The One That Got Away (Percic...

By percysconstellation

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"What if the one that got away came back?" **PLEASE DO NOT JUDGE MY WRITING BASED SOLELY ON THIS PIECE OF WOR... More

The One That Got Away
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Read <3

Chapter 5

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By percysconstellation

-Percy- (A:N/ well this is strange)

Percy sat on his window ledge, gazing out of the cold glass splattered with rain drops, even thought it had stopped raining ages ago. He lightly traced the patterns the water left on his window absent-mindedly, he didn't know why but water had always fascinated him.

Gazing past the window, he looked on into the di Angelo's old garden, the 'sold' sign still resting on the grass. Percy let out a sigh and looked past the sign that brought him so much pain. It had been there for about a week now, and he'd seen movers coming in and out, setting up the house for the new owners.

He'd had his heart set on Nico di Angelo, his ex-best friend, coming back and Percy being able to apologise, to go back to the way things were. But it seemed life was never on his side.

Percy did have some good moments, mainly with his girlfriend Annabeth or his best friend Grover, but Nico was always dominating his thoughts. It wasn't fair. Nico had probably moved on and forgotten all about Percy, but Percy was left with all these thoughts that practically killed him.

It was like when Nico left, he took a part of Percy with him. Percy remembered almost everything of Nico, like the way he would always scratch the back of his neck when he was nervous, the way his laugh made Percy's heart flutter for some reason, the way when he smiled his eyes would crinkle at the sides and his cheeks would tinge pink. Nico had always fascinated him in the best way possible.

Percy felt whole when Nico was around, and now that Nico isn't here we're only left with half of Percy. Even when Annabeth is around, he still feels like something is missing. It infuriates Percy as much as it hurts him. He wants to feel whole again.

Percy didn't notice his door open until he saw three people sit on his bed out of the corner of his bed. It was Grover, Annabeth and her best friend Reyna.

"Hey, Perce." Grover smiled. Percy looked over and smiled back weakly.

"Hey guys." He said. Annabeth came over to him and pressed her lips to his cheek.

"Hey seaweed brain. Reyna and I dropped here just to say goodbye." She smiled.

Percy sighed and looked back out of his window. Annabeth was leaving for San Francisco again, for the third time this month.

She and Reyna go to help Annabeth's dad with his lab, and Percy was worried. He hardly sees Annabeth anymore. He respects she wants to help her father, but can't she see him more than once a week?

"Oh. Goodbye then, Wise Girl. Reyna." He nodded over to Reyna, who smiled in response.

"Come on then, Annie. Our flight leaves in an hour." Reyna said. Annabeth nodded and followed her outside. Grover turned to Percy and stared at him expectantly. Percy stared back and shrugged.

"What?" He asked.

Grover shook his head. "You've been moping for ages, man. You basically just ignored your girlfriend and went back to staring at Nico di Angelo's window."

Percy winced and Grover's stare softened. Percy had confided in Grover about the cute little boy that lived next door, but he still hasn't told Annabeth. Grover opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted as a car pulled up outside and Percy's mother

Sally, his mum, shouted up the stairs. "Percy! Come meet our new neighbours!"

Percy's eyes widened as he saw his mother begin to cross the lawn to the car. He jumped up from his seat and he and Grover ran down the stairs and outside.

Percy saw a beautiful woman climb out of the car first. She had dark brown hair the colour of melting chocolate and eyes as black as an onyx stone. Percy recognised her instantly as Maria di Angelo. Sally walked over and they both hugged tightly, beaming at each other. Percy's heart lunched with confusion. What was Nico's mother doing back here?

Another man followed as Maria and Sally were babbling. He was tall and intimidating, with charcoal black eyes. He had dark hair the same shade and it reached the top of his neck. Percy would know him anywhere; Hades di Angelo. Sally walked over politely and hugged him, but Hades didn't look as if he minded. He actually smiled down at Sally and conversed greetings.

Next followed a gorgeous teenage girl around the same age as Percy, with dark, brooding eyes like her father's but hair like her mother's. Bianca di Angelo. She walked over to her parents and hugged Sally politely, saying hello. But what surprised Percy was that she walked straight over to himself and Grover.

"Percy!" She smiled, throwing her arms around Percy's shoulders. Percy smiled and hugged her back.

