Unruly Pet

By effingusernames

1.1K 40 5

Violent, disobedient, and stubborn Fall is far from the perfect 'pet'. Not afraid to push her weight around F... More

Fall's family
New friends
An old friend
Making plans
The first half-moon
New laws & and interview
Date night
In Charge
Full moon
What he thinks

Powerful allies

53 2 0
By effingusernames

When I woke up I mentally checked myself for injuries. Basically everything in my neck was sore but other than that I seemed, for the most part, fine.

My body still hummed with energy but my neck seemed far too tender to have been healed mostly already.

Maybe my body just hadn't cared about healing during the half-moon. The only injuries that vampires don't heal fast from are injuries they don't care about.

Like hickies, since they aren't considered a threat they don't heal very fast. My body might just have dismissed any injuries as unimportant.

Suddenly remembering where I was and what I had to lose this time my eyes shot open.

Derik's breathing and heartbeat were boterratic but they were both strong. I glanced him over for injuries but nothing seemed broken or majorly injured.

His neck looked almost painful though, it was covered in tiny holes to small for me to have been feeding from and circular bruises. My face heated up, I am not ready for him to wake up.

I don't even want to be here when he wakes up. But if I'm not he'll panic and think something bad happened. I crawled to the end of the bed and sat on it.

My face burned brightly and my heart thundered in my chest. Everything felt numb and tingly at the same time. Like my skin itched but was covered in wax. Feeling but not.

Derik groaned and there was a little rustle of sheets before I heard his heart speed up along with his breathing. I just waited for him to see me and calm down.

"Never scare me like that again," A gruff voice whispered in my ear. Arms wrapped around my waist and I placed my hand on his arm.

"I know, I'm sorry." I mumbled.

"Let's hope nothing major happened that put the Regional in a bad mood." He sat down next to me and played with my hair for a little before he gasped loudly. "Shit, did I do that?"

I rubbed my neck a little self-consciously. I'm sure whatever he did won't seem as bad once he looks in the mirror.

"Are we meeting with the Regional today then?" I swiftly changed the subject.

"Yes, the Regional usually has a free spot just after the half-moon. Most people are too disoriented after it and have too much to clean up to bother him." He replied slowly pulling me closer to him.

"I guess that makes sense, I hope Blake and Adam are doing okay."

"Vampires only do what they want on the half-moon, unless Adam secretly wants Blake dead she'll live. Maybe not unscarred but alive," As he talked I relaxed into his side.

"I should go shower before they get here." Reluctantly I got up and grabbed some clothes before heading to the bathroom. I walked into the bathroom. Then I saw a glance of something that made me pause.

Dark purple bruising encased my neck with little holes here and there just like Derik's. My clothes were in shreds and barely hung to my frame.

Like my hand moved on it's own my fingers met the smooth surface of the mirror. Guess Derik's not the only one that got all beat up.

Turning away from the mirror I turned the water on extra hot and locked the door.

The water stung my neck a little but it did wash all the dried blood that was mine, Derik's, or both off.

I showered quickly figuring Derik was probably covered in blood he needed to wash off too. I toweled off and got dressed. Melting the fangs holes and hickies away to nothing I left the room.

"Not fair, if I don't get to do that you don't either." He shook his head disapprovingly and I let what my neck actually looked like come back.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that. It wasn't my place," My voice wasn't steady and my shoulders shook. After all this time am I still really scared of him?

He won't do anything, he's a nice guy. He doesn't get angry and even if he was he wouldn't hurt me. He might beat me if I do something I shouldn't but he'd never whip me.

And he'd have to be really angry to hit me. He's not like that. He's not like the others.

"Hey, hey, hey. Not what I meant!" Something gently brushed my arms causing me to snap out of it.

"S-sorry. I'm fine," Wiping my eyes I gave him a shaky smile.

After making sure I looked okay with it Derik wrapped me up in a hug.

"It's okay, I'm not mad." He gently rubbed my back and my heart slowly went back to normal.

"I know, let's go get breakfast." Keeping one arm around his waist I walked to the kitchen with his arm around my shoulders. I moved my hair to cover as much my neck as possible.

When we got to the table I'd run out of breakfasts to order, it felt like I'd already ordered everything. Ordering hash browns and toast with jam I noticed the slaves didn't seem as scared of me as they used to. They probably just got used to me.

Which was nice.

Sitting down at the table I waited patiently with Derik for them to finish. I set my hand on my neck and leaned into it like I was resting my head incase Adam and Blake got here soon.

Derik was fortunately wearing a dress shirt with the collar popped up and followed my lead shortly before Adam walked in. A tiny little bruise was under his jaw and Blake wore a large scarf.

