The Organization (Season Thre...

By KingzGaius

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I'm Gaius Dominic. An avenger. The only legitimate son of the late deputy senate president (Senator Uche Domi... More

Episode 1 (S3)
Episode 2 (S3)
Episode 3 (S3)
Episode 4 (S3)
Episode 5 (S3)
Episode 6 (S3)
Episode 7 (S3)
Episode 8 (S3)
Episode 9 (S3)
Episode 10 (S3)
Episode 11 (S3)
Episode 12 (S3)
Episode 13 (S3)
Episode 14 (S3)
Episode 15 (S3)
Episode 16 (S3)
Episode 17 (S3)
Episode 18 (S3)
Episode 19 (S3)
Episode 21 (S3)
Episode 22 (S3)
Episode 23 (S3)
Episode 24 (S3)
Episode 25 (S3)
Episode 26 (S3)
Episode 27 (S3)
Episode 28 (S3)
Episode 29 (S3)
Episode 30 (S3)
Episode 31 (S3)
Episode 32 (S3)
Episode 33 (S3)
Episode 34 (S3)
Episode 35 (S3)
New story alart

Episode 20 (S3)

397 36 15
By KingzGaius

(The Tough😠 And The Dangerous😬)

Right now,I don't care if whatever i do goes against the rules of the organization. I mean, Fuck rules,I gat to change the game to my favor. Who isn't okay with it should go to hell.
10:30 pm
Location: The secret cyber office in my mansion.

After checking out the inform that was sent to me by Taiwo,regarding Yusufu. I print out his picture and paste it on my plan board as my next target,and used a red marker to drew ❌ on late God's Will Nwachukwu and Zion's pictures,and stepped back to have a look.

After some seconds,I want back to my system and start up another plan on how to protect Mrs Nwachukwu from Dan. And after i was done with what ever i did,i also print out her picture and paste it differently on one end of my plan board and circled it with a blue marker as a symbol of protection before walking out from my cyber office to go have a rest... What a stressful day......

It's been a week since after Zion's wahala. And few days back,Dan made my uncle to raise Mrs Nwachukwu's issue again,suggesting we take her out. Really getting on my nerves.

I didn't argue over it,neither did i said “i won't let them hurt her". I just suggest we leave her for the main time and deal with Yusufu Abubakar first. That will give me enough time to push through with my plans.

“You both have a week to make out plans and move to Kaduna state for Yusufu Abubakar". •*My uncle said during the few days ago meeting we had in his office*•.

“We don't need a week,because Kaduna will loose a great man this weekend. It most not be both of us,because i already had things under control. And i will no longer be doing my dirty jobs myself because i had already trained a trusted assassinatress who will be doing that". •*I bossily said and Dan stared at me as if i am messing things up*•.

“And who is this assassinatress you're entrusting this kinda of mission to?" •*My uncle bossily asked,and i muttered “Glory" as  i clicked on a button on my customized wrist watch,and Baby agent Glory's profile and best training performance which was recorded on CCTV began to display like a movie trailer*•.

“How can you send a baby agent on such mission? She's inexperience". •*Dan said in disagreement to my suggestion*•.

“What makes you think she's inexperience? Are you the one training her? During the recent rescue mission,she was the only female agent who participated despite not being a member of the special squad. And above all,she was the first who was bold enough to walk in without fear and set up a gun fight,despite the risk. She is fearless. She loves what she had become. She love what I've made her. She love being strong. She can take a bullet for me,if there's need to. Not everyone can do that". •*I said mannerly*•.

“And what if she gets caught?" •*Dan asked after all my blah blah,and he really gat a point,but the last thing i will do is letting him know my weakness*•.

“Then,so be it". •*I said and he smiled devilishly*•.
✈         ✈
Agent Glory
Rank: Baby Agent
Location: Kaduna state. Nigeria.

“Welcome to Kaduna". •*The ebony black skinned female flight attendant said to me as i got to the commercial aircraft door*•.

“Thank you". •*I smilingly replied and walked pass her,carrying my (I no go return today) handbag that contains few stuffs i will be needing on my left arm,holding my boarding peppers and ECOWAS passport that contains fake identity in the other hand*•.

After getting an arrival stamp on the passport,I gorgeously walk towards the exit. Looking so good in the black elastic gown that ends below my knees,which clenched tightly to my body that recently turned from skinny to curvy. Followed by the expensive black high heels shoes i pick the very first day i went shopping with agent Sonia,which marched perfectly with my black hand bag and my artificial short hair that helps in hiding my real identity.

