Catch Me, I'm Falling

Av kingstyles94

277K 4.4K 9.3K

Lexa Woods is Arkadia High's brand new varsity quarterback star, badass and adored by all. Clarke Griffin is... Mer

August: Part I
August: Part II
August: Part III
September: Part I
September: Part II
October: Part I
October : Part II
December : Part I
December : Part II
January : Part I
January : Part II
January : Part III
February : Part I
February : Part II
February : Part IV
February : Part V
March : Part I
March : Part II / April : Part I
April : Part II
April : Part III / May : Part I
May : Part II

February : Part III

12K 165 357
Av kingstyles94

Lexa's alarm roused the girls from their peaceful sleep. Lexa had set it half an hour earlier, knowing Clarke would need time to wake up.

Unfortunately, Valentine's day had fallen on a Sunday, and thus, school was in session. Clarke, worried about her scholarship status and GPA, was absolutely adamant that she'd be there. And Lexa? Lexa wasn't a fan of perfect attendance, but she'd follow Clarke to the ends of the earth.

And so, the alarm blared on as she stirred, blindly removing one hand to slap at her phone until she silenced it, hearing a groan from beside her.

Clarke's blonde locks were splayed out on the pillow, her face burrowed in Lexa's neck. Her hands were pressed against Lexa's abs, allowing Lexa to effectively cradle her closely the entire night.

Lexa smiled as Clarke stirred, blinking away the haze in her cobalt stare as she opened her eyes, adjusting to the light. She immediately saw Lexa's face, and a smile stretched onto her features, as she slowly stretched her limbs, the sheet riding off her body, exposing her bare chest.

"Good morning." Lexa whispered, leaning down to place an open kiss between Clarke's breasts, smiling when Clarke wrapped her arms around her, squeezing her in a tight hug.

"Morning." Clarke murmured, stroking Lexa's back gently. "I...can't believe I'm saying this, but...I don't want to go to school."

"Ah, so we've found your kryptonite, Clarke." Lexa smirked. "It's lovemaking."

Clarke smiled, sighing contentedly against Lexa's chest. "We have to get up, don't we?"

Lexa nodded amusedly. "Unfortunately."

Clarke took a breath, and then abruptly rolled off her side, moving to stand up. Immediately she rocked back on her heels, reaching for Lexa's bedpost to steady herself, her legs feeling somewhat shaky.

"Whoa there, Bambi." Lexa smirked, reaching out to steady Clarke's waist.

"Oh my god." Clarke mumbled, glancing up into the mirror across the room. Her body was littered with hickeys, ranging from her neck, to her collarbone, down the curve of her stomach, hipbone, and inner thighs. "Lexa!"

Lexa's smirk only grew as she stood, wrapping her arms around Clarke from behind as she rested her head on Clarke's shoulder, glancing at the both of them in the mirror. "I couldn't help it." She shrugged innocently. "I love you...the way you taste..." She pressed her lips to Clarke's shoulder. "But, if it's any got me, too."

Clarke whipped around in Lexa's arms to admire her handiwork. Lexa bore similar markings, and Clarke couldn't help the smirk that graced her plump lips.

"Hot, isn't it?" Lexa teased, kissing Clarke's forehead.

"I can't believe we did that." Clarke mumbled with a sigh.

"Regrets?" Lexa asked softly, hands gently rubbing Clarke's skin.

"No, god no! More like...I can't believe we can't do that right now." Clarke laughed and blushed, burying her face in Lexa's neck.

"Well, Niylah could always forgive us if we don't show." Lexa teased in a sing song voice.

"Oh, no doubt. I'm just not sure I could physically take it..." Clarke chuckled, glancing towards her inner thigh.


"Uh...a lot." Clarke grumbled. "Like, a lot a lot."

Lexa couldn't help the full smirk she bore, and Clarke slapped her arm. "It's nothing to be proud of, damaging me like that."

Lexa chuckled. "Good damaging, as I recall."

"Such good damage..." Clarke practically moaned.

"Well..." Lexa sighed, scooping Clarke into her arms, turning for the bathroom.

"Lex!" Clarke giggled. "What the hell?"

"My lady shouldn't have to walk after what she endured. At least until Anya sees and makes fun of us, anyway." Lexa grinned, pressing a chaste kiss to Clarke's lips. "I love you."

"I love you too, Lex." Clarke sighed, feeling the happiness tingle and arch through her body in waves.

Lexa had quite the magical effect on her. As she carried her, Clarke glanced down, glancing at the delicate bruises, surrounding her scar. Lexa had kissed her there. She hadn't treated Clarke any differently.

It was liberating, in the sweetest way.

"You couldn't possibly think that I could find you any less attractive because of that, right?" Lexa murmured, tracing Clarke's gaze as she set Clarke down.

" it in the accident...When my father..." Clarke took a breath, trying to compose herself. "It's not beautiful, or perfect like you."

Lexa smiled softly, kneeling in front of Clarke, hands on her hips as she guided Clarke's scar to her lips, gently kissing it once more. "It's the most beautiful thing in the world, Clarke. It means you're still here."

Clarke let the tears well up in her eyes, watching as Lexa kneeled before her, worshipping her damaged self with such tenderness. "I don't know how I got so lucky..."

Lexa smiled against her skin. "Your needs are my own. Your happiness is my happiness. I just want you to be happy, Clarke."

Clarke extended a hand down, helping Lexa up so that she could throw her arms around her in a hug.

She'd never loved anyone more, and though she was still in high school, she didn't think that could ever change.

The walk into the crowded school grounds was somewhat excruciating for Clarke, while incredibly satisfying for Lexa. The latter wore a look of absolute smugness as she walked hand in hand with Clarke, who bit her lip to keep from cursing at the soreness.

"You're so smug. Oh my god." Clarke gasped as she confronted Lexa with a wry smile.

"So?" Lexa shrugged innocently. "Don't I get to be a little bit of a jock?" Though she was leaning forward, arms slipping around Clarke's waist, pressing her gently against the closest classroom door.

"I guess you've earned that much." Clarke sighed, her arms circling Lexa's neck.

"Are you okay, though?" Lexa asked, brow furrowing, a look of concern crossing her features.

"What? Yeah, Lex. I'm on cloud nine." Clarke clarified, leaning up to kiss her adorable girlfriend.

"I love you." Lexa hummed softly as she kissed Clarke's lips.

"And I love you, Woods." Clarke smirked, watching as Lexa led her to the Delinquents' designated lunch table.

While Lexa had kept quiet about her spat with the Delinquents, she wasn't about to approach them if Clarke wasn't making her. She stopped a few feet short of their table, smirking when Clarke tugged her by the collar of her jacket, pressing their foreheads together.

Both considerably popular girls, they began to receive a lot of stares and a few whistles as they bade each other a momentary farewell, as Lexa had to return to coach her team for playoffs, while Clarke decided to check in with her friends.

"Don't take too long, okay?" Clarke bit her lip, staring down her favorite eyes in the world. "I'll miss you."

Yes, they'd become that couple. And god, it was sweet.

"Yes ma'am." Lexa gave her a little salute, her nose brushing against Clarke's.

"Come and find me in the art building. I'm starting my scholarship piece today, and you're my muse."

Lexa swooned slightly, blinking the love from her cloudy gaze. "Yeah, of course. Sure."

Clarke chuckled, tugging at her bottom lip with her teeth, teasing her with an amused glint in her eyes. "I love you. It's funny. I keep saying that."

Lexa grinned, pulling her impossibly closer. "I know the feeling. And I love you more."

Clarke sighed into their kiss blissfully, pulling away and patting Lexa's butt, causing her girlfriend to blush. "Bye, baby."

"Bye sunshine."
By the time Lexa had made it to the field, in uniform, her team had already assembled, grumbling about giving up their free lunchtime for playoff practice.

Lexa jogged the last few yards, making sure her hair was up as she nodded to Anya and Lincoln, who rose at the sight of her, smirking like sly foxes.

"Alright, line up!" Lexa gave one shout before setting her water down, eyeing her players with a studious look.

They were in line and formation, ready to be addressed, but they were all smiles and twinkling eyes.

Lexa quirked a brow. "Anya?"


"Did you go over Titus' new play?"


Lexa eyed her cousin wearily. "It was not intended to be comedic."

Lincoln grinned. "Maybe that wasn't, but your complexion is."

Lexa took a deep, grounding breath, as she realized her shirt and jersey were not enough to cover Clarke's...artistic job of giving her hickeys.

