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By forgetmencts

7K 252 109

โI got enough on my mind, but I can make time for something so divine.โž (In where sadistic delinquent, Karma... More

One: Assembly Time
Two: Transfer Student Time
Three: Provocation Time
Four: After School Time
Five: Kyoto Time
Six: Hostage Time
Seven: A Time for Relaxing
Eight: Secrets Time
Nine: A Time for a Date
Eleven: Judgement Time

Ten: Official Time

229 9 5
By forgetmencts


(Ansatsu Kyoushitsu Post-Chapter 24: Time for Revenge)


The sound of a young girl crying had awaken a younger Karma, who looked around the age of six, from his nap. Slowly, he opened his golden orbs. He then walked towards the girl as he dragged his plush cat behind him.

"Why are you crying?" he asked her, yawning. A tiara was adorned on her head while she wore a princess dress. Turning around, her face was as red as Karma's hair; as were her eyes.

"I.... I w-wanted t-to pl-play p-princess with th-the other g-girls, b-but th-they excluded me," she sniffled, using the collar of the dress to wipe her snot and tears dry.

"Why did they leave you out of their game?" he asked her in a curious manner.

"Th-they t-told me th-that I'm annoying, and n-no one l-likes an annoying p-princess," she reasoned, her head hanging low.

Karma got quiet for a while, trying to think of a way to cheer up the weeping girl. Clutching his cat toy, he pulled it up to his face, shaking it up and down. With a wide grin that bared his small vampire-like fangs, he sat in front of her, using the paw of his cat to pat the top of her head; causing her to slowly stop crying, looking up to the cat with big, ocean eyes.

"Aww, don't cry little girl," Karma purred in a cartoon-like voice. "Forget about those stupid girls! From now on, you can play with me anytime you want to. Call me Mr. Hairball! I'm your new friend! Nice to meet you!"

The girl giggled, sniffling as she smiled at his plushie.

"Here. You can have him. That way, you don't have to worry about playing with those girls anymore," Karma offered in his normal voice, handing Mr. Hairball over to her.

She took it with gratitude as she hugged the cat before giving Karma a hug as well. "Thank You, Karma-Kun," she beamed.

"Heh, no problem...." he trailed off before he hugged her back tightly.


In the present day, the sound of the alarm clock and raindrops trickling down the window made a teenaged Karma awakened from his sleep. When he turned off the alarm from his phone, the date read "June 4" on his lockscreen. The time was 5:00 AM. It was also Monday, meaning that school was in session for today. Being lazy, he laid back on his mattress and stared at his ceiling fan with half-opened eyes.

"That dream is about the third time that I had it," he thought. "When I first transferred to 3E, I would have these kind of dreams every once in a while. But ever since Fumiko joined our class, this is all I've been dreaming about; me when I was six and a girl around that age as well. But everytime it happens, I never get to see what her face looks like. She could be either Bambi or even Okuda-San. I like both of them, so who knows which one is her."

He snapped out from his thoughts when he heard the door to his bedroom knocking and opening slowly. It was Miss Chizaki, who had a cup of coffee in her hand. "Are you okay, Karma?" she asked him. "It's already 6. You're an hour behind on your schedule."

Rolling his eyes, Karma sat up and eyed her in an irritated manner. "It's okay, Miss Chizaki. My grades are fine, so I won't get in trouble for sleeping in late," he explained as he got up to go to his bathroom and take a shower.


At the Junpei residence, Fumiko was brushing her pigtails as she hummed to herself. She was lost into her own world as usual, glossy eyes and bright blush. Ever since that kiss she shared with Karma, it was all she could think about all Friday and the weekend; all she could think about was how warm his touch was and how electric her first kiss was. She then adjusted her hair ties before she skipped downstairs, where her father was fixing his own breakfast.

"Good morning, sweetums! You're up early today! What's the occasion?" he asked her, kissing her forehead as she made her way to the fruit bowl. The time was 7:45 a.m.

"Oh. I just wanted to try a change in schedule, daddy," she smiled at him, grabbing a light red one. She then made her way back to her father to give him another kiss when suddenly, the doorbell rung. Fumiko, confused, walked over to the door to answer it. It was Karma, who was holding a dark red umbrella. Although he was behind his usual morning routine, he took a subway train near a station in his district which so happened to be close to hers as well.

"Good morning, Bambi~" he greeted, his typical smirk resting on his face.

At the midst of his appearance, Fumiko dropped her apple on the floor, her entire body was blushing red and her mouth was stained with sticky apple juice. She froze still, her hand trembling with anxiety.

