The Wrong Brother ~ Jasper an...

By NicoleChristine1

379K 9.5K 1.3K

When Bella moved to Forks, Washington, her whole world was turned upside down. She fell in love with the myst... More

1: Introduction
2: Bella Sitting
3: The Shocking Truth
Author Note
4: The Discovery
6: Bite Marks
7: The Change
8: First Meal
9: Gifts
10: Charlie
11: Catching Up
12: Victoria
13: Death
14: First Kiss
15: The Immortal Child
16: Jacob
17: Pain
18: Isabella Whitlock
19: Reborn
20: Two Mates
21: Chats
22: Family matters
23: A Different Kind Of Soul Mate
24: Return of Maria
25: Her Final Battle
Epilogue: Forever
Author Note
Sequel News
Name Change

5: Scars

18.5K 470 47
By NicoleChristine1


I stand there and watch Jasper as he waits for me to tell my story. I'm not sure if I am ready to go back to those memories, but I know he deserves to know. I slowly raise my sleeves of my long sleeved too to reveal that my wrists are covered with scars. Jasper let's out a gasp. I raise my hadn't to silent him before turning a way from him and pulling the shirt over my head. I know he is looking at my back which is covered in scars and scratches. I pull my shirt back on before turning. Jaspers face is filled with shock and I sigh.

"Not all these scars on my wrists are created by me. They are created by the same person who created the ones on my back. When I first learnt that you and your family were vampires, I was more than shocked. You know about my 'perfect' love life with Edward and how much I had loved him. But unfortunately there is a dark side to our story," I begin. "When Edward and your family left me I was beyond depressed. I would have nightmares and I wouldn't eat. I craved danger because I saw 'Edward' although it was only my imagination. But one night, I decided it'd be fun to go for a midnight walk. Because everything is better at midnight. So I silently went down the stairs and out the front door. I walked to the edge of the forest and looked at the moon. It was a full moon that night so I could clearly see inside the Forest.

" I walked through the forest and didn't stop. I enjoyed being outside at night, I enjoyed being one with nature. But I couldn't stop hearing the crunching of footsteps and deep breaths from around me. But I wasn't freaked out, because I thought I was imagining it. But I wasn't," I pause and pull one of Jasper's hands into my own. I started to play with his fingers whilst continuing. "I was grabbed and pulled down to the ground,  where something kept touching me... Not inappropriately... And hitting me. I screamed, but they were cut off when my mouth was covered with a rag. Someone kept scratching me and punching me," a rogue tear streamed down my face and I let it.

"Finally the scratching was over and I could get a look at my attacker... It was the one person I had ever loved... Edward. He looked at me like he had just seen a ghost but it was far worse. 'What the fuck are you doing here?' He had screamed. 'I was taking a walk. Sorry but i didn't think that would be dangerous until you attacked me,' I yelled back. I was in pain all over and I couldn't stop the tears that were streaming down my face. But of course Edward was stubborn and he wouldn't accept he hurt me. 'You promised you wouldn't do anything stupid Bella,' he screamed. I could tell he was pissed off to the max. 'And you promised it would be like you never existed Edward! We both broke promised and I was safe until you attacked me,' I screamed back. Edward rushed to me at Vampire speed and held me up against a tree by my throat. I was gasping for air and he was squeezing tighter.

"He finally stopped squeezing and dropped me onto the ground where I fell and was trying to catch my breathe. I looked up to see Edward watching me with a pain stricken expression. He apologized over and over but I haven't forgiven him. And I never will. But that doesn't mean I don't want to become one of you," I finally look at Jaspers face. He looks furious but sympathetic. I sigh. "But I know that the chances of me becoming one of you are slim. But that's how I got my scars," I wipe my red eyes, from where tears had been streaming down my face. Jasper shouldn't care. No one cared. Jasper pulled me forward into a soft sweet embrace and let me cry into his chest.

"Shh Isabella. It will be okay. Don't worry, I will never let anyone hurt you ever again," he coos in my ear. I smile slightly and a feeling of safeness washes over me.

"I'm sorry for being such a mess Jasper," I whisper into his chest.

"Isabella never apologize for things that aren't you fault. Ever. If you didn't need me right now, I would be on my way to Forks to kill Edward," he growls. I almost laugh at that.

"Don't be silly Jasper," I say. "Edward doesn't deserve to be killed. He deserves to live with the fact that he hurt me." Jasper pulls me away from him but his arms are still wrapped around my waist.

"Isabella you're so strong," Jasper whispers.

"I have to be Jasper," I say. "For Charlie, for my mother, for Jacob and for everyone who cares about me."

"What about for yourself?" He asks.

"Well me too but mainly them. If I can survive this I can survive anything Jasper. I have to be strong and brave," I smile. 

"I am so proud of you Isabella," he says leaning down to kiss my cheek. Electricity pulses through me and I find my self sinking into Jaspers chest. I never knew that one hug could mean so much.


I throw the doors open to the house and it is silent. No Jasper and no Bella. I was absolutely heartbroken because my Bella had found out about me and Tanya. My heart was in a million and one pieces and I couldn't believe she had left me. I should've listened to Carlisle.


I sit with my head in my hand in Carlisle's office. "Edward what's wrong?" He asks me his eyes wide with fear.

"You all lied to me," I muttered. My breaths were sharp and quick. Anger flourished through me.

"What do you mean?" He asked softly.

"Everyone of you told me I would be happy when I found my mate," I whispered. Carlisle's thoughts clouded with confusion at that moment.

"You found your mate? Congratulations Edward, you and Bella-" he had made the wrong assumption.

