Taken by the First Order -A K...

By herondaleproperty

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"You think I don't care about you?" Kylo asked, his voice breaking. "I care more about you than there are sta... More

Chapter One: The Beginning
Book I: Taken
Chapter Two: Interrogated
Chapter Three: Snoke's apprentice
Chapter Four: Escape
Chapter Five: Unmasked
Chapter Six: The anger within
Chapter Seven: Testing
Chapter Eight: Guilt
Chapter Nine: Training
Chapter Ten: Progress
Chapter Ten: Hologram fighting
Chapter 11: Kidnapped...again
Book II: The Resistance
Chapter Twelve: The Resistance
Chapter Thirteen: The first connection
Chapter Fourteen: Vulnerabilty
Chapter fifteen: Poison
Chapter Sixteen: Turmoil
Book III- Conflict
Chapter Eighteen: Conflict
Chapter Nineteen: The Force
Chapter Twenty: Change
Chapter Twenty One: Fire and Ice
Chapter twenty two: Electricity
Chapter Twenty Three: Underestimate
Chapter Twenty Four: Under our stars
Chapter Twenty Five: Goodbye's
Chapter Twenty Six: Selfless vs. Selfish
Chapter Twenty Seven: Trouble comes in two's
Chapter Twenty Eight: Unsaid phrases
Chapter Twenty Nine: Long live the Supreme Leader
Book IV: A New Supremacy
Chapter Thirty: A blessing
Chapter Thirty one: Bonded
Chapter Thirty Two: A Warning
Chapter Thirty Three: Symptoms and causes
Chapter Thirty Four: Cold hands
Chapter Thirty Five: Gone
Chapter Thirty Six: New friends
Chapter Thirty Seven: A message
Chapter Thirty Eight: Suffocate
Chapter Thirty Nine: Reunited
Book V: Change
Chapter Forty: Coming home
Chapter Forty One: Trimesters
Chapter Forty Two: An alarm
Chapter Forty Three: The loyal and the unloyal
Chapter Forty Five: Waiting Game
Chapter Forty Six: Aurelia
Chapter Forty Seven: A Truth Revealed
Book VI: Palpatine
Chapter Forty Eight: Adapting
Chapter Forty Nine: Parting Gifts
Chapter Fifty: Into the Desert
Chapter Fifty One: The Wayfinder
Chapter Fifty Two: Palpatine
Chapter Fifty Three: Don't leave me
Authors note