A couple of guys whistled, and Lexa bit her lip.

"It's not going to go away until you give us a big speech, Lex." Anya smirked, folding her arms.

Lexa coughed out a protest. "Excuse me?"

"You heard, Lexa." Lincoln nodded. "It's not every day our big, bad commander falls in love." He fluttered his eyelashes for added effect.

"Unbelievable." Lexa muttered. "A bunch of fucking five year olds. Fine, then. What do you want to hear?"

"How was it?" Miller chimed from his position in line.

"Satisfactory. Next?" Lexa barked.

"Satisfactory? Man, did you have sex? Or did she do your taxes?" Anya smirked.

"I'm in no way obligated to discuss my sex life with any of you!" Lexa snapped.

Anya rolled her eyes. "Lexa, this isn't an interrogation. We're your kru. We're proud of you. Our little baby Commander scored."

"The hottest girl in school, too." Miller called with a smirk.

"You get away with that because you're gay." Lexa grumbled.

The team began slowly calling out profane little comments. "Lex had sex!"

"Looks like Lexa knows how to score every kind of goal!"

"I bet she stripped and told Clarke to draw her like one of her French girls!"

"When can we expect the wedding invites, Commander?!"

Anya smirked as the team cheered, Lexa turning red.

"I heard she's too sore to walk." Anya whispered, smirking as Lexa paled.

"WHOEVER DOESN'T SHUT UP WILL BE KICKED FROM THE TEAM!" Lexa seethed, yanking a ball from the cart they'd wheeled out. "Now go, move your asses and give me a lap!"

"I bet she says that during sex." Miller snickered, dodging an insanely hard pass from Lexa, aimed for his head.
As soon as Lexa was out of sight, Clarke was immediately bombarded by the smirks of her friends.

"Well?" Octavia grinned. "How was it?" Clarke felt the flush rise in her cheeks and pointedly ignored the other girl, which only made her smirk broaden. "Aw, c'mon Clarke, I wasn't able to grill you during classes because you had Miss Fine Stud with you the whole time." She waggled her eyebrows. "Does Lexa live up to that reputation, by the way?"

Clarke couldn't hide the smile that crept on her face, and Jasper laughed.

"I mean, judging by the hickies literally everywhere , I'd assume she's pretty good."

"Oh, like you'd be the best judge of that?" Murphy snarked. "You're the biggest virgin here, Jordan."

"Not for lack of trying!" Jasper scowled. "And I'm not the only one here, Monty..." he trailed off as Monty shook his head, hiding a laugh behind his can of lemonade, and Jasper's eyes widened comically. " Dude!? What the fuck?"

"Oh, don't start with me," Monty laughed, "this is Clarke's time to shine." He paused. "Speaking of, I made something specifically for you." From his bag, he pulled out a tupperware container, and from Jasper's excited ooh , Clarke knew it was a cake.

In a dramatic fashion, Monty removed the lid, and Clarke fought the urge to slam her head into the table when she read the neat cursive on the top of the cake, reading ' Congrats on the Sex' .

"Oh nice one, Green, why didn't I think of that?" Octavia laughed, high-fiving the boy in question. Clarke buried her head in her hands, noting that Raven and Bellamy had stayed unusually silent during the whole ordeal.

"Oh, come on Rae, I know you're dying to ask," Clarke sighed, and the other girl offered her a small tentative smile that quickly spread to a smirk to rival Octavia's.

"Give us a number, Griff," Raven laughed, "on a scale from one to ten."

"Lincoln's definitely a ten," Octavia added, ignoring Bellamy's scandalized look, "so Lexa's got to be..."

"A twenty," Clarke said quickly, trying desperately to fight the flaming color in her cheeks, but to no avail, "at least."

"You must be sore then," Octavia stated, and Clarke nodded, "it's a good soreness, though, right?"

"The most satisfying soreness in the world," Clarke agreed, and Monty grinned at her.

"Amen to that, sister."

"Oh, ew, Monty I did not need that mental image."

"Shut up and eat your cake, Jordan, before I shove your face in it."
At this point, Aden didn't even bother trying to run.

He was just tired.

Tired, and bruised, and, this time, bleeding.

Drunk on his power over someone so much smaller than him, Dax had forgotten his unspoken rule to not hit Aden's face, to keep his abuse hidden, and had rewarded the panting, pained boy a split lip and a nasty black eye.

The skin on his stomach was a hue of colors, from fresh purple to fading green to sickly yellow. His breath caught, and every breath made him wince in pain.

He looked down to the watch on his wrist. Practice would be over by now. He needed to get to Nathan before Lexa came looking for him.

Somehow, with the little strength he had left, Aden hobbled over to the familiar office of the head of Arkadia's security, intent on seeing the only other person aware of the abuse he was suffering for a small bit of relief before he put on a brave face and pretended nothing was the matter.

Unfortunately for Aden, he wasn't that lucky.


He knew his lip was bleeding, as well as his nose. He could feel the puckering of his eye already, and knew that he couldn't claim that he'd fallen. Clarke Griffin was not an idiot.

"You should see the other guy," he managed with a small sort of smile, and he felt himself toppling over, off-balance and dizzy, but before he could hit the ground, soft hands were steadying him, gently sitting him down on a chair.

"Who did this to you?" he didn't ever think he'd heard Clarke so deathly calm in his entire life. He knew that this was not a good thing. His head was spinning and his eyes clamped tightly shut, as though trying to will all his problems away.


Logically, he knew that he couldn't worm his way out of this. One way or another, Clarke would have her answers, and then, by extension, so would Lexa.

Lexa would kill him.

She wouldn't even hesitate.

"You can't."

He hadn't realized he was speaking until he'd repeated the words several times over, shaking his head, eyes still tightly shut.

"I can't what?" she was less calm now, an edge of panic to her voice. "Aden? Who did this to you?"

"You can't tell Lexa," he pleaded, and the words were like a prayer on his bleeding lips, "you can't tell Lexa, Clarke."

"What do you mean I can't tell Lexa?" Clarke gaped. He couldn't see the disbelief in her eyes, but he could hear it in her voice. "Aden how long has this been going on?" She lifted gently at the hem of his shirt and he didn't bother trying to stop her, he just shut his eyes harder when he heard her soft gasp upon seeing the physical reminders of his tormentor.

"Who did this?" she repeated after he remained silent. "Aden. Look at me."

He didn't want to open his eyes. He knew the second he did his resolve would crumble, and the tears he'd been fighting would spill from his eyes, and he knew that Clarke would be even more enraged than she already was.


He opened his eyes.

Clarke was staring back at him, and the tears spilling down his cheeks were mirrored in her own.

"You can't," he repeated, but his words were shaky and he couldn't finish his sentence, "she'll..."

"She has to know, Aden," Clarke repeated. "Who's doing this to you?"

He took a deep breath, and counted to three in his head.

He'd had a bully once previously in his childhood, when he was in the first grade and Lexa in the fourth. She'd pushed the bully off of the top of the slide and he'd broken his arm. Aden didn't think that Dax would get away with only a broken arm. He didn't want Lexa to hurt the other boy.

But Aden was tired.

Tired of hurting.


Clarke reached out and gently brushed her thumb across his cheek, and Aden leaned into her touch, breath hitching. He couldn't take it back, not now.

"He won't ever hurt you again," Clarke swore. "Nobody will ever hurt you again."

Aden wanted to believe her.

He closed his eyes again, and felt the hand leave his face. He heard the door open and shut, heard the quickly retreating feet on the linoleum floor of the school hallways. He opened his eyes, and slowly, carefully, pulled himself up from the chair.

He had a murder to prevent.
Lexa stepped out of the girl's locker rooms, smiling and content. Practice had gone fantastically, and the team was looking in good shape for playoffs. She was supposed to spend time with Clarke, and her day was looking to be good overall.

She heard Clarke before she saw her, the familiar flurry of her feet, though her steps were faster than usual.

She caught Clarke in her arms with a smile on her face that quickly crumbled when she saw stains of blood on Clarke's hands and tear tracks running down Clarke's cheeks.

"Clarke?" Lexa asked, worry evident in her tone. "Who hurt you?"

"Not me," Clarke shook her head, "not my blood." She took a deep breath, and Lexa frowned, opening her mouth to ask a question until...

"It's Aden's."

Time froze.

"Your mother will be fine, Alexandria."

Indra's voice was soothing, washing over the small toddler the way it always did. The little girl looked up at her aunt, green eyes shining, and Indra pursed her lips.

