Angel + Demon (Skylox fanfic)

By minecraftguy101

7.6K 72 48

Two people live among the humans one is a angel and one is a demon. they live average lives with the humans... More

Chapter 1: The Greeting
Chapter 2 : The team
Chapter 3 : Partners
Chapter 4 : The past...the next move
Chapter 5: Realizing my feelings then confronting them....
Chapter 6 :The New Life
chapter 7 : Our selves and something new
Chapter 8 : The New place
Chapter 9 : Assumption....
Chapter 10 : Black out
Chapter 11 : Coma...
Chapter 12 : Awoken & Taken home
Chapter 13: Proposal
Chapter 14: Little bundle
Chapter 15: Evil Strikes
Chapter 16 : Vampire...
Chapter 17: Love
Chapter 18 : Merome Wedding
Chapter 19: Our Blessing
Chapter 20 : Snuggle
Chapter 21: New Body
Chapter 22: Hybrid
Chapter 24: Revenge
Chapter 25 : Memories
Chapter 26 : Disaster
Chapter 27 : Brendon
Chapter 27 continued
Chapter 28: Sarah...
~Not a Chaper UPDATE!~
10/11/2019 Update!!

Chapter 23: Her...

162 0 2
By minecraftguy101

Ty's P.O.V 

Brendon had just seen the future and the future scared me. My baby was going to be powerful hybird and someone is going to take him/her... I cried heavily into my sleaves as I heard the mumble of words

" What did I do..? " Brendon said as the doctor walked in.

" Tyler...Lox..... " the doctor eyes widen as he saw who it was. " your a woman... the doctor was in complete shock.

" Y-yes doctor Miles... it is a long story and I dont know how it happened... and im almost Two months pregnant.. and I came here to see if the transofrmation harmed the baby..." I said sniffling.

" Ok I will take an ultrasound and see if the baby is still breathing and if there is a heart beat. Here lay down. I laid down and Doctor Mile put the cold gel on my stomach. 

"A! that is cold'' I flicnched slightly as the doctor chuckled slightly... and moved the wand around my stomach for the heart beat... I saw sadness fill the doctor's face  then  I heard the most amazing sound ever....

Ba dump! Ba dump! Ba dump  I heard the steady heart beat of the baby.. tears flowed from my eyes looking at the monitor seeing the little baby move slightly. Mitch smiled and sighed happily. Brendon looks over at me and smiled and said softly

" I told you Uncle Ty the baby is fine.." I smiled and looked over to Brendon and he smiled and crawled next to me and laid his head on my shoulder. We listened to the steady heart beat of the baby for what it seems hours.

Mitch's P.O.V 

We listened to the lovely noise of the baby's heart beat. Ty and Brendon were cuddling and I whipsered to Ty.

" Ty... we need to get home adam and Jerome will be home soon..." 

" Ok..." ty said softly . The doctor gave ty a towl and he wiped off the gel from his stomach and we said our goodbyes and we were off to the house. 


When we got back to the house Jerome's Truck was in the drive way and Ty began to freak out...

" Mith there home..!?!?" what am i going to tell adam... What if he leaves me what if he hates me now !!?!" ty said almost crying. 

" Ty relax He wont leave you i promise I have known adam for since elementry school he is not like that..." i said putting my hand on Ty's shoulder. Ty calmed down slightly and got out of the car and picked Pulled brendon out of the car and carried him in. Ty had taken my jacket when we were at the hospital and he had the hoodie on and was hidng his face. i sighed and i ran after him openeing the door for him...or should i say her...

Adam's P.O.V

I heard the door open and I saw mitch walk in and someone holding Brendon... 

" Hey whats up mitch... who is this ..?

Mitch looks nervous and the person put brendon down and took off her hood... Wait her..?!?! she looked just like Ty just  As a girl.... Wait a minute... 

"TY...? I said surprised. ty looked up at me and tears form in his eyes...

" Adam... im was just as surprised as you were ... I'm so sorry I should have never asked God to change me..." Ty said tears flowing from his eyes...

" Ty... calm down babe it is going to be ok..? did you go to the doctor and see if the baby was ok..?" i asked walking over to him gently touching his small baby bump with my hands. 

" the baby is fine but... we found something out today also..." ty looked over at Brendon who was now in Jerome's arms... 

" Brendon Tell uncle Adam what you told us earlier...?" Ty asked Brendon... I looked over to Brendon and her jumped from jerome's arms and ran into mine. 

" Uncle Adam ... Uncle Ty 's baby is going to be a angel/demon Hybrid and someone is going to try to take her...

" Her!?!"Jerome, Mitch, Ty and I said in unison. 

Yep another cliff hanger sorry not sorry . i hope you have enjoyed chapter 23 of Angel+Demon skylox and merome fanfic. let me know in the commments  if it is to short or to long. Until next time.

~~~PEACE OUT ~~~ 

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