Chapter Seventeen: Ambivalence

7.5K 145 18
By herondaleproperty

Kylos pov

I glanced out of the window, my hands clenched at my sides. I'd be lying is I said I wasn't eager to see Aerolynn, it had been a month since we last saw each other in person and I was nervous to see what she would say to me.
I doubted she'd be happy to see me after last night when she accidentally revealed her location to me. I couldn't ignore the anger that pulsed powerfully inside of me as I thought back to what she said to me.
Her words rang clearly through my head, making me grit my teeth. Who was she to say she didn't need me, I created who she was today, without me she'd still be withering away in the hot Tatooine sun. If anything she should have been grateful that I even considered giving her a higher position in the First Order than she initially had had. I expected her to be desperate to come back, loathing the idea of being stuck with the Resistance, but instead she wanted to stay. She wanted to go against the place that gave her food, water, and shelter, a title... she wanted to go against me, regardless of the relationship I thought we had built.
"Prepare to land." The pilot said to me as he clicked a few buttons on the dashboard. I rocked back and forth on my heels, my stomach churning as we descended to the ground, but I doubted this feeling I was getting was from the turbulence.
I hated how she made me feel like I wasn't in control. I was a dark knight, I wasn't supposed to get anxious or unsettled, I was always supposed to feel in charge of my emotions... but when I was with Aerolynn it was like the complete opposite. I struggled to maintain myself when I was around her, nearly succumbing to her warm smile and bright eyes.
I stiffened when suddenly I felt someone I knew all too well approach me.
"Hux." I growled, liking the way my mask gave my voice an edge that I could see make the hairs on the back of his neck rise.
"Sir." He said, his face growing slightly red in anger, it didn't take much probing to see he was holding back from yelling a whole laundry list of curses at me. I smiled behind my mask, enjoying seeing him squirm like a bug under my boot. "We have secured the radius of Aerolynn Edina, she is near the area of a rundown castle turned canteen." He said, disgust creeping its way into his voice.
"Alright, thank you, general." I said, he gave me a curt not before walking off brisky, muttering something under his breath, in most cases I would have hurled him against the wall for the use of such vulgar language towards me, but today I wasn't focused on him.
We landed our ships in a clearing in the forest around a half mile from where Aerolynn apparently was. According to some witnesses her and that scavenger girl... Rey had entered the canteen together, both in dark brown cloaks to conceal who they were.
Suddenly, something shook the ship and made the lights flicker. Along with it came a bright blue glow that left me disoriented, but it left as quickly as it had came. Once I could see again and had regained my composure I looked around, everyone was starting to stand collecting themselves.
"What was that?" I asked.
"Some type of electric force, it wiped us clean of energy for a second." A lieutenant said, I glanced out the window, my breathing quickening. Aerolynn.
Right as I stepped off the ship I could feel her, her presence seemed to slam into me, leaving me slightly breathless, along with her I could also feel a strong force user close by, that I knew had to be Rey, I clenched my jaw tightly behind my mask.
Over the sound of our TIE fighters flying through the air I barked orders at the troops, telling them to swarm the area and to find Aerolynn Edina and Rey of Jakku, and to leave them both unharmed.
I was about to walk forward with the troops when suddenly I felt a pulse in the force. It was my connection, with Aerolynn, she was in the forest, only a quarter of a mile away. I walked west, brandishing my saber and cutting away at hanging branches and vines that were in my path.
As I walked closer I could feel her presence strengthening, it wrapped around me, urging me to quicken my pace.
After what felt like an eternity I had finally broke through the dense trees and into a slight clearing and I could see her. She was hunched over something, weeping, I could hear her sobs clearly, and they made me flinch, and my chest ache.
I tried to creep up on her, pulling out the power-restraining cuffs that were clipped to my belt. I didn't want to use the force on her just yet. But then a twig snapped under my boot, I sucked in a breath as she turned around quickly.
Her eyes widened at the sight of me, and mine did the same. She was pale, her eyes which were normally a light brown were now glowing a neon blue, and the veins under her skin were too. Her lips parted in surprise and she whipped back around, grabbing Rey's lightsaber clumsily and holding it out in front of her, igniting it, the bright blue matching the glow in her eyes and usually tan skin.
"Stop it Aerolynn." I said, taking a step closer to her, "Give in to me. I have you now, you lost. Now, deactivate the saber, and put your hands out so that I can cuff you." She shook her head, her hair falling into her face. She was a mess, her face was dirty, her hair full of twigs and grass. And she looked weak, she was stumbling on her feet, I was sure that that electric field she let out took too much out of her than she could handle. I glanced behind her and saw that she had been crying over an unconscious Rey, something twinged inside of me, concern maybe? But I ignored it, instead focusing on Aerolynn.
Anger flared up inside of me at her defiance, and I twirled my saber in my hands. "Then so be it." I said, before swinging my saber at her. Her reaction was delayed and she nearly let it hit her, she then sloppily went to slash at me, but I easily dodged it and kicked at her leg, and she let out a whimper, falling. I felt something stir in my chest, guilt, but I was too angry to care.
She stumbled onto her feet and held the saber out in front of her. I winced at her stance, it was as if I had taught her nothing. She hovered above Rey protecting her, a defiant glimmer in her eye.
"You're protecting the scavenger girl, really?" I whipped my saber at her abdomen, she stepped back but it wasn't quick enough because I got a cut at her shirt, ripping it open and revealing her toned stomach.
"Shut up." She grumbled, teetering on her feet, her face had paled considerably and she looked like she was about to collapse.
"Aerolynn?" I asked, taking a step closer, all my anger now dissolved. She opened her mouth to say something, but then she was falling forward, her eyes drifting closed. I quickly caught her, pulling her into my arms. I grabbed the now deactivated saber and clipped it onto my belt, next to my own. Aerolynns eyes eyes were now open, void of any blue color, gazed up at me, I cleared my throat, glancing up at the stormtroopers that had come into the small clearing.
"I have her." I said, "grab the other girl. Lets go." I then started to walk back to the ship, carrying the seemingly weightless Aerolynn who was now half-conscious but still managing to weakly push at my chest.
I let out a frustrated sigh, my heart aching, I put my hand on her forehead, I knew how much she hated when I rendered her unconscious but at that point I just wanted her calm. I gently tucked a piece of hair behind her ear
"Sleep." I said, and she immediately went limp in my arms, her small attempt at a fight extinguished.
I held her closer to my chest, not wanting any space between us. I had let her out of my grasp once and I didn't intend for it to happen again. I glanced down at her sleeping form, enjoying the look of serenity on her face, for once her eyebrows weren't scrunched together, and she didn't have that scrutinizing look on her face. She looked younger, happier.
Hux strutted up to me, regardless of the battle raging around him he appeared to be spotless, his hair still perfectly combed to the side, his hair seemed to defy physics the way it always stayed in place...
"Sir, we have located two rebel ships close by, they're looking for the girls." He said, tugging at his collar, I doubted he was comfortable in his tight restricting uniform, even I was starting to get flustered in the humid climate.
"We should jump to lightspeed as soon as possible, we have what we need." I said, ascending the ramp and going into the ship. I ignored Hux's calls behind me, continuing to walk forward, the last thing I needed was to deal with that little orange weasel.
I went to my own private chambers inside the ship, placing Aerolynn down on the small bed. I didn't care what they were doing to Rey as long as she wasn't a problem. I sat on the edge of the bed, taking my mask off and looking at Aerolynn without the confined view of my helmet.
I looked down at her sleeping form, she sighed happily and moved closer to me, resting her head on my knee. I flinched at the contact, my breath hitching in my throat.
I stared down at her, taking advantage of her unconsciousness to get a good look at her. Her hair was still covered in twigs but flowed down her shoulders like a dark waterfall, her skin was more tan than what I remembered it to be, and she had a slight pink hue to her cheeks, she also seemed to have gained muscle too from being at the Resistance.
I stroked my gloved hand over her cheekbone, watching the way her eyes moved rapidly behind her eyelids. She scrunched her eyebrows together and whimpered slightly, her lips pursing together. She was having a nightmare, that same concerned feeling came back, and before I could stop myself I was already entering her mind, desperate to see what was giving her such uneasiness.

