Daisy de aged

By 4everslytherclaw

13.1K 293 48

It started with a mission collecting a supposedly harmless 084, but what if Daisy had touched it and it turne... More

Introducing the characters
How this started
First day of school
Summer break
Where's Mommy
2nd first day
Orphan drama
Authors note
Death is not a happy place
FUNerals are not fun
Simple changes, big problems
First day of school. First times for everything
Cameron Boyce
Secrets uncovered
More secrets and lies...
Can only lead to two possible outcomes...
The truth...
And the deeper truth
The end

No good at goodbye

223 6 1
By 4everslytherclaw

Daisy POV

I got off the bus with a smile, same as always. The only difference was that this smile was real. It's one of the first real smiles I've used since Dad died. Everyone knew this. "Okay so why the smile?" Gigi asked. "Maybe because it's the day school gets out and definitely because of teasing Ross Lynch." I said. "Who?" Vivian asked. "Ross Lynch is an actor and singer and because they have the same last name I actually have to say... Daisy that was an amazing joke!!!" Gigi said. "You're gonna get in trouble for this one day." Vivian said. "I won't because I haven't gotten in trouble since.. you know. Plus Mom is way to busy to notice anything I do let alone punish me for it." I explained before leaving. Eliza came up to me next. "Well I'm glad you're happy, because if glum Daisy made an appearance this summer then it would be the saddest summer ever." Eliza said. I lost my second thought when I heard Charlotte. "Daisy!!!! Omg you're smiling, it's real." She said running up to me. "Happy you like my smile that much, or was it just my glowing personality." I said sarcastically which made Amanda, Eliza, Gigi, and Charlotte smile. Then the bell rang and we had to go to Mr. Lynch's class. "Hello class!!! Cassandra nice to see ya!! Ah Vivian  have a good summer. Oh wow!!!Class guess who actually showed up on time or at all today? Daisy what's the occasion for not being late to  or completely skipping class?" Mr. Lynch asked sarcastically. But being myself I could never let him get the last word so I showed him up. "Well Mr. Lunchbox," the whole class laughed at that so I waited for it to die down and then I stood up to finish talking. "I'm not sure if you've noticed Mr. Lunchbox, but there's this huge thing called the last day of school and it means no school for 3 months. Plus when we come back you won't be my teacher anymore. But don't worry I came right on time so I could tease you for the last time this year." I said as the whole class burst into laughter. Then the bell rang again and we packed up. I quickly zipped my backpack and ran out of the class I was the first one out. Then I grabbed my board from the office and skated to the playground to meet with Gigi, Eliza, Auggie, Amanda, and Charlotte. When they got there we skated to Uncle Tony's house. Ally was waiting for us there. "Hey kids, how was the last day of 3rd grade?" He asked. "It was good." I said.

The moment you have been waiting for!!!! This is what I was wearing all day. That's what Ally was wearing, we took a picture together. "Daisy, your Mom wants you home." Uncle Clint said 4 hours later. Everyone except me and Amanda left. "Okay, bye Uncle Clint, Bye Aunt Nat, Bye Uncle Tony!!!" I yelled. Amanda left with me and because we live in the same neighborhood I we skated the same way. "Race you to my house!!" I said as I hopped on my skateboard. "You're on!!" Amanda said trying to catch up. I won.
As we got to my house we said goodbye and I walked towards the door to my house. "Daisy, What did I tell you about making fun of the teacher?!!!!" Mom yelled as I came in. I rolled my eyes at her. "Yeah yeah, nice to see you to." I said sarcastically. "Daisy don't play with me young lady Mr. Lynch told me everything. You've been teasing the teacher, talking back, talking out of turn, coming to school late, and even skipping school completely!!!!!" Mom growled through gritted teeth. "Okay fine. I only did it because he keeps teasing me about how I missed class for 3 weeks and usually come late or very very very rarely skip class." I said. "You should've been in class from the start!!!!! Daisy Grace May go to your room and on your way leave the skateboard at my door!!!!" Mom yelled. "But that's so not fair!!!" I complain. "Keep it up and you lose it for the summer." Mom said. I ran and left my board at my Mom's door. At least it's not my phone or iPad this time. The way she said it was weird to. "Daisy Grace May, go to your room!!!!!" I've been Daisy Grace May since Daddy died. I'm still not used to being a May instead of a Jackson. Mom said that since she took Dad's last name when she married him, now that he's dead we have to use Mom's last name. I want everything to go back to normal ughhh!!!

