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By forgetmencts

7K 252 109

❝I got enough on my mind, but I can make time for something so divine.❞ (In where sadistic delinquent, Karma... More

One: Assembly Time
Two: Transfer Student Time
Three: Provocation Time
Four: After School Time
Five: Kyoto Time
Six: Hostage Time
Seven: A Time for Relaxing
Eight: Secrets Time
Nine: A Time for a Date
Ten: Official Time

Eleven: Judgement Time

246 10 2
By forgetmencts


(Ansatsu Kyoushitsu Post-Chapter 24: Time for Revenge/Between S1 E9 and S1 E10)


The sound of an alarm clock going off clogged Fumiko's ears. Scowling, she got up from her bed and shuffled her way over to her vanity mirror to turn it off. Slowly cracking her chocolate eyes opened, the time read five on the dot. At first, she was confused as to why she set the alarm for five a.m. Then, she finally remembered her reason being; starting today, she was going to make lunch for Karma.

Not trying to wake up her father, who was still sleeping, she tiptoed out of her room. Heading downstairs, she opened the curtain blinds up, letting the dusk blue morning light shine through the kitchen. Carefully, she bent down to open the bottom cabinets to take out a large, flat pan; a pot; a saucepan; and a small non-stick skillet. After placing them on top of the counter, she opened the upper cabinet to take out two bowls (one microwavable and one regular) and a plate. She then opened the drawer and took out a pair of gloves; a set of teaspoons; a spatula; and tongs. Afterwards, she gathered the ingredients that were needed to make hambagu steak with a sunny side up egg on top, chicken curry with rice, and steamed vegetables. Cracking her back and stretching her arms and fingers, she turned on the stove and began to cook quietly.

Huffing and sweating, Fumiko finally finished cooking Karma's lunch. She had putted the food in a three compartment bento box and had it neatly wrapped in a furoshiki cloth that was decorated with light red flowers. She placed it on top of her own lunch, omurice with kimchi, that she made last night. Her brown orbs shifted towards the oven clock, the time being 6:50 a.m.

"That's a surprise. It felt like I was cooking the entire morning up until noon," she mumbled as she headed back upstairs to clean up before school.


The pink doe padded her way downstairs, now in her uniform and signature pigtails. When she went into the kitchen to grab the lunches, she noticed how her father wasn't there like usual. She then heard her phone vibrate from one of her cardigan pockets, prompting her to pull it out.

daddy || 7:35 a.m.
Morning, sweetums! I had to leave for work early today, but I will see you this evening! Love you ❤

Fumiko smiled at the text that her father sent her. She then texted back:

7:36 a.m.
ok, love you too 💗

At the nick of time, she heard the doorbell ringing. With a bright smile on her face, she skipped her way to the door to answer it, knowing that it was probably Karma who was coming over to ask her to walk with him. When she opened the door, she was right, but although she was now his girlfriend, she still felt nervous everytime he came around.

"G-good M-morning, K-arma-K-Kun," she stammered, her cheeks red and her hands trembling.

"Morning to you, Bambi~" he smirked, loving how flustered Fumiko acted around him.

"I.... I m-made you lu-lunch s-since N-Nagisa-Kun t-texted m-me l-last n-night th-that you usually sk-skip br-breakfast," she attempted to hand him his bento, only for her fingers to be slippery and nearly dropping it. Luckily, the devilish boy caught it right before it landed on the ground.

"Thanks for making me lunch, sweetheart~" he teased before kissing her on her soft lips.

"Y-you enjoy m-making m-me fl-flushed, d-don't y-you?" she asked as they began to walk to school.

"After all, I am your boyfriend~" he chuckled, sipping on his strawberry milk carton. As Fumiko didn't have time to eat any breakfast this morning, her hungry eyes peeked at the drink Karma had.

"Do you have an extra carton of your milk? I didn't eat anything this morning," she asked him.

"I do. Here," he reached into his bookbag to grab another small carton of strawberry milk before handing it to the pink ditz.

"Thank You," she smiled, putting the straw inside the carton before slurping down the drink vigorously. "I see why he drinks these all the time. They're delicious," she thought as they continued their walk to the 3E building.


"Watch out, Hinata-Chan! Here comes the airplane!" Fumiko giggled, a fork of teriyaki steak in one hand. It was lunch time, and the doe was sitting with her two childhood friends. It felt exactly like how it was before Hinata and Sugaya transferred to 3E; just the three of them eating lunch together, chatting about a variety of topics from the latest episode of their favorite tv show to asking "Would You Rather" questions.