I was in a ship, standing before the cockpit I recognized where I was almost immediately, but I confirmed it by the set of gold dice hanging by the window. It was my father's ship, the millennium falcon. My stomach churned and I glanced down at who was sitting in the seat, he was tall, with dark hair that waved and ended right above his shoulders. He was wearing a tan shirt and dark brown vest that I recognized as jedi garb. It was me, well, the better version of me... the version that pulled me to the all too tempting light, it was Ben Solo.
Ben stood, flicking his hair out of his eyes. He walked right past me, as if I wasn't even there, but I stumbled back, nearly falling onto the floor. This was all too real.
"Hello, Aerolynn." He said, smiling down at her, I hadn't even realized she was on the ship. I tugged at my collar as sweat started to drip down my neck.
"Hello, Jedi Ben." She said with a smirk. My heart nearly burst out of my chest at hearing those words, in her dream I must have finished my training with Luke and had become a jedi, I was still with the Resistance, well, not the Resistance, they wouldn't have become the Resistance until the First Order, which couldn't have happened unless I turned dark.
Ben bent down, pushing her hair, which was now much longer, reaching her lower back, behind her shoulder, his thumb skimming her cheek. Wow he was smooth.
Aerolynn, in response, stood up on her toes to reach him, but she still wasn't tall enough and he craned his neck down to close the space between their lips. And then they were kissing, Ben's hands snaked around her waist, and pulled her closer. She smiled against his lips, running her hands along his back.
I almost wanted to turn away, feeling like I was spying on something I shouldn't have been, but I was too curious not to watch. I sometimes imagined what it would have been like to kiss Aerolynn, to claim her as my own, but now I got to watch it crystal clear right in front of me. I wished it was me instead of dream ben in that place, that I was the one making her practically melt from lust and desire.
Suddenly the door opened and Han Solo walked in. This time I actually did fall as I rushed to step away from him, my heart in my throat.
"Would you please not to do it on my ship." He said, in a joking tone. Ben and Aerolynn separated, Ben managing to curl an arm around her shoulders. Jealousy hot and furious erupted inside of me at seeing their casual passionate acts, and I growled slightly, my face hot.
"Technically dad, it is my ship now." Ben said, nudging Han's shoulder, my heart squeezed painfully, and I clutched at my chest.
"I know, son, and I'd have it no other way." Han said, smiling up at Ben. I couldn't take it anymore...