Just within the few seconds walk to the airport exit door,the other two junior agents that was assigned to team up with me in this current mission,whom also used the same aircraft with me joined me at my both side as we walk as if we owe the airport. Looking so gentle in their black suits,white shirt and tinny necktie.

And just as we stepped out from the airport,a black tinted range rover sport gently stopped in front of us,while the driver got down and handover the keys to one of the black suit agents with me,and we got in and drove off for our reserved hotel which was where our target will lodge in tonight.

Oh! That's remains me (smiles). My name is Glory Iheanacho. The youngest female millionaire in the east(for my mind). All thanks to my boss (Gaius). I am the oldest child among the five in my family. I will soon turn 25 years old by next month. I'm dark skinned,not too dark,ebony black. Average height,and in between slim and thick. I won't brag of being beautiful,but one thing for sure is that any guy that comes across me must take a second look. 😉

I lost my dad two years ago in a motor accident. Actually he was a trailer driver in Dangote group of company. And after his death..... Haba! No need to go emotional.....

My mom is one of the biggest store owner at a mini market in our area. And she did her best in taking care of our needs,although it wasn't really easy. After my service,I managed to get myself a job in one of the biggest hotel in town (Wenti man go do kwanu. The economy is hard). And because of being a degree holder,they manage to make me the head of the hotel attendants.

I can remember telling my mom “I don't like my job",and she was like “Manage the one you see till you secure a better one". And here i am battling to do my best in my new job that pays me in millions monthly weather i worked or not. Initially,i wasn't okay with it. I thought i am been forced to do what i never planned of doing. But i got no choice then to do it for the sake of my life. Not just for my life,both that of my family as well.

I thought my boss was a strict guy when he threatened to kill every member of my family if i ever betray him. But now I've gat to know why he made that promise. Now that I've gotten myself into dirty stuffs,i won't like to be exposed as well,and none of my family and friends will ever know what i do for a living,because i don't think anyone outside the organization can handle my secrets.

My boss(Gaius Dominic). He's the best guy you can ever work with,but only when he's in good mood thou. He's compatible,really understanding. He cares about the interest of everyone around him,and doesn't look down on anyone,despite where you come from. Seriously,i am attracted to this guy in quote. I'm attracted to his power and everything about him. He's naturally strong,thou dangerous when provoked. He has the strength of ten strong men in him. Handsome,and perfectly made,both in body physique or otherwise. The worse part of it is that he doesn't even notice me. He don't even care weather i am crushing on him or not. And i don't want to make the first move,to avoid getting on his bad side. I always go silly when thinking of him. And whenever he's training me himself,i do act stupid and makes mistakes just because i am not thinking straight. Don't blame me,you can't stop yourself from falling for guy.

Back to my weekend business trip to Kaduna state capital.

After the 30 minutes drive,we drove into the reserved fifteen storey building hotel which was also where our target will lodge in tonight after the party.

And within few minutes we lodge into our different rooms at the third floor,while i decided to have a little rest as we wait for superior orders from the organization to ride on with our mission.

An hour later

My customized wrist watch alarmed me,and i quickly got down from the bed,pick my tinny transmittable device and fixed it to my left ear.

“Every agent on field should get ready. The party is over". •*I voice said through the transmitter,probably a cyberian,and i glanced on my wrist watch 07:45 pm*•.

“Agent Glory get ready to activate your mission,target is already on his way to his room". •*The voice said and i began to panic. (Gosh! It's my first time)*•...

“Glory brace yourself okay,you can handle this". •*I muttered barely audibly to myself as i stared at the standing mirror and breathe down. That's what my boss (Gaius) used to say to me whenever he noticed that i am nervous during training*•.

“Agent Glory. Target just walked into room 204 at the eighth floor,two bodyguards in position”. •*The voice said through the transmitter*•.

“Copy". •*I said as i stretched down my tight gown that shows all my curves,pick a little purse that contains the necessary stuffs i will need and checked out my backside through the mirror for the last time,just to be sure it's ready to cause distractions*•.

“Mission activated". •*I said to the transmitter as i catwalk towards the door like an innocent goddess,feeling less nervous*•.

Just as i walked out from the door and head towards the elevator,one of the male agent that came with me walked out of his room as well,heading towards my direction with the cart he was pushing,looking so perfect in the hotel room attendant outfit he wore. And i stylishly dropped my room key card in such a way it won't be noticed by security cams or anyone,and walked pass him after some seconds as if we've never met before.

