaineer ability from the Pokemon Conquest game. Which gives Meowth the ability to climb up high places. So basically since this is a fanfic based on the anime, I combined the to abilities so you as a reader could visualize it better.

Finally there was a lot of build up but no battle...what gives yingyang90! Well believe me I was going to but it just became to complicated hence the long wait for an update. No matter what I did it wouldn't have made sense and the characters would have been way out of character...even my own. Also it felt too early for a big battle and I haven't revealed everything yet...so don't worry a battle will take place...just not right now.

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