The Iron Witch

By Birdiessongs

36.8K 911 52

Y/n l/n was a girl from a town unknown and she didn't know why. But when her moms witch cult tried to take he... More

Chapter 1- It begins
Chapter 2- 11th birthday
Chapter 3 - The witches storm
Chapter 4- Next stop, Beacon Hills
Chapter 5- New School
Chapter 6- Shes a freshman
Chapter 7- Freshie
Chapter 8- little witch
Chapter 9- a job
Chapter 10- weird woman?
Chapter 11- figuring it out
Chapter 12- What is going on?
Chapter 13- the truth... mostly
Chapter 14- weird
Chapter 15- im gonna do this
Chapter 16- derek hale... helping??
Chapter 17- I read
Chapter 18- She'd have to
Chapter 19- Faces of truth
Chapter 20- fights
Chapter 21- Back together
Chapter 22- moving along
Chapter 23- connections
Chapter 24- past pains
Chapter 25- thats it
Chapter 27- The whole truth
Chapter 28- Gonna die
Chapter 29- To the hospital
Chapter 30- Importance
Chapter 31- The necklace
Chapter 32- Attack
Chapter 33- Pierce the skin
Chapter 34- Healing

Chapter 26- Truth

669 19 0
By Birdiessongs

Y/n walked back downstairs with her friends tailing behind her.
Y/n kept her focus on the book in case it did anything else.
She slammed it on her table and focused on the book.
"Is something supposed to happen?" Stiles broke the silence.
"Shhh! Let me concentrate!" Y/n hissed back
Y/n placed her hand over the book and closed her eyes.
"Witch rituals." Her eyes coursed with black and her hand emitted a yellow light.
She removed her hand and her eyes turned back and the book flew open. The pages flipped and turned until it slammed open to a page.
"That's it!!" Lydia cheered.
"Sacrifices?" Derek read monotonously and unamused.
"Okay okay. Witches follow one common leader, the chimera witch." Y/n read aloud as it all connected for her.
"A chimera? I don't know if you are aware, but chimeras are powerful enough already, but to have witch powers on top of it? That's scary." Theo huffed a big sigh of terror.
"The chimera witch was banished to the underworld for 500 years since she was last seen. It is unknown of her powers since then."
"Okay this doesn't tell us anything about the pentagon or the sacrifices!" Stiles squeaked.
Y/n read on and continued to read aloud
"Summoning the chimera witch is very difficult. It takes five of the chimeras deepest desires. Youth, power, strength, death, and purity."
"Okay. So now we just have to match the people to the desires." Stiles clapped.
Everyone spread out and got the files out.
"Okay well obviously, the child is youth." Lydia placed the child's picture under the youth sticky note that stiles slapped on his portable board.
"And the army man must be strength." Mason said as he placed the ex soldiers photo down.
"Okay so we still need to figure out death, purity and power." Liam reminded the group.
"Well power could be another witch." Y/n piped up.
"There are more witches in this town?" Stiles sighed.
"Maybe. But if not, they'll be coming after you." Theo said as he turned to y/n "you gotta watch your back."
She nodded and turned back to the board without a second thought of Theo's words.
"Well purity could be virginity." Stiles pointed out.
"Well it's not my neighbor, he had four kids."
Scott crackled a smile thinking on the same wave length as I did.
"Well then we have to ask anyone that knows Jacob, the kid who died at school." Mason spoke
The group nodded and y/n looked back at the notes and it clicked in her brain.
"SHOVEL!" She screamed.
"Okay, I'm all for guessing games and puzzle solving but that made no sense." Mason added after y/n screamed.
"Ohhh. Oh it all makes so much sense now!" Y/n clapped her hands.
"What makes sense?!" Scott asked trying to get her to inform the rest of the world
"Okay, my neighbor, when I was little he used to creep me out because he'd always have dirt on him and he'd carry a shovel. What desire does that correlate to?"
"Wanting to dog holes?" Stiles asked half seriously.
"DEATH!" Y/n connected.
"He's a mortician." Derek connected into the string of thoughts.
"Exactly." Y/n pointed to derek and Lydia wrote it down.
"And dad said he was covered in dirt when he was killed. The witch must have seen him and killed him." Stiles added
"Okay so that's death down."
Y/n placed his picture under death and handed mason the papers for Jacobs questions.
"Mason, Monday at school, ask anyone if they know about Jacob."
Mason nodded and put the papers in his pocket.

Y/n smiled wide as she walked home.
"Wait up." She heard a voice from behind her.
Derek huffed as he caught up.
"Hey." He greeted breathlessly.
"Hey." She replied
"So Umm... I just had a question."
"Sure. What's up?" She asked pushing her hair behind her ear
"I-well I-I was just thinking... and I um... I was wondering if you'd..." y/ns heart raced as she through he was gonna ask her out "I was wondering if you'd let me see your new book. Scott wanted to see if he could copy down some stuff."
"O-Oh, sure. I'll bring it on Monday." She said as she felt slightly disappointed. She still liked him, a lot, but it was just so complicated. She couldn't tell if she actually wanted to start a relationship right now but she couldn't help but have feelings for him.
"Cool." He sighed awkwardly.
"Okay." She stopped.
"What?" He asked.
"Nothing, I gotta stop saying 'cool'. It's so awkward and not even in the right context to say cool. I just... in some cases it's so awkward and in other cases it's not. I just wish it was a black and white answer."
"What do you mean?"
She thought about it and threw the thought away.
"Nevermind." She shrugged.
"No seriously, I want to know!"
"It's fine, just leave it." She huffed angrily on the verge of exploding.
"Okay." He sighed.
They walked in silence, awkward but also comfortable.
Soon y/n got a strange feeling.
"Stop." She said grabbing his wrist.
"What? What's going on?"
Derek went silent. They both were so silent the couldn't tell if they were even breathing.
There was a crack in the woods next to them and y/n looked over to see a cloaked figure.
The figure came quickly toward them and y/n closed her eyes.
Her necklace lit up and a hazy blue barrier flooded out. The dome covered her and Derek and he watched as he was protected.
The witch hit the field on impact and flew back.
Y/n watched as the witch rose again.
She looked under the hood of the witches cloak and recognized the face. This same witch has been attacking her since she could remember.
Why though? She thought as she huffed to regain stable breathing
The witch scowled and disappeared into a mist.
She watched as the witch left and a flood of relief washed over the young witch.
"What the hell just happened?" She heard Dereks voice ring out
She turned around and met his eyes. She sighed and said "I guess I haven't told the whole truth."

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