Murder She Wrote

By fxckrauhl

13.9K 796 1.1K

A couples' good deed turns into something they have a hard time getting out of. A sadistic stranger takes ove... More

1. Veronica
2. Inconvenience
3. Lunch date
4. I Watch You
5. "Shit! Fuck! Shit!"
6. Temptation
7. Till Next Time
8. Lady in Red
9. Do You Wanna Get Out of Here?
10. Calls After Calls
11. You're Sick
12. Power
13. Research
14. Yoga & Tension
15. Lets Play It Safe
16. She's not crazy, You are!
17. I, too, Am Lifeless
19. The Snitch
20. I Spy
21. Greater Damage
22. The Truth
23. The Truth Pt 2
Part 2: Smooth Sailing
25. Fear
26. Past Relations
27. Picture Perfect
28. It's Over
29. Impulsive Liar
30. Sick and Tired
31. You're fired
32. Divorce
33. Heavy Evidence
34. Leave While You Can
35. You're A Monster
36. The Intruder
37. Locked In
38. Sorry I Can't Help You
39. Then Shoot Me
40. Murder She Wrote
41. I'll Find You

18. I Know What You Did

258 20 7
By fxckrauhl

I stared down at the white envelope decorated with gold fonts and sighed heavily. Sierra was already in the room picking out her best gowns from the closet. I looked at the tux that was laid out on the bed specially for me to wear. It had a maroon blazer with a matching tie, I laughed at how expensive the tux looked and the fact it wasn't my type of preference or taste whatsoever. The tux was nothing but a taunt at me from Sierra's father. Every time he goes out of his way to remind me or gives me things he knows I could never afford or provide for myself. He's the type of guy to remind you of his high social class over and over again, simply because he's arrogant and he hates the fact that I'm not. He makes it obvious that I'm not apart of his good side and because I'm married to his daughter, he hates me with every fiber in his being.

Now I'm being invited to his engagement dinner, surprisingly he's actually found someone to marry...again. This is probably the fourth time he's been remarried and I'm more shocked there's women out there who are willing to spend the rest of their life with Lucifer himself. Yet again, I get why he's gone through so much divorces, who would want to spend the rest of their life with him.

I rolled my eyes and tossed the envelope on the nightstand as I joined Sierra in the bedroom. I knew I wouldn't even be on the invite list if it wasn't for Sierra and unfortunately this is one of those things I couldn't escape from. I can't decline because I didn't have a choice and secondly all these years I've pretended to like Sierra's dad and kiss up to him for her sake. It's been 8 years since the last time I've seen his face and I'm not thrilled about reuniting with him at all.

"Remind me why I have to go again?" I said to Sierra. She placed her hair up effortlessly and pinning it up carefully into a bun.

"Because you were invited and my father would be happy to see you again." She responded. I scoffed at the happy part. Happy is the last thing he'll be feeling when he sees me again.

"Happy? More like miserable. He only invited me because of you."

"That's not true Michael. He might not express it but he doesn't hate you." She looked back at me.

"He doesn't like me either," I mumbled. "He probably wants me there to humiliate me or rub his wealth in my face."

Sierra crosses her arms and glared at me. I could tell she hated when I talked about her own father badly in front of her. She's always been his favorite and she's grown out of hearing me talk shit about him over the past years.

"Sorry," I apologized. She handed me the tux and ordered me to get ready. I sighed knowing I couldn't fight it off anymore.

She slipped into a maroon gown that draped down to her feet and hugged her bump tightly in the right way. I saw her struggling to reach her back zipper and placed it upon myself to help her with it. "I got it." I said while zipping her up slowly. It still surprised me how she could fit into her old clothing so easily despite her pregnancy. Even with the bump she can still rock every outfit she puts on and not to mention look effortlessly beautiful in.

"God, you're so gorgeous." I said turning her slowly and wrapping my arms around her. I placed a kiss on her forehead then her lips. She smiled at the corner of her mouth while cupping my cheeks.

"You're wasting time, go get ready." She said kissing me once more.

I rolled my eyes and snatched the tux from the bed and proceeded to the bathroom. "I have to take a shower first," I told her.

"One more thing.." she said before I got the chance to close the door. "Please don't start anything tonight. I know it's been a while since you've seen him and I know he isn't the nicest guy but just be polite for my sake. Tonight is important." She said in a worried tone. I just nodded my head in response and closed the door behind me.