I quickly pulled out of her mind, gasping, and fell off the bed, hitting the hard metal floor with a loud thump. I pulled my knees up to my chest and rested my elbows on the them. I then pressed my head into my hand, tears making the leather of my gloves slippery. And then I cried. I didn't know how long I had been sobbing into my hands for but when I finally lifted my head my eyes were red and puffy and my cheeks were damp with tears.
I should've hated myself for showing such weakness, for letting a simple dream of my father have such an impact on me but I couldn't help it. I had been the poster child of exactly what everyone wanted me to be, of who I wanted to be. I had Aerolynn, I didn't kill my father, I had become a jedi, and I was happy. It was everything I wished to be true.
But then it dawned on me, how did Aerolynn know Han was my father, and that I had once been training to be a jedi. Unless... Leia must of told her everything. I curled my hands into fists and pounded them against the wall not caring about the condition my knuckles would end up being.
Leia must have made me look weak, maybe I wasn't still the intimidating predator Aerolynn had once seen me as. And the thought made me sick, I already couldn't deny my feelings for her, and if she showed any type of emotion other than hate towards me it would be enough to push me over the edge, enough to push me fully to the light. But maybe she did feel that way towards me, it was her dream, not mine.
I stood, wiping my cheeks of my tears I sat back at the edge of the bed. I ran my hands through my hair, staring down at her. I should have felt nothing when I looked at her, I should have seen her as my trainee, as a girl who had potential that I was supposed to mold into sheer power, thats what Snoke told me to do. But I couldn't, at least not anymore.
I gently pulled the covers up and over her, making sure to cover her shoulders so that she wasn't affected by the cold of the ship. I then removed my gloved and placed my hand onto her forehead. I pushed her into such a deep sleep that only I would be able to awaken her from, one where she couldn't dream or stir. This way, I was hoping I was stopping any emotions from stirring up inside of her at that dream.
I then bent down, pressing my lips to the smooth skin of her forehead. I knew that she deserved the life she saw in the dream, one that I couldn't entail to her. I couldn't even give her a kiss without it being forbidden, so that was the only reason why I removed my lips from her face, and placed my helmet back on, walking briskly out of the room.