I tried not smirk at them, no really I did.

"Well don't you two look chipper for so early in the morning?" Adam smirk at us.

"Like you don't feel high after the half-moon," I retorted, which would have been so much more convincing if Derik didn't look embarrassed.

I rolled my eyes and then looked pointedly at Blake's scarf which got rid of the smug look on his face and made him turn a light shade of red.

Unaware of our silent conversation Blake sat down at the table and ordered some food. It was a comfortable silence like we were all old friends. Until I realized that Adam didn't know why I needed to keep who I was a secret.

"So... how trustworthy is this cousin of yours?" I asked slowly.

"Well he's pretty good at saying less than he knows. People think he's dumb and immature because he wants them to underestimate him. Why?" Adam sounded pretty confident in his cousin.

I sent a worried glance in Derik's direction.

"She wants to know if she should go as herself or not. She's overly concerned about ruining her father's name so she tries to make sure no one that might have known her father sees her." I gave Derik a grateful look and he gently rested his hand on my thigh.

"Well you could just say your dad wanted a powerful child since hybrids are more powerful," Adam commented.

"Only a few vampires would approve of that, and even they would think a hybrid child should be in the background, unknown." I shook my head a little just thinking about people's reactions.

"Well you don't have to worry about anyone finding out through him, if anything he'll find it amusing." Adam stated with an unbothered face.

"Well, I'd like to get started if no one objects. We have a lot of work to do, overthrowing the system and all." Getting back the usual confidence I had when something important happens I stood up from the table.


Standing in front of the huge double oak doors I knew lead to the Regional's office it finally occurred to me that I probably should have dressed up for a meeting with the Regional.

Not like the realization does me any good right now.

Adam knocked on the door with a comfortable stance none of the rest of us had. I heard scribbling of a pen and rustling paper before both were cut off. A light sigh and even lighter footsteps followed.

The Regional answered the door with a bright smile that didn't seem all that convincing up close. When he looked at Adam the smile seemed much looser and his eyes matched his expression.

"Now this is interesting," he smirked. "Two vampires, a newly released hybrid, and a pet walk into the Regional's place. This is a start to a very bad joke," He remarked.

I've never seen Adam roll his eyes before. Or Blake.

"An outside force has made me aware about 'Karma' and what all of you have in common." He strolled to his seat as he talked as if he wasn't sharing surprising information. "I'm not against your idea but I'm not sure what you expect me to do that will be helpful."

"What outside force?" I blurted.

"The first hybrid, she is a very powerful woman." The regional's answer left my mouth hanging open.

"There's no way she's still alive, she was born when humans still had rights." I need to stop talking.

"Oh, trust me, she's been around longer than that. She would come meet you herself but she prefers to be more of an in the background pulling strings type. She's been keeping an eye on you though,"

Adam cleared his throat loudly and I remembered that we'd come here to do more than question the Regional about an unknown entity.

"If you know what we have planned I'll get to the point, Zach. I'd like permission to enforce rights for pets in Derik's and my sections, and your backing in future endeavors." Adam requested a little less than humbly.

"Very well, this job was getting too boring." Zach smiled. "I give you, Derik, and Fall permission to monitor rules and regulations regarding humans and werewolves at less than a citizen level. This may be regulated in any desired terms by any of the three parties unless myself or two of the three parties decide one party member has overstepped their bounds."

That was a very broad statement, probably intentionally. I might have given Zach less credit than he deserves.

Luckily with my name included meant, that even without a proper status, I had permission to act. And we wouldn't have to start small, this was completely in our hands.

A smile worked its way onto my mouth. While we all silently celebrated our small victory the new Regional smirked at his desk.

"You'll need some kind of paperwork or badges to show anyone who thinks you're bluffing and it'd probably be best to make you all well known so no one thinks they might be able to get around you." He opened a laptop on his desk and started typing.

Anxiety clutched at my chest as soon as he said he'd make me well know. I tried to tell myself my dad wouldn't care about his name and he'd rather have me happy but as true as it was I didn't want to do that to him.

"What would you like your name and picture to look like Fall?" It was more than a shock to learn Zach knew about that. "The first hybrid has made me aware of anything she thought I might need to know. I hear she's an excellent judge of character so it was an honor for her to trust me with all of this."

Still a little surprised I shifted my appearance to the black-haired vampire with bright blue eyes. She wasn't me, she stood in a dainty but confident way and even though she looked innocent with a closer look she looked hard, willing to do whatever necessary.

Her skin was pale white and smooth showing every bit of her vampire genes. A quick once over of her face showed she wouldn't tolerate not being taken seriously.

She was perfect for the situation.

I had a small point of pride for each and everyone of my creations but this one is special.

