Irish This Will Never End (IY...

Por LadySadie

83.6K 1.3K 237

Who would have ever thought the girl who backstabbed One Direction would end up dating Niall Horan? I sure di... Mais

Irish This Will Never End (Sequel To Irish You Loved Me~ Niall Horan Fanfic)
Because This Is My Life
Because Today Is Moving Day
Our Fight, Our End
We're Lost And So Alone
Meeting The Collins
We Are Infinite
But It's A Cruel World
Here Come The Complications
Nothing But Trouble
This Can't Be How It Ends
It's Christmas!
Prep For The Big Day
Forever And Always

But There's A Bump In The Road

4.7K 90 5
Por LadySadie

                “Niall, can you toss me my brush?” I ask as I pull my shirt over my head, in a frantic attempt to get dressed and out the door.

                He looks at me groggily from the bed and plops his hand on the table, trying to place it strategically on my hairbrush. I sigh and run over, grabbing it myself and dashing back to the mirror. It’s been about a week since we bought our house, and today is moving day. Unfortunately, with the stress of moving and packing, I totally forgot that I have a huge meeting with my boss at Seventeen Magazine today at 5 AM.

                It’s 4:40 and I’m still at home- Whoops.

                She flew all the way from New York, to England to talk to me, and I’m late. Oh dear.

                I wildly run the brush through my hair and straighten it out a little bit before giving up and putting it up in an easy, elegant bun.

                For a second, I look myself over in the mirror to make sure I look decent as I pull on some leather boots to match my leather pencil skirt and brown tank-top. “How do I look?” I ask Niall, who’s still in bed, trying to go back to sleep.

                “Blurry.” He mumbles as he rubs his eyes.

                I roll my eyes and grab my bag and ID from the table and walk towards him, kissing him on the forehead as I head out. “I’ll see you later. If the movers get here early, text me and I’ll see if I can come home! Bye!” Then, I dash out the door, quietly closing the door to not wake up any of the others, and going to my car.

                I quickly start the engine and drive off, going fast enough to make it on time, while still being cautious. The trees zoom by my car and my finger presses the button to turn on the radio.

                The song ‘We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together’ by Taylor Swift comes on.

                And almost as soon as that starts, my phone starts to ring.

                My eyes trail down to my phone for a moment, but I don’t pick up- that would be dangerous, since I’m on the road. About 30 seconds pass where it just rings and rings and rings, but I don’t pick up and allow my phone to send whoever it is to my voicemail.

                I hear the familiar ‘beep’ and whoever was calling starts to leave me a message.

                “Hey, Sadie.” My heart freezes. “It’s me- Heath. I know you’re probably mad at me, but please call me back. I would really love to talk to you. It’s important. Call me.”

                We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together ends and I sigh. Oh, the irony.

                I have to readjust my hands on the steering wheel because they grew so tense and sweaty while listening to that message.

                Heath. Heath Livington. I could go on and on about him.

                We used to date, and we were in love- I thought. In my mind, our future was all set up and there was no doubt in my head that he was the one I would eventually marry. But I guess reality struck me hard when I learned that he cheated on me with a girl named Sienna. Oh my God, I hate her. She’s caused me some pretty bad situations, too. In fact, she’s the reason I got into so much trouble during the tour with the boys.

                But I don’t understand why Heath called me.

                We haven’t talked in years. Ever since he left me for Sienna, we deleted each others numbers and pretended as if our memories together didn’t exist. Especially when we found out he was the father to her baby. I just don’t get why he suddenly decided to call me.

                I guess it truly doesn’t matter- I’m with Niall and I have a wonderful future set out with him. Although that’s what I thought about Heath, too…

                When I say I love Niall, I mean it. Every ounce of my heart loves him. He’s perfect and sweet to me. There’s not a thing I would change about him. The thing is, despite the time passed, and the hatred that has grown, and even all the heartbreaks he has caused me, I never truly did let go of all the wonderful times I had with Heath- and I never will, because once you fall in love, you can never forget about it- the best you can do is try to move on.

                And I have moved on. That’s why I won’t call him back, ever. I never let go of the good times we had, but I never forgot the bad times, either.

                My eyes look up and I sigh.

                Never even noticed that I was already at the coffee shop where I’m meeting my boss- Oh.

                I stay put for a few seconds, just trying to lower my heart rate and get my emotions back in check before I exit the car. When everything feels about right, my hands reach for the door and open it as I step out and walk towards the coffee shop.

                My eyes immediately land on the familiar figure on the side of the coffee shop.

                “Tricia!” I run towards my boss’ secretary.

                “Oh hey there!” She looks at me with a certain sparkle in her eyes. “Guess who’s your new boss?”

                “You got promoted? Congrats!” I smile and give her a hug. Last summer, when I made… My mistake… Tricia was the one that managed to make sure that the whole article never hit the newspaper stands. If it hadn’t been for her, I may have ended my friendship with the boys for good.

                “Yes, I did! And I had to fly out to talk to you about your article.”

                “La La Land?”

                “Yes. Well, now that the tour is over, there really isn’t much of a story left. And we only have three more updates of it before you have no more pre-written copies. So, I think it’s time we start to discuss a new column for you.”

                My lips curl into a smile. “I like the sound of that. So what do you have in mind?”

                “Well, there is one opening left for a co-run interview column. You would run it with a partner, and you would interview various artists and celebrities.”

                “It would be a written article?”

                “As well as an online video column. We would also make videos so fans can watch them online. How’s this sounding?”