I walked down the hall of the Starkiller base, my boots clicking loudly on the linoleum. I got to the interrogation room where Rey was, walking in and sitting down in front of her. The stormtrooper who was keeping watch on her gave me a quick awkward salute before rushing out of the room.
"You." Rey said, glaring up at me. She was struggling with her restraints, her wrists red. Sweat dotted at her forehead, and she looked flustered. She was wearing her hair in it's signature buns, pieces scattered about her face, giving her a rugged look.
This brought me back to the first time we met, she was strapped into the same vertical table, with the same restraints, and the same interrogator. If it was under different circumstances I would have thought of the situation funny.
I glanced up at her, there was a cut on her forehead that was covered in dried blood, I assumed that was the place that she had hit, rendering her unconscious. I reached up to her head, my fingers probing at the skin around the cut. She jumped at my touch, jerking her head away, her lip curling in disgust.
"Don't touch me-" She started, but I cut her off, my automated voice no match for hers.
"You should get that cleaned up before it gets infected. I would do it, but you still think of me the same as in the forest." I said, enjoying the way my figure towered over hers, and how she had to practically crane her neck to look at me.
"Well you're still a monster hiding behind a mask. You're a coward." She said, letting as much venom as she could possibly muster into her voice.
I clenched my jaw, taking her words as a challenge. I reached up and pressed the buttons that unlocked my mouth piece with a hiss, I then lifted it off of me, slamming it into the ashes next to me. I ruffled my hair, sitting back down, I then leaned forward, my elbows on my knees.
She studied my face, not breaking eye contact, I tried to reach into her mind but she had what felt like impenetrable walls up, keeping me out, I hissed in annoyance.
"What were you doing at Takodana?" I asked, lacing my hands together in an almost carefree manner.
"It was a private mission." She said, her words coming out crisp and clean with her accent. I knew it was somewhat pointless asking her questions that I already practically knew the answer to, but I was testing her, trying to wear her out so that it was easier to intrude her mind. I also knew I could get all this information by sifting through Aerolynns mind, but I liked a challenge.
"Really? I heard you were looking for a Pilot, why was that?" I asked, she looked straight ahead, letting out a strained breath through her teeth. She could feel that I was still trying to pry into her mind, I was just distracting her by asking questions.
"I told you, Kylo Ren. It was a private and confidential mission." She said, she acted as if she wasn't struggling to maintain her composure but even I could see the sweat starting to collect at her neck and collar bone.
"Are you sure you don't want to tell me?" I asked, standing up. "Because I assure you, you'll be saving yourself from a lot of pain." I said, I continued to push through her wall, my breathing heavy as I struggled to stay calm.
"I'm not telling you anything." She said, through labored breaths as I continued to push. I did all but roll my eyes as she brought back those same lines from before.
"We'll see." I said, smirking. If she was going to bring them back, then so was I. I put my hand just inches away from her face, she tilted her head to the side, trying to put as much space as she could between us.
"You've been getting stronger." I said, continuing to push forward, her mind seemed to be in an impenetrable fortress, encased in cement, but I was stronger than her, I knew she'd have to break at one point or another.
"So have you." She huffed, her face growing red. It was like just then her wall cracked, just a small enough amount so that I could somewhat peer into her mind. And what I saw was Aerolynn, she was keeping me out to protect her. Because she knew something that I didn't.
"What do you know about her?" I asked, continuing my assault on her mind, but this time with more pressure because I had a different motivation fueling my actions.
"I don't know who you're talking about." She said, raising her eyebrows innocently, the gesture made me want to run a lightsaber through her.
"Don't act so oblivious." I said, making pain run through her temples, causing her to wince sharply. "You're blocking me out to hide something about her from me, you're trying to save her." I said, I let more pain, sharp and hot blossom behind her forehead, and she groaned, pressing her head into the headrest behind her.
"You." Rey said, continuing to let out labored breaths, "You're scared. Scared that she wont feel the same way towards you. That Aerolynn could never love a monster." She said, leaning forward, despite her restraints.
Unlike last time, I didnt stumble backwards and lose my hold on her mind but continued to push forward. Using my anger from the truth of her words as fuel to give one last push. Suddenly, her wall seemed to crumble and she let out a scream, her eyes fluttering closed from exhaustion.
I sifted through her thoughts, knowing I had to be quick because I could already feel her trying to close me off. I let out a growl once I saw what she was so desperate to hide.
"You think Aerolynn's force sensitive?" I asked, she opened her eyes, letting her gaze roam lazily over my face.
"I've felt it inside of her, it's faint but there. I think it's just strong enough to guide her, to influence her actions, but not strong enough for her to manipulate like you and I." She managed to gasp out.
