Hackers (Book 1)

By nanaedc

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What happens when you mess with the wrong person but end up dealing with another? The Completed Book 1 in the... More

Hackers (Book 1)
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
*Mature 16+*Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
The Cast
The Sequel

Chapter 3

548 20 1
By nanaedc



(Before the twins' bell rang)

"Bill! Did you get some information for me?" I asked.

"Yeah I actually did. Here you go, turns out the pranker that pranked you lives down the street." He said with raised brows.

"What!?" I said as I grabbed it from him to see for myself with the boys behind me in pursuit. It in fact was true that the person that did this did live down the street! Wow, I've seen that house a couple times but I didn't think the people that lived in it were pranksters.

I thought they were rich snobs that took money for granted. Now I know them as snobby pranksters who take money for granted. Now its time to pay them a visit.

"Guys I think I'm gonna go deal with this myself." I said turning to the guys.

"You sure? We don't mind going." Liam said.

"No, I'll be fine just give me 5 minutes. Give me five minutes, then I'll be back. I'll just be down the street anyway." I said to them as I walked out the door.

Once I closed the door it immediately opened to see a teared up Louis. What's his problem? He opened the door fully and gave me a bone crushing hug while crying silently.

"Why are you crying Louis?" I asked but couldn't help the smile of amusement.

"Its just...you never left or went anywhere without me. Its just so sad how your growing up and are being pulled away from me." He said looking at me with tears rolling down his face.

"I'm just going down the street for a few minutes. But sure I'll miss you too." I said returning the hug.

He didn't let go. After like 5 minutes of me just standing there I had to ask the others if they could help me. They slowly but successfully pried him off me and I ran to the car before he could get back to me.

I started the car and drove down the street. This street has a lot of houses so I had a while before I reached the right one. I lot was going through my mind right now.

What will I say?

Do I call the police ahead of time?

Do I ring the doorbell or bang on the door with my fists?

What if the people are rude and snobby or have anger issues or have a panic attack and die right in front of me?!

That last one really stuck with me. What if I kill them then go to jail and never be able to see Louis again!? Maybe I should just turn around and forget about this whole thing and go home and watch football.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by the 'DEAD END' sign at the end of the street. I parked my car and stood in front of the house to just look at it. I've seen it plenty of times but it was even better up close. I walked up the pearl white steps and rang the gold and white door bell. Well here goes nothing. Hopefully they don't die.


When the bell rang I froze and fell flat on my face. Once I recovered myself I looked at Aria and she had the same facial expression I had. Shocked and nervous. I ran over to our BG and tried to stop and reason with them to not open that door.

"You guys don't need to answer the door. Just let it ring through until the person leaves." I said.

"Sorry missy but I have to see who it is. It could be someone or something important." One replied.

"No nonsense. Nothing important is supposed to come today just go and step away from the door, and go find yourself something pleasant to watch." Aria chimmed in.

"Is there something you two are hiding that we would like to know about?" They both said while looking back and forth to me and Aria.

"What! No. Absolutely not. Just the same obedient, polite, mature and innocent girls you've always known." We said with a smile.

The bell rang again. Stupid bell.

"You guys stop being all those things when you turned 14." One said while walking to the door twisting the doorknob.

We decided to go with plan for 2 which is run upstairs to our room.


After ringing the bell twice the door opened and two big buff men stood in the doorway, the same height as me but looked away older.

"May we help you?" They asked.

"Um," I cleared my throat "Yes we have to talk about something."

"Come in. The couch is over there. Please sit." They opened the door wider and stepped aside.

I walked over and sat while they closed the door. Was it them who pranked me? That is a little awkward. The house was gorgeous. Beyond words. They sat down across from me starting the conversation.

"So what is it you would like to talk about?" One asked.

"Well someone pranked me and was traced back to this address."


"Yes, someone hacked my Instagram account and posted some things on it that's not appropriate. Or appreciated."

"When was this?"

"This morning. 7:00 am to be exact."


"Yeah so I would like to talk possibilities to avoid this from never happening again and consequences for the two of you."

"Us? We didn't do this."

"Well I traced it to this address and since you two are the ones who live here, it had to be you."

"Actually we have two other people who live here that does this type of stuff so we'll go get them then you can discuss this with all four of us."

"Are they like you two?"

"No. They're two sweet but mischievous twin girls."

"Oh okay. Can you get them?"

"I actually think they're already listening to us right now. Nia! Aria! There's someone who would like to speak to you!" They stood up and walked half way up the stairs to get the snobby pranksters while still screaming those names Nia and Aria. At least their names are pretty.

I heard four pairs of feet coming down the stairs. So I'm assuming their coming.


We were hiding on the staircase listening to their conversation. We barely heard anything, only mumbles. Until the BG's screamed our names. That we heard clearly. I walked downstairs with the BG and Nia.

Me and her had our arms locked with each others (we were too nervous) when we reached downstairs and faced the exact face we saw on Instagram.


I was facing the culprits. The prankster, snobby rich kids. Although their culprits, pranksters, and snobby rich kids, they were beautiful. They didn't look snobby at all.

Their faces looked exactly alike. Well almost and they had the same facial expressions. They looked shock at first then it was replaced with a smirk. They looked at each other, nodded then turned to me. And I just got a different plan from my original one.

"Hello, my name's Naomi and this is my sister Aria. How may we help you?" Naomi said holding her hand out for me to shake. Not like Aria who just looked at me.

"Um, yes my names Harry Styles, sure you heard of me." I said shaking her hand.

"I'm afraid we haven't."

"We'll get to that later. Was it you two that did this to my Instagram?"

"...Yes it was quite funny. We did a mighty fine job didn't we?" Aria answered with a smile that I saw was fake.

"Actually I didn't like it so I'm here to discuss consequences."

"Really? Then what do you propose?"

"I would like you two," I say as point to them "To come and live with me for 2 weeks." I smiled genuinely.

"What!?" Their eyes widened.

"Is that a problem?"

The men intervened. "Absolutely not. The girls have to be with us. We are their guardians and we can't protect them if their not living with us."

"I have a total of 50 body guards at my house just down the street. They will be more than protected there."

Naomi and Aria did air qoutes."No! We are not 'living' with you. We refuse."

"Well its either that or I can call the cops for vandalism. Your choice."

The parents and the two girls huddled in a circle and started debating and voting. They all turned and the men said the answer while the girls looked really upset about it:

"Okay they will go and live with you for the two weeks."


Till the next episode?!

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