A Burden of Thoughts

By GlobalTyran19

239 0 0

A Thor and Loki Fanfiction After an incident at the Bifrost, Thor and Loki end up back on Earth in an unsettl... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 7

13 0 0
By GlobalTyran19

Loki looked at the cloaked girl with distaste, his eyes narrowing as he did a quick flip and grabbed the rectangular remote piece with ease.

Though, much to his surprise, the girl didn't seem to care, only staring at him with barely any emotion. "What? You're letting me take this so easily?" Loki sneered with a mischevious grin.

The girl inhaled deeply, closing her eyes in deep thought, as if in a trance, before opening them again. "Yea, go ahead. I don't need it anyway." Truth was, she had a plan, a horrible, but amazing plan for her.

Loki looked at her skeptically, before finally turning away to head back to his brother. 

Once his brother had spotted him, he chuckled slightly. "I see that was easy."

Loki shook his head, "Too easy. I just have to figure out how to reverse this thing..."

Once he said that, a faint aura appeared around the rectangular object, and it was lifted out of his hand.

It seemed to split open, revealing a tiny orb trapped inside, which could be interpreted as Thor's powers.

That orb glowed and rose out of the box, both Loki and Thor watching in fascination. Thor glanced downward as the orb seemed to enter his body, giving him a slight jolt as his whole body seemed to light up in lightning before all returned well again.

"I believe that means it worked," Loki commented.

Thor stood up, flexing his fingers outward. "Thank you, Brother."

Loki nodded his head curtly, "Let's continue, we need to find someone that may know how to return to Asgard."

His brother nodded in agreement, and soon they had begun their trek back into the forest, along with a perturbed feeling lingering in the atmosphere.

It was awfully quiet while they walked through the dimly lit forest. Thor was the first to speak up. "So, let me guess. Someone put a device on my neck and had some sort of controller?"

"Indeed.." Loki replied.

"And in that controller, they magically stored my powers?"

"Looked like it."

"Okay then."

Both brothers half-laughed at each other, Thor barely missing trees as he was barely paying any attention, but instead was intrigued by some of the landscape, much to Loki's disliking.

They were also surprised they haven't come across anything such as a home, or anything mortal-related.

Thor sighed, suddenly paused in his tracks when he had heard a faint noise coming from somewhere behind them, though Loki only looked on in confusion as he hadn't heard anything.

Loki turned, looking at his brother, whose hands were beginning to spark with lightning, and it was beginning to spread up his body.

"Brother?" Loki asked.

Thor turned, "I've heard something."

Loki nodded, going to stand beside his brother.

What happened next was awfully strange. A thick fog began to appear out of absolutely nowhere, which they could only assume was someone that had magic dealing with fog, or weather, or something.

Multiple figures appeared, and Thor wasn't hesitant to swing his hammer, causing lightning bolts to zap all of the figures, but much to his surprise, did absolutely nothing. Loki seemed shocked as well.

"That's strange," Loki muttered.

Thor and Loki began to attack the figures, who started to attack them in incredible force. It was quite amazing actually, comparing them to the much bigger Thor. 

No one had been hit yet, but they had managed to get all of the figures down at least twice now, though it was only becoming a tougher battle. Loki and Thor both knew something would no-doubt happen, and this was quite expected, judging how easily Loki was able to recover the rectangular remote from the cloaked woman.

One of the figures had suddenly taken out a hammer nearly identical to Mjolnir, and slammed it into Thor's leg, sending him yelling out in pain and also sending him into the closest tree, which was actually pretty far, considering they had been ambushed in a surprisingly large opening.

Loki spun around to watch his brother crash into a nearby tree, looking around to realize the number of the group had doubled, making it twice as harder to fight, and less likely to win.

Taking a deep, but steady breath, he ran over and didn't hesitate to lift his brother up and start running through the forest. To lead them away, he made an illusion, another copy of them, that ran the opposite way while the real brothers hid. Loki peered around the tree and watched as they fell for the trick.