"It isn't Bella," I whispered over him.

"What?" He asked even though he had heard me.

"It isn't Bella," I pulled at my hair in frustration.

"Who is it then?" He asked, his voice calming me.

"Tanya Denali. Same person its been for a century," I frowned.

"Tanya? What about Bella?" He asked. I told him my story, about how Bella's blood sung to me and I wanted to be with Bella not Tanya. Even though I loved Tanya with all my heart.

"You need to tell you Edward. Before you loose her. "

~Flashback Over~

My Bella! Left me to be with my brother. Although I knew he and Alice weren't mates, because she had found her mate, I felt like I should be the one who kills him. He had his own chance to be happy but he ruined it. My phone rings snapping me out of my thoughts. I pull it out and Alice's face has filled my screen.

"Alice," I say in greeting.

"Edward I've had a vision," she says, her voice urgent.

"What happened?" I ask. Was it about my Bella?

"Edward they are mates," she says.

"Who are?" I ask. But Alice says the two names I dreaded.

"Bella and Jasper."

"What the fuck? How can they be mates? Where the fuck are they Alice?" I demand tightening my grip in the phone.

"Edward they are meant to be. Don't do what you are about to do-" but the phone smashed in my hand. I sprint towards my destination. Jasper is going to fucking die!


I frown when I see Alice calling me. "Hello Alice," I say calmly.

"Jasper you have to run," she says, her voice panicked.

"Alice what happened?" I asked. Isabella looks at me shocked.

"Edward knows you and Bella are mates. He is heading to Texas," she says. Anger flows through me as long with an undying need to release the Major. He won't touch Isabella.

"When will he get here?" I ask.

"In three hours," she says fearfully. "Jasper he won't stop until he kills you! Be careful please," the phone call ends.

"PETER! CHARLOTTE!" I yell as Isabella scurries to her feet and wraps her arms around me. A moment later Peter and Charlotte stand in front of me.

"What'd she want Jazz?" Peter asks.

"Edward knows," I say. Isabella tenses in my arms. Charlotte gasps. "He is on his way here. He wants to kill me."

"Jasper what does he know?" Isabella asks looking at me fearfully.

"Isabella there is something I haven't told you," I whisper only to her.

"Jasper you can trust me with anything," she says stroking my cheek with her hand.

"Remember how you told me you felt something between us. Well that's because we're mates," I whisper. Shock runs through Isabella.

"Really? I kind of knew it," she smiles. "And Edward found out and is now in a bad mood and is coming to hurt you?"

"Yes Isabella. But I will not let anyone hurt you," I say. "Peter he needs to come out," I say. Peter nods.

"Isabella it'd be better If you stood beside me," Peter says. I release Isabella and push her softly towards Peter. She looks at me sadly but obeys.

"I wish you didn't have to see this Isabella," I mutter before letting the Major come out of hiding.


"I wish you didn't have to see this Isabella," Jasper mutters before he changes completely. He stands straight with his shoulders squared. His eyes go from a topaz gold to a midnight black. Jasper looks like some kind of Commander. Fear sweeps through me as I see this new Jasper. He looks over at Peter and salutes, and Peter returns the salute.

"Captain," Jasper says his voice emotionless.

"Major it's good to see you again," Peter says. Major?

"Comrade," Jasper says to Charlotte.

"Greetings Major," she says smiling. Jasper finally looks to me.

"Hello Isabella," he says, his eyes full of compassion.

"Hello Jasper," I say quietly. Peter tenses beside me.

"Darling I am not Jasper," he says. "I am Major, the God of War. I am apart of Jasper yes but I am not him." Major takes a step towards me but I take a step back without thinking. Major lifts his hand as if surrendering. "Isabella I will not hurt you. You're my mate and I am here to protect you," he says before taking a step forward. I slowly walk to Major and wrap my arms around his cold body. Major hugs me back, but quickly releases me. 

"Major, I was wondering what we are going to do about the Vampire Edward Cullen," Peter says.

"Well Captain. I think we should put this beast down," Major's voice is hard.

"What about the ties he and Isabella have?" Peter questions.

"The ties have been cut. Edward is coming and threatening the safety of my Mate," Major says watching me. I gulp.

"What if he hurts you?" I whisper to my Major. But that caused him to laugh.

"Isabella, my darling, I have never lost a fight. Edward is no match to me," Major says swiftly kissing my cheek.

"Sir where should we put Isabella during the fight?" Char asks.

"Maybe we should put her in the Basement. That way she will be out of harms way," Major says. He wants me in the basement? I can't be without him.

"Why can't I stay with you?" I say looking Major in the eyes.

"Isabella, I do not want you to get hurt," he says.

"Major I won't be hurt," I say. "Ed... He won't get near me." I bite back a sob. With one look Peter and Charlotte disappear.

"Isabella my darling," Major says grabbing my hand. "Do not cry. Nothing will hurt you I promise. But if you want to you can come with us. But you must stay behind Comrade." I smile at him before pressing my lips to his cheek.

"Thank-you," I whisper as Jasper pulls me into an embrace. I close my eyes, just letting myself be with him. I don't know how much time passes whilst we stay in this sweet embrace. Finally I hear the voice I hate.

"JASPER WHITLOCK! GET YOUR ARSE OUT HERE!" Edward shouts from outside. I release Jasper before looking into his eyes. I stroke his cheek.

This is it.

Uh oh! Edward is in trouble! Correction, Edward is in big trouble.
What do you think of Major?
I think he is so compassionate but so strong.
Jaspella forever!
Comment thoughts.

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