Junoesque ✿George Weasley✿

By LuLuOnFire

3.4M 121K 91.2K

Junoesque (adj) Beautiful and imposing, like the goddess Juno // #2 in georgeweasley 15.06.2019 #1 in georgew... More



35.3K 1.2K 765
By LuLuOnFire

While Blair was thinking about Fred and George's potential, she hadn't realised that she had been staring at the boy himself at the Gryffindor table. Lee noticed the girl's stare as he was sitting opposite George and pointed behind him to make sure she was acknowledged. George turned around with a raised eyebrow and noticed the thoughtful look on Blair's face and started to wave his arms around, trying to snap her out of her obvious trance.

Finally noticing what she was doing, Blair perked up and blushed in embarrassment at the grin that stretched across George's face. Blair could hear his laugh across the hall and through the multiple conversations that were happening at the Hufflepuff table that was in between them. She smiled back at him awkwardly and he shook his head, bringing out his wand from his robe pocket and a scrunched up piece of parchment that had probably been in there for years now.

Blair watched in curiosity as he muttered some spell while tapping the ball of parchment. The ball morphed its form and took the shape of an origami owl, taking flight and soaring over the top of the conversing students at their tables. Blair's mouth was open in wonder as the owl's wings moved as if it was real and watched it descend down to her table, landing in front of her and even hooting. It then sunk back into its crumpled ball state, acting as if it hadn't just been charmed to do something magical. Blair couldn't contain the smile that grew on her face and she looked back up to George, seeing him smiling back and looking mighty proud of himself.

"Welcome to another magical year at Hogwarts," Professor Dumbledore's voice rang out loudly and the chatting that once filled the hall came to a halt. Blair tore her attention away from George and looked to the man, now only just noticing the changes at the teacher's table. Hagrid appeared to be missing and in his place was the substitute Professor Grubbly-Plank, the woman who had filled in for him a few times when 'sick' or busy. Another woman sat at the table who no one had seen before and she wore the ghastliest of attire. She wore nothing but pink and her hair was brown and curled to imitate cuteness.

"Before we start our grand feast, there are some things that I'd like to announce with the changing of staff," Dumbledore continued and the students listened on. "In place of Professor Hagrid, who is away for the time being, shall be Professor Grubbly-Plank who shall take the Care for Magical Creatures this year until his return. And for our Defence Against the Dark Arts class, we have Professor Umbridge."

Scarce applause sounded throughout the hall but most were confused at the disappearance of Hagrid and the woman who shall be taking their Dark Arts class this year. She didn't look anything like their previous teachers with her frilly, bright clothes and sickly sweet smile that hadn't left her face once since Dumbledore had spoken. She sat in between Professor Snape, who looked as unhappy as ever, and Professor Trelawney who sat with her large eyes glancing worriedly at the woman next to her. Professor Umbridge looked so out of place that you could have said she was pink lemonade among the bottles of Butterbeer.

"I'm sure you will join me in wishing the Professor good luck," Dumbledore said after the light applause and nodded politely at Umbridge. "Now Quidditch tryouts shall be taking place on-"

"Hem hem."

Professor Dumbledore went silent at the interruption and turned around to see Professor Umbridge standing from her seat and making her way down towards the podium. It was now that everyone could see that she was incredibly short and barely met Dumbledore's shoulders. Her short stubby legs took her to stand next to Dumbledore who looked down at her with a neutral expression but said nothing as she looked over the four tables packed with staring students.

"Thank you, Professor Dumbledore, for those kind words," she started and her voice was as sweet as her clothes. "And I'm so happy to see all your bright, happy faces, smiling up at me."

Another silence rang through the hall that was comically timed. From what Blair could see, no one was even smiling out of politeness at the woman and she continued to look around at particular faces in the crowd. The teachers still seated at their table watched on in astonishment as the woman continued to speak during the Headmaster's speech, as no one had ever done such a thing at Hogwarts before. Yet the woman stayed oblivious to the stares.

"The Ministry of Magic has always considered the education of young witches and wizards of vital importance. Progress for the sake of progress must be discouraged. Let us preserve what must be preserved, perfect what can be perfected and prune practices that ought to be... prohibited!" Umbridge finished with a girly laugh before she started making her way back towards her seat at the teacher's table. Everyone was confused and didn't start their poor excuse for applause until Dumbledore clapped his hands together. Others followed but were still entirely confused about the woman's uncalled for interruption.

"Thank you, Professor Umbridge," Dumbledore forced out before returning to his speech that was happening before the interruption. "As I was saying, Quidditch tryouts will be held..."

"She's like a toad," Poppy whispered as Dumbledore did his yearly announcements. "A pink, stubby toad."

"She's definitely part of the Ministry. But what the hell is she doing here as a teacher?" Nancy questioned and none of them had a possible answer. Blair did wonder whether it had something to do with supervision of Dumbledore because of Fudge's delusion of him building an army, but she couldn't be sure and didn't want to spread anything that had been discussed within the Order of the Phoenix.

