In another world as my waifu...


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Follow Auros in his journey exploring a new world where he chose to be reincarnated as his waifu! He, now she... More

Chapter 1: When gods play, mortals die.
Chapter 2: Accidents happen even to gods...
Chapter 3: The answer is obvious.
Chapter 4: Read title for a hint
Chapter 5: Character creation takes time.
Chapter 6: The blessing of the gods
Chapter 7: (Ominous?) Arrival to a brave new world.
Chapter 8: They truly feel it better.
Chapter 9: The Goddess' surprise and the holy weapon
Chapter 10: Her exposition and a volcano
Chapter 11: Isekai bandit chapter
Chapter 12: Sometimes a new job means a new image.
Chapter 13: Shapeshifting Gacha is saltless?! Nerinne's new hobby is what?!
Chapter 14: The manly(?) way of gaining trust and base camp.
Chapter 15: Are you kidding? Eh?!
Chapter 16: Welcome to the castle of the Ever-Burning Will!
Chapter 17: At last! To the village of the beginning!
Chapter 18: Illumbee village investigation start!! And a massage?
Chapter 19: Night service and no, your eyes don't deceive you.
Chapter 20: Goddess what the hell did you tell her to do?!
Chapter 21: A Knight's night with her Lord and the beginning of her tale...
Chapter 22: ...or not.
Chapter 23: An eventful morning.
Chapter 24: Talking to a blizzard. Nothing serious.
Chapter 25: Village purification and a girl's decision.
Chapter 26: Sylvie's test.
Chapter 27: Resolve. Toast. Lap pillow.
Chapter 28: Isekai Villain Chapter
Chapter 29: Goodbye Illumbee village!
Chapter 30: Hello travel preparations!
Chapter 31: Having a Goddess girlfriend and a volcano daughter sure helps.
Chapter 32: Two weebs go into an onsen and...
Chapter 33: Surprising tastes? And a volcano learning about minerals.
Chapter 34: A Goddess' request and Maid-Knights' activities.
Chapter 35: The day has come! To the capital!
Chapter 36: Once upon a time in the Kyrie Kingdom part 1
Chapter 37: Once upon a little brother in the Kyrie Kingdom part 2
Chapter 38: Once upon a father in the Kyrie Kingdom part 3
Chapter 39: Once upon a childhood friend in the Kyrie Kingdom part 4
Chapter 40: Once upon a Foolish Prince in the Kyrie Kingdom part 5
Chapter 41: Once a bloody time in the Kyrie Kingdom part 6
Chapter 42: Once upon a Dragon Lord attack in the Kyrie Kingdom part 7
Chapter 43: Once upon an escape in the Kyrie Kingdom-the end.
Chapter 44: Isekai road trip with cute maids ¡yay!
Chapter 45: Demon Lords are good and Foolish Princesses are nice too.
Chapter 46: Capital on sight! But that a carriage in danger?!
Chapter 47: Of fleeting reunions and Gothic Lolitas.
Chapter 48: Welcome to the Capital!! Please beat some sense into us!!
Chapter 49: Cathedral My Love!!
Chapter 50: Bathing this Capital with blessings (shady plans)!
Chapter 51: Maid Express! Capturing suspects was never this easy!
Chapter 52: Invitation for infiltration!
Chapter 53: Nobles and Merchants are weak to Maids.
Chapter 54: Sophie's revenge.
Chapter 55: Torture? Who needs it? I don't!