"Miko, please! I'm 18 years old! I can eat for myself!" the brunette protested while Sugaya just watched the two girls and giggled, chewing on his Cobb salad.

"Oh come on. Don't be such a stubborn baby," Fumiko grinned before she tickled Hinata, causing the latter to titter before the former shoved her lunch into her mouth.

"Hey! You tricked me!" Hinata hissed before putting her bestie into a headlock and giving her a noogie, which made Fumiko go into a giggling fit.

"Hey, Karma-Kun. How's your lunch?" Nagisa asked the redhead as he sipped on his miso soup. Without answering back, Karma gave the bluenette gleaming eyes, rosy cheeks, and a soft smile as he chowed down on his savory lunch. "I'll take that as a 'yes' then," he laughed.

As Karma ate, he looked over to his girlfriend's table every now and then, observing how she was doing. He also noticed a significant change in her personality.

"Yo, Nagisa-Kun. Look," he whispered to his friend, pointing his fork at Fumiko, who was talking cheerfully to her friends. "Do you notice how different Fumiko-Chan acts around us versus when she's around her friends?"

"It seems like she's timid around her classmates, but when she's hanging out with her friends, she's upbeat and talkative," Nagisa analyzed. "Perhaps her shyness is just a front to the people that she's not close with. After all, she's been friends with those two way before she transferred to our class."

"Seems like it," the redhead nodded before he continued to eat the rest of his chicken curry rice.


During sixth period, Fumiko was posing still on the school steps as Sugaya sketched her. Hinata was watching in silence when out of the corner of her brown eyes, she spotted Karma and Nagisa playing games on their phones. She got up and walked over to the duo, standing in front of the redhead.

"Karma...." she began, prompting him to look up from his phone.

"Hmm?" he hummed.

"Can I have a word with you?" she asked before trailing off into the deeper parts of the school's forest. Without saying anything, he putted his phone into his blazer pocket and proceeded to follow the tiny monkey into an isolated space in the forest.

"What's up?" he purred, his hands in his front pockets.

"Can I ask you a question?" Hinata said.

"Shoot ahead," he nodded.

"Do you like Miko?" she asked in a serious tone.

"Well yeah. Of course I like her. If I didn't, we wouldn't be together," he contentedly answered.

"Hmm..." was all she had to say. Suddenly, she took out two anti-sensei knives and charged like a bullet at Karma. With a smirk, he wasn't intimidated at all and allowed her to pin him up against a tree trunk.

"Do not lie to me! Remember what Nakamura told you? That me, her, and several other of our classmates spied on you and Miko's date? Although you say that you like her and the fact that we seen you two kiss, let's not forget that you taunted her constantly prior when she transferred to our classroom or that you putted hot mustard in her food," she coldly stared up at the devil, who just had the same smug smirk plastered on his lips. "What are you intentions with Miko? To make her your guinea pig for your pranks? I just don't understand why she would date someone like you! Compared to her, you're arrogant and deceitful!" She then pulled away from him, seeing how her tactics weren't fazing him at all.

"Ugh! Not even me pinning you up against a tree with two knives could knock some sense into ya!" she shook her head. "I apologize for coming off as brash, but today after school, I would like to tag along with you and Miko to see if you're really the right one for her."

For a minute, Karma didn't respond back before he walked back to the school building and said, "Suit yourself."


The entire class felt a weight being carried off their backs as the sound of the school bell ringed. Fumiko grabbed her backpack and went to the shoe cubby to put on her loafers. When she turned around, she spot a certain redhead walking towards the entrance to the building. With a small smile, she waddled up behind him before tugging on his sleeve.

"Karma-Kun?" she asked.

"Hmm? Oh, hey there Bambi," he greeted brightly before giving her a quick kiss, making her blush.

"W-would y-you l-like t-to wa-walk m-me home?" she asked nervously.

"Sure, that's fine with me. Let's go then," he said, extending his hand for hers to hold, which she took anxiously. As soon as Karma had one foot out the door, Fumiko felt as if someone brushed past her shoulders. Looking back, it was revealed to be Hinata.

"Oh. My apologies Miko," she nodded.

"It's okay, Hinata-Chan. Want to walk home with us?" the daydreamer kindly offered her.

"Sure. I hope Karma won't mind me tagging along," she glared at him, who waved at her as if today's quarrel didn't happen.