"You can't be mad at your little brother for taking your parent's attention away," Indra told her gently, "he hasn't even been born yet."

"Yes I can," Lexa huffed, with the petulance only a small child could muster. She didn't want to have to deal with another competition for the attention of her already frequently absent parents.

"I wanna meet my cousin," Anya told Indra.

"You'll meet him soon, little one," Indra chuckled, before adding, "whether you like it or not, Alexandria."

She wasn't going to like it. Or him.

Lexa didn't have to like anyone she didn't want to.

She didn't know how long she sat there in the waiting room, snuggled in-between her aunt and uncle, Anya's legs swinging in the air next to her, looking much more eager than Lexa. She wondered if it was possible to return baby brothers the way her mother returned shoes and her father returned suit jackets.

She didn't voice her questions to her aunt, though, as Lexa knew she'd be scolded.

Her eyes drooped shut and she yawned, forgetting about her intended hatred for a moment as sleep fell over her.

She was woken up by a sharp, shrill cry.

"Alexandria," Indra coaxed, "wake up, your brother is here."

She thought that if she pretended to be asleep, she wouldn't have to see him, but Indra was a lot smarter than she was.

Her father walked out of the room, looking vastly different in a set of scrubs than the usual suit-and-tie ensemble Lexa saw him in. There was a wide smile set on his face, one that had previously been reserved for only her, the the times he came home from work after meetings and something went right.

"Lexie." She peered up at him, emerald pools meeting light blue, and held her arms up to him, smiling when she was picked up. "Ready to meet your baby brother?" She shook her head, and her father's eyebrows furrowed.

"He's too loud," she complained, and he laughed. Lexa's eyes narrowed. That hadn't meant to be funny.

"Let's go see your mom," he told her, "she asked to see you." Content in the feeling of being wanted, Lexa nodded after a second, though she still scrunched her nose up at the sound of crying. She hoped that he wasn't like this all the time, or she'd actually have to see if baby brothers could be returned.

Her mother looked more tired than Lexa had ever seen her, but she, too, was smiling radiantly, and the small (extremely loud) bundle was held gently in her arms, as though it was the most precious thing in the world.

"Hey sweetheart," Anastasia greeted, "come to meet your baby brother?"

Lexa didn't answer, but Alexander's strong arms lowered her onto the hospital bed in the room next to her mother, careful not to jostle his resting wife. Lexa fought the urge to cover her ears with her hands, as the last time she'd done that (when her father had guests over) she'd been scolded. Lexa didn't like being scolded.

"Alexandria," Anastasia said softly, "meet Aden."

Unable to fight the curiosity that tugged at her stomach, Lexa peered over, careful not to touch her mother, to the squirming, swaddled baby in her mother's arms. Sticky eyes stretched open and he blinked once, very slowly, like the owls Lexa had seen in cartoons, before milky blue eyes settled in on Lexa's dark green ones.

And the room was silent.

For a while, the two siblings just stared at each other, uninterrupted by the world.

Already sneaky just a few minutes after birth, the baby managed to remove one arm from his blanketed confinement, almost disgruntled, and Lexa hesitantly held out a finger, which he grasped firmly with his chubby little baby fingers.

At that exact moment, Lexa knew she would never ask if baby brothers could be returned.

This was her baby brother, and she'd protect him as long as she lived.

"Aden." Lexa repeated, almost dumbly, the full weight of the words not having settled in yet. "Aden's blood."

"It was awful Lexa you should have seen him," Clarke rambled, "he was crying and begged me not to tell you but I had to. I don't know how long it's been happening but that meathead Dax―"


Lexa knew that name. She remembered, towards the beginning of the year, him pinning her little brother up against the bleachers and Clarke punching him in the throat.

She hadn't done anything then.

She could do something now.

Ignoring the rest of Clarke's little speech about not getting expelled, Lexa was running.

She had an idiot to kill.
"Lex!" Clarke bellowed after her as she took off, sore and achy and not nearly as fast as her beloved. "LEXA!"

Lexa's anger had full control over her actions, and as much as she knew, deep inside, that she was going to regret ignoring her girlfriend, she needed to get to Mulligan faster.

Lexa bolted down past the locker rooms, up the stairs that led to the field, nearly knocking some cheerleaders over, Clarke in hot pursuit.

Mulligan. Where the fuck did that punk usually stay?

Lexa clenched her jaw as she set off for the area behind the bleachers, where he usually liked to skulk around and cause problems.

Clarke, breathless and desperate, nearly fainted when she slammed into Anya and Lincoln, who'd been making their way off the field.

"Whoa, Clarke." Lincoln steadied her, eyes wide as he took in her frantic features. "What's the matter?"

Anya looked entirely too wise to spend time asking stupid questions. "It's Lexa." She breathed, eyeing Clarke with a knowing look. "Who, what, and where, Griffin?"

"Mulligan, bleachers.... help." Clarke wheezed.

Anya and Lincoln were taking off beside her at almost maniacal paces, and if Clarke wasn't in the middle of a crisis, she'd have taken some time to feel extra insecure about her figure.

But Lexa was her more pressing concern, at the moment.

Lexa had disappeared far earlier, making her way towards the bleachers with unmatched speed, her toned legs carrying her fast enough to raise eyebrows from lingering students.

Weaving over some stray balls and stretching runners, she flung herself over them, curving around the home bleachers.

And there he was, the smug piece of shit. Dax Mulligan, in his tall, muscled glory, smoking a cigarette with his two little sidekicks.

He had his back turned to Lexa, while his two accomplices did not. Their eyes widened as she approached like a feral tiger, muscles tensing as she stalked her prey. She made a dismissive motion with her hands and they ran, fast and far, knowing there was no salvation in that scenario.

"Hey." Lexa offered, in efforts to get Dax to turn.

He did, eyebrows shooting upwards as he realized that he was addressing the Commander, but his reflexes were nothing like Lexa's, trained and hardened and unhindered by the substances Dax used.

"Who the FUCK do you think you are?" Lexa snarled and sent a tight, calculated punch to the boy's jaw, sending him crashing into the dirty floor beneath. She watched the way his hands flew to his face, and almost felt a disturbing sense of calm wash over her.

She straddled him, then, setting her weight on him so as not to let him escape. She reached for the cigarette just inches out of reach of his own hand, and yanked his arm away from his face. "You like fucking around with other people?" She snarled, distracting him with a blunt swipe on the nose, watching the crimson blood cascade from it like a waterfall as she heard a satisfying snap. "You enjoy being an asshole?" She growled, words dripping with venom as she pushed his head further into the ground. "Then enjoy being branded like one!" She roared, extinguishing the hot embers of the cigarette on his exposed flesh, causing him to scream out in pain, surely alerting everyone within a twenty-mile radius of her actions.


Lexa's emerald gaze, clouded with raw hatred, looked nearly black when she glanced up.

Aden, clutching his side, had approached from the opposite end of the bleachers, one eye shut, lip bleeding.

Lexa gasped in shock at the sight of her tattered brother, and found herself thrown off of Dax, the boy struggling to his feet as Lexa met the ground.

"Lexa, please!" Aden begged, watching as Dax put his fists up, blood staining a trail on his face.

"C'mon Woods." Dax smirked, squaring up. "I made your brother my bitch. How about you get on your knees and-"

Lexa snapped.

If she hadn't been before, she was ballistic now.

She tackled him head on, sending him crashing into the cement as she delivered a series of blows to his gut, his ribs, his neck, his face, anything and everything she could. She felt him writhe at first, when her fist made contact with his flesh, but after the ninth or tenth, he was limp, heaving under her.

Aden's baby blue eyes staring up at her.

A Punch.

Lexa cradling Aden on those nights where her parents came late from work.

Another punch, bruising Dax's stomach to a sickly array of colors.

Lexa bandaging Aden's scrapes, and teaching him to play soccer.

A slam; Lexa knocking Dax's head back as she kneed him between the legs.

Aden bringing Lexa flowers for mother's day.

A punch to the throat, leaving him hissing and gasping for air.

Aden baking cookies for her after her first "break up".

She felt him shake, convulsing beneath her, his body protesting in any way it could.

Aden supporting her dreams of playing football.

Another punch.

Aden spending all of his summer job money to buy Lexa candles for her birthday.


Aden crying into Lexa's shirt because their parents weren't there to see his play in middle school.

Another punch.

Aden promising Lexa that he'd always be her greatest fan, even if they didn't make playoffs.

