That was his choice BATCAT

By fanfic_writing_girl

47.6K 946 46

It has been 10 years since Bruce had left Gotham and Selina was still heartbroken and angry at what he did. S... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter B14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 2

1.9K 34 1
By fanfic_writing_girl

Selina wakes up and looks around her and sees that it is early in the morning. Too early for Lee and Jim to be up. She gets up and looks around the room. She sees her jacket sitting on the chair and grabs it and puts it on. She walks over to the window and opens it before slipping out. Selina climbs up to the roof of the apartment complex and sits down at the edge and looks out at Gotham. She puts her hands in her pockets to keep her hands warm when she feels the note in her pocket. She takes it out and looks at her name that is written on it. She strokes her thumb over it and she looks at his handwriting. A tear goes down her face and she looks at it. She puts it back in her pocket and keeps staring.

Selina climbs back into the room after a few hours out on the roof. She smells food and takes her jacket off and sets it on the bed. She walk out and sees Jim and Lee eating breakfast. "Hey you ok i didnt see you in your bedroom this morning. Where were you" Jim asks. "Just went up to the roof. Needed some fresh air" she says. Jim and Lee nodded. "Well me and Jim have got work today. So your going to be on your own" Lee says. "If you want maybe you can go see Alfred. I know that he is a bit lonely now that..." Lee hits him in the shoulder and he looks at her asking why she did that but then he understood. "But yeah maybe you can go see Alfred" Jim says. Selina nods. "Well we have to go get ready" Lee says before getting up and walking to the bedroom.

Selina walks up to the apartment and knock on the door. Since Wayne Manor was blown up he has been staying in a apartment in the city that bruce bought before he... well... left. The door opens and Alfred gives Selina a small smile as he sees her. "Miss Kyle what a lovely suprise why dont you come in" he says as he moves out of the way. Selina gives him a small smile before walking in to the apartment.
"Would you like a cup of tea Selina" he asks. She shakes her head. "I'm fine thank you Alfred" she says. He nods.
"Well what brings you here" he asks. "Well Jim and Lee are at work and I didn't really talk to you yesterday at the airport" she says. Alfred nods understanding.
"Well Miss Kyle Bruce left some of his things in his room that he thought you may like you are welcome to go and get them" he says. Selina nods. Alfred leads her to Bruce's room and opens the door. Selina looks in and sees somethings on the bed.
"Everything lying on the bed Master Bruce left for you" Alfred tells her. She nods before walking over and looking at them. She smiles as she sees one of his favourite turtle necks. One of his watches. A bunch of books. And a 2 small boxes. She opens one of them and sees that it is a replica of Bruce's mothers necklace. She gases as she sees it. She was shocked that Bruce would get someone to replicate it and give it to her of all people.
She then moves onto the next box after she places the necklace into the box. She opens it and sees a small ring in it. The ring was an emerald ring. Just like her eyes. A tear goes down her face as she looks at them. She feels alfred put a hand on her shoulder. She looks up at him.
"He loves you more than he loves anything else in the world that's why he left Miss Kyle. He will come back" he says. She nods before hugging him. He wraps his arms around her and smiles. "Miss Kyle. You are strong and that what he loves about you and he wouldn't leave if he thought you couldn't handle it. He believes in you" he says. She smiles and hugs him more.
"Thank you Alfred".

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