And just as i stopped in front of the elevator,i noticed how he stylishly picked up the key card and stopped in front of my door within seconds.

Knock! knock!
“Room service". •*He muttered before opening the door after few seconds and moved in with the cart to pick my hand beg that contains stuffs he will be needing for this mission,just as the elevator slide to sideways and i walked in and clicked on eight just as the elevator closed*•.

Just within some seconds,the elevator stopped and opened at the eighth floor,while i majestically walked out in all my glory and cat walked towards the room that has two black suit bodyguards on it's both sides of the door which i guessed right to be room 204.

“Hello! Good evening" •*I greeted the bodyguards with a smiling face as i got to door*•.

“Good evening ma'am. How can we help you?" •*The fair handsome bodyguard on the left asked politely*•.

“Is he in?" •*I asked. Pretending to have an appointment with Yusufu*•.

“Did he told you that any of his girls was coming?" •*The other bodyguard at the right asked his colleague instead of answering my questions,and he said “NO"*•.

“What's your name? So that i can inform him you're here". •*The fair handsome bodyguard on the left asked politely as he placed a key card on the door,and it opened,while i quickly placed my soft hand on his broad chest,stopping him from moving further and smiled at him seductively*•.

“Don't bother yourself. He's already waiting for me". •*I smilingly said to him as i glanced at my wrist watch,and walked into the already opened door,while they watch me and do nothing till i closed it from inside*•.

That was one of the things i learnt from agent Sonia. How to seduce a guy to get what i want. And right at that moment,i became more confident in myself,believing my mission is 40% close from being accomplished.

Just as the door closed,the former IG of police,Yusufu Abubakar and his Hausa stretch marks face walked out from the bathroom wearing just boxers and a white tower that hangs on his neck which he was using in cleaning his wet face.

“Young lady? How did you get in here? Who permitted you? And what exactly do you want?" •*He asked politely with that kinda Hausa accent as he stopped in his track in surprise of seeing me,getting me really confused,while i tried my best to look expressionless as i think of the one to answer first(See Yawa!)*•.

“Pretend to be sent by Danjuma". •*That same voice said through the transmittable device and i smilingly said “I was sent by Danjuma",praying it works*•.

“I thought i told Danjuma that i won't be needing you girls tonight?" •*He Said as he continued his walk to the bed without getting his eyes off my body,and i was like (Thanks goodness this plan is working)*•.

“Yeah. He said he wants to surprise you tonight,that's why he didn't call to inform you that i was coming". •*I said and seductively walked towards the bed for him to get a close view of my irresistible body*•.

I drop my purse on the bed and gently sat in front of him,acting seductively while he remaining standing as he swallows his words,staring at my breasts that seems they are going to burst out from the fabrics i was wearing. He looks old,but believe me when i said his boxers was saying something different. (Lol. Man no be firewood).

I rubbed his strong thing through his boxers for some seconds and laid down on the bed invitingly,and he quickly jumped on me and began to kiss my body as if he had be longing for a young fresh lady to fuck.

I quickly turned him and stay on top,bite my lips seductively as i move my waist back and forth,grinding my pussy covered panties on his dick that was still beneath his boxers,and the old man groan in Hausa “Walai! You go kill me".

I began to kiss this old man's lips as i shove my tinny hand in his boxers,grab his old soldier and began to stroke it gently. And after a short while,i stopped and came down from the bed.

“Walai! I will pay you extra money if that's what you want. Just continue". •*He lustfully said with that kinda Hausa accent as i picked my purse,and i smiled*•.

“Calm down,we're just getting started. Just give me a second". •*I said as i wink at him and cat walked irresistibly to the bathroom and he excitingly muttered “Walai! You go kill me today" not knowing that he's really going to die tonight,for real*•.

I quickly pulled off my gown as i walked into the bathroom,unveiling my black panties and bra that makes me look super irresistible,and checked out myself on the mirror in front of me.

Yusufu: I dey wait oh •*he said audibly from the bedroom*•.

“Just two seconds please". •*I muttered as i opened my purse and pick a lipstick*•.

This isn't an ordinary lipstick,but a poisonous chemical weapon which was mixed in form of lipstick by my boss. And according to him,it's not to be joked with because it's kills faster in not less than 15 seconds unless it's antidote was taken immediately by the victim. But the weird stuff about everything was how i am to use it without dying alongside. He had already instructed me on how to use it and how to calculate my time. He even taste this very chemical few days back in front of me and took it's antidote after about ten seconds just to prove that i won't die if i takes the antidote before 15 seconds. That was why i believed him. Moreover he would have killed me himself if he wants me dead.