Chapter 56: A change in seiyuu that sealed his fate.
Chapter 57: Defenseless thighs and Hard Knuckles
Chapter 58: Manners maketh man... No manners maketh punched man...
Chapter 59: Something's happening? Wow, took you long enough.
Chapter 60: Breakfast is truly the most important meal of the day.
Chapter 61: Come one! Come six! It's Sophie's roulette! Maid parade included!
Chapter 62: Allegra's lab and a special chair.
Chapter 63: A good steak and a surprising reunion.
Chapter 64: Who says that a Father's love is lesser?
Chapter 65: A day in the life of Sylvie, the apprentice maid knight.
Chapter 66: Going to a cathedral in an isekai. Can you guess the check?
Chapter 68: A meal with the prince?! With a high chance of needles?!! NOPE!!
Chapter 69: The Goddess' Request II. A scolded maid. After needles, some fluff.
Chapter 70: I have a brain, therefore, I do this.
Chapter 71: Surprising a Goddess is bad for villains.
Chapter 72: The Gaze of the Violet Death
Chapter 73: A conversation in the starry night and the form of His blessing.
Chapter 74: Getting ready for the ball.
Chapter 75: A ball awaits. Dresses arrive. Mouths are left agape.
Chapter 76: To make an entrance and clear a misunderstanding
Chapter 77: A friendly conversation with a Prince.
Chapter 79: Such a sheltered-looking girl is no match for a bull, right? RIGHT?!
Chapter 80: Gotcha! You mad Raph?
Chapter 81: King Nothing and The Fallen Prince(ss)
Chapter 82: Teleporting Enemies. Siblings reunited. Part 1 of 2.
Chapter 83: Separated by Ice. Reunited by Ice. Part 2 of 2
Chapter 84: What part of "King of Storms" you don't understand?
Chapter 85: Winter's Fear and Fearless Moon.
Chapter 86: A maid's duty is the same in the battlefield!
Chapter 87: The one who is above Dragon Lords.
Chapter 88: Fly to the Moon and see how you fall.
Chapter 89: As two battles end, another one grows bigger...literally.
Chapter 90: The Red Scourge's strength and the Princess' Magic.
Chapter 91: The Legend of the Maid Knights
Chapter 92: Hello World! Here I am!
Chapter 93: Let onee-san reward you with a hug and a Knighting!
Chapter 95: Dancing in the moon-less night.
Epilogue 1: The Pyrrhic Bet
Epilogue 2: Reverse isekai cooking and a new arrival.
Epilogue 2.5: A taste of another world and the fate of the Kyrie family.
Epilogue 3: The immediate future...and promised fanservice!
Epilogue #?∳⌶?ℌ⟱Ⅸ?⤀▆?: The Godess' Vision
GSS Chapter 1: A sweet and flowery start.
GSS Chapter 2: A tour through a lane of memories. Good and Bad.
GSS Chapter 3: A tea. A mirror.
GSS Chapter 4: Promised rewards? It's shopping time!
GSS Chapter 5: Dinner and...
GSS Chapter 5.5: ...a passionate, joyful night.
ESS Chapter 1:Time to go to sleep...but not before a bedtime story!
ESS Chapter 2: 1001 nights...minus 999.
ESS Chapter 3: Cliffhangers. Gotta love'em, right?
ESS Chapter 4: A savage spriggan savagely springing around cucuy village.
S-S END: A thoughtful battle and...Divine Cheating?!!
Volume 2: DDD (Dungeon-Dragon-Divine) Gift.