Lexa was terrified. She felt the urge to wrap her hands around his neck and watch him bleed and choke. He'd hurt her innocent, harmless baby brother. He'd watched him suffer. He thought he'd never have to face retribution.

He fucked with the wrong family.

She raised her fist once more, but froze, seconds away from Aden's face. He'd thrown himself between Lexa and Dax, closing his eyes as he pleaded, "Lexa! Lexa, stop!"

Lexa felt her fist shake, as familiar voices played out around her numb mind.

Anya's. "Let me go, Lincoln! Fuck off! He hurt Aden, Lincoln! Aden! Our baby brother!"

Lincoln's. "Clarke didn't tell you this so you could become another raging bull!" Lincoln muttered as he held Anya back, grateful he didn't have the responsibility of taming Lexa, who was stronger and slightly more aggressive than her slender cousin.

Clarke's. It wasn't as hard or panicked as she'd expected. She felt hands on her shoulders, and she whirled around, ready to fight.

Clarke didn't flinch, blue eyes piercing her emerald gaze. She looked shocked. Not disgusted, not fearful. Just shocked.

Lexa turned when she heard Aden croak, "Lexa. Remember what mom and dad said? Blood must not have blood."

Lexa felt anger well within her, threatening to burn through whatever humanity was left inside her.

Her parents should have been here. They could have been looking out for Aden. But no, it was her responsibility, and she failed, and now she had to murder Dax.

"Baby." She heard Clarke coax gently, and she felt arms around her, lifting her off of Dax as she stumbled backwards, falling, helplessly numb.

She thought she was falling, but Clarke caught her, arms wrapping around her protectively as Lexa blinked, again and again, trying to wish away the sight of Aden, bloodied and cowering, beneath her.

Aden seemed to relax when Lexa made no move to break free of Clarke's grip.

Clarke laced her fingers with Lexa's shaking hand in an attempt to calm her, feeling Lexa breathe hard in her arms, chest heaving. Clarke's energy was calling to her, soft and soothing, and Lexa couldn't seem to fight it.

"He's okay. You're okay." Clarke whispered, feeling Lexa lean her weight against her.

She knew how hard it was, for Lexa to let go, to trust her. She knew it was the product of their love.

"What is the meaning of this!?" A sharp sound startled them all, as they turned to see the looming figure of principal Jaha, followed by the school nurse, who rushed over to Dax's side, first aid kit in hand. She began inspecting the damage.

Clarke shifted in front of Lexa, drawing her girlfriend's arms around her, giving her hand a squeeze.

Lexa's brain was practically fried, so she merely held onto Clarke, arms wrapping around her waist as she leaned her weight into Clarke still.

"He..." Aden stuttered. "I... he..."

"He beat Aden. Regularly." Clarke told him boldly, meeting his gaze head on. "When I found out...I couldn't control myself, sir. I went wild."

Lexa stiffened, eyes widening in shock as she wheeled around on Clarke, her companions all doing the same.

"You?" Jaha scoffed. "You're telling me you were responsible for this? Not Woods?"

Clarke nodded, motioning to Lexa. "She was holding me back, sir. That's why so many people saw her running up here, she was trying to keep me from doing this."

"Clarke." Lexa hissed lowly. "What are you-"

Clarke stepped on her foot, silencing her discreetly.

Jaha's eyes widened. "'ve never lashed out like this before..."

Clarke shook her head. "I've always hated Dax." She spat. "Beginning of the year, I think I punched his throat." She added awkwardly as she realized Lexa had done the same.

Aden was shocked, gaping up at Clarke like she'd descended from heaven. What was she doing?

"Sir, I-" Lexa's low, gravelly voice was cut off by Clarke once more.

She was thankful that Dax couldn't speak, else she'd have a hell of a time explaining her lie.

Clarke held up her hands, caked in Dax's blood. "I'm sorry, sir." She muttered bitterly.

Lexa glanced down at her own trembling hands, realizing Clarke had discreetly swiped as much as she could onto her own shirt and hands, under the guise of hugging Lexa.

But why?

Why was Clarke doing this? She could be suspended, expelled, charged with assault. She wasn't even a minor anymore.

Lexa had beaten Dax to a point where he couldn't breathe. That was no minor offense.

"Clarke, I don't..." Jaha stuttered. " do realize the consequences, don't you?"

"I do." Clarke swallowed the lump in her throat.

"My office." Jaha sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "I don't need to call the cops, or security, do I, Clarke?"

"No, sir." Clarke nodded.

Jaha turned to Lexa, fixing her with a scrutinizing stare. "It's a good thing you didn't lose your cool, Woods. I would've kicked you from the team, and taken all of those pending scholarships from you. Good to know you have a good head on your shoulders."

"Clarke...has...a scholarship." Aden stuttered, blinking in shock.

"Not anymore." Jaha tutted, turning to Clarke. "Clarke, you've been Wells' best friend since I can remember. I can only protect you from so many things. If Mulligan wants to press charges...Clarke, he can, and that's a criminal offense. I may be able to get around expulsion, but...this? This is unbelievable. It's almost...unlike you, Clarke." He turned to the nurse, leaning down to hear her request for a stretcher.

"Go, now, to my office. I'll call your mother, Clarke." Thelonious muttered, wincing when he took in Dax's condition.

"Sir." Lexa cleared her throat.

"Lexa." Clarke hissed, turning around. "Don't."

Lexa was eyeing Clarke with a look of disbelief. "Why-"

"Shh." Clarke snapped as she bent over Aden's shoulder, gently coaxing him up. "Aden, you need to get to my mom's office so she can clean you up, okay? Let's go."

Aden didn't respond, slowly rising as he felt Lincoln lift him up like he weighed nothing, settling him over Anya's other shoulder so he wouldn't have to walk.

"We'll meet you down there, okay?" Clarke murmured. "I need to talk to Lexa."

Lincoln nodded affirmatively, and Clarke laced her hand with Lexa's, dragging her away from the commotion, to a quiet corner under a tree, where she could inspect Lexa for injuries.

Lexa sustained none.

Instead, she was grinding her teeth, staring at Clarke with pent up rage, cupping Clarke's cheeks as her girlfriend kneeled before her, eyes widening.

"What have you done?" Lexa breathed, emotions still coursing through her.

"Lexa." Clarke sighed.

"Clarke." Lexa repeated desperately, tears in her eyes. "What did you do?"

"I'm protecting you." Clarke whispered, their foreheads pressing together.

"Clarke." Lexa clung to her name like a lifeline in the tumultuous sea of their confrontation. "Why?"

"Because I love you." Clarke answered as if it were the simplest thing in the world. "Because Lexa, it's your dream to finally go to school on a scholarship that you earned, not because of your parents, but because you're just that gifted and you worked so hard..." Clarke murmured, tears spilling. "And you're such a good sister."

"I'm not." Lexa heaved. "I...I.. didn't know."

"No one knew." Clarke assured softly. "No one."

"I...I couldn't stop, Clarke." Lexa sobbed quietly, into the crook of Clarke's neck. "I couldn't stop, I wanted to kill him. I...I might have, I don't know-"

"Hey, no." Clarke shook her head. "Shh." She cooed. "You protected Aden. He deserved it. Don't think like that, ever."

"Clarke, I did it. It was me." Lexa murmured into her skin. "Why are you doing this? You'll lose your scholarship, everything you've worked for..."

Clarke shrugged helplessly, tears flowing steadily. "I love you and Aden." She sniffled. "I might be the only one who knows that the hardened Commander I just saw, isn't really you. You deserve those scholarships, Lexa. I can just... be something else."

Lexa shook her head in disbelief, littering Clarke's face with kisses. "Are you kidding me? You think I'm going to let this happen?"

Clarke sighed, closing her eyes. "You'd be stupid to say anything. You'd get into more trouble than I would. Wells can talk to his dad. I'll be alright."

"Then I'll get in trouble with you." Lexa muttered defiantly.

"And ruin everything I just did?" Clarke muttered. "Lexa, stop."

"Your mother will kill you." Lexa pointed out meekly.

"Worth it." Clarke whispered, lips grazing Lexa's as she felt Lexa's arms secure themselves around her.

"Clarke, I'm not-"

"Lexa." Clarke whispered. "Baby, I love you, but shut up." She smiled sadly against her lips. "Aden is your priority, okay? I can take care of myself."