                “Honestly, it sounds brilliant. Meeting tons of celebs, writing about it, and being able to be in videos. Perfect job!” I grin and finally take a seat as a waiter brings over two cups of coffee that Tricia had most likely ordered earlier.

                “Great! I brought the contract because I had a feeling you would like the offer.” She smiles and takes out a contract from her bag as well as a pen. “This just covers the normal basics of a job. It has the liability forms, the release forms, long-term business deals, and your paycheck. If you would just sign here, and there, then we’ll be all set.”

                I quickly skim through the contract. The paycheck makes me weak in my knees. I’ve never even seen so many zeros… This is the job offering of a lifetime, seriously. Without even hesitating, I grab the pen and sign my name on the line provided.

                “Alright! So I will email you the details of the first article very soon! Expect to be traveling often, okay?” Tricia smiles and takes the contract, stuffing it back into her bag.

                “Sounds good! Thanks again! I better be going. I’ll talk to you soon.” With a wave and a hug, I walk out, holding my coffee in my hands.

                As I’m walking out the door, I bump into a tall figure and fall atop him. Luckily, he catches my coffee before it spills all over both of us.

                “Oh my God! I’m so sorry!” I cry out as I try to get off him.


                Hesitantly, my eyes trail up the body and I almost faint when I see who I’m lying atop of.


                Well. This is unexpected.

                “Heath, what are you doing here?”

                “I’m here for a job interview, why are you here? Did you get my message?” He says, as he stands up, handing me back my drink.

                “Yes, I did. And wait… Job interview?”

                “Yeah. I know it’s not the most manly job in the world, but I got an interview with one of the main people in charge of Seventeen Magazine. Apparently, there’s an opening where they need a guy interviewer to co-run an interviewing column with-”

                “With me.” I mutter.

                “No way! You’re the girl they hired?” His voice sounds almost too happy.

                “That’s me…” I sigh and try to look away from his fixed green eyes that are gleaming at me.

                Those emerald eyes that I fell in love with. I sigh and run a hand through my hair. “Of all people. This is fantastic.” He smiles, taking my hand in his.

                “Sure is… Look, I really better get going.” I try to pry my hand away from him but he holds onto it, a disappointed look washing over his face as he sees the promise ring on my finger.

                “What is this?”

                “A promise ring from my boyfriend, Niall Horan.” I purposely say his full name, trying to get it to sink into his head that I’m dating a famous popstar now. I know, it’s kind of mean, but… I don’t know. I want him to be jealous that I’m doing better off without him. “It was nice seeing you. Now, I need to go-.”

                “No, please. Stay. Wait ten minutes and I’ll be done with the interview. I already accepted the offer, I just need to sign some paperwork. After that, we can catch up.” He gives me that dimpled smile and rests his head of dark brown hair against the wall and sighs. “Please.”

                I guess a few minutes wouldn’t hurt anyone, right? I have to admit, I’m a little curious to hear what the boy has to say. So, I stay. There’s still about an hour until the time when the movers for me and Niall’s new apartment are coming, so I have time.

                Just as Heath promised, he finishes in ten minutes and walks over with two salted caramel Frappuccino’s with heavy whipped cream, and cinnamon in the shape of a heart on the top- which is what I always ordered back when we dated.

                It brings back memories that make me slightly uncomfortable, but I have a weak spot for this drink, so I gladly take it. “Thank you.”

                “Of course.” He slides into the booth next to me and sighs, a few quiet moments passing between us before he speaks again. “Look, there’s a lot we need to talk about.”

                 “Like what, Heath? Because, honestly, I don’t think there’s much left to talk about.”

                “I broke up with Sienna.”

                I don’t really like where this is heading…

                “So?” What does that have to do with me?

                “She got an abortion- or so she told me. Personally, I think she was lying about even being pregnant. Leaving you for her was the biggest and stupidest mistake of my life.” His large green eyes lock onto mine, so I look down and sip my drink. “Sadie, I know you have Niall in your life- and I’m not asking you to leave him for me, but I really would love a second chance.”

                I really don’t like where this is heading.

                “I forgive you for everything.” His lips automatically turn into a smile as I say that, and I feel his hand reach for mine, so I pull away and sigh. “But that doesn’t change anything between us. I forgive you, but I will never get back together with you, okay?”

                “You can’t possibly tell me that you don’t still have feelings for me. I see it in your eyes. You look at me the same way you used to. How many times can I say I’m sorry?”

                “You can say sorry as many times as you like- But that won’t make me forget the past.”


                Both of our heads turn towards where we both heard a click of some sort. I thought I saw a flash…

                “Anyway, I’ll see you at work, Heath. But a business friendship- that’s all, okay?”

                He doesn’t respond so I just walk away, heading to my car.

                The moment that my car door slams shut, I thank fate for the fact that my windows are tinted. I don’t want anyone to see me crying- because I don’t even know why the tears are coming out. Drama sure does have a way of finding me.

~~Author's Note~~~

And here is the official start of the sequel. Off to a dramatic start, eh? ;) I couldn't wait to update, so I did it earlier than how I normally only update on Saturdays. Well, all I have to say is make sure to add this story to your reading lists to find out when I update, fan me for more info, vote to make me feel good, and comment if you really love me :3 <3 Haha but please guys, try to do whatever you can to boost the publicity for this story because I hate seeing it with so little reads xD I'm not used to this! So do all those fun things to get word out about this story! Love you lots! PS IF YOU STILL HAVENT READ IRISH YOU LOVED ME, ITS REALLY IMPORTANT TO THE STORY. READ IT.  :)

Love always, Sadie <3

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