Chapter 94: Isekai celebratory feast manners!! Mika's shocking secret!!

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"And now, a toast in honor of the ones that brought this legendary victory! Lady Auros Argento and her Maid-Knights!"

Hello, maybe you are wondering why I am standing beside my self-professed best friend forever, Ludovica, with a beer mug in hand and in front a massive crowd.

Well, for the victory feast, of course! It is impressive how fast they set up everything! Like, there are enough tables, seats, food and drink for everyone!

Heck, we even have a VIP table right in front of us!

And by us, I mean me, the Maid-Knights, Ludovica and Julian.

There is music too! To think that there were some bards that also volunteered to fight, that is awesome!

I can hear people laughing, talking and simply enjoying this night that might have ended in tragedy...but it did not.

It warms my heart to know that we did this, that all of us, did this.


It makes me quite happy. It really shows me that we did good.

It really helps.








*vein popping* *twitch*

...I am feeling a bit...annoyed at the moment.

"Tehee...I did try by using your name, but it seems that the title already cemented itself..."

"You think?"

"I am really sorry, best friend! I totally am!~~"

"It is difficult to believe you with that smile of yours...Ludovica."

"Nee~~ Don't make that stiff face, I was just excited when I came up with it. I totally did not think it would get like this.~~~"


"My Lord, if I may, there is nothing that can be done but accept it."

"My, I agree there. The people seem happy even if they are using words as 'terrifying'."

"Yeah, Master. Don't sweat it."

These three...Erevain, Gabrielle and Kris...

"You girls...should I assume that you girls find my new titles...fitting?"



"Kekekeke! It sure does Master! Kekekeke!"

This Sophie...oh, that reminds me...

"Hoooh~~ is that so, Magical Girl?"

"Wha—?! Ma-ma-magical girl?!! Ho-how does Master know about that?!"

Hahahaha take that, Sophie! Loving that shocked face of yours right now.

Of course, I am going to ignore her now by just looking at the crowd.

"No, Master! Answer me! Don't ignore meeee!"

Hahahaha! So cute!

"Magical Girl? Nee Nee~~ that sounds cute!~~ I think it will be totally popular!"


Muahahahahahahahahaha! Sweet revenge!!

"Fufufhahahahahaha you are so mean Auros...fufufuhahahahaha!"

And yet you keep you haven't stopped since Ludovica went to get us.

"Fufufuhahaha...I can't...stop...even if I...hahahaha...know that I have been laughing too funny...fufufufu..."

Weeeell, its fine. Laughter is indeed known to be a good medicine and I do feel a bit better...

Could this be part of the reason why Ludovica did this? Because there is no way that she didn't planned this.

"Hahaha...yes, she is quite the perceptive one...fufufufu...she most likely thought that all of you would need something like this after the battle...hahaha..."

Seriously, this Gal beside me...

Ah! By the way, all of us are already sitting. Forgot to mention that. Sumanai.

The ones serving us are also some of the volunteers, they are serving the food until now since we decided that it would be better if everybody else got their food before us.

Also had to stop Lou—and just when I am narrating about it...

"Louise, this is the second time. Take your seat."

"But Master, I just want to go check on the cooks."


"And...maybe help them a bit."


"And also, maybe use a bit of ingredients I have stored..."

She really is a nice girl with her humble and onee-san like wish to go help in cooking for a feast that is to celebrate her and the rest of us. But...

"The cooks already said that if they need help, they will gladly ask."

...she already got rejected when she went directly to where the cooks were after we arrived to the camp.


"Louise, I want to help too, but we have to respect the desires of the cooks. That is the proper way. Even more so, it is their way of expressing their gratitude towards us."


As expected of our class president maid, Mika! But poor Louise, now she looks a bit dejected.

*sniff* *sniff*

Also, the food is coming!

"Food is coming."

Wow, Jules food radar is as strong as mine! As expected of my any-time meal partner!!

And just as we both detect it, the volunteers bringing our dishes arrive! There is so much food!! There is even classical isekai meat!!! I want it! Me grabbing!!



Erevain just smacked my hand!

"Manners, My Lord."


Guess I'll stick to using the utensils...eating isekai meat in the classical way will have to wait...!

"Man, thish meat is shoft!!"


"Yesh! Sho good!"




"*smug smile*"



"I understand you, Auros. Julian also gets angry if I eat like that."


Could this be...?! Is she really someone fated to be my friend...?! Did she just use a version of 'I feel you, bro'?!

"Of course, its tiring to remind you of the manners that come according with your position..."

Says Julian with a...really exhausted look. Like 'overworked man' kind of exhausted...I am sorry that you have to deal with this gal...

"Muu~~~ Why did you have to say that, Julian? I was just about to make my bond with Auros deeper!"