"I love you." Lexa croaked. "It's scary how much I-"

"Me too." Clarke nodded, kissing Lexa softly, frantically. "Go to Aden, okay? I'll be in Jaha's office."

"Clarke, I'm not-"

"Go." Clarke whispered, kissing her forehead as she rose, dusting her knees. "Trust me on this. Do you trust me?"

"...yes." Lexa's voice wavered slightly.

"Good. Now, go be a sister."
Aden felt Lincoln gingerly lower him onto the table where the football players were often checked by Abby Griffin, Anya hovering protectively.

"Pine? Forrest? What are you― oh my god , what happened to him?"

Abby was on him quicker than he could anticipate, gingerly holding his head in her hands to inspect his eye, before quickly moving his shirt to take in the damage done to his chest.

"Breathe in for me sweetheart?" she asked, pressing a stethoscope to his ribcage and exhaling moments after he did. "I don't think any of your ribs are broken, but they're definitely bruised, you've had quite a number done on you." She turned, glaring icily at his cousin and family friend.

"Who did this to him?"

"The fuckwa―"

"Dax Mulligan," Lincoln cut Anya off in the middle of her insult, "he's been beating Aden regularly."

"Why didn't you say something!" Abby shrieked, and Aden winced as Lexa walked into the room, still looking rather dazed.

"I didn't want to cause any trouble," Aden said, mostly to himself, though his words were largely ignored at the entrance of Nathan Miller right behind Lexa.

"Hey Doc, could I grab some of that tape for my shou― Aden? Are you okay? Man you look really banged up this time..." he trailed off as four sets of eyes fixated on him immediately after his words, and he paled, knowing that there would be know way to feign unawareness of the situation.

"You knew ?" Lexa hissed, stalking up to the boy until he was pressed up against the wall. "You knew he was getting treated like this and you didn't say anything?"

"It's not Nathan's fault," Aden protested weakly, "I told him not to tell anyone, Lex, he was just listening to me―"

"Last time I checked, I was Miller's captain, not you," Lexa responded coolly, "I didn't know you took orders from my little brother."

"Nathan helped me," Aden cut in quickly, "he's been patching me up after our little run-ins, if it weren't for him I'd probably be in worse shape."

Lexa still didn't look pleased, and neither did the others gathered in the room, but Aden knew his words had just spared Nathan a fate similar to Dax's. He knew he couldn't prevent Lexa from absolutely demolishing him during practices though.

The phone on Abby's wall rang, and Aden knew before she picked up what the call would be, exchanging a frightened glance with Lexa.

"Thelonious? What's this about I'm with Mr. Woods right now― what did she do?" There was a long pause and Abby's face grew stony. "Yes, I'll be right there." She shot an apologetic glance towards Aden. "I'll be back soon, I have to deal with my daughter."

She walked briskly out of the room and Lexa waited for a second, oddly reminiscent of the first time she'd defended Clarke to her mother, before bolting after the riled up older woman.

"Doc! Ms G―Abby wait up!"

Clarke's mother paused and turned sharply on her heel, gaze steely and closed off, so similar to her daughter that it made Lexa pause.

"Yes, Woods?" she asked, tone severely clipped. "If you could make it quick, that'd be fantastic, as apparently my daughter's gone and done something that could get her arrested if it comes down to it."

"That's the thing though," Lexa said, "she didn't." Clarke could yell about protecting Lexa all she wanted, but Lexa wouldn't let her throw away everything she'd worked so hard for in the blink of an eye for Lexa's lack of control.


"I beat up Mulligan, Abby," Lexa confessed, showing the older woman her split knuckles, "it was me who lost control, not Clarke. She just took the fall."

"Why would she do that?" Abby balked, uncertainty written all over her face. "That makes no sense."

"Because she thinks she's protecting me," Lexa lamented, "she didn't want me to lose my spot on the team and my chance at scholarships, so she made herself the martyr. But I can't let her sacrifice her own dreams like that."

There was a moment of pause in which Abby and Lexa stared at each other, and then something akin to clarity washed over the elder Griffin's face.

"She must really love you," Abby said softly, a thoughtful look on her face.

"I can only hope she does," Lexa admitted, "but I love her more than she knows, Abby, which is why I can't let her do this."

"Thelonious won't listen to you," Abby warned, "he already has all the proof he needs against Clarke, and he'll be lenient with her."

"Then I'll have my aunt help," Lexa persisted, "I'll even contact my parents if I need to. Anything ." There was a buzzing from Abby's pocket, and the woman scowled when she saw the message.

"Come on, then, Woods," she said, "let's go to the office and see what sort of mess Clarke's gotten herself into this time."
When Lexa entered Jaha's office, Clarke was sitting in one of the chairs facing his empty desk, twiddling her thumbs.

She whipped around at Lexa's sudden entry, eyes widening. "Lex?"

"Aden's fine." Lexa sighed. "Your mother is seeing to him."

"Yeah?" Clarke rose, face to face with her. "But what about you?"

Lexa shook her head, sighing when Clarke's open arms invited her into a warm embrace and she obliged, burying her face in Clarke's neck.

"Clarke, this is insane." Lexa murmured, clutching Clarke tightly. "I appreciate what you're trying to do, but..."

"Alexandria Anastasia Woods." Clarke murmured, cupping her cheeks. "Your playoff game, the one that takes you to regional finals, is in four days. And you think, for one second, I'd let that opportunity slip from your fingers because you had a fit over Aden's safety?"

Lexa's heart ached as she fell deeper and deeper in love with every word out of Clarke's lips. "But...I beat him, Clarke." She whispered.

"Lexa. I don't usually believe in an eye for an eye, but...He had it coming, okay?" Clarke assured her, pressing a kiss to Lexa's forehead. "You're going to be fine."

"What about you?" Lexa scoffed. "You're mine to protect."

Clarke smirked. "I can't always let you be the white knight, right?"

Lexa let out a shaky breath. "Clarke-"

"Baby." Clarke cut her off, hearing Jaha approach, Abby in tow. "Listen. Wells was my best friend. Jaha knows me. My mother works here. My scholarship was...not a huge deal, like yours, okay? I'm gonna be alright. Now be a good girlfriend, and back me up." She pressed a quick kiss to Lexa's lips before sitting down in her chair, Lexa taking the seat beside her.

The door opened, and Abby stormed in, followed by Jaha.

"Ladies." Jaha sighed as he took his seat behind the desk, Abby coming to sit beside Clarke on her unoccupied side, jaw set, brow knitted.

"So." Jaha clasped his hands together. "I've told your mother what happened."

Clarke turned to Abby, ready for the berating comments, the disciplinary threats, whatever it took.

Instead, she received a sort of shrug.

"He did." Abby nodded, cocking a brow, voice sharp. "So, you...took action against Dax Mulligan for hurting Aden, your girlfriend's brother."

Jaha snorted. "She beat him within an inch of his life."

"That's an overstatement!" Lexa growled protectively.

Clarke shot her a look, and she stopped bristling, looking positively pissed off.

"How is he?" Abby asked, her arms folded over her chest.

"...The paramedics said he should be fine. They don't know, of course, but they said they've seen a hell of a lot worse." Jaha muttered.

Lexa rolled her eyes, while Clarke cleared her throat.

"See?" Abby prodded icily. "My daughter needs to lose her scholarship for being a hero?"

"There is nothing heroic about assault, Abby." Jaha seethed.

"Really?" Lexa growled. "Where was this attitude when that bastard attacked my baby brother every day for the past academic year?"

"She's right." Abby pressed. "If we can't offer our students safety, then what business do we have being a school?"

Jaha flinched.

Clarke couldn't believe her mother was taking her side. She was so sure of the certain death that awaited her.

And then it dawned on her.

Lexa must have told her the truth.

"Thelonious." Abby sighed, shaking her head. "We both know this is ridiculous."

"Rules are rules, Abby." Jaha gritted remorsefully. "She may be perfect academically, but she has the temper of a drunk."

"Watch your mouth!" Lexa spat, fists clenched as she rose out of her chair.

"Lex." Clarke whispered soothingly, shooting her a warning glance.

Jaha cocked a brow at Lexa, and muttered, "I'll excuse your outbursts today, Ms. Woods, on account of your...emotional revelations about Aden. As for you, Clarke.... I'm sorry. It's out of my hands."

Clarke gaped at him as he stood, straightening his tie.

"I have to go speak with the nurse." Jaha sighed. "I'm terribly sorry, Abby. I'm sure Clarke, resourceful as she is, can find a way around this. I will inform you if Mr. Mulligan wishes to press charges."