I looked down, soaking in the depth of her words. I hadn't realized it then but I realized it now. That would explain our bond, how I could feel her presence so strongly in the forest, and how she learned to fight so well even though she had minimal training. It was also explain our force bonding sessions, which could only happen is someone was force sensitive.
Rey looked up at me expectantly, waiting for my response, but I didn't give her one. I instead grabbed my helmet, sliding it back on. I then walked out of the room, ignoring her calls behind me.
"Stay outside these doors, don't go inside." I told the two stormtroopers outside. Although she was weak I didn't doubt that she could easily use the force on one of these goons, letting them unlock her restraints and help her escape.
"Yes sir." One of them said, saluting me. I rolled my eyes behind my mask, they were all so desperate to charm me. I walked away quickly, letting my cape billow out behind me. I thought back to what Rey said. It was true, she had seen exactly what I feared. That Aerolynn would never feel the same things that I felt for her.
"Kylo Ren, sir." A trooper said, walking up to me. I didn't stop walking and instead forced him to nearly run to keep up with me.
"What is it." I growled, I was not in the mood for this.
"Supreme Leader Snoke had requested your presence in the throne room." He said, I clenched my jaw so tight I thought it would break. He was the last person I wanted to see. Well, him or General Hux. "And that you bring Aerolynn Edina with you." He added, quaking slightly. Such terror was rolling off of him that I didn't even need to look into his mind to know.
Fear shook my core and I swallowed the lump in my throat. I shot my hand out, making the trooper slam into the wall and collapse onto the floor. I didn't care if it was cruel, I was too angry to care.
Did Snoek find out about my ambivalent thoughts towards Aerolynn? Did he want her dead? Did he want me dead?
I walked briskly to my room, my heart thundering loudly behind my uniform. I didn't want her to meet Snoke, in fact, if I could keep her from him forever I would. She didn't deserve his torture.
"Awaken." I muttered under my breath, I used the force to wake Aerolynn, who was still in her near coma-like sleep. I didn't need to be right in front of her to use my powers, it was one of the perks of the force. Just then I saw him walking down the hall, my stomach dropped and anger flared inside of me. Hux.
"Ah! Ren, I'm on my way to see Snoke right this minute, aren't you meeting him too?" Hux asked, smirking devilishly. I glared down at him, wishing my mask was off so he could see my deadly expression. "I heard he also wishes to see the girl, is that true?" He asked, taking a step closer, an evil glint in his eye, "terribly sorry, I'd be at a loss of words as well if I found out my girlfriend was a filthy traitor who deserved to die." He said. And that was what pushed me over the edge.
I raised my hand, using the force to crush his windpipe, harder than I had ever done before. He whimpered, clawing at his neck, his face turning an odd shade of red.
"Aerolynn has more dignity in the tip of her one finger than you have in that pale weasel-like body of yours." I said, tightening my hold on his neck, "and if you ever even think of just one demoting thought about her, I will finish what I started here today." I said, releasing him. He fell to the ground in a coughing fit, spluttering and muttering things that I didn't even care to listen for.
I strutted off, my anger rolling off me in strong waves. I took a few deep breaths, feeling like I was suffocating in my mask. I needed to be calm for Aerolynn, that was the only thing keeping my from ripping the heads off of every trooper who acknowledged me in the halls.
I got to my door, letting out a strained breath before opening it, it slid closed behind me with a hiss. And then I saw her. She was sitting on the edge of the bed, still wearing her Resistnace clothes. She was slightly hunched, and had her arms wrapped around her knees. She wasn't nearly as filthy as before since before I put her in my bed I used a cloth to clean her cuts and dirt off of her. I also wanted to rid her off her rebellion garbs but I knew that I'd be overstepping if I did. I didn't need any more reasons for her not to trust me.
She stood when she saw me, backing up to the wall. She looked small in that moment, scared.
"What did you do to her?" She asked, her voice hoarse and shaky, she cleared it a few times but it did nothing. I walked into the bathroom, grabbing her a cup of water which she took gratefully, draining it.
"Do to who?" I asked, already knowing the answer.
"You know who I'm talking about." She said, crossing her arms over her chest. I looked down, biting at my lip.
"She's in a separate holding cell, but she's fine." I said, she shivered, eyeing me. I could feel disgust as her surface emotion, but beneath it I could feel sympathy and sadness towards me.
"How could you? She asked, taking a step forward. "I understand me but why her?" She said. I didn't answer her, knowing she probably knew that answer for herself. She frowned up at me, and leaned against the wall, her eyebrows drawing together, causing a line to form between them.
She was so beautiful, and I was keeping her beauty locked away, in the middle of space, where no one could see it.
"We have to go." I said, walking towards her, she shrunk against the wall, trying to get away from me. I felt hurt stab at my heart, winding me.
"Go where?" She asked, her eyes brimmed with tears.
"Snoke had requested to see us." I said, grabbing her arm and pulling her in front of me. I forced her to walk forward but she struggled, using her feet to kick into the ground, trying to resist me. She pushed back on me, fighting to pull her arm out of my grasp.
"Aerolynn, please don't make this difficult." I said, even I could heart the tiredness beneath my words.