I guess that is true, but do you need to pout because of it?

"Bonding over not practicing proper manners is not a good influence for both My Lord and you, your Holiness. Please, listen to Sir Julian more."

"Aaah, thank you Miss Eresh!"

Now these two are bonding...

"My, so strict. You should let Master relax for a moment Leader."

Yeah! Tell her Gabrielle!

"Times like this are when manners matter the most, Gabrielle. Even you are keeping your manners despite saying that."

That is because she is an ojou-sama! Her ojou-sama power doubles by doing it!!

"Why do you want to eat it with your bare hands dear?"

I mean, the meat is still great even if I don't eat it with my bare hands but...! It is a matter of principles Nerinne! If you go to an isekai and there is isekai meat, then you need to eat it while holding the bone in your hand!!

"Ah, yes. That does seem to happen a lot in the novels you left in my realm."

Don't remind me...I miss my collection so much...

"Here My Lord, I served you soup." smells good...

"Ah, thank you Eresh."

"It is my pleasure, My Lord."

Aaaah that princess-like smile...


...and Gabrielle's stare.

I know you want to serve me too, maybe even go for the feeding event.

I too, want to be served by an ojou-sama, but the Gal beside me is, well, beside me. There is nothing I can do...sumanai...

"Master, have you tried the wine? It is quite good. Although it is a few years before being perfect in my opinion."

"Mhm, yep."

Wow, I thought Evangeline was a bit rougher when talking but she is surprisingly well-spoken when she wants huh.

Also, Gail is drinking both wine and beer, back to back...I bet some people in my world would have a heart attack because of that. Also...that is quite the gap moe with her cute appearance and all...nice!


"Tch, why are you laughing Kris?"

"Because you always talk like that when it comes to wine, it's so weird hahaha."

"Says the madwoman who is chugging beer like its water."

"What can I say? Fighting that thing was a good workout!"

"You really are mad."

These two seem like they don't get along, but Evangeline is actually smiling a bit while she drinks her wine.

Also, this soup is gooooood! It is a broth of some sort with lots of vegetables! It reminds me of a dish Nana used to make!

Ah, also, I have to try the wine.

"But you said you didn't drink, dear. Did you change your mind?"

Technically no but now I remembered something...

"What, dear?"

I can't get drunk and so on thanks to this body.

"Fufufu~~that is correct, but now I want to see you drunk. Shall I give you a taste of my divine wine? Or maybe some candy? Fufufufu~~~"

Great, now I have to be careful with what I drink and eat in the castle...

"Master, this meat is smoked. Do I cut a piece for you?"

"Of course, Jules."

It smells good...

"Dog, is it really fine for me to be here?"

"Keh, stop asking already. Just eat, no one here is telling you otherwise. Here, stuff yourself."

Awww Sophie is being kind to Lyra by serving her food. Good Sophie. Also, a bit tsundere!

"That is her way of saying that you are already part of the team, Lyra! Because, yes we are!"

"I didn't say anything of the sort!"

Hahahaha Maevis just exposed Sophie and she reacted like a bigger tsundere!

"Dog, you are so nice. I like you."



"Allegra can you pass me the sauce, please?"

"Of course. Here."

"Thank you."

"You know, I prepared something that might be spicier. Want to taste it?"

Oh oh...

"What? No, no, no, I'm fine. I like my food spicy but not to that extent..."

Good one Kara. I mean, we all can resist poison but...well...just no.

Let me be the only one who tries out her food related things.

"Aw, that is shame. Do you want to taste it, Luca?"



Kara is probably having the same thoughts as me.

*hissing far away*

Hmm? Is that what I think it is?


"You just picked up something, right Jules?"

"Yes, and Master did too. It's a beast, Sam."

Says Jules as her eyes turn sharper towards the direction where the beast is.

"Indeed, it is a bit far from where we are now, but it is coming here."