"Want to walk to school with me again?" he asked her, unfazed by her reaction to his presence.

"Oh hey there, Fumiko's friend," her dad greeted him, carrying his attache case in one hand.

"Ah, hey there. Actually, my name is Karma; and I'm not her friend, I'm Fumiko's boyfriend," Karma informed him, with the mention of the word "boyfriend" making Fumiko cough harshly.

"Oh, you two are dating? Since when?" her father asked.

"Since last Thursday," the redhead explained. "We went on a date after school and from there on, we began to date." Fumiko waited for Karma to spill the details on their disastrous first "date", but thankfully, he didn't.

"Ah, I remember a time when I was young and in love. I'm very happy for you, Fumiko. Oh and Karma, please be gentle to my daughter," he grinned at them. "I'm off to work now. I love you, sweetums." He then bent down to kiss his shocked daughter on the cheek before heading off to the subway station.

"B-bye Daddy," she squeaked.


As Karma and Fumiko walked to school, he slipped his hand inside the palm of her smaller, dainty hand, causing her to jump up and yelp; making him snicker.

"Did you have to tell my daddy that we're now dating?" she blushed.

"He was probably going to figure it out sooner or later. So I thought why not tell him now," he said. "Also, I've been trying to call you all weekend. Why did you avoid my calls?"

"I was busy trying to help Sugaya-Kun at the craft store his mother works at since she's the manager," she explained.

"Um, have you told anyone else that we're dating?" she asked, twirling a string of her hair around.

"Mmm, not yet. But I'm planning on telling Nagisa-Kun and Nakamura later on," he said, leaning down to give Fumiko a kiss on her forehead. This caused her eyes to widen, she basically felt like melting into a puddle along with the ones raining down on the ground.

"Hehe, how cute~" he teased her, making her more flustered. "The real question is, have you told any of your friends that we're dating?"

"Nope. Nakamura-Chan seemed busy all weekend, so I wasn't able to get in touch with her. Hinata-Chan was busy as well. I kept trying to tell Sugaya-Kun what happened on Thursday while I helped him out, but he was rather quiet and I kept dropping things on the floor that I ended up making messes to clean up. All because of that kiss you gave me," she explained bashfully.

"Then that means I'm doing my job," he smiled, confusing Fumiko on what he meant by that.


During lunch period, Okuda, Kayano, Fumiko, and Kanzaki were sitting at their table eating. They were all sharing Onigiri rice balls that Fumiko had made last night just for the four of them. While she ate, she kept noticing how Nakamura (who was eating with Karma and Nagisa) kept staring at her with a smirk plastered on her face. It scared the pink doe, making her think that Karma already told her and his friends about their newfound romance. The redhead noticed how nervous Fumiko was acting, so the next moment that she glanced up to see if Nakamura kept staring at her, he nonchalantly smiled and waved towards her. She smiled widely, her lips having sticky rice on them, and waved back slowly.

"Hello, Fumiko-Chan? Earth to Fumiko-Chan," Kayano waved her hand in front of the daydreamer's face.

"YES?!" Fumiko squeaked loudly, causing her classmates to stare at her in confusion.

"I was trying to ask you a question," the green cat said.

"Ah, sure. Sorry. Go ahead," the other girl murmured before taking another bite of her rice ball.

"I was asking if you wanted to go see-" Kayano began before being interrupted by the sound of a fork clicking against a glass soda.

"Hey everybody! May I have your attention please?" Nakamura stood up, pointing her fork at Fumiko, who blushed at the attention she was getting. "It is an honor for me to announce that Fumiko and Karma are now dating. Congrats you two lovebirds!" Some students clapped and cheered for the blossoming couple, while some ignored them and continued to eat their lunch.

"So you already told her and Nagisa-Kun?" Fumiko asked Karma across from her table, embarassed.

"Actually," Nakamura began, walking over to the tiny girl to whisper into her ear. "Me, Korosensei, Sugaya, Hinata, Kayano, Nagisa, Sugino, and Yada went to spy on you two's date on Thursday. It was just like watching a movie. Who would've thought that the princess got her prince charming after all~" She then showed her the video that she recorded of the two of them kissing on Fumiko's front porch, causing the latter to scream and blush.

"Kayano-Chan! Why?" she mumbled, covering her face in shame.

"I'm sorry, Fumiko-Chan. Nakamura-San said that we could put our assassin abilities to the test while doing so," she shrugged, feeling guilty of her actions.