He continued to run with Thor for a couple more miles before finally stopping and laying his brother on the ground, seeing the blood leaking from his brother's leg.

Panting in exhaustion, Loki sat next to his brother.

It was a couple of minutes before Thor began to stir. Loki looked down and watched as his brother's eyes fluttered open, his gaze drifting around until it landed on his brother.

Thor, still thinking the figures had followed them, tried to sit up. "Where are they..?" He asked, Loki placing his hand on Thor's back and easing him back to the ground.

"Relax, Brother. I led them away," Loki assured.

Thor lifted his head up for a split second before lowering it back to the ground, sighing deeply as he gazed up at the sky, which was now starting to turn dark.

Loki glanced around them, ensuring that no one had followed and that they were alone before Thor spoke up.

"Fleeing battle is signs of cowardness.."

Loki looked at his brother with a sympathetic gaze. "Brother, you know not of what arrogance would bring."

There was a slight rustle from one of the bushes, causing Loki to quickly gather himself and get to his feet, slowly pulling out his dagger. The figures must have caught on because soon Loki and his brother were surrounded.

He noticed one of them stalk towards Thor, leaning down to grab him, but Loki swiftly walked over and grabbed the figure by the shoulder's, plunging his dagger into its chest.

The figure fell to the ground, and Loki decided to pick up a stray sword that was laying on the ground before him.

They all ran towards him, and he spun around while slashing all of them at once, but he felt someone grab his shoulders, grabbing the sword from him as well.

Thor had pulled himself up into a sitting position, watching helplessly as the battle raged, but it wouldn't last much longer.

Loki and his brother made eye contact before he felt incredible pain, jerking his head up and gasping. 

"NO!" Thor screamed, watching as the figure thrust the sword through his brother's chest.

The sword was ripped out from Loki's body, and Thor watched as the young prince dropped to his knees, before finally landing on his side on the grass, his breathing loud and quick.

The cloaked figures decided it was enough, and Thor watched as they strode away into the shadows, leaving him and his dying brother.

Thor crawled over to Loki, whose head remained back in incredible pain. He turned him so he was laying on his back, and once Loki caught sight of his brother, his breathing had slowed, but it was still quite heavy as he struggled to pull air into his burning lungs.

"No no no no no no..." Thor repeatedly muttered over and over again as he felt the tears pushing at the back of his face. "God, your such a fool..."

Loki gasped again, struggling to pull his voice together. "I know...I'm a fool..i-im a fool-" Loki threw his head up, his eyes squeezing shut as his voice cracked.

"Stay with me, brother.." Thor pleaded as he placed his hand under his brother's neck, keeping his head up.

Loki's gaze once again drifted up to meet his brother's, and he could see the pain and sadness in his brother's eyes.

"I'm sorry.....I-I'm sorry..I'm sorry..." Loki choked out, his eyes getting heavier by the minute.

Thor gripped his brother's hand, who gripped his back with a weak force, but it was noticeable.

Both were silent for a few moments, just staring at each other before Thor broke the silence. "I-You were right when you said I wasn't ready.." 

"N-No...I was wrong. You're more ready t-than I e-ever would be.." Loki replied, gripping his brother's hand harder.

Loki could feel his face going cold, his eyes struggling to stay open as his chest struggled to rise and fall with each trembling and painful breath he took.

He felt his throat begin to burn as he struggled to talk.

"I love you, Brother.."

Thor looked taken aback, and Loki noticed the stray tear roll down his face as he repeated the words back to him.  "I love you too, Loki."

Loki forced a half-smile before his world went black, and he felt nothing.

Thor looked at his brother's body, "No!" He yelled, his voice choked up in sobs which he was struggling to hold back.

He didn't want to find a way back to Asgard alone...How would he stop Hela?

He never thought he'd feel like this.

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