I say while focusing in that place too.

All the maids stopped eating and were awaiting orders.

"Shall we go?"

Says Sam preparing to summon her bow but...

*far away chatter*

"No, it seems that some of the scouts that came from the capital and were on watch noticed it."

...I said while eavesdropping on the conversation of said scouts and signaling all the maid-knights to keep eating normally.

"It seems Countess Pyr is going to take it out, she was quite adamant about it."




Did Lucy react to that?

Mika too...huh.

Let's see what this beast is...hmm...big red doesn't feel that strong but just to be sure...

"Jules, the beast seems to be a large red snake."

"Hm, might be a Vipred. No...if it was with that army it might be a Scarnake."


"Lucy wai—!"



Lucy just left and even used her [Lightning Step] without a chant. Then it must be something quite serious. Ok, instinct tell me something...ah...I see, how could I have missed that while reading their stats?!

"Master I need to go where Lucy is going."

Says Mika while standing from her seat and she has quite the urgent expression.

"You can go, but let Lucy do what she needs to do."

"That is..."

She seems worried...

"Do not worry, it will be alright..."

I say as I stand and put my hand on her shoulder.

"...believe me. Besides that, remember, it is your choice."

"I...yes, Master. Then I shall start moving."

With that she leaves to where Lucy is going.

"Was that alright, My Lord?"

"Of course, you more than anyone should know."

Erevain's eyes widen for a moment before she smiles.

"Indeed, that is true."

After all, Lucy and the Countess are...


As the battle raged against the strange group of humans, one beast's instincts told it that those humans were not prey.

That it will die if it confronts them openly.

That is why the beast chose to do something different from its kin.

It stayed back, used its camouflage power and waited.

It waited for those humans to drop their guard, no matter what happened, the beast did not move forward, it only circled around the area.

When the undead attacked its kin, it simply moved farther away and waited.

Now the sounds of the party made its instincts tell it that its prey had dropped its guard.

So, it slithered quickly towards their nest, seeking to attack them when they least expected.

Oh, it should be delicious.

The hunger made it think like that.

What it didn't know was that its camouflage wasn't perfect, and it had been detected by those scouts that were on the lookout duty. Those unlucky to have pulled the short stick, literally.

They quickly informed the leader of their company.

Countess Myriel Pyr.

But to their surprise, the Countess decided to go on her own and ordered the two scouts to enjoy the festivities for they had done a great job.

One could say that was a reckless decision, but the scouts knew of the capabilities of the Countess.

A simple Vipred would and should be easy pickings for her, so they conceded and let her confront it.

But they had made a crucial mistake.

One that many hunters and mercenaries make due to the extremely similar appearance of both beasts. Truly, a matter of simple darker shades of red in their scales but one that was deadly.

For it was not the beast they thought it was but something worse.

And now it was full of joy as food was delivering itself towards it.

"I had a feeling that something would come and try to ruin the party, that would always happen in the novels Mikael lent to me."

Said Myriel as she unsheathed her sword, the same sword that her grandfather had made for her when he was still alive.

One would say that the weapon was old and needed to be replaced, but those were fools who were ignorant to the amount of care she has given to this weapon.

The grass around her started to become flat as if something was moving around her.

"Can you at least show yourself? It's quite obvious by looking at the grass and the floating red spots."

Of course, she knows that the beast could not understand it. After all, a Vipred had low intelligence...but this was not a Vipred.


The Scarnake showed itself completely as Myriel had asked and raised part of its body. It was now towering over her.

"...! This might be a problem, but there is nothing else to do! In the name of the Pyr Household, I shall slay you! [Zurat]!"

She exclaimed full of pride for what her name represented for her, not her toxic parents, but her grandparents and in some part, her elder brother. Even if she had realized what that beast was.

Her sword and her body moved as one in swift but seemingly confusing movements, making the Scarnake's eyes try to follow it to know where it could strike. But it was more than its eyes could handle and that made it open for attack.