We arrived at the venue approximately half an hour after. The place was just a large fancy banquet hall. It had a low light setting to go with the elegant aesthetic theme of it all. The building was white with a wide spread red carpet at the entrance of the door. Valet attendants stood at each post ready to take in the next car that parked upfront.

There were already tons of people here and swarming inside in pairs. Nearly everyone was dressed in maroon as well, the ladies wore a maroon dress of their choice and the gentlemen all had on similar tuxs, which made me regret even considering about wearing the one that was gifted to me. The dress code was the least of the problem I had with this dinner party already, I didn't like how extra the venue was either. An engagement dinner would be exceptional with a small gathering but inviting nearly everyone in town for it is unnecessary. But are we shocked that a guy who obsesses over his own wealth would pull something like this? No.

We stepped out of the car while the valet attendant immediately took my car for parking. I interlocked my hand with Sierra's as we entered the place, pushing through a large group of crowd standing by the door. I embraced myself for what I was going to deal with for the rest of the night. Like Sierra said, tonight is important for her and I'm not trying to lose my temper and embarrass the both of us.

The inside was much better looking than the exterior of the place. Chandeliers going down in rows hung from the high painted beige ceiling. Tables and chairs were decorated with the finest silverware, plates, candles and table cloth. The floor was polished to the point where you could see your reflection in it. Waiters were already going around giving free glimpse and samples of the food and glasses of wine to the guests. In the very front of the room, a table was displayed underneath a white curtain stand that was decorated with tiny red and white roses, it was reserved for the newly engaged themselves. There was a huge sign behind the table that had both their first letter of their name written out into initials.

"Jesus," I whispered to myself. This was a whole new level of posh. I didn't rather to laugh or cringe at it all, it's exactly what you'd expect from a old rich man who probably scored himself a woman ten times younger than him. Sierra tugged on my arm as she dragged me to different corners of the place so she could admire with with awe. Her eyes beamed as she payed attention to each detail and cooed at almost everything she came across or touched.

"It's so beautiful Michael look!" she pointed to the small fountains at each corner of the room. "Daddy really overdone it."

"Yeah he definitely did something..." I rolled my eyes.

"Isn't it marvelous." I heard a loud chuckle that made every hair on my body stick up at once. That loud chuckle could only belong to one person only, a person I wasn't ready to face. Sierra immediately let go of my grip once she heard her father speak from behind us. With excitement, she squealed to herself and spread her arms out ready for embracement. I stepped to the side when her father approached us, hugging her tightly and picking her up from her feet.

There were tears building up from her eyes as the sudden realization hit her, the last time they've embraced each other was at our wedding, a time that was so long ago. "It's so great to see you again." She sobbed, holding him tightly in his arms.

"You've grown so big princess." He said. "And so has your belly..." his tone soon got lower when he looked down at her pregnant belly then fixed his gaze on me immediately. He cleared his throat then looked back at Sierra with a smile. "I'm happy you're here sweetheart." He pecked her cheek and then stared at me again.

I cleared my throat, now realizing the room shifted to an awkward tension. "Vincent..." I said burying my hands into my pockets and staring at him for a response.

"You actually showed up..." he said in an unpleasant tone. He examined me from head to toe.

"Unfortunately," I forced a smile. Sierra immediately caught my gesture and nudged me on my arm.

"Your tux looks nice." He complimented even though I knew it was rhetorical because he was the one who sent me this to wear.

"It's alright. Not much thrilled that I have to look like every other person in this room."

"Well this might just be the closest thing you'll come to being well organized and coordinated like the rest of us." He responded. "I'm sure it's better than the cheap ones you keep in your closet."

"I'm doing great thanks for asking." I smiled at him resisting the urge to go off instead. "That new wife of yours? How's she doing? This is like the 4th...5th....6th one?"

"Michael.." Sierra shot me a look.

"She's doing amazing and excited for our future together. I know she's happy with it all. Say Michael...when was the last time you made someone happy?" He squinted at me carefully.

"Dad..." Sierra cut in again.

My subconscious was telling me to punch him right across his face while everyone watched but another part of me was fighting off every negative thought I had for this man. He knew how to piss me off easily and which buttons to push exactly.

"I don't know probably the years we didn't have to see you." I shrugged.

"Yes, thank you for reminding me the time you took my daughter at a young and vulnerable age when she could've been finishing school at an Ivy League with her Masters. But you guys had other plans right?" he took a glass wine from one of the trays that was going around.