But she didn't listen and continued to fight, begging me not to take her to him. I sighed, placing my hand on her shoulder I used the force to send a wave of calmness through her body, forcing her to stop fighting. She then willingly let my guide her out of my room and into the hall, both of us ignoring the strange looks from the troopers.
"Kylo, please don't do this." She said, "we can escape, go back to the Resistance together. They all forgive you, they would accept you. Please?" She asked, as we turned the corner, Snokes chambers were just down the hall. I could feel the fear that coursed through her, regardless of my calming spell.
"I can't, you know that." I said, stroking small circles into her shoulder blade with my thumb, she shuddered, leaning into my touch.
"You can change." She said, hope flooding her voice, "you could change for me." She said, I was glad that my mask was on and she was facing away from me because those words nearly broke me and I was sure it had showed.
I took a deep breath as we got to the doors. Praetorian guards were standing in front instead of stormtroopers. They both opened the large doors for us, Aerolynn shivered once again as we entered the largest room on the ship. Snokes throne room.
"Stay calm, and only speak when spoken to." I whispered into her ear. She nodded, raising her head highly, she was pretending to be confident, strong, I envied her for it, I hid behind a mask like a coward.
"Thank you, Supreme Leader." Someone said, bowing. It was Hux, he must have just been finishing his meeting with Snoke. He turned and walked down the long aisle that we were walking up. He eyed us, smirking down at Aerolynn, his eyes roaming her body. My hand subconsciously tightened on her shoulder.
"Good luck." Hux said as he passed us, I could hear him snickering all the way up til he reached the door.
"Kylo. Aerolynn." Snoke said, looking down at us. He was actually sitting on the throne, in the flesh, he wasn't the projection he normally used. His hands clutched at the armrests, his long nails scraping at the surface. He looked withered and pale, a direct example of what happened when you used the dark side of the force. Aerolynn sucked in a breath when she saw him, her fear spiking.
I kneeled in front of him, trying to drag Aerolynn down with me, but she refused, intead choosing to stand with her hands clenched, bravely. Her lips were pinched and she was considerably pale but she looked brave. She was brave.
I looked away from her, taking off my mask and setting it down next to me. Snoke looked from me to Aerolynn a grin growing on his scarred lips.
"It's alright, Kylo, don't make the girl kneel to something she's not loyal to." He said, his voice causing the hairs on Aerolynns arms to raise. "Come closer, my dear." He said, but Aerolynn did not dare to move. Snoke lifted his hand and she flew across the room towards him, landing right in front of his throne, inches away from him. I flinched, my body aching to go up there and rescue her from my Master.
"Ah. Yes, I see, you still need to be convinced of a side. You're not sure who to lean towards, your mind says the Resistance but your heart says Kylo." He said, leaning towards her. "You want to stay with him, to convince him to change. Oh, what a feeble thing to do. My apprentice cant change, he's loyal to the dark side alone." I looked down, staring at my reflection in the dark floor. "My, my, my, you think he'll change for you. That you'll be the one to bring him back to the light, how cute." Snoke said, reaching up and stroking her face.
"Get out of my head." Aerolynn growled at him, but he only laughed.
"Perhaps, what this young child needs is to know weakness. To know what real pain feels like." Snoke said. Suddenly Aerolynn flew backwards and into the air, letting out a strangled scream.
Out of the corner of my eye I saw Snokes hand twitch, and then Aerolynn was screaming. It was a terrible blood-curdling scream. It rang through my head, making me gasp and hunch forward. Guilt fled through me like a tidal wave. I couldn't look at her, if I looked at her I was sure I was going to lose control.
"Yes, my child, this is how weakness feels. How darkness feels, soak it in, feel it in your bones." Snoke said, closing his eyes, and smirking.
I felt nauseous, like I was going to faint, I was glad I was kneeling because I was sure I'd be falling if I wasn't. Aerolynn let out another scream, it was like nothing I had heard before. It was terror and pain and weakness, Aerolynn ws my weakness.
I didn't know how long it went on for, but then Aerolynn dropped to the floor, sobbing. She glared up at Snoke, her face red, she tried to sit up, but her arms gave out and she fell back down.
"Escort her out of here, Kylo, she's learned her place." He said, waving me off. I placed my helmet back on and helped her to stand, but she wavered on her feet, clutching at me. I let out a sigh as I swooped her into my arms, cradling her against my chest.
"Let this be a lesson to you." Snoke said, looking straight at me, "you should forget your feeling for this girl. She cant be your downfall." He said, fear fled through me, making a chill run down my spine.
"Yes, Supreme Leader." I said, before walking off, my footsteps echoing eerily off of the walls, and guilt stirring inside of my stomach. Snoke just asked me to do an impossible task.

Hey guys so sorry the first time I uploaded this there was a glitch so I have to reupload it but so far everything looks good.

I hope you like this chapter because I worked really hard on it and it's my favorite and longest chapter!! I'm not going to be active because I have cross country (yes, the sport cross country,) camp this week but I hope oh enjoy the early update!! Okay until next time, friends:)

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