I couldn't believe that my daughter was skipping class. It's only 3rd grade she should at least wait until 6th grade. Oh she's so grounded. I stormed into  the basement to grab the motorcycle. I was taking the tunnel to the base. Since SHIELD has other agents that weren't as close with us, we built an underground tunnel to the base from my house. Only agents that Daisy considered her family before would get to know that she was de aged not dead. I checked into the meeting room to see Mack, Yoyo and Piper staring at me. "You're late, just like last week." Mack said. "And the week before that and even the week before that." Yoyo said. "What is keeping you so late?" Piper asked. Piper is one of the many agents that can't know. "Classified." I said maybe a little to forcefully. Mack nodded in agreement. "May can you stay for a minute?" Mack asked. "Yes sir." I said.
Piper POV

May was acting very weird tonight. I don't understand why unless she's hiding something. I probably almost discovered it. She's been acting weird for a while. She almost never wears dresses and she doesn't wear heels or jeans that aren't black. I stood next to the door to listen into her conversation with Mack. "Daisy's been skipping class for the past 2 months and her teacher didn't think to tell anyone until just now." May said much to my confusion. "Well did you at least deal with that?" Mack asked. "Yea she's grounded her." May said. "Well you should get back to your daughter, tell her we'll be coming over soon." Mack said. "I'll be sure to tell her, bye Mack." May said. Then the door opened. I stood right in front of it. "Soooo Agent May, never knew you had kids." I said. May just looked at me with a glare that would make the little grey toughest guy in the world wet his pants. "You really need to learn to mind your place Piper." She said cruelly as she pushed right past me. I was gonna followed her but Mack pulled me into his office. "Piper did you seriously think I wouldn't know?!!!" Mack yelled.      "I-I-I'm sorry. I got jealous and I guess I got into May's business." I apologize. "I'd apologize to May not me." Mack said. "Great idea I should go down to her place and apologize." I said and Mack fell for it. "Here's the address, you can go there and you have 8 hours to get back." Mack said. "Woah uhhh, does she live far?" I asked. "Nah but she doesn't really want you to meet her kid."  Mack paused he probably saw my face. "I mean she has a select few people that are allowed to know and those are the people who were in the future with us." Mack explained. I nodded and headed to May's house.

I tried to talk to Daisy when I got home but she slammed the door in my face. I've been so stressed being the single parent but I guess I should've payed more attention to my child. "Daisy can I please come in, I'm sorry." I said. She opened the door looked at me with her tear stained and then slammed it in my face again. I was about to slam her door open when the doorbell rang.
"Hey kid I know you're still really mad at me and don't wanna hear me or listen to me right now but please just stay in your room. It's a matter of your safety." I said. "Okay I'll be in my room." Daisy said. I ran to open the door. "Piper.... I think I told you not to go in my business!" I yelled through gritted teeth. "I know and I'm sorry." Piper said. "Get the fuck out of my house!!!!!" I yelled. "Fine but I just wanna see Daisy again." Piper said. ""You've never met Daisy and you never will!!!! Get out before I call the cops or even SHIELD." I yelled. Piper biked off to the agency I know because I tailed her with a tracker. Once I knew Piper was gone I opened Daisy's door with a key, locked every single lock on every single entrance, and then I marched over to the living room, turned off the Tv and had Daisy talk to me. "Hey I get it, you were mad and you really missed your father." I said. "I'm not gonna talk to you!!!!! I'm only talking to my siblings, Daddy, and my friends!!!!!" Daisy yelled storming out of the room. Oh this one is totally my fault.
Alessa POV

I was walking into my apartment. I shared it with my daughter. Vivian was most likely already home and probably waiting for me. I opened the door to the penthouse apartment and walked up the steps when a voice scared me. "Mom, you forgot to close the door.... AGAIN!!!" Vivian's voice said. I turned around to see my daughter. "Vivian Aliya Marshall, you scared me." I said. She walked into my view. "Mom you're totally late to pick me up for Gigi's summer party... AGAIN!!!" Vivian complains. "Look Vivi I'm sooo sorry but things were busy in the studio today. Modeling is harder than it sounds." I said. "This is why we need Dad." Vivian said. "Vivian Aliya Marshall if I've said it once I've said it a million times... you're father is not needed in this family and you're not allowed to see him!!!" I said before looking at my daughter's face. "Look Vivi your Dad isn't as great as you think and we are doing good enough without him." I said. "How many more parties will I have to miss before you admit you're wrong?!!!" Vivian asked. "None, because I bought you this." I said handing Vivian a skateboard.