An opening that she did not miss and thrusted at the Scarnake.



Her sword pierced through the Scarnake's scales but...


"HSSSSSSSSSSS!!" the end, the muscles of the beast were tougher, as showed by the sword getting stuck in them.

The Scarnake quickly launched itself towards its prey with its maw open, it had won...


...or at least that was what it thought before a mysterious figure entered the fray in a flash of golden lightning and slashed vertically at it. Both upwards and downwards, it was so fast that it seemed as if both slashes had been done at the same time.


The Scarnake did not have time to react before it had turned into three fillets from the head to the lower part of its abdomen and died.

"Ahahaha, I have come to save the night! And give advice to the little girl! You are the same as always Myriel, you are too hasty and take on things by yourself without even knowing what really is front of you! Don't do that! Ahahahahahaha!"

Myriel's eyes widened after hearing such words and looking at the woman that was in front of her, making a certain feeling form in her heart.

She was one of the Maid-Knights that had fought for the capital.

She was blonde as her but instead of having said hair tied properly, it was simply wild.


"Hm? Aree? Could it be that you can reco—"

That feeling grew stronger as she looked into the green eyes of the woman in front of her.

"...who are you?! I mean, I know that you are one of the Maid-Knights! But who are you?! Why do you know the Pyr's household sword technique skills?! Where did you learn them?!! And why is it that you irritate me this much by only hearing your voice?!!!"

That feeling was annoyance.

"Ahahahaha, yeah, same Myriel. Got to go! Bye! Ahahahahahaha!"

The woman cheerfully said goodbye and started running towards the camp while laughing.

"W-waaaaait!! I am not finished with you!!"

Countess Myriel kept running after Lucy for quite the time until her target had stopped.

"Ha...ha...ha...I...ha...told you to...ha...stop..."

Said Myriel while she was trying to catch her breath.

"I apologize for my comrade's behavior, Countess Pyr."

That is when the reason for the blonde Maid-Knight to stop spoke.

The Countess raised her head found a bespectacled maid grabbing the blonde maid by the head.


She too, seemed quite annoyed.


"My comrade here should have escorted you to the camp instead of running away like she did, do not worry, I will personally punish her for her behavior."

"Ahahaha...but I knew she was going to run after me. That should count, right—?! Owowowowow!"

"No, it does not."

Said the bespectacled maid while increasing the strength she was using to grab the head of the blonde maid.


"Hm? Countess Pyr? Are you alright?"

The Countess had become speechless right after she saw the bespectacled maid and had stayed that way until said maid asked.


Said Myriel with a shocked expression.

"Wha—!? *cough* I mean...I do not know who is that person you are referring to."

Said the maid with a slightly nervous tone while also looking away.

"I was the one that forced you to cross-dress that one time when were kids! So do not lie! You look as cute as back then!! Even more!!"

There was a bit of red on her cheeks as Myriel exclaimed while pointing at the bespectacled maid.

"That's...! I..."

"That happened—?! OW! PLEASE LET ME GO!"

The bespectacled maid simply kept looking away while she grew nervous and increased her grip strength.

"You are also using the same glasses I gifted to you back then! Ah! You are still using them!"

For a moment Myriel felt quite happy but she quickly got herself together.

"No! That is not important now! Why are you cross-dressing?! Why are you a Maid-Knight?! Why are you even here in the first place?!! Also, where is my idiot of a brother?!! Why is that maid so annoying?!!"

Myriel shot question after question and the blonde maid kept twitching in pain.

"It's not cross-dressing...."

The bespectacled maid muttered.

"How come it is not, Mikael?! These ones can only be fake!"

She exclaimed as her hand went towards the maid's chest.





"Hyan—! are sensitive..."


Exclaimed Myriel in complete shock by the realistic softness and elasticity of the maid's breasts.

They were as real as hers.

