The Wrong Brother ~ Jasper an...

By NicoleChristine1

382K 9.6K 1.3K

When Bella moved to Forks, Washington, her whole world was turned upside down. She fell in love with the myst... More

2: Bella Sitting
3: The Shocking Truth
Author Note
4: The Discovery
5: Scars
6: Bite Marks
7: The Change
8: First Meal
9: Gifts
10: Charlie
11: Catching Up
12: Victoria
13: Death
14: First Kiss
15: The Immortal Child
16: Jacob
17: Pain
18: Isabella Whitlock
19: Reborn
20: Two Mates
21: Chats
22: Family matters
23: A Different Kind Of Soul Mate
24: Return of Maria
25: Her Final Battle
Epilogue: Forever
Author Note
Sequel News
Name Change

1: Introduction

28K 528 62
By NicoleChristine1


Forks, Washington. Forever cold and raining. Perfect place for a family of 7 Vampires to live to remain undetected by humans. My name is Bella Marie Swan, daughter of Renee and Charlie. My boyfriend, Edward Cullen, is a Vampire. His eyes are a topaz color from the animal blood he drinks. He is overprotective, kind, emotional but annoying. I love him but I hate him. Last year, he made his whole family leave Forks because of a stupid accident. Carlisle and Esme Cullen adopted Edward, Alice, Rosalie, Emmett and Jasper to be their 'children' even though they are all over One Hundred years old.

Alice can tell the future. She is small with short black pixie hair. She is a fashionista and her favorite thing to do is to play Barbie Bella. Alice is annoying but kind. Recently I have felt our friendship start to slip away even though we are still fairly close. Her eyes are the same topaz color as the rest of her family but they are always wide open with Happiness. She always knows everything that is going to happen, because of her powers, but she annoys the fuck out of me. She always knows everything that's going to happen to me, before I do.

Carlisle is the 'father' of the Clan. He is kind, charming and, like the rest of his family, some nice eye candy. His blond hair is styled with gel. He works at the Local Hospital, which as I child I visited a lot, due to my unrealistic clumsiness. Carlisle has trained himself to such greatness that he can work with blood without any discomfort. He is caring and patient and he accepts all. Carlisle is one of the greatest role models I have.

Esme who is Carlisle's mate, is the mother of the Clan. Her hair is brown and flows down her back in natural waves. Her eyes are kind and she is beautiful. Esme is forgiving, understanding, kind, patient and always happy. She works from home styling houses. Her styling skills are amazing and she has styled the whole Cullen Home. Esme is very patient and accepts me as one of her own. She has a sad past and wants a perfect family, seeming though, when she was human, she lost her son.

Emmett is the funniest Vampire in the family. He is huge-hearted, kind, overexcited, so funny and just plain fun. Emmett is like the big brother I never had. He always stirs me, but I give it back to him. He has curly brown hair, that's cut short. He is so playful and it normally ends in me sitting in Carlisle's office laughing about me getting hurt. Emmett is actually the most human Vampire, I have met.

Rosalie is... different. She is stunning but she has a dark side. Her blond hair goes to her waist, her eyes always bright. She hates my choice to want to become Immortal, because she didn't have a choice. She is beautiful and smart, girlie but tomboy. She is the mate of Emmett.  She always is underneath my truck or someone's car, fixing it up or just experimenting. She is easy to get along with, once she likes you. It has taken me three years for her to finally like me, which was a hard journey.

Then there is Edward. The mind reader. My boyfriend. He can read everyone's mind at any moment, except mine. Which I am glad for. He says we are mates, but I am not sure, he doesn't give me the chills like he should. There isn't any electricity. If we were mates he wouldn't have left me, last year. He is so protective but he is too protective. I cannot do anything really. He rarely touched me and when he does it isn't filled with love, but wariness. Edward doesn't really understand me, it seems I am always acting around him. I am pretending to be someone I'm not. Which I am sick off. I never thought I would ever be contemplating breaking up with him.

Then there is Jasper. He is so mysterious. He is kind and patient, charming and understanding, loving and smart. He can feel everyone's feelings and he can alter them. His curly blond hair to his chin, his light scars that show a history of war. He is probably the only vampire who understands me. He is quiet but his present is always known. He is so smart and he is so different. He is the kind of guy that you just want to know more about. He is super cute as well! Jasper is Alice's mate, but they are completely opposites. Alice is loud and cheerful and Jasper is quiet and relaxed.

Last year on my 17th birthday, I went to the Cullen's after school for a good night, I was opening one of my presents when I got a paper cut, blood trickled down my finger and drop onto the carpet before I stuck it in my mouth. Edwards eyes went from topaz-gold to black and I knew it was because my blood sings to him! Jasper sprung to push Edward away from me, but everyone thought he was trying to 'suck my blood'. Edward pushed me back into a mirror and vases before fighting with Jasper. I had to get stitches and that caused the Cullen's to leave. Edward left me in the forest outside my house and I may have gotten lost. When they were gone, I was like a body without a soul. I was lost. I had lost my meaning of life. The Cullen's.

I started hanging out with my bestfriend, and werewolf, Jacob Black! He started to help me, and filling up the whole in my chest. But when he turned into a werewolf, he stopped talking to me and stopped hanging out with me. It was really hard for me. I started to do some crazy shit. I did all that crazy shit because it made me see Edward. I jumped off a cliff one day and I almost drowned, except Jake came and saved me. I didn't actually jump off the cliff to kill my self but I was Cliff Diving. Which is super scary and so fun, in a weird way.

Rosalie saw me jumping off the cliff and told Edward, who thought I was dead. My dad's bestfriend Harry Clearwater died of a heart attack the same day I jumped off the cliff. Edward rung my house while Jake was over and asked for my dad. But dad was planning the funeral, and Edward thought that it was my funeral. So he went to the Volturi, who are like the Vampire Rulers, to sacrifice himself because he thought I was dead. Doesn't make much sense seeming though he left me. Alice came and collected me and long story short, we saved Edward. Now he and his family moved back to Forks, and everything should be perfect. But its not.

Since the incident Edward has been overprotective of me and banned me from seeing Jacob because apparently 'he is too dangerous.' Says the one who craves my blood. My dad got angry at me for nicking off to Italy to save Edward, so I am grounded. I can live with that. I have finally started getting my old friends back, seeming though when the Cullen's left I may have became a loner. I thought that when Edward came back, I would feel better, but I don't. Edward is so annoying and now I am starting to think that maybe he isn't my mate like he says. Its strange, I know. But I will work it out because I always do.

Who ever said life isn't easy, had no idea.

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