"Really, but you said they were unnecessary danger and drama." Vivian said. "Yeah but you're nine years old now and I guess it's appropriate for you to fit in with your skateboarder friends." I explained. You see the picture that was taken the day after I bought her the board and her face was so worth the injuries she could get.
Daisy POV
The next day

I woke up and put on overalls with a green shirt underneath it. I finished the look with brown combat boots. I'm not mad at my mom anymore but she probably thinks I am. So I went to look for her so I could tell her. When I got downstairs these are the people I saw.




Some other girl I don't know

"Macky, Ellie!!!!! Mom you never told me that Mack and Ellie were coming!!!!" I yelled as I ran towards my sister and her boyfriend. I haven't seen them since Daddy died. "Hey Daisy." Mack said. "Hey kiddo." Elena said. "Hey why does she get to call you kiddo?" Mom asked. "Because Ellie's my sister and you're my mom so it sounds weird when you say it but when she says it it's fine." I explained. "Oh Mom... I'm not mad at you anymore." I said. Mom smiled at that. "Hey Yoyo you never told anyone you had a little sister." A voice I didn't know said. "Ellie, who's that?" I asked pointing to the girl I didn't know. "That's Piper." Ellie said. "So if May's your mom then where's your dad?" Piper asked. I started crying a little bit at the thought of my Daddy. "Her Dad is Coulson." Mack said. "Why did people call Dad Coulson?" I asked. "It was a nickname." Ellie said. "Yeah because Coulson is his last name." Piper said. "No, his last name is Jackson. Phillip J. Jackson." I corrected. "Yeah Piper Coulson was a cover." Mom said. "Oh Daisy Vivian and Gigi are gonna be coming over to go skating with you." Mom said. "You took away my skateboard." I reminded her. "You have like 12 other boards like the new one I bought you for Christmas and the one you ordered last fall." Mom said. "Cool I forgot about those." I said running to grab this skateboard.


I got this from the REAL skateboards shop. It's my favorite shop. Then I left telling my mom that I was gonna be going to Avengers Towers. When I got there the lady Deborah greeted me. "Hello Daisy!!!" She said. "Hey Debby, do can you send me up to where Gigi is?" I asked. "Of course. FRIDAY send Daisy to where Gigi is." Deborah said. "Thanks Debby!!!" I yelled from the elevator before it closed. Soon enough I found Gigi at the kitchen. "Daisy!!" Gigi said. "Hey Gigi." I said. Before running to my favorite aunt. "Aunt Pepper!!!!!" I yelled asking her to pick me up which she didn't. It was still cool though because uncle Thor, my favorite uncle, picked me up and I was on his shoulders. Super tall.
Vivian POV

I was so happy that my mom finally bought me a skateboard. I skated to Avengers tower, which is where Gigi lives, and I was pretty good at it thanks to the lessons Daisy gave me last time I went to her house. "Woah Vivian!!! Nice board!!!" Gigi said from her window. "Thanks, ready to go meet Daisy?" I asked. "No need I'm already here!!!" Daisy said jumping out. "Race ya to Bert's!!!!" I yelled. "Oh yeah!!!" Daisy agreed. We skated all the way to Dad's ice cream shoppe and got midnight cookies and cream sundaes with lots of candy and whipped cream on top. "If my Mom saw this..." Gigi paused "she'd have a fit!!!!" Gigi said all of us squealing at the end of her sentence. "If my Mom saw this I'd probably never get ice cream again." Daisy said. "Well if my mom saw this... she'd join me and probably add extra sprinkles. Then she'd force me to go to the gym with her for the rest of the month." I said. We all rolled our eyes at this. Then we skated back to the tower. Daisy's Mom picked her up to drive her home and I skated back to my apartment.

Gigi had her friends come over so they could skateboard. I guess she didn't wanna include me but it's cool because friends are for the weak. Love is for children, tears are for babies, and friends are for the weak. I was at high school for most of the year before it ended and I hadn't made a single friend. "Sammy are you okay?" My mother asked. "Uhhh, yea." I said. "Samantha." My mother said through gritted teeth. "Okay fine I'm scared. What if they find me?" I asked. "I promise you that no matter what happens they'll never find you." My mother said. I went right bed after. Hoping desperately that my mother was right.
Author POV

Hey you know how this goes!!! Blah blah blah some lame ass apology about blah blah blah homework or concert. Not this time!!!! We're on summer break!!!!!! Finally!!! So my only excuse is trying to make this one really long, plus I was hanging out with my boyfriend because he's going to high school and I'm gonna be in 8th grade. I also broke up with him because I don't trust long distance relationships. Or any relationship like long distance. Anyways have a great summer!!!!!!! I'll see y'all next update.

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