"Not at all," he replied.

"Plus maybe you two can get to know each other during this small walk of ours," the doe naively smiled.

"We shall see," her tiny friend muttered as she followed the couple out the door.


"Hey Karma, want to know how me and Miko met?" Hinata asked as the three walked through the busy sidewalk.

"Yeah, sure. I'm interested," he said, curious as to how the two girls met.

"We were around the age of 10. I was already in gymnastic classes, but I remember it clearly being on a July morning when she first joined. During her first few days, she kept messing up on the exercises, so our teacher partnered me with her and I taught her all kinds of tricks. From there on, we started having sleepovers at each other's houses and we just clicked," she said, smiling about the early memories that her and Fumiko shared together.

"Yup, and now we're together again. We couldn't be more happier," her pink friend giggled as she pulled Hinata in for a tight hug.

"Aww, how adorable~" the redhead crooned.

"Thank goodness that Hinata-Chan isn't trying to pick a fight with Karma-Kun," Fumiko thought before her chocolate eyes scanned over to the left, a florist shop catching her attention.

"Hey, Karma-Kun? Before you take me home, do you mind going in this florist shop ahead of us? I just need to get a few things," she asked, pointing to the store, who's exterior was decorated with bouquets of flowers.

"Yeah, of course," he smiled at her, leading her and Hinata to the entrance of the shop.

"What all do you need?" Hinata asked.

"I just need to buy a few seed packets so I can begin my garden on Saturday," the pink-haired doe said as the trio stepped inside the shop. Inside, the shop was brightly lit, with a variety of flowers in baskets, vases, and bouquets on tables. There was also a section displaying garden tools, seed packets, and gifts such as teddy bears with flowers attached to them. Despite promising that she would only get a few things, Fumiko was immediately distracted by all the beautiful flowers the shop had to offer. With big, shimmering eyes, she bounced her way over to the vases and trailed her fingers around the petals of a fresh Sasanqua Camellia. At the sight of his girlfriend being distracted, Karma snickered from afar, causing Hinata to glare at him.

"What's so funny?" she growled.

"Oh nothing. Just the fact that my Bambi is quite the airhead. But an adorable one at that," he laughed.

The brunette only rolled her eyes before she made her way over to the section where the seed packets where located at.

"What kind of flowers does she like?" he asked.

"All kinds to be honest, but her heart has a special place for Hydrangeas and Orchids since her mother used to have an entire garden consisting of such," the tiny monkey answered as she picked two packets of said flowers. She then walked up behind Fumiko, who was now playing with Roses, and tapped her gently on her shoulder.

"Yes?" she hummed, turning around.

"I got the packets for you, Miko," her friend said, waving them around.

"Oh, thank you so much, Hinata-Chan!" she exclaimed, giving her a quick hug before going up to the cashier desk to pay for them. After the cashier scanned the items, she pounded the buttons on the cash register.

"That will be 542 yen," she announced. Fumiko then reached into her backpack to grab her wallet before Karma's hand placed on top of hers.

"I'll pay for it," he said, reaching into his wallet and pulling out a few yen coins, giving them to the cashier who handed him his receipt in return.

"Thank You and have a great evening!" the cashier called out as the trio walked out the door.

"You too!" the pink daydreamer yelled back.


"Thanks for paying my items for me, Karma-Kun," Fumiko beamed, her small hand clasping onto his bigger one.

"It was the least I could do for you," he purred, giving her a kiss on the forehead, making her giggle.

"Hey," Hinata began, which caught the couple's attention. "I just want to say that I give you two my blessings for your new romance. I wish you two happiness for as long as the relationship continues."

"Aww, thank you soo much, Hinata-Chan!" Fumiko squealed as she pulled her in for a tight squeeze.

"Y... yeah..... Could you please let me go now? You're crushing me....." the brunette wheezed.

"Oh, sorry," the pink ditz apologized, brushing the other girl's clothes off.

"Well, I'm near my house. I'll see you two tomorrow. Bye!" she waved, running off towards her neighborhood.

"Okay, see you tomorrow!" Fumiko called out, waving back at her along with Karma doing the same.

"That Hinata-Chan sure is something, isn't she~" the redhead chuckled as they continued to walk to Fumiko's house.

"She's quite the spunky one," Fumiko nodded, laughing lightheartedly.



This chapter was pretty short and kinda terrible, please forgive me.

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