"She was 19..." I spat. "She knew what she wanted best for her." I corrected him.

"She was 18 and you demolished her dreams." He sipped on his glass of wine and smiled back. "But that's the past unfortunately."

"The past, meaning it's not relevant. Please could you two just for once be civil with each other" she said growing impatient with the tension that was just created. Vincent took his hand and cupped her face, apologizing for his words.

"The it a boy or girl?" He changed the subject but however I couldn't shake his words off of me.

"It's a girl." Sierra smiled rubbing her stomach and having him feel also. "Thinking of calling her Isabel..Bella for short."

"We never agreed to that," I interrupted her. "It's still undecided." Sierra just rolled her eyes.

"Thank god, it wasn't a boy. God forbid having a child that grows up to be like...him." He exclaimed while giving me a hard stare.

"Alright dad, how about I go meet the lucky lady of yours. What was her name again?" Sierra said immediately switching the topic again. She then left with him and disappeared onto the the crowd. She knew exactly why she needed him out of my face, I was a second away from exploding and potentially putting this whole place into flames.

What I was most angry about was, Sierra stood there not even attempting to speak up for me while her father talked down on me like that. I get it's her father and he's always been this way and won't eventually change but I'm her husband for god sake. Ever since we were together, I'd never had my side of family talk down on her like that because the person wouldn't even get the chance to let out any bad word towards her while I'm in the presence as well. I'm disappointed that she doesn't act that exact same way. She just stands there and let's him take a fucking hit on me like I'm a punching bag.

I loosened my tie as I felt the veins on my neck popping out. There hasn't been anyone that didn't test my nerves the way he does.

I pulled a passing waiter to the side and grabbed two glasses of wine from the tray and gulped it down. "You have another glass?" I requested. He nodded before disappearing to get another glass for me.


The ceremony went on for about an extended hour or two. Everyone were seated at their assigned tables now, listening to both Vincent and his wife tell an awfully long story about the day they met and how easily they fell in love. His new "wife" wasn't as bad as I thought she'd be. And she definitely wasn't ten times younger either. She seemed about close to his age as well but it was difficult to tell because she looked youthful in the face but dressed very maturely and appropriately. She was a crowd pleaser as well, every time she said words into that mic everyone seemed to erupt into laughter. But the one thing she had in common with Vincent was her wealth too, as far as I know, she was a business woman and very protective over her name and business. Now I know she isn't marrying the old man for his money, she's probably one of those naive woman who don't see clearly through someone yet. It's either that or she's just plain dumb.

I didn't have one bit of interest towards their relationship or engagement at all. I'm bored half to death right now and not to mention very hungry. If I had known the food would take this long to arrive I would've ate something prior to coming here.

"How long is this going to take?" I groaned loudly, rolling my eyes so far back into my head.

"It hasn't even been 20 minutes yet.." Sierra responded.

"How many words do they need to express. We get it you're married and happy Jesus Christ wrap it up already." I ran my fingers through my hair. I felt a slight nudge on my arm, Sierra gave me her usual look when she began to grow annoyance of me.

"And let the celebration for the night continue!" Vincent yelled into the microphone. Once the speech was finally done the waiters came out with different trays in their hands and carts going around with various dishes of food. Classic music started playing in the background and everyone started chatting up at once.

A male waiter approached us and started reading off a menu in his hand and read out the types of food available for us to eat. While he was doing so, I caught someone staring directly at me, sitting two tables ahead of us. It was a quick glance but I definitely felt the persons eyes on me and I couldn't get a good glimpse of who it was. The waiter stood in front of me, blocking half of the view only making the persons legs visible. They had on old dirty white sneakers and loose blue jeans. I furrowed my brows looking at the dress attire that was completely off for an event like this. Why would anyone show up in jeans and shoes at a place like this?

"Michael" I heard Sierra call after me. I quickly snapped back into reality and looked up confusingly at the waiter who was just staring at me blankly.

"What?" I said.

"What are you having?" Sierra said. "I've already ordered."

"What'd you get?"

"Salmon and greens" she said. "They have chicken-"

"Yeah I'll just have that." I cut her off mid sentence not paying attention to her fully. I fixed my gaze back on the mystery person who still their stare at me.

"Can I help you with some refreshments?" The waiter continued to speak. Growing impatiently, I ordered him to get water for us both. Sierra probably would've preferred another beverage but I just wanted the waiter himself to disappear out of my sight so I can get a clear view of the person sitting across from us.