"Hey, Bianca. So, it's you guys moving back in? J-Just the three of you?" He asked. Bianca laughed and shook her head.

"Yes, we're moving back in for the summer due to my father's work. And no, my brother came with us if that's what you were wondering." She began to talk with Grover about who knows what, leaving Percy with his already racing mind.

At this point Percy's heart was hammering in his chest and his throat was in his mouth, but he felt his body go stiff when he heard a car door click open. Out stepped a teenage boy. He had pale olive skin that seemed to glow under the silvery moonlight and a lean, fit body. He must have been about Percy's height, maybe a little bit shorter.

He had neck length hair that fell in beautiful dark curls, framing his slim face perfectly. He had a small, clearly Italian nose and perfect small lips. His eyes were as dark as the night itself, clear and sharp.

He was dressed in dark clothing, mainly all black except the silver skull ring he wore on his left hand. He was easily the most gorgeous boy Percy had ever laid eyes on, and he knew exactly who it was. It was the object of Percy's thoughts himself; Nico di Angelo. He began to walk over to his parents and Sally with a fluid grace and Percy could hear the entire conversation. Sally smiled and hugged him tightly, as did Nico.

"Well, if it isn't little Nico di Angelo. You've grown up so much, sweetie." Nico smiled beautifully and nodded, only his voice was much quieter than Sally's so he couldn't hear. His heart stopped for a second time today when he saw Nico, the di Angelo's and his mother begin to approach them. Bianca stepped to the side with Grover and smiled.

Maria was the first to hug Percy. "Oh my goodness! You've grown up so much, Perseus. Such a handsome young man." She smiled.

"Thank you, Maria." Percy smiled back.

Hades then proceeded to shake his hand stiffly. "Perseus Jackson. My my, you have grown up." Hades offered a small smile and withdrew his hand. Percy smiled back and nodded.

Percy turned to the last person on his mental list to say hello to. His sucked in a breath sharply when he noticed how much Nico had grown up in his face. He wasn't that cute little baby Nico anymore, he was a handsome young man that looked like a fucking supermodel.

"H-Hi." He stuttered. Smooth, Jackson. Real smooth. Nico stepped forward and shook Percy's still outstretched hand.

"Hello, Perseus." Nico's words seemed to dance off of his tongue, his accent a perfect blend of American and Italian. His voice was quiet and soft, nothing like the loud, cheerful little boy he remembered. How can a person change this much?

"H-How've you been?" Percy asked. Nico smiled softly, sending Percy's brain into overdrive.

"Fine, thank you. How about you?"

"I-I've been okay." Nico chuckled quietly, making heat rise to Percy's cheeks. What is with him tonight?

"Good." He smiled again, making Percy's blush deepen. Hades stepped in and placed a hand on his son's shoulder.

"Come on, son. We've had a long day with all of the drama we've had this week. We should be getting to bed." Hades turned to Sally and began talking about a dinner that would be tomorrow night.

Nico looked back over to Percy, a small smile still playing on his lips. Percy eyes lingered on those pink lips too long, and Percy felt himself go from red to scarlet.

"I best be going. Goodnight, Perseus." Nico turned to leave but Percy grabbed his wrist quickly. Nico looked down at Percy's hand and then met Percy's eyes, his cheeks tinging pink. He rubbed the back of his neck, signalling he was nervous. Percy could remember that as one of his habits.

"Uh, when will I see you again? I, um, -Percy coughed out of awkwardness- kinda need to apologise to you." Percy asked.

Nico looked down at the grass, his lips tilting down. "Here, this is my new phone number. We can sort something out over text and catch up." He passed Percy a note of paper with a number written neatly on it, so Percy held onto it tightly.

"T-Thanks. Uh, goodnight, Nico." Percy murmured.

Nico smiled softly at Percy's obvious nervousness. "Goodnight, Percy." Nico slipped his wrist from Percy's hand and smiled, eventually walking over to his house, and Percy noticed his hips sway slightly.

Percy gulped and hurried back to his own house. Nico's back. Oh my fucking god, Nico's back. And he called me Percy again. What do I do?, was all Percy could think.

Nico's back! Finally! Now I can make some Pernico happen....*evil smirk* Comments? xx


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