April : Part III / May : Part I

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As if Clarke's hospital drug-induced dreams weren't enough, the actual senior barbecue began to roll around. Lexa had so generously offered to host it, as she claimed she could tolerate a day in the sun with the Delinquents and her Kru if it made Clarke smile.

Clarke knew that they were actually growing on her, but she was content to let Lexa live in her faux disgruntled state.

Currently, nearly everyone had already arrived, clad in their finest swimwear for the hottest saturday April had to offer. Anya had begged Gustus to behave himself and cool it with the Dad jokes, and as such, he and the other three adults promised to make themselves scarce, the barbecue factor replaced by ordered pizza. Indra didn't want anyone setting her home on fire.

Everyone seemed to be okay with that, and thoughtlessly submerged themselves in the water, the music blasted to a new high.

Clarke was the only one who wasn't out quite yet, even though she'd promised Lexa she would be, and her presence (or lack thereof) was beginning to be felt.

She was holed up in Lexa's guest house, haphazardly throwing a shirt on when she heard a soft knock at the door, followed by a faint, "Clarke?"

Of course Lexa would be worried about her. Clarke's inner self swooned. Lexa was always so attentive.

"...Come in." Clarke offered lamely, feeling awful that she'd commandeered her girlfriend's room.

"Everything okay?" Lexa asked, appearing before her with a worried expression, bunched towels and sunscreen in hand.

God, she was a vision. She was wearing a two piece that deliciously framed her impeccable abs, her hair tied back in a messy bun, her tattoos on full display. Clarke had to physically stop what she was doing and blink several times, swallowing the lump in her throat.

How on earth had she ever scored that ?

"....You look...." Clarke's throat was actually dry. "...So...."

Lexa smiled amusedly, stepping forward to pull Clarke in her arms. "Thank you." She whispered humbly, her cheeks tinted rosy with blush.

"I didn't even finish. I'm still searching for the word." Clarke admitted, and she was taken by the fact that Lexa was genuinely blushing at her suave attempts.

Lexa leaned down to capture her lips. At first it was warm, soft, inviting, like the transitional breeze just outside the door.

But rather quickly, she read Clarke like a book.

"What's the matter?" Lexa murmured, pulling away. "You're not happy, I can tell."

"What?" Clarke scoffed, feeling guilty for even trying to pull the wool over her eyes. "Are you kidding? A day with your Kru and my delinquents?"

"Are you okay? Cramps?" Lexa asked, ghosting her fingers over Clarke's stomach, knowing full well that it wasn't her time of the month.

"I'm...golden." Clarke lied, grabbing a towel. "Let's go."

Lexa cocked a brow. "Clarke. You're not even wearing your bathing suit."

Clarke blinked. "Oh...yeah. I hate swimming."

Lexa huffed. "Oh? Is that why your dad used to take you to the lake every year for your birthday?"

Clarke worried her lip. "I fucking hate that you know me so well." She huffed. "...I didn't mean that." She added quickly, fearing the damage was already done.

When she glanced up, Lexa's face was sympathetic. Lexa cupped her cheeks, worried emerald searching anxious azure.

"....Have you...seen yourself?" Clarke admitted with a huff. "...Or Anya? Or....Octavia? And Raven?"

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