He finally left, leaving us sitting alone at the table. Once he moved, I had a chance to get a glimpse of the person seated at the table. It was a guy, with a very familiar face. Although his loose messy black curls were disguising half of his face there was something about that body language that seemed familiar. He was sitting alone, looking out of place from everyone else. Everyone else sat in pairs with their significant others, while he sat there by himself, smoking a cigarette he held carefully in his mouth. The cloud of smoke surrounding him as if it bothered nobody that was around him.

He looked up at me again, but this time he kept his eyes on me longer than before. He pushed his hair back from his face and blew out a smoke, displaying a slight smirk on his face. It was killing me that I know this wasn't the first time seeing this persons face but I just couldn't guess where I've seen him before....

"Are you even listening to me?" Sierra snapped.

"Huh?" I said bringing my attention back to her. She looked at me confusingly.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

"That guy is staring at us."

"What guy?" She looked around her surroundings and back at me like I was insane. "You're acting strange no one is staring at us."

"Yes he is, two tables ahead of us. The one that's smoking." I said lowly. She looked carefully at the direction I was staring but the table was now empty and he was no longer sitting there. What?

"Michael there's no one sitting there. What has gotten into you?" She looked at me with her arms crossed. "First you argue with my father when I specifically told you not to and now you're acting strange-"

"Argue?" I scoffed. Her eyebrows widened at the surprise of my tone and sudden shift of attitude. "I didn't argue with your father, he talked down on me like he always does and you just stood there and watched." I heard my voice getting higher.

I didn't know why I had the sudden urge to rage out right now even though I'm trying so hard not to cause a seen at this place. But I really can't stand when Sierra acts like I'm the only one who's doing something wrong or saying something wrong when it comes to her father. And this situation has been going on for years and I've expressed my feelings many times to her about it yet she tends to push it to the side like it doesn't matter.

"Excuse me?"

"Demolished your dreams? God forbid having a child grow up to be like him? Are you kidding me Sierra?"

"His mouth runs like that all the time. His ignorance isn't a surprise. He nearly talks to everyone like that and he does it with you because-" she stopped before she could finish her sentence but I knew exactly what her next words were.

"Hearing him talk to me like that is one thing but having you just watch him do that to me is another. I would defend you if someone ever said anything insensitive like that to you and you know it." I spat.

"He's my father," she responded without making eye contact with me. That's when a wave of disappointment hit me. I stared at her waiting for her to continue or at least include the words "but he's wrong for it. Unfortunately she didn't because it was clear which side of family she values more than her own that she built.

"Well that's a damn shame isn't it." I said while getting up from my seat. "I'm going to the bathroom," I mumbled without looking back at her.

I stormed my way to the bathroom which was located at the far end of the room, next to the entrance doors. I pushed through the door and slammed it hard behind me. I ran my finger through my hair pulling at the ends of it and held back the urge to punch the wall. I knew coming here was a mistake. I should've just threw that stupid invitation away or hid it from Sierra so we wouldn't have to end up being at this dumb engagement dinner bullshit. And I would've avoided having to face him again. That old piece of-

I took a deep breath realizing my mind was spiraling out of control and my blood pleasure was going up extremely high. I slowly inhaled and exhaled while looking back at my reflection into the mirror. "It's fine. Everything is fine." I told myself repeatedly. I lowered my head towards the unbelievably large marble sink and splashed some water onto my face. Momentarily, I heard a sound of footsteps coming from one of the stalls. I shut the water off slowly and stood there for the person to come out. I could hear their footsteps getting close.

Then a pair of white sneakers met my eyes. The same  dirty white sneakers that I've seen earlier placed on the mystery person that was seated at that table. I slowly looked up, moving my eyes past the blue jeans and all the way up to his face. I was surprised to see Andy standing there with a cold hard stare and a fist balled up to his side.

"What are you doing here?" I said confusingly. I was more surprised to see him out at a place like this which had a large crowd of people around. He didn't seem the social type or friendly for that matter.

"I've been looking for you." I said staring down at me with usual blank expression. "We need to talk."

"Why?" I said wondering what he could possibly want to talk about since I barely knew him.

"It's about Veronica." He said aggressively while clenching his jaw. "I know what you did."


Hey luvs hope you enjoyed the chapter. probably the longest one I've written so far. I know it isn't the best but be patient with me i promise all hell will break loose soon lmao


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