"You can call me whatever you think would sound best, probably something common enough that no one tries to link me to anyone." Her voice was a little deeper than mine, not unpleasantly so but enough to demand to be taken seriously.

"Perfect." Zach smiled approvingly and snapped a quick picture with his phone.

After about five minutes of Zach typing he smiled and looked up at us. I changed back to myself and tilted my head at him expectantly.

"All necessary paperwork is done and over with, I'd still like to make a public service announcement though. But you'll each get a copy of the paperwork and your temporary badges soon," He beamed.

That was so much quicker than I thought it'd be, Adam was right about Zach being underestimated.

Turning his laptop towards himself he fixed his hair.

"This is a public service announcement from Regional Zach Stormweather," the TV turned on by itself and I could hear the announcement playing throughout the house. "There is a new department that will be monitoring the treatment of humans or werewolves at any level less than a citizen.

"This includes, but is not limited to, pets, servants, and slaves. This department is enforced by any means deemed appropriate by Derik King, Adam Stormweather, and Vivian Smith." Our pictures flashed on the screen. "Resisting this department, assaulting the parties in said department, or withholding any information from said department will be severely punished. This concludes the public service announcement."

Just as the announcement ended a little brown-haired woman opened the door carrying a large load of paper. She handed Derik, Adam, Zach, and me thick packets and then gave Derik, Adam, and me laminated badges.

Without a word she scurried away leaving us all staring excitedly at our very official-looking paper. I feel like cheering.

"And you are all set to get started," Zach smiled widely.

In a happy little bundle we stumbled out of the Regional's place smiling and laughing. We weren't usually like this but we were all happy enough to not care about everyone seeing us looking so ridiculously stupid.

"I say we all get ice cream to celebrate!" Adam chimed as we walked down the steps.

This stopped Blake's and my laughter. I knew we were both thinking the same thing. It was a thing all pets thought, that we weren't good enough for something, that we didn't deserve it. After a while of being told that you start to believe it.

You get used to being treated poorly and no matter how much you want to be treated better once you are you reject it.

You think you don't need to be treated that way.

"One hundred percent agree," Derik beamed and I wanted him to be happy so I just followed him back to the car without voicing my thoughts. For now Blake did the same.

I'm not sure how Adam and Derik knew how to end up at the same place without talking about it but we all pulled up to a brightly decorated ice-cream place.

Though Derik and Adam smiled brightly Blake kept giving me doubtful looks that I'm sure I mirrored.

I'm glad I got to stand next to Derik with his arm wrapped around my waist, it felt more secure there. Plus, there he could see less of my worried expression.

"I'll have a single scoop rainbow sherbet with M&Ms. What about you Fall, what do you want?" He turned to look expectantly at me and I chewed on my lip.

"I don't want anything," I bluffed.

"Fall, I am literally rich, just order something."


"If you don't order something I will order everything until I find something you like."

"Fine," I gritted out. I looked at the options sitting in front of me and decided to just pick one sense they were all the same price. "I'll have the smallest size you have of the chocolate fudge."

"And what type of topping do you want?" Well at least he didn't argue with me.

"Oreos," I mumbled shyly.

"Sure thing! Cups or cones?" The lady behind the counter asked way too cheerfully.

"Cone," I mumbled.

"And I'll have a cup." Derik replied holding my waist a little tighter and kissed the top of my head. When the lady gave us our ice cream and Derik paid I scurried to a table trying to cool my flaming face.

When Derik sat next to me I subconsciously reached for his hand and started eating my ice-cream. It was amazing. Like the best chocolatey mess ever.

I tried to stop smiling but the fact that I couldn't seemed to make Derik happy.

It took Adam and Blake a lot longer than us to order, probably because she was harder to convince than me.

She probably felt worse than I did, she was human so she'd probably been treated as less than nothing for much longer than me.

She also had the smallest size they had and hers didn't have any toppings. I watched as she took a bite expectantly.

Just as I thought her eyes widened and she let out a small happy sound. Derik and Adam seemed surprised at her reaction but I just chuckled, there was no way a human like her had ever had ice-cream before.

"How's your first ice-cream cone?" She gave me a bright smile in reply and took another bit.

"You've never had ice-cream before?!" Derik and Adam exclaimed loudly.

Her face heated up a little and I rested my hand over hers on the table.

"She's human, there's no way she would have had it before." Blake gave me a small nod in agreement.

"The first rule I'm going to make is that humans and werewolves need ice-cream at least one time a month!" We all laughed at Adam's joke and smiled together happily.

Are we at all curious about Zach or this mysterious first hybrid? Maybe about how the public reacted to the announcement? As always votes, comments, or theories would make my day.

Thank you for reading ❤!

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