"Hey, hey, Fumiko-Chan! Congrats on Karma-Kun being your new boyfriend! I wish you two eternal happiness!" Kurahashi beamed at her.

"Note to self: put anti-bb bullets in Korosensei's sweets the next time I make him some," Fumiko thought, upset at the fact that her two best friends went behind her back and invaded her privacy.


"Now when I think about it, going on that date was a total mistake," Fumiko thought to herself as she grabbed her bookbag and headed out the school to walk back home. After a few moments into her walking, she noticed that Sugaya and Hinata were walking together ahead of her. A rush of anger washed over her at the sight of seeing her "best friends". How dare they go behind her back and spy on her and Karma during their "date"? While she didn't enjoy the date whatsoever, she still hated that they invaded her privacy. Furrowing her brow, she stomped her way over to the two.

"You hungry?" Hinata asked Sugaya, unaware that Fumiko was behind her.

"I'm starving. Want to go grab some cake before we head home?" he asked the petite brunette.

"Sure. Why not?" she nodded. However, as soon as they were about to head to the local bakery, they were stopped by two fragile hands on each of their shoulders.

"I know what you two did," the pink doe said in a quiet but firm tone. Whenever Fumiko was upset, she doesn't raise her voice or growl, but rather talks in a serious manner. Sugaya nervously eyed down at Hinata to say something, with her trying to come up with an excuse on why she's been avoiding Fumiko.

"Listen Miko. The reason why I haven't been able to return your calls all weekend was because.... I was at my grandma's house. Her illness is getting worst by the minute so we needed to go visit her," she lied to her with a straight face.

"I am not upset with you two not returning my calls. I'm upset at the fact that you guys went behind my back and eavesdropped on me and Karma-Kun's date!" Fumiko crossed her arms, not having any excuses.

"We have no idea what you're talking about!" the beanpole laughed nervously, his eyes shifting back to Hinata then Fumiko.

"Don't play games with me! Nakamura-Chan told me about you two, her, Korosensei, and some of the other students tagging along behind us to spy on me and Karma-Kun!" she huffed, slight irritation cracking into her voice.

"Okay, okay, fine. Yes, we did spy on you two. But in our defense, it was only because we wanted to protect you. We both know how Karma can be," Hinata confessed.

"Okay. I believe you two. Just please don't do that again. You know how I am about my privacy," Fumiko unfolded her arms.

"We won't. Promise. But still, I'll keep a watchful eye on the two of you just because you're my friend. Friends always look out for each other, right?" Hinata said, putting her hand on the daydreamer's shoulder.

"Agree," Fumiko smiled.

"Hey, we're heading over to the bakery to get a slice of cake before going home. Want to join us, Miko?" Sugaya asked.

"Sure. Why not? I've been craving for some strawberry cake for a while now," she softly smiled as she followed behind the two.


After dinner, Fumiko grabbed a novel from her bookshelf and fixed herself a bubble bath. She tied her bubblegum hair in a messy bun, stripped off her red striped t-shirt and black pants, and slipped inside the hot water. It felt good to be soaking in a warm bath, especially after a long day at school. She sighed in bliss and began to reminisce on today's events.

"Hey, hey, Fumiko-Chan! Congrats on Karma-Kun being your new boyfriend! I wish you two eternal happiness!"  the pink doe thought about what Kurahashi told her during lunch. She closed her eyes and smiled. She felt fuzzy inside, her heart beating with joy.

Perhaps being Karma's girlfriend wasn't a bad thing. At her old class, she wasn't anyone. She was just the girl who had her head in the clouds; the girl who flunked at almost every quiz and test; the girl who was always running late. She just didn't fit in. But here in 3E, she's began to feel like, for the first time in a while, she's somebody; and being called Karma's girlfriend made her, in a strange sense, felt like she was starting to fit in with her new class.


Author's Note:

What's good y'all? It's ya girl SiSi and I'm back on my bullshit! 😆

Ok, but really. I apologize for not updating this story regularly and letting y'all wait almost two whole months for another chapter.

I also apologize for this chapter not being as good as the past few ones.

It seems like nowadays there's just one thing after another. It's either family drama or financial problems. I try my best to write, draw, run my redbubble shop (which you can find the link to it in my bio), etc. But it's always some shit going on in my life. But I always try to think of the positive and block out the negative.

I'm going to continue to write for this story because Karma and Fumiko are cute af (and the sequel I have planned), but I will also write other stories for different fandoms as well.

Until then, always be on the look out for whenever I post a new chapter for Captivate!


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