He left them in his office without another word.

"Press charges?" Lexa scoffed. "Press charges? Is he kidding?" She turned to Clarke. "Clarke, you can't-"

"It's done, Lex." Clarke gave her a watery smile.

Abby was silent, watching the two with an unreadable expression. "She's right." She sighed finally, causing a look of shock on both girls' faces.

"Mrs. Griffin..." Lexa balked. "With all due respect, you can't be serious? You can't let Clarke-"

"Lexa." Abby sighed, glancing into Lexa's green inquisitive gaze. "You're right. I can't let Clarke do anything. She's eighteen years old, and an adult, as far as I'm concerned. I've learned my lesson about trying to police her. If she's so...sure, about this, then it's done."

Lexa didn't look convinced. "Ma'am, she's throwing her career away for some...some-"

"For you." Abby nodded, piercing Lexa's gaze. "For the love of her life. Sounds fair to me, Woods."

Clarke glanced at her mother for a moment, love filling her gaze, before linking hands with Lexa.

"I'll protect you." Lexa stammered. "I' your tuition. Anywhere. Wherever you want, Clarke. I'll-"

"Lex." Clarke clicked her tongue. "It's fine, okay? I can many other things. Art is just a hobby."

Lexa knew how much of a lie that was. She let it sink into her gut, causing her to feel achingly sick.

"I know it's hard to believe, but that was Jaha being lenient." Abby informed them quietly. "As far as I know, Clarke, it won't appear on your record."

"But why can't she compete in the stupid scholarship competition?" Lexa whined desperately, heart breaking in lieu of Clarke's, it seemed.

"Lexa." Clarke whispered, squeezing Lexa's hand. "I'm fine, alright? We just need to worry about Aden, and Dax pressing charges. If he remembers that you throttled him, which...he probably will, it's my word against his, so...that's good, at least." Clarke noted, standing as Abby and Lexa followed suit.

"Lexa." Abby put a hand on the brunette's shoulder. "May I have a moment with Clarke?"

"Of course." Lexa dipped her head, squeezing Clarke's hand as she let it go, slipping out of the office with a soft thud of the door.

Clarke turned to Abby, tears in her eyes.

"Oh, my baby." Abby whispered, stepping forward to cradle Clarke in her arms.

"It's for the best." Clarke whispered back. "You never wanted me to go into art, anyway." She chuckled dryly.

Abby frowned. "I...I just want you to be happy."

Clarke nodded, wiping at her tears. "Lexa makes me happy, mom."

"I can tell." Abby murmured, stroking Clarke's cheeks. "Is this really what you want? Baby, tell me, and I can fix everything. Lexa will deal with it. She's a big girl, she-"

"Mom." Clarke shook her head. "It's done. I would do it again, in a heartbeat, okay?"

"Okay." Abby whispered, kissing Clarke's forehead. "You're so good, so sweet. Your father would be so proud."

"Yeah?" Clarke sniffled, her heart tripping over itself in emotion.

"Yes." Abby promised, holding her daughter close to her heart.
Clarke sat by the kitchen table, tongue poking out as her mom moved about the bustling kitchen, busy cooking dinner.

"Can I expect Lexa tonight?" Abby queried, motioning to the place settings.

Clarke shook her head. "I figured I'd give her and Aden some time, after what happened."

Abby nodded, having heard all about the fallout with Dax. "Well, your girlfriend certainly packs a punch, doesn't she?"

"Mom." Clarke groaned. "If you're insinuating that she's dangerous, I-"

"Oh, Clarke, baby, shut up." Abby clucked, causing Clarke to cock a brow. "I'm just...proud of her, for teaching Dax a lesson. She's really there to back the people she loves. And...that's you now. So, no complaints from me."

Clarke gaped at her mother as if she'd just grown another head. "I...thank you?" She stammered.

Abby rolled her eyes. "I'm not evil. Just...protective."

Clarke smiled, feeling warmth blossom in her chest.

"It's a wonder you two can stay apart for so long." Abby commented, sticking a tray into the oven. "You've been inseparable, lately."

"If I talk to you about this openly...will you promise to cool about it?" Clarke sighed.

Abby took a breath, nodding. "Yes, Clarke. I won't go all mom-zilla on you. Let's hear it."

"We're inseparable because I love her. We're in love." Clarke stated, eyes on the pen in her hand.

Abby nodded, urging Clarke to continue.

"I don't know how to say this without sounding stupid." Clarke informed her with a shrug. "I know I sound like a lovesick high school idiot, but... I don't know. She's my air. She makes me feel safe, beautiful, loved..." Clarke smiled dreamily.

"You're going to facetime her and bellyache over how much you miss her right now, aren't you?" Abby smirked.

Clarke grinned. "Yes, probably."

"Honey, go after dinner, if you want. I won't be mad." Abby sighed.

"Where is all this coming from?" Clarke cocked her head. "You're having quite the change of heart, mom."

"You want the truth?" Abby smiled to herself, mostly.

"Obviously, mom."

"You know the other night when you two were making dinner together, here?"

"Yeah, what about it?" Clarke nodded.

"Well, I just heard the way she spoke to you. She treats you like a lady, hell, like a princess. And then the way she always asks before she touches you, and the way she takes care of you..." Abby shrugged. "She's perfect, god dammit, and it aggravates me that I was wrong."

Clarke was beaming at her, launching herself into her mother's arms. "I knew you'd love her!"

"Alright, alright." Abby shucked her off, but not before pressing a kiss to Clarke's head. "Now, what have you got there?"

"Oh." Clarke bit her lip. "It's a letter."

"Oh?" Abby smirked. "Email and text not doing it for you?"

"It's not for Lexa." Clarke smiled nervously. "It's...for her parents."

Abby gaped. "Like...the Woods parents? Alexander and Anastasia Woods? Like, business tech tycoon-"

"Yes, them." Clarke rolled her eyes. "Please don't make me more nervous than I already am."

"Nervous? Lexa doesn't know you're doing this." Abby guessed.

Clarke nodded. "No. But I stole the family seal stamp from her desk so it would be sorted into their priority mail in Paris."

Abby's eyes widened. "Clarke." She warned. "Don't play with fire. What did you write?"

"Uh..." Clarke scratched the back of her neck. " see..."
"I will have his entire family torn to the ground."

Lexa often forgot that being intimidating ran in the family, and an angry Indra was not something she'd wish upon most. Aden was perched delicately on the couch, holding up an ice pack to his eye, while Indra fretted about him.

He opened his mouth to protest, then closed it, knowing how stubborn Indra was when she set her mind to something, a trait that Anya had inherited.

"Pancakes are done," Gustus called softly, walking around to deliver a plate of chocolate chip ones to his nephew. "Here you go, champ."

"Thanks Uncle Gus," Aden smiled, spearing a piece with his fork before eating it.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Gus worried, and Aden nodded.

"I'll be good," Aden assured, getting up gingerly, "I'm just gonna go to my room and take a nap, my head hurts." Their uncle moved to help him, but Lexa stood up.

"I've got him." She took his plate from him and offered her arm for him to lean on, and slowly, the siblings made their way up the stairs together.

"How are your knuckles?" Aden asked, voice small, once he was sitting in his bed, plate of pancakes on his lap.

"You get regularly beaten, and you're worried about my knuckles?" her voice cracked as she said the words, and she held her face in her hands. "I should've known."

"I didn't tell anyone," Aden said weakly, "it isn't your fault, Lex."

"But I should have known, " she repeated. "You're my baby brother and it's my job to protect you and I failed ." She looked up and Aden had spread his arms, and she gently pulled him into an embrace, running her fingers through his wayward blonde locks.

"I'm never going to let anyone hurt you again," she swore, "ever again, you hear me?"

Aden mumbled incoherently into Lexa's shirt, and she ducked her face into his shoulder, reassuring herself that Aden was here and he was safe and whole .

"Be good for the sitter, Alexandria." The seven-year-old girl looked up when her mother addressed her, leaning down so the two of them were eye-level.

"How long will you and father be gone this time?" Lexa asked, and there was a resigned air to her tone that was unsettling for a child her age. She hadn't called her parents anything less formal than mother and father for quite some time.

"Only about two weeks," Anastasia responded, "your father is saying goodbye to your brother right now, he'll be down to say goodbye to you in a moment." She pulled Lexa close to her chest and the girl eagerly accepted the hug.

"Why can't we go with you?" Lexa asked timidly, and her mother smiled at her sadly.