I gently rubbed the poisonous red lipstick on top of my red lips carefully as i stare at the mirror,put it back into my purse as soon as i was done and walked back to the bedroom half naked,and Yusufu excitingly stretched his body as he gets ready to meet his ancestors without getting his eyes off my body.

I climbed the bed,sat across his body and resume kissing him. Making sure i deposit the whole content on my lips into his mouth,and at the same time calculating how many seconds we've kissed. And at the 9th seconds,i began to feel that same symptom my boss told me right inside me,which means i got no time. And in the 10th seconds i was already off his body and out of the bed.

“Are you okay?" •*He asked with concern regarding the sudden break,while i ignored him as i quickly dashed to the bathroom like flash,and in the 13th seconds i was already cleaning my lips with my gown,while the decrease in my heart beat kept warming me seriously*•.

And finally,before the 15th seconds,I've already grabbed the antidote's tinny container from my purse,open it and drank the whole content,and took a deep breathe as i lean on the bathroom wall,and slidingly sat on the floor as i think of how i just escaped death,just as my internal systems returned to normal.

“Bia nwokem,die quietly biko. Stop making noise". •*I said barely audibly,referring to Yusufu Abubarka or whatever he calls himself, who was dying and coughing loudly in the bedroom*•.

“Mission accomplished. I demand for an escape route". •*I said to the transmitter,still sitting on the floor*•.

“Baby agent. Your mission is yet to be accomplish. I guess the bodyguards are hearing him cough. One of them is about to check in. Stop him,unless you will get caught". •*That same voice said through the transmitter,and i quickly got up and dashed back to the room with the intention of confusing whoever that was about to come in. But unfortunately,it was too late*•.

Yusufu's dead body was already on the floor,and the handsome bodyguard was already inspecting,muttering “boss are you okay?". While the other mean bodyguard stands in between the door,with rage on his serious face.  And immediately he noticed me,he closed the door and fast walked towards my direction.

At that moment,I don't need to me told that i am doomed. And if i don't do anything fast,i might end up in prison for murder or even get killed by the organization just to keep their identity buried. I was left with no choice then to switch into action. My boss had taught me a lot of hand to hand combat skills,but the problem is that there's different between training and real fight,and I've never done the real one.

Handsome bodyguard: Boss had just been assassinated...... By a lady sir. •*He said to the visible white earpiece that was fixed to his left ears and stared at my direction with his fingers still on Yusufu's neck*•.

The mean nigga walked towards my direction probably with the thought that i am just an ordinary lady he can bend,not knowing that i am mad. And just as he made to lay his right hand on me,i grabbed it and roughly squeezed his fingers,bent his wrist afterwards and he tightened his teeth in pains,probably to avoid groaning. And without hesitating,i hit my right knee hardly on his two balls,and he groaned painfully as he quickly pulled away from me.

Handsome bodyguard: Shit! The bitch is quit stubborn. Skillful,i mean to say. •*He muttered to my hearing,just as i unhesitatingly went for the mean guard who was still holding his balls with both hands in a stooping position*•.

Getting to him,I skillfully swipe my legs in the air and kicked his jaw up with my right leg,and he unhesitatingly stood erect as he staggered backwards. And i quickly grab him by his necktie,pull him closer to me,skillfully turn he around using his necktie and set him unconscious just by snapping his neck just the way my boss taught me.

Handsome bodyguard: Sir,i think i need a back up immediately. Jay Jay is down as well. •*He said to the visible white earpiece that was fixed to his left ear as he shoved his hand into his inner suit,pulled a black pistol and unhesitatingly fired💥 at me,while i skillfully use his unconscious colleague to shade myself from the bullets as i pushed towards his direction with all my might*•.

“Baby agent? Are you okay?" •*Agent Sonia,the cyberian boss muttered with concern for the first time since my mission was activated,and i ignored her as i concentrate on the charming armed bodyguard in front of me*•.

Within seconds,I managed to push his dead colleague to him as a distraction. And before he could get him off his way,I spinningly kicked his face with my right leg and he staggeringly got trapped by the bed,and he failed on it. And i quickly jumped on him and skillfully snatched his gun from him.

“Hey! hey!! hey!!! Don't dare me". •*I warned as i point he's gun to his chest,and he respect himself*•.

“Agent Glory. You have to leave immediately. Some other bodyguards are approaching to the eighth floor". *That same cyberian voice said almost the same time through the transmitter*•.

