Adopted by One Direction(Edit...

By samm_thats_me_

208K 5.8K 2.7K

This is not the same story that starts with a girl who's been abused or been in an orphanage for her entire l... More

Chapter: 2
Sequel out
authors note


4.4K 155 66
By samm_thats_me_

Samanthat's P.O.V


We all sat on the living room of our hotel as Louis got a phone call. He stood up and left to his room but something told me that this phone call was going to be bad news......


"Leyum! I'm hungry!" I whined from my seat

"Then go get-"



We heard a loud crash and thud. We all looked at each other confused before it hit me...

"Louis!" we all said as we ran towards his room. His door was open and let me tell you something.... his room was a mess. His phone was in pieces and his head was on his hands as he sat on the floor.

"Louis?" Harry asked

"GET OUT!" Louis screamed, as we all ran for our lives

Holy shit! Louis is so pissed! He was no longer the fun Louis I once knew. I frowned, I have to make sure he's okay

I walked back into his room, ignoring the boy's requests of getting back there

"Louis?" I whispered as I crawled next to him. He had his head on his hands and his body was shaking in sobs. He just sat there crying as I put my head on his shoulder....well tried to because he was taller then me.

"Lou.....what's wrong?" I whispered as I started playing with my fingers. He turned his attention at me with his red puffy eyes and red nose.....he looked like Rudolf the red nose reindeer, hehehe. FOCUS SAMANTHA! NO TIME FOR JOKES!

"E-Eleanor, s-she b-broke up with m-me" he miserably said. My eyes widened in surprised, Ellie broke up with Louis? But I thought they were deeply, madly, insane in love with each other.....

"Oh Louis" I looked at him in sadness

"I'm sorry, I know she'll regret it, I know it" I placed my head on his shoulder once again. He just wrapped his arms around me and brought me into a big hug as he rested his chin on top of my head and cried. I just sat next to him and tried to to cheered him up.

Oh Eleanor, what have you done?


After two hours, Louis had clam down a little. Then an idea popped in my head, a perfect plan to bring the happy Louis back for at least a little while.

"I'll be back okay?" I said as he nodded. I walked out of his room and ran towards mine. I grabbed my laptop, it's charger as I ran back to his room ignoring the boy's as I grabbed the hotel room phone.

"Hello? Room services? I'll take 5 big ice creams and a lot of things with chocolate, yes,yes,charged it to the room, two hot chocolate milks too, room one hundred and five,thanks, see you soon" I dropped the phone as I ran back to my room once again. I changed into my Stitch costume and ran back to Louis room.

"Lou?" I whispered as I entered his room. He was sitting on his bed and gave me a little tiny smile. Well at least he tried....

"I brought you some food" I said as I placed the food cart next to his bed. He looked at me, nodding, not even trying to talk

"I brought something to cheer you up" I said as I closed the door. I climbed next to him as I set up my laptop. I clicked on the movie 'Dispicabel Me' and pressed play.

I sat next to him as we watched the movie and laughed at the little minions. His mind was not even on Eleanor which made this mission successful.

The movie ended and we decided to watch the second movie. While it was loading he started playing with my always .-.

"Hey, Sammy?"

"Yes, Lou?"

"Why did you stay with me?" the boys had already fallen asleep

"Because we're family now. You would have done the same for me anyways, you're also my dad. You're the best dad I could have ever asked for. I love you daddy" I smiled up at him. His face lit up like a child on a Christmas day as his eyes got watery.....I hope those are happy tears.

"I love you too baby girl" he said as he kissed my forehead. Happy tears....well at least I think they're happy tears, fell down his cheeks. With my little hand I wiped them away.



"Don't cry again, okay?" he smiled sadly down at me, a stray tear fell from his eye, I wiped it away with my little hand "Promised me?"


I smiled at him and we continued watching the movie as Louis played with my hair while muttering "Why the hell is it so soft?!" while I rolled my eyes and kept watching the movie. Soon the movie ended, so did the food and drinks as we both fell asleep.

I hope Ellie realizes her mistake, I can tell Louis is insanely in-love with her.

I just hope it isn't too late.


I was peacefully sleeping. Having an amazing dream with Stitch

"Psst, Sammy Bear?"

".........................." I didn't answer

"Pssssstttttt, Sammy Bear!" someone poked my cheek

"Pee off before I chop your cruls Styles" I growled, looking at him

"Can I join too?"

"Wha-?Sure, whatever" the bed went down and Harry laid on my right.Louis on my left, hugging the life out of me. Then Harry decided to hug me but on my right side.

"Harry Bear, Louis? Stop hugging me before I beat you both up with a shoe" but none of them let go. I sighed as I tried to sleep once more and see if I could still dream about Stitch as Louis hugged me on my left side and Harry on my right. Then someone came in


"Yes, Ni?"

"Can I come in too?" I mentally wanted to tell them to go away but I was too tired.

"Fine" Nialler came over and started hugging me...over Harry....

Then, why does this happen to me? Zayn looked down at us and smiled

"Can I join?" I narrowed my eyes at him

"Fine" he crawled next to Louis and they all hugged me. Louis, who had just woke up, giggling and playing with my hair as Harry mimicking his movements.

Then, my leprechaun luck is just not working for me today. Liam came in, then he smirked but not a normal smirk, and evil smirk before he ran and cannon balled onto the bed.