"You'd have no fun where we're going," she assured her daughter, "and I'm sure you and Aden will have a great time with Amanda, she's very highly recommended." Lexa frowned briefly.

"Why can't we stay with Aunt Indra and Uncle Gus?"

"Anya's sick, sweetheart, and I don't want you or Aden feeling unwell before school starts. Wouldn't want him to miss preschool, would we?" Lexa shook her head, though she wanted to argue for staying with her relative anyways.

Anastasia kissed her forehead softly.

"Take care of him while we're gone, alright? Make sure he doesn't sneak too many cookies."

It didn't take much longer until the couple were off on another grand adventure, leaving their children behind in a too-big house with a stranger who was supposed to care for them.

"Do you kids want to do anything fun?" Amanda asked, clapping her hands together. Aden shook his head, unusually quiet.

"No thank you," he said, "I'm gonna go to my room." Before the sitter had a chance to say anything, he'd scampered up the stairs as fast as his little legs could carry him, and Lexa stood a moment longer before following him.

She found him hiding under his duvet, baby blue eyes sparkling with tears.

"Why do mommy and daddy always leave?" he sniffed. "I want them to stay home."

Lexa crawled onto bed with him and pulled her little brother into her lap, not minding the small tearstains that would inevitably mark her shirt, ducking her head into his shoulder, her fingers lightly scratching his scalp in the way that always calmed him down.

"Me too," she whispered, "but I'm here, Aden, I'll always be here."

"Love you Lexie," he whispered, and Lexa gripped him tighter.

"Love you too Aden."

"I let you down," Lexa repeated, fingers still running along her little brother's scalp, "no matter what you say otherwise, I let you down, and I won't let it happen again." Aden tightened his grip on his sister, drawing comfort from her.

"I'm here," Lexa exhaled shakily, tears falling down her own cheeks when she felt a wetness against her shirt, "I'll always be here, Aden."

"Love you Lexie." He hadn't called her that in a long time, not since he'd barely been tall enough to reach the counters to hunt for cookies.

"I love you too Aden," Lexa whispered, "so, so much." They sat on his bed for a long while, just the two of them.

The way it'd always been.
Clarke barely had a second to knock on Lexa's front door before it swung open, and she was pulled into Lexa's arms, into a tight, warm hug.

"Hey." Clarke murmured, kissing Lexa's forehead. "How are you feeling?"

"Like shit." Lexa muttered, her eyes puffy from the crying. "Better, with you here."

Clarke offered her a smile, tilting her chin up to kiss her. "I'm here to take care of you." She assured, hands sliding down Lexa's waist as she lifted her, to Lexa's astonishment, causing a smile to erupt on the brunette's face as she wrapped her legs around Clarke.

"You're not the only one capable of sweeping their lady off their feet." Clarke teased gently, pressing soft kisses to Lexa's face.

Lexa felt herself let go, even if only for a moment, resting in Clarke's arms. It felt so calming and safe, despite her instincts telling her that she didn't deserve any of it.

Clarke set Lexa down gently, and Lexa resumed her grip around Clarke's waist. "You think way too loudly." Clarke chided.

"I'm lucky." Lexa whispered, pulling Clarke to her lips. "I've never loved...or been this."

Clarke smiled, leaning forward to kiss her. "I'd do anything for you, Lex. You deserve to be happy. What were your words, exactly? Your happiness is my happiness?"

"Is it strange?" Lexa mused, lacing her hand with Clarke's, to kiss it.


"How badly we've fallen? And what, in less than a year? A few months?"

Clarke shrugged helplessly, sighing. "That's all it took."

Lexa shouldered Clarke's bag for her, leading her in through the kitchen.

"Where's Aden?" Clarke pondered aloud.

"With Gus and Anya, probably in the living room." Lexa offered quietly.

"Did you two talk?" Clarke asked, leaning into Lexa's warmth.

Lexa nodded, shaking her head with slight remorse. "He forgives me. I don't know why, but he does."

Clarke clicked her tongue. "You're too hard on yourself."

Lexa opened her mouth to protest, and then shut it quickly. She knew it was no use, with Clarke.

"Shouldn't I go say hi?" Clarke asked.

Lexa nodded, but wrapped an arm around Clarke. "But first...I want you to myself, just for a little while. Is that selfish?"

Clarke smiled amusedly, shaking her head. "No. I'm yours."

Lexa's heart constricted at her favorite words in the universe as she led Clarke past the kitchen, freezing when Indra blocked the path to the guest house.

Clarke immediately glanced up, swallowing the lump that formed in her throat. "Indra." She began formally, but Indra fixed her with a solid stare.

"Clarke Griffin." Indra slung her towel over her shoulder, having just finished washing the dishes. "Just a moment."

Clarke looked concerned, but Lexa gave her a reassuring smile, and she felt her heart at ease.

"You've done a lot for my kids." Indra sighed. She noticed Clarke's raised brow. "Well, Aden and Lexa are mine, for all intents and purposes." She winked at Lexa, who smiled softly at her aunt. "Today, you saved Aden, and you saved Lexa's career. I don't take that lightly. None of us do." She stepped forward, hands on Clarke's shoulders, looking her dead in the eye. "I understand you were an excellent scholar with a lot to lose."

Clarke winced at the word choice, but shook her head. "It was nothing. I just-"

Indra wouldn't relent. "It was most certainly nothing." She chided. "It was everything. And let me tell you, as the highest rated lawyer in the state, Clarke, if anyone- that Dax bastard, Jaha, anyone- wants to pick a fight with you, they're going to hear about it from me. Formally. In court."

Clarke's brows shot up as she felt Lexa give her a gentle squeeze.

" you." Clarke breathed.

Indra nodded, smiling to herself. "You two are just itching to be alone, aren't you? I can see it in your eyes, Alexandria."

Clarke smiled at that, watching Lexa roll her eyes.

Indra glanced at Clarke. "You know; Alexandria was always the jealous type. Wanted to hoard all the attention for herself, this one." She tilted Lexa's chin up with a knowing smile. "I think, for the first time, she doesn't need to compete for someone's full attention. Fascinating."

Lexa blushed, but Clarke squeezed her hand, as Indra moved aside.

"We'll be around, if you'd like to watch a movie with us later." Indra called over her shoulder. "Though something tells me you two think you're too cool for that."

"Yes, Indra, we are." Lexa muttered with a smile, not bothering to continue the conversation until they were safely tucked away in the guest house, Lexa setting Clarke's bag beside them as she pulled Clarke onto her bed.

Clarke maneuvered herself so that she was propped up on one elbow, facing Lexa with a wry smile.

"What, beautiful?" Lexa asked, mirroring her position.

Clarke blushed, blinking to clear the haze of love from her vision. "It's just...I don't know. What Indra said, it makes me want to know more about your childhood."

Lexa rolled her eyes. "I was a child, I-"

Clarke shook her head. "I'm not complaining, babe. I think it's cute that you were jealous."

Lexa sighed, "I just wanted my parents' attention. Ever since I was a toddler, they were busy with work. Nothing made me happier than when my father would come home and pick me up, or when my mother would tell me my piano practice was paying off know what? Never mind. This sounds like a rich sob story."

Clarke frowned, leaning down to bring Lexa's hand to her lips. "No it doesn't." She murmured, kissing Lexa's bruised knuckles slowly, sending chills up her girlfriend's spine. "It means you were normal."

Lexa shrugged. "Right, well...they worked a lot. And then Aden was born, and any momentum I had, he got. So really, I just learned to deal with it. And I never blamed Aden, except maybe the first five minutes of his birth. He doesn't mean it. It's them. It's me. I just...I don't know. Is this stupid?"

Clarke shook her head, rolling to straddle Lexa, lowering herself down on her hips, not as sexual as it was loving, burying her face in Lexa's neck, kissing the tender skin, smelling her fresh shampoo. "It's not stupid." Clarke whispered as she kissed beneath Lexa's ear, tracing her lips to Lexa's carved jaw. "I understand."

Clarke's hands laced with Lexa's as she peppered her face with kisses, smiling when she heard Lexa sigh with bliss beneath her. "Want to know something, Alexandria?"

"Hmm?" Lexa hummed, feeling Clarke's lips tickle her chin, then her lips.

"You always come first, for me." Clarke murmured, kissing Lexa with passion behind every word. "You have all of my love..." She trailed her lips down Lexa's neck. "And all of my attention...always."