The bespectacled maid in front of her was a woman.

"But, but, but you even smell the same! Your voice is almost identical, if only a bit higher, and the mole!! You still have that small mole on the lower right of your neck!"



One maid was surprised by all the physical data of her that the Countess had, while the other had already stopped resisting and had seemingly gone limp.

Someone would say that her soul was coming out of her mouth.

"'My choice'...Master knew this would happen...she really is impressive..."

Muttered the bespectacled maid as she remembered the words of her Master and she intended to follow them.

"Please, tell me it is you Mikael! I lost both of you back then... The house was never the same without you both...I had to take care of everything while seeing your names be tarnished like that...I do not care what turned you into a woman but please, tell me that I am not wrong! Tell me that I did not lose my closest friend back then!"

Pleaded Myriel with all she had, but even then, her eyes showed incredible strength.

Her words reached the hearts of both maids.

"Hey, I think its fine. Master would not be angry; she is not like that."

Said the blonde maid, who seemingly returned from the depths of unconsciousness.

"I know."

The bespectacled maid answered as she released the blonde maid and looked at Myriel.

"You are right Myriel. It is me but, at the same time, I am not. My name is not Mikael anymore, it's Mika. So, hello again for the first time."

Said Mika while doing a formal salute.

Myriel did not wait anymore and simply hugged her.

"I do not care about that! I only care that it is you! You! You cannot know how happy I am!! You were branded a traitor, exiled and then they told us you were dead!! This is a miracle!!"

She exclaimed while a single tear of happiness fell from her eye. And then, she realized something.

"Wait, could this mean that Lucyiel is really alive too?!"

Myriel stopped embracing Mika and grabbed her from her shoulders.

"Ahahaha! That's me! Although now I call myself Lucy! Aren't I cute? *wink*"

Said Lucy while she did a cutesy pose.



Both Mika and Myriel simply approached Lucy with ominous shadows covering their eyes and grabbed her.

Mika by the head.

Myriel by the cheeks.

"Be serious for once!"

"So that is why you are so annoying!!! You idiot brother!!!"

Exclaimed Mika and Myriel at the same time.

"Ahahahaha, thish should be a happy reunion, right? Your big brother ish now a shishter but I am back!"

"Yes, you are right! Now I can let out all the stress I have been building up thanks to you!!"

Said Myriel as her grip grew stronger.

"*gulp*Mika, help me."

"Please endure, Lucy."

Said Mika while smiling ominously.


That night, Mika and the Countess Myriel returned to camp looking strangely refreshed.

Meanwhile, Lucy returned with her cheeks red and letting out small whimpers, even so, she was smiling.


Aaah, this has been quite the night.

I did things I never thought I would do and those are now a weight I will carry forever.

But I also saw the smiles of the people I was able to save by doing those things.

I ate with them, drank with them and even told a couple of jokes that could fit my alter role.

Who could have thought that in the absence of my novel collection I would be able to have so much fun?

If it's that fun, why am I waiting by a tree a bit far from the camp?

Well, I was asked to come here.

By who?

"You are here, My Lord Auros. I am glad."

By this now silver headed beauty, who's wearing the dress she had at the ball, her hovering armor has turned into part of it and she now looks even more an angel...


I am least the words aren't coming out...what do I say? Nope, no idea.

I am not dense, nor brain dead so I can guess her reason but...nope, words are not coming out and she is getting closer and closer.

Come on! Say something!

Just look at her eyes! She is here not in the role of right-hand woman but as a heroine!

So, say something and summon that dress!!

"I believe I have a promise to keep, if so, come."



"Then, shall we dance?"


To be continued....(CUE AD FOR SILVER EREVAIN AND AUROS BALL DRESS FIGURES!) (UP NEXT! WELL, YOU CAN ALREADY GUESS IT, RIGHT?!) (I hope everyone has a good week! Thank you for reading and please look forward for the next chapter!)

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