The Welcoming feast went as normal and everyone got up from their tables to head to their dormitories for the night. Because of Blair being Head Girl, she helped out the Ravenclaw Prefects with getting the first years in the right direction towards the Ravenclaw tower. She unwillingly saw Fletcher Potts doing the same with the Slytherin first years, only he spent most of his time tripping up the Hufflepuffs and Gryffindors that tried to get past him. Good thing Hermione saw what he was doing and was able to guide her first years away from the Slytherins, sending him a vicious glare that he laughed off and mocked.

"Excuse me? Where's the bathroom?" a first year asked her shyly as they exited the hall and headed towards the Ravenclaw tower. Blair's heart melted at the way the girl tugged at her jumper sleeve and looked nervously up at her, glancing at her badge for reassurance.

"I'll show you," Blair smiled lightly and told the Prefects what she was doing, saying that she'll get the girl back before curfew.

She took the girl to the lavatories that were closest to their dormitory and waited outside for the girl to finish. The halls thinned out quickly and it was soon only the ghosts that passed her by, greeting her politely and congratulating her on her Head Girl position. She realised that she would now be allowed out after curfew for patrolling duties, but the idea was dampened by the thought of having to spend that luxury with Fletcher. He would surely make her want to scratch her eyes out and hand in her badge, saying that she just couldn't stand the boy.

"I'm finished," the first year appeared once more and the bathroom door swung shut behind her, pulling Blair out of her thoughts.

"Let's head to the dormitory then," she replied and started to head off with her, only to be stopped by the sound of her name being called behind her.

"Blair!" she heard and whipped around, causing the first year to stop as well. George jogged down the dark corridor and had a grin on his face, glad to have caught the girl before she headed out of reach.

"What are you doing here?" she questioned as he stopped in front of her, letting him press his lips against her forehead in greeting.

"Just wanted a chat," he shrugged before turning to the small girl that stood beside Blair obediently. "Run along, kid, this is adult stuff."

"George!" Blair snapped and looked worriedly down at the girl, who was now confused and maybe even nervous at the sight of the tall seventh year. "Sorry about him. Let's leave the mean Gryffindor to his supposed chivalrous thoughts."

"Oh no you don't," George reached out and grabbed Blair's arm, pulling her back so that she stood next to him and leaving the first year by herself. "We're having couple time, tonight."

"She has to find her way back to the dormitories, George. I can't leave her here," Blair fought back, yanking her arm out of his grip. George rolled his eyes and then spotted the familiar transparent figure of the Gryffindor ghost floating just outside the corridor.

"Sir Nicholas!" he called and the ghost turned his unstable head, floating through the arches of the window pane and appearing in the corridor.

"Ah, George! How good it is to see you still here!" he cheered with his head wobbling on his shoulders from his enthusiasm.

"Good to see you too, Nick. Listen, Blair and I want to have a bit of alone time tonight," he made sure to slip his arm around Blair's shoulders and press her into his side, showing his winning smile and suppressing Blair's grumble of defence. "Could you show this Ravenclaw to her dormitory?"

"Of course! It would be an honour to help our fellow Ravenclaws!" Sir Nicholas cheered before looking down to the girl who was practically shaking in fear from seeing a real ghost for the first time ever. "Come along, little one! I can tell you about the history of my death while I'm at it! It all had to do with..."

The ghost and the first year disappeared around the corner and the sound of Sir Nicholas's voice soon faded the further they got. George and Blair were now left in the lit corridor with the torches on the walls providing the only light as the moon wasn't out on this particular night. George turned to look down at Blair and chuckled when he saw her glaring expression.

"What's with you?" he asked with his arm still slung around her shoulders and she sighed in defeat.

"I'm not even going to bother telling you."

The two walked down the corridors attached to each other by their sides and made their way towards the courtyard that was empty for the night. The torches were still lit in the corridors surrounding the small patches of grass and concrete that made up the courtyard, but the centre was left in the darkness that was only filled with stars. They took a seat on one of the benches that sat against the stone wall and started to chat about the new updates for the school year.

"What was with the goblin in pink, today?" George questioned once they had sat down and he had his arm encircled around Blair's waist.

"I guessed she's working with Fudge to keep an eye on Professor Dumbledore," she whispered back, wary of students might have been still wandering the halls around them. "Remember what Sirius said?"

"Yeah, but she's bound to be a pain in the ass. The way she interrupted Double D was worthy of death."

"Double D?"

"Yeah, you know the two D's in Dumbledore?" George explained with a grin. "Makes Double D!"


"I also saw that Potts got Head Boy," George started with a tinge of something different in his voice. "Have you met him yet?"

"Boy did I. It's going to be a hell of a year for me with that pumpkin head," she sighed.

"Well if he causes you any trouble, you come find me," he pointed to his puffed out chest in an attempt to appear tough and ready for a fight. "I already had those frogs being a menace last year; I don't need some Slytherin this year. Whether he's Head Boy or not, I'll put his chiselled face into the ground if he does anything to you."

"My hero," Blair sniggered. "I forgot about those Beauxbatons boys. I never saw them again after our trip to Hogsmeade."

"Good. They got the message then."

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