Lexa's arms wrapped around Clarke as she pressed kisses to Clarke's forehead, trying not to be so emotionally compromised at her words, and then failing.

Clarke smiled and took a moment, then briskly rolling out of Lexa's embrace, leaving her girlfriend pouting.

"I know today was a bit tough for you." Clarke murmured.

"For me?" Lexa whispered, incredulous.

"Yes." Clarke tutted. "But, I have a present for you."

"Clarke." Lexa breathed. "Clarke, what more could you possibly give me?"

"Oh, you mean besides my undying love and devotion?" Clarke teased, eyes twinkling. "Well, tell me, how do you feel about eating in bed?"

Lexa cocked a brow. "We did it last night-"

"Not that kind of surprise, Lex. I'll have you know I'm still sore." Clarke smirked, reaching into the bag.

"Okay." Lexa sat up, arms wrapping around Clarke from behind. "I could massage you? Make it all better?"

Clarke grinned. "You are insatiable."

"For you? Yes."

"Well, eat this." Clarke laughed, handing her the unlidded Tupperware.

Lexa gaped in horror at the monstrosity from over Clarke's shoulder.

"What the hell is that, Clarke?"

The cake, proudly displaying, "Congrats on the Sex" was perfectly intact.

"It's dessert." Clarke murmured matter-of-factly, digging in with the fork she had the foresight to bring, figuring they'd end up on Lexa's bed. "Let me feed you."

Lexa smiled questioningly but opened up, allowing Clarke to feed her a small bite.

Lexa blinked, moaning slightly. "Shit." She groaned. "Monty, right? He has skills."

"So do you." Clarke teased, nipping at her collarbone as Lexa choked on the cake.

Clarke smiled, arms wrapping around Lexa's neck. "I love seeing you so carefree and happy." She confessed.

Lexa's eyes softened. "Then stay."

"The night?"


"Are you sure?"

"Clarke." Lexa murmured. "I'd have trouble sleeping without you."

Clarke smiled softly, cake forgotten as she crawled into Lexa's lap. "Then I'm here."

Lexa leaned in to kiss her once more, but was interrupted by a knock on the door.

"...Every time." Lexa grumbled against Clarke's giggles. "Who is it?"

"...It's me." The unmistakably soft, downcast voice of Aden sounded.

Lexa stiffened and Clarke gave her a quick kiss on the cheek, reminding her that she wasn't at fault. "Come on in, Aden!"

"Hey." Aden murmured, voice trembling slightly as he limped into the room.

Clarke was upright like a bolt, just as Lexa was, rushing to his side.

"I'm fine." Aden waved them off with a small smile. "Indra told me Clarke was here and that I should say hi."

Lexa rolled her eyes. "Of course she did."

Clarke giggled at Lexa's teasing, turning to Aden. "How are you feeling? Any better?"

"A lot." Aden murmured, plopping down between either girl on the bed.

"Good, I'm glad." Clarke murmured in relief, wrapping her arms around Aden, pressing a gentle kiss to his head.

"I'm not." Aden sighed sourly.

"Oh?" Clarke cocked her head to the side, glancing up at Lexa.

"You're in trouble for something...I did." Aden added quickly, not wanting to shift the blame on Lexa.

Lexa sighed, nodding in agreement. "That was my issue, Clarke, not yours."

"Lex." Clarke sighed. "We already discussed this."

"Not really." Lexa grumbled. "Not to a point where I feel comfortable with your decision."

"You...lost everything, Clarke." Aden whispered sullenly. "And...You only tried to help."

"Oh, come on." Clarke sighed, swallowing the lump in her throat. "I didn't lose everything. I have my two favorite people in the world." She sighed, ruffling Aden's hair, feeling Lexa's arm slip around them both.

"I'm sorry." Aden shook his head, looking as if he were going to cry. "I'm sorry that I was weak, and that-"

"Hey." Lexa scowled, but Clarke intervened.

"You were so brave." Clarke whispered, pulling him into a hug. "But you always need to know that we're here for you- Lexa and I, even if we weren't together." She winced at the words, but Lexa gave her a comforting smile. "-I'd always be here for you."

Aden nodded, his arms around either girl. "I love you guys." Aden whispered. "You're my kru."

Clarke took a breath, reveling in the warmth of the siblings before reaching backwards for some cake.

"Sex cake?" She grinned.

Lexa grimaced and Aden nearly leapt off the bed, eyes wide.

"Uh..." Aden stuttered.

"I feel like that's a no." Clarke teased.

"Claaaaarke." Lexa whined, cheeks red with embarrassment. "Seriously?"

"Don't be such a baby, he's in high school." Clarke chided with a grin, leaning forward to kiss Lexa's temple.

"Gus is starting up a movie." Aden slowly jerked his head back to the house. "You guys can come, if you wanna." He turned, stepping out the door.

"Mmm, doubtful." Lexa murmured, pulling Clarke into her arms as she leaned back on the pillows.

"Indra said you might say that." Aden laughed over his shoulder, and though his ribs ached with the effort, he felt safe under Lexa and Clarke's protective love.

With the door firmly shut, Lexa snuggled into Clarke's embrace, arms tight around her.

"I love you, Clarke Abigail Griffin." Lexa murmured into Clarke's skin, kissing softly against her neck. "Forever, always. More than anything."

"I love you more, Alexandria Anastasia Woods." Clarke assured her with a small smile, leaning into Lexa's kisses. "Now show me."
"Mrs. Woods!" A young man bounded into her office, slightly breathless, tugging on the collar of his shirt.

"Peter, please, I said no disturbances until five." Anastasia Woods sighed, brushing a blonde lock of hair from her face, revealing piercing blue eyes.

"It's from Alexandria." Her secretary offered apologetically, handing her the envelope.

Anastasia's eyes sparkled with interest as she offered him a smile and a thank you, before sending him on his way.

Business could wait; her baby was reaching out to her in a form other than her weekly phone calls.

She tore the envelope with delicate precision, unfolding the letter. She didn't remember Lexa's lettering to be so curvaceous and delicate.

She blinked, eyes scanning the contents of the letter.

It wasn't long before she was marching into her husband's office, interrupting his teleconference with Tokyo.

"Alex." She snapped when he didn't look up. "Alexander!"

He muted the conversation with a sigh, smoothing back his brown hair as he rose from his seat, his eyes a mirror image of Lexa's.

"What is it, sweetheart?" He asked, raising a brow.

"Listen to this." She murmured, clearing her throat as she read off the letter at hand:

To Mr. & Mrs. Woods,

I cannot believe I am doing this, but I should preface this by saying I'd do literally anything for your daughter. I am contacting you because your children are too proud to, too afraid to let their own parents know that they're missing the most important part of their lives.

Aden is one of the brightest, kindest boys I know. He's found friends who understand him, and Lexa takes great care of him. He's dedicated, hardworking, and now officially a member of the Arkadia High soccer team. Recently, he'd been repetitively beaten by another student here. Lexa had to come to his defense, after months of not knowing. The problem has been resolved, but the fact that you weren't there for it, quite literally terrifies me. Lexa is eighteen. She's not a mother. She's not a guardian.

And that brings me to what Lexa is. Alexandria Anastasia Woods is perfection, and I'd congratulate you for it, but it seems you're only responsible for her looks and wealth. She is the kindest, brightest, most caring woman I know. I'll bet you didn't know this- but she's the captain of our varsity football team, and college bound. She's incredible. Her team is competing for the regional championship, and then they will advance to state level. I don't know why she won't tell you this, but you need to know.

I am Clarke Griffin, Alexandria's girlfriend. Lexa and I have been together for a few months, more or less. I know it sounds brash to say this, but I'm madly in love with your daughter, and that means I'd do anything to help her.

And that means contacting you. Lexa's playoff game is in three days, from the time you receive this, and it will determine whether she moves on or not. College scouts will be there by the dozens. It will be a perfect opportunity for you to see how breathtaking your daughter is.

I can arrange for you to stay with my mother and me, so you can surprise Lexa. I know she acts cool and unaffected, but this would mean the world to her, and so, it means the world to me. Please, please, please consider it.

I'm so sorry we had to meet this way, and I hope you don't take this the wrong way. I just love your children, and want to see them happy.


Clarke Abigail Griffin

Alexander glanced up at his wife with wide eyes, reading her stare. He nodded once, picking up the phone by his desk.

"Clarke Griffin, was it?" He asked as his wife nodded, hands still clutching the letter.

He had some very important calls to make.

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