The Organization (Season Thre...

By KingzGaius

13K 1K 458

I'm Gaius Dominic. An avenger. The only legitimate son of the late deputy senate president (Senator Uche Domi... More

Episode 1 (S3)
Episode 2 (S3)
Episode 3 (S3)
Episode 4 (S3)
Episode 5 (S3)
Episode 6 (S3)
Episode 7 (S3)
Episode 8 (S3)
Episode 9 (S3)
Episode 10 (S3)
Episode 11 (S3)
Episode 13 (S3)
Episode 14 (S3)
Episode 15 (S3)
Episode 16 (S3)
Episode 17 (S3)
Episode 18 (S3)
Episode 19 (S3)
Episode 20 (S3)
Episode 21 (S3)
Episode 22 (S3)
Episode 23 (S3)
Episode 24 (S3)
Episode 25 (S3)
Episode 26 (S3)
Episode 27 (S3)
Episode 28 (S3)
Episode 29 (S3)
Episode 30 (S3)
Episode 31 (S3)
Episode 32 (S3)
Episode 33 (S3)
Episode 34 (S3)
Episode 35 (S3)
New story alart

Episode 12 (S3)

316 27 10
By KingzGaius

(The Tough😠 And The Dangerous😬)

“Glory? Follow me to the racing ground,i wanna see how improved you are when it comes to driving". •*I said and she followed me immediately*•.
It been a week since i lose the mysterious tattooed man,but that doesn't mean that I've given up on finding him. I guess he's somehow related to Clara's family because they share the same surname,and killing Clara's Dad as I've been instructed to do will probably make him to show his face again.

Now the question is,what exactly is keeping me from killing Clara's Dad (the ex-minister) ?

I haven't make any plan yet,and neither have i cared to ask Dan what he gat. I just can't imagine been the one to put Clara in pains

Yesterday,this made my uncle to automatically sign me out of the mission with anger,which automatically puts Dan in charge of it,and i preferred it that way. My uncle was so mad at me to the extent that he said “Your father will be so disappointed in you for not been able to avenge his death all because of that daughter of a murderer".

And i audibly said “Had it been he's alive,i wouldn't have turned to a killer" as i walked out of his office,while he stared at me with anger as if he gonna break my head.

Dan Promised to assassinate God's Will Nwachukwu within two days,that he had already tabled down his plans,and I'm not against that,provided he doesn't includes me in it. Moreover,killing Clara's Dad will be so easy. Apart from been his party chairman,He's currently occupying no other official position at all in the current government and he goes out with just the maximum of four armed bodyguards,I've been monitoring him tho.
Earlier this morning,Clara had to go home (I mean her father's house) just because of the terrible dream she had last night which was about her Dad. This made her to pray through out the night(Unlike Clara),indirectly interrupting my sleep. But i never cared to stop her,neither did i cared to join the praying section,because i know too well that God is far from saving that murderous father of hers from the hand of Daniel who is so desperate to get back at me over what happened to Rita.

According to Clara and her nightmare,she said “About a dozen men sat on the same dining table with my father(her father) on top of a large solid rock,in the middle of the ocean. Half of them were eating and smiling,including my Dad(her Dad),While the other half frowns and watch with an empty plate on their own side of the table. The frowning half tried to protest and the other smiling half,including my Dad pushed them into the ocean and watch them drown,excluding one of them who hide quietly  under the dining table with a raging face. After a long while,the enrage man under the table suddenly became strong and brave. He picked a shape spotless sword left by one of the men that drown in the ocean and began to cut off the seats of the smiling men one after the other right from under the table where he hide himself. Each of them failed and drown in the ocean. But when it got to my Dad's turn,the man hits the sword severely on his seat,but the sword refused to cut the seat. Then the man drop the sword beside him and angrily pushed my Dad into the ocean,and i watch him drown".

She took her time to tell me her dream that seems to be real. I just wonder what kinda spirit she has,to be able to see such revelation,or is it because it has to do with her Dad?

“Go back to sleep,it just a nightmare". •*I said to her as i covered my ears with the pillow to avoid those kinda stories*•.

“Baby It's not just an ordinary nightmare,i do see things like that at times,and whatever i see do come to pass. I need to warn my Dad,i think someone he wronged in the past is after his life”. •*She said few moment before she turned to a prayer warrior last night*•.

This morning,she insisted on going home. Not alone,but with Desmond,and i had no choice then to let them go just for her not to have anything to hold against me.

I was already missing them. It's Saturday,and i don't normally stay up to 01:00pm at work,but going home to stay alone by that hour of the day was the last thing on my mind. And going to the organization will be a bad idea,not now that i am having hard time with my uncle,so i decided to go check on my hotel/resort instead.
Location: At My Hotel/Resort

I was busy doing nothing serious. I was just busy scrolling and reading tweets. And then Clara called,and i smiled. “She's missing me already". I thought to myself and picked the call.

Hi Baby? •*I muttered*•.

“Baby,my Daddy". •*She manage to say after some seconds,sobbing really serious. I don't need to be told that Dan had accomplished his mission*•.

Baby,Clam down and talk to me. •*I said as she sobs bitterly like a widow on the other side of the line*•.

Gaius?.............. Can you do me a favour? Just come to our house now. Please,just come.... •*She cryingly said and dropped the call*•.

Dan just got what he wants,which was hurting Clara. •*I thought to myself*•.


“Target is currently heading towards the elevator". •*Taiwo announced through the transmitter,from the cyber hall and i muttered “COPY" as i tugged on my black leather hand gloves*•.

I've been waiting for this moment to come. A moment that i will do something that will hurt someone Gaius will never like to see in pains.

Clara's dad had been in a political party meeting over an hour now at the eight floor of a multipurpose ten storey building,and i and my team have been patiently waiting for the meeting to be over for us to carryout our plan,and I'm going to do it quietly. No gun shots,provided things goes as planned.

I've been waiting on top of the elevator,clad in our usual mission costume and a backpack that contents other equipments which includes a chemical weapon which i will use on God's Will Nwