Olivarry/Flarrow One-Shot

By Anxious_Stoner

325K 4.9K 915

This is all Things Olivarry. There will be smut, fluff, and angst. I take requests. If you like my writing I... More

Olivarry RP
I Wish You Liked Boys
The Emerald Archer
Cold- Smut
A girl and a Boy
Al Sah-Him and Al Doll-who
Al Sah-Him and Al Doll-Who Pt.2
Al Sah-Him and Al Doll-Who P.3
Al Sah-Him and Al Doll-who Pt.4
Meta Problem (smut)
Non-Meta Problem
Daddy- Olivarry Crack
OliverxBarryxJohn {Dig} (smut)
The RolePlay Incident (Kinky smut)
I love You
Anger Pt.2 (Smut) ((finally))
Little Pt.2
Little Pt. 3
Little Pt.4
Little Pt. 5
Movie Night
Relax- Smut
Really Good
Fake It Till You Make It- Pt. 1
Fake It Till You Make It- Pt.3
Fake It Till You Make it- Pt.4
A Stressful Day
A Stressful Day Pt.2
Sebastian??? Pt.1
Sebastian??? Pt.2
Sebastian??? Pt.3
Sebastian??? Pt.4
29??? I'm 14!
29??? I'm 14!
Barry Meets William
Brothers (Smut)
Wait what?
Fuck Off Joe!
Strange Request (smut)
Im Sorry
Im Sorry Pt.2
Im sorry pt.3
Say it

Fake It Till You Make It- Pt. 2

3.1K 75 7
By Anxious_Stoner

The two managed to keep the lie going for the next two weeks until Thea slipped up when Oliver took an arrow to the shoulder and outted Barry and Oliver to Dig and Felicity. So They called Barry who flashed over when he heard Oliver was hurt. "You didn't have to come all the way over here," Oliver said. Barry nodded as he spoke, "yes I did are you gonna be okay?" he asked. Oliver nodded, "I've taken worse," Oliver said. "So how long have you two been together?" Felicity asked confusing Barry. "Thea told them," Oliver said. "Oh uh about six months," Barry said. "I have to know how you guys got together," She asked. Oliver took over so Barry didn't have to tell a huge lie. "It happened when he started training with me solo every week," Oliver said. "Yeah," Barry said, "training led to talking which led to dinner which led to us," Barry said lacing his fingers with Oliver smiling at him. Oliver held Barry's hand smiling back at him. "Aw cute," Thea said. "Yeah, but you should rest Oliver," Felicity said. "I was supposed to stay with Roy but I can just cancel," Thea said. "No it's fine I'll stay with him tonight," Barry said. "Okay thanks," Thea said Barry nodded and Oliver stood. "Can you even drive?" Oliver asked. "Nope," Barry said. "Don't you dar-" Oliver started but was cut off by Barry picking him up and speeding him to his apartment. "you know I hate when you do that," Oliver grumbled. "Hey stop pouting and get some rest you need it I'll be on the couch," Barry said. "No, if the team stops by they'll know I've been lying you can lay with me," He said. "Okay," Barry said shrugging. They both went upstairs and laid down in Oliver's bed on their respective sides. Barry fell asleep first and a few minutes after he rolled over pressing up against Oliver's side and in his sleep he cuddled up to Oliver. Oliver didn't mine he just wrapped his arm around Barry and drifted to sleep. Oliver woke up first the next morning and saw Barry still on his chest. Oliver smiled lightly and rested letting Barry sleep. Barry woke up a few minutes later and sat up looking at Oliver realizing he was laying his chest. "sorry ," He mumbled tiredly moving to sit up but Oliver stopped him, cuddling him and mumbling, "it's too cold for that." "I thought you don't get cold," Barry teased by happily cuddled up to the older man. "I don't," Oliver mumbled. Barry chuckled softly, "Who knew the mighty Oliver Queen is a cuddler," Barry teased. "I will put an arrow in you," Oliver mumbled but he smiled tiredly. "Another one you mean," Barry said. "You gotta let that go," Oliver said. Barry looked up at Oliver resting his chin on Oliver's chest looking at him. "What??" Oliver asked. "I just never see you so relaxed and peaceful," Barry said. Oliver smiled lightly meeting Barry gaze. The two locked eyes for a moment until Barry quickly moved forward kissing Oliver, Oliver was shocked but relaxed kissing back just as Thea walked in. "Sorry, Just bringing Ollie his meds," She said. Barry just laid his head back on Oliver's chest looking at her. "Your fine" he mumbled softy. Oliver took the pills and a drink from the water she brought him. "I'm going to take care of things in the office today so just get some rest today the teams said they could handle things so Barry can stay," Thea said. "Thanks sis," Oliver said. Thea smiled and nodded waving bye. Barry hid his face in Oliver's chest not saying anything even after they heard the front door close. Oliver wasn't really sure what to say so he stayed quiet as well. Barry was shaking slightly. "Bear?" Oliver said softly making Barry look up at him. "Your shaking what's wrong?" Oliver said worried. "Please don't hate me," Barry mumbled looked down. I could never hate you Bear," Oliver said softly. Barry looked back up at Oliver confused until Oliver leaned forward and kissed Barry deeply. Barry blushed deeply but kissed back. When the kiss broke their faces stay close together their lips still brushing. Barry smiled causing Oliver to smile lightly as well. Barry leaned forward and kissed Oliver again. Oliver kissed back pulling Barry closer. Barry broke the kiss to say "let's stop lying and make this, Us, real." Barry said locking eyes with Oliver who smiled and nodded leaning forward kissing Barry deeply.

((Hopefully, I'll get around to finishing this but the plan is one more cute/fluff and possibly smutty part them an epilog of them maybe 10 years later or something along those lines but we'll see))

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