Pokémon x Reader Oneshots

By Pinkamena205

142K 1.3K 517

This book is only going to have Pokémons because i decided to make another Pokémon but only characters from a... More

Male Bulbasaur x Fem Trainer Reader (Fluff) (Rewrite)
Male Phantump x Fem Trainer Reader (Fluff) (Rewrite)
Yandere Male Banette x Mute Male Child Reader (Fluff) (Rewrite)
Luxray x Trainer Reader x Arcanine (Fluff)
Mimikyu x Fem Pikachu Reader (Fluff)
Growlithe x Child Reader (Fluff)
Yandere Drifloon x Child Reader (Fluff)
Yandere Drifblim x Trainer Reader (Fluff)
Yandere Male Greninja x Fem Trainer Reader (Fluff)
Male Cinderace x Fem Trainer Reader (Fluff)
Male Sableye x Fem Buneary Reader (Smut)
Male Banette x Fem Phantump Reader (Fluff)

Abandon Male Charmander x Fem Trainer Reader (Fluff)

13.3K 151 22
By Pinkamena205

(This is like in the anime where Ash and his friends rescue charmander from the storm so i decided to write it down and i hope you like it.)

(Y/N Pov.)

The gloomy clouds started to rain, but luckily you brought a umbrella with you in case for a emergency. You were headed to the pokemon center after battling a wild pokemon and some few trainers along the way, and also you want to rest there for the night since it was raining and dark outside before continuing on your journey. You look at your shoes in lost in thoughts when you heard a cry of a pokemon nearby. Confuse you follow the sound until you saw a Charmander resting on a rock holding a umbrella leaf while he struggle to stay warm from the rain.

You remember Professor Oak told you that Charmander's couldn't survive water and rain if their tails started to die out, until they died. You feared for the Charmender's life you immediately run to grab the poor pokemon and headed straight to the pokemon center nearby. You ignore the sound of his whimper when Charmender look up at you in confuse and fear, you only focusing on getting him to Nurse Joy to help him get better soon. You open the door and run to the desk where Nurse Joy was.

"Nurse Joy i need your help!" "What's the matter dear?" "I found Charmender outside the rain and i don't think he'll make it in time! Please help him Nurse Joy!" She gasp and call out her Chansey on the other room, the Chansey came out bringing a gurney with her before grabbing Charmender from your arms and putting him on the gurney before going back to the room for a check up. "Is he gonna be ok Nurse Joy?" You said to her with a worried look. "He'll be fine miss, don't worry about him," "i hope so..." you sat down on a chair and waited for him. You don't know why he was outside in a dangerous situation such as rain? Does he have a trainer or...? You heard the door open, looking up you saw Charmender on top of a gurney was looking ok.

You get up from the chair and approach him. "Charmender is alright now miss, you can take him now," "thank you Nurse Joy!" You thank her and grab him from the gurney. "I'm really glad that you're ok little buddy." You said to him. Charmender didn't seem to be happy to his surroundings, not seem to be trusting you either.

Charmander then started to move away from your holds and jump to the floor and went to the door, you were confuse and followed him behind. "Hey, where are you going? It's still raining to go outside!" Charmander stop for a moment. He was thinking something.

Charmander turn around and walk towards you, tugging your pants while looking up at you. "I guess you can stay with me until the rain stops, Nurse Joy do you have any spare room for us?" "Why yes right this way." She said and lead you to your room, Charmander was following behind.

"Enjoy your stay." Nurse Joy said before closing the door, you lay down in your bed and said. 'You wanna sleep here with me?" Charmander shook his head and lay down on a floor like a dog. You gave him a blanket and went to sleep peacefully.

It was morning, and the rain finally stop. "Thanks for the room Nurse Joy!" "You're welcome and hope you'll visit again!" You turn around and saw Charmander was leaving. "Hey where are you going?" You question him, but he didn't look back at you to say anything, 'maybe he went back to wait his trainer, but how would i tell him the truth?' You thought to yourself as you followed Charmander behind.

"Charmander i-" before you could say anything you accidently bump in to someone. "Hey, watch it loser!" You grunt and look up to see a trainer. "Sorry." You said and get up. The trainer snorted and walk past you, you then saw Charmander walking behind him and tug his pants 'that was be his trainer.' You thought to yourself.

The trainer look down and he was disgust to see him, he tried to kick him away. "Get the fuck off me you little shit!" You quickly grab Charmander and said. "What the the hell is wrong with you!?" The trainer smirk and said. "So you take care of him huh? I was hopping that useless piece of shit would die after i left him." Charmander stun by his word like he was paralyze by Butterfree's Stun Spore. You on the other hand glared up at him, so you started to get up still holding Charmander and said. "Why would you abandon him!? You could just train him to become better!" "Hah! Training is boring in my opinion bitch, let's have a battle, and i bet you'll lose by my stronget Pokémon it would be a hilarious."

You had enough from this asshole, so you decided to have a battle with him. You where about to grab your Pokéball when Charmander stop you. "What is it buddy? You want to fight him?" "Char!" Charmander agreed, you smiled and said. "Alright then, Charmander i choose you!" Charmander jump to the ground and he was ready to battle.

The trainer snorted and send out a Spearow and said. "Spearow use Wing Attack!" Spearow did what his master told, Charmander covered his face as he tried to hold on from the wing attack. "Charmander use Ember!" Charmander let out a Ember from his mouth and shoot Spearow. "Use scratch!" He tried scratching the bird but he dodge his attack. "Use Sand Attack!" "Charmander cover your eyes now!" Charmander did as he was told, the trainer was getting annoyed now. "Enough of this! Spearow use Peck!"

"Charmander Smokescreen!" Charmander release a dark smoke and Spearow stop and cough from the smoke. "Alright use Ember!" Charmander spit out a fire to Spearow. The bird collaps and he seem to be in pain. "Spearow get up and use Wing attack!" But the bird still can't see from the smoke, you smirk and said. "Charmander use scratch now!" Charmander scratch the bird violently, until he fainted.

"Char! Char!" "Way do go buddy!" You said happily and hug him, the trainer grunted of annoyance but suddenly he smirk sinisterly. He return his Spearow and walk towards them. "Sorry for leaving you back there Charmander, say why not join me and leave this stupid bitch?" Charmander growled and glared at him, you also glared at him too.

Charmander then let out a Ember to his trainers face and he scream in pain and run off cursing behind you two. You were shock to Charmanders actions but didn't cared and hug him. "Your great out there buddy, hey why not join me on a great adventure?" "Char!" Charmander agreed, you grab a Pokéball and boop his nose until he was inside. You look at the Pokéball and it shakes 3 times until it stop.

You caught a Charmander!

"Come on out bud!" Charmander came out from his Pokéball and look at you happily before jumping to your shoulder. You and Charmander are inseparable.

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