“Never trust a lady". •*I said to the handsome bodyguard and shoot 💥 him twice in his chest with no remorse. Moreover,i lost my humanity the very day i went to rescue my boss*. “Waste of handsomeness". •*I said to his dead body and quickly get down from the bed,thinking of what to do next.

“Baby agent? Brace yourself and listen carefully". •*My Boss said for the first time since my mission was activated,and i did as he said*•.

“The armed bodyguards are at the eighth floor and almost close to the room. And i won't tell you to face them because you're outnumbered. So the only route to get out of there right now is by diving into the swimming pool through the window. Don't panic" •*He said and i hurried to the window and opened it by sliding it to the right just to have a look. That was when it really got to me that i am at the eighth floor,getting me wondering whether my boss wants me alive or dead. I mean,who does that?*•.

“Every other agents on field should get ready". •*My boss added as i glance around the swimming pool that was pretty close to the building but far from the eighth floor and noticed there's no one was around there,while my heart beat increased as i panic,paying deaf ears to whatever instructions that was coming from the cyber hall. And just then,i heard a knock on the door*•.

✊✊✊ “Agent ken? Open the door. Agent ken? Are you there?" •*A voice said from outside and i quickly run back to the other extreme of the room,facing the window and trying to gather courage*•.

I've been taught on how to jump out of moving vehicles,dive out of storey buildings and land in athletic trainer's foams,but doing it an eighth floor was something i never anticipated.

I braced myself for a second and speed off towards the window,and within seconds i acrobatically dived out from the room through the window at the eighth floor of the fifteen storey building just as they opened the door,aiming to land safely into swimming pool as i descends with much velocity.  And within a twinkle of an eye,i land into the pool with all my might and sprung up as soon as i got hold of myself,breathing heavily.

“Oh my god,I am a super human". •*I thought to myself as swum to the swimming pool staircase*•.

“Walk into the open door at your extreme left,it's a dressing room". •*That familiar cyberian voice said again and i obeyed without question*•. “Agent 090 don't keep her waiting". •*The same voice said,referring to the junior agent that walked passed me few minutes ago*•.

I walked into the dressing room that was provided for people who used the swimming pool. No one was there as well. And just then,the inside door opened and agent 090 walked in with his cart,still dressed in the room attendant attire.

“You both get not less than 60 seconds to get out of there. The bodyguards are on their way down". •*The cyberian voice said through the transmitter just as the agent closed the door*•.

He gave me a towel to dry my wet body and brought out my handbag which he was hiding beneath the cart without saying a single word to me.

I dropped the towel as soon as i was done,pulled off the wet artificial hair(wig) which i used in hiding my identity,and get rid of my wet bra and panties right in front of him,and he pretend not to notice it,probably because we are on duty.

I took a red long gown from my handbag and wore it without undies,took a different designed short wig from my bag and put it on,looking totally different from the lady i was when i lodged in as i stared at the dressing mirror in front of me. And shoved my legs into an expensive high heel shoes which i still don't know where and how agent 090 got them.

Mean while agent 090 had already pulled off the attendant sleeveless jacket he was wearing and got ride of the id card that was hanging on his neck,and replaced the jacket with his black suit,looking cute like a guy going on a date.

“Shall we?" •*He said to me as i was done painting my lips,while i grabbed a little purse from the handbag and lock arms with him,before walking out from the dressing room through the inside door like couples as we head down to the party ground*•.

The party was over,but was still filled with those whom still care to drink,dance and talk. And just within seconds,the elevator opened and about six bodyguards on black suit walked out of it and hurried towards the door that leads to the swimming pool,getting people's attentions,while we gently head towards the main exit of the hotel.

“Driver get ready". •*the cyberian voice said through the transmitter*•.

And just as we got out,the other agent stopped in front of us with that same range rover sport we came with. Agent 090 opened the back door for me and i got,while he joined me from the other side and we drove out without been suspected by anyone.

After speeding for like 20 minutes,the agent in control of the wheel divert into a public school  where a cool spinning helicopter was waiting for us. And within seconds,we abandoned the range rover SUV and took off with the helicopter as we leave Kaduna state,heading back the organization.

“Mission accomplished" •*Agent 090 said to the transmitter*•.

I just accomplished my first official mission.. Adding extra three men to the number of men that I've killed. And i still can't believe i jumped out of eighth floor. So amazing.

By Kingz Gaius Chinedu.
[Story Boy]

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To be continued.

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