"Ahhhh!" I screamed along with the rest

"HAHAHAH" Liam laughed as he sat on me....he is worst than Patrick.

"How's wittle Sammy?"

"Jerk! get off me!" I yelled

"Aww, that's not nice"

"Neither is sitting on top of me and stopping me from breathing!" he laughed and rolled off, laying on top of Harry and Niall.

"LEYUM!" Nialler pouted as Harry grabbed Louis' leg.

"HELP ME LOUIS!" Louis just looked at him and smiled

"Nah, jus gonna.........SUPERMAN!" he screamed and pushed Liam off the bed.

"HEY!" Liam yelled as he face planted onto the carpet. I was suddenly pushed off the bed too, falling next to Liam.

"OW, WHAT THE FUCK ZAYN?!" I sat up as I glared at Zayn

He smiled innocently at me "I have no idea, what you're taking about" I narrowed my eyes at him

"Niall! Get off! Stop trying to eat my hair!" Harry screeched. Everyone looked at the sleep eating Niall, don't know when or how he fell asleep but he did.


Niall's eyes shot open, widened and fell next to Liam and I. He started coughing as he grabbed his throath having a coughing fit.I giggled and patted him on the back.

"It;s gonna be alright man...." I tried not to laugh as I looked at his red face, he was trying to spit Harry's hair out of his mouth....EWWWW!

"SOMEONE'S GOT A HAIRBALL!" as we all ran around the room.

Niall was pulling funny faces, wiping his tongue on his sleeve, shuddering, then he did the most terrific thing I had ever seen. I've seen a lot of gross things in my life, but this just beated them all. He opened his mouth and pulled out a hair, that seemed to go on forever.....again EWWWW!! I was just staring, jaw dropped and wide eyes. It finally stopped as he wiped his mouth and looked at the hair in anger. He then looked at me with a smirk.

"OH HELL NO!!" I said as I got up and ran for it while Nialler chased after me with the hair that had been on his mouth just moments ago.

"DUDE THAT'S REVOLTING" I screamed as I jumped onto the table and looked at Niall, freaking the fuck out. HOW CAN HE CALMLY HOLD THE HAIR HE HAD JUST EATEN?! he grin evilly at me.

"Nialler.....buddie old chap! Put the hair down, as calmly as you can, then we can talk about this"

"I don't think so Sam, we got a score to settle" I jumped down the table ,screaming my head off.

"WHAT THE UNICORN DID I DO TO YOU?!" I screamed as he tackled me to the ground and sat on my stomach....

"DUD. CAN'T. CONTAIN. MY. FOOD " I groaned but he held the hair just centimeters away from my head. Once again I screamed my head off.

"UGH! GET IT OFF! GET IT OFF! MOTHER FUCKER! I'LL KILL YOU! AND DON'T LECTURE ME NOW LIAM! THIS IS A LIFE OR DEATH SITUATION!" I screamed as Liam opened his mouth and immediately closed it. Niall has an evil side, who knew? I mean Liam, sure, but sweet innocent Nialler?

"Ooops" he smirked and dropped it. DROPPED IT. ON MY FACE. I freaked out, Harry's hair is on my face....with Niall's saliva!

"UGH RABIES!" I screamed and pushed Niall off me who was laughing his head off. I made sure it wasn't touching me then glared at Niall.

"You die now" then I chased after him with a spatula, don't know where it came from. I'm a magical leprechaun. I burst into a world of a boy band laughing. I glared at the red face Nialler in the corner.

"BITCHES GET STITCHES" I screamed referring to the Blood on The Dance Floor Song.....I heard that song not too long's stuck on my head.

"Samantha! Phone!" Paul walked into the room just as I was sitting on Niall and pouring some honey on his hair along with Vegemite. H e had whiskers, a mono brow, moustache, a beard, moles and some random drawings I drew on his face. He just watched in surprised as he tried no to laugh.

"'re a strange one aren't you"

" I take pride on that" I stood up brushing my my clothes from the imaginary pixie dust, the boys laughing their heads off, silently tho. Paul just shooked his head and handed me his phone. I gave him a questioning look.

"For you" he mouthed

"I figured much" I shooked my head and out the phone on my ear.

"Yellow? Narnia is ready for your chicken wings. How can I help you?"


"That's me don't wear it out"

"Samantha, it's uncle Si"

"Oh hey uncle Si! How't it going?!"

"Sammy, I need to talk to you alone" I bit my lip. He sounds pretty damn serious. I nodded and walked out of the room, down the hallway into the bathroom then locked the door behind me.

"What do you want uncle Si?"

"Sam, I'm sure you're aware of the situation?"

"What situation?"

"The Louis and Eleanor situation"

"Oh yeah! What about it?" I frowned

"I got off the phone with her manager, they said that she had to break up with Louis.They want her to go out with someone else"

"WHAT?!" I screeched.

"Yeah. I have-"




"I have made her a deal with my friend's company, their going to hire Eleanor, then she'll be able to go back with Louis. But there's something they want in return...."

"What would that be?" I asked seriously regretting that the moment when the words left my lips.

"They want you to do a-"

"...................................................Can I think about it?"

"Sure, but don't take too long. You have a week" and with that he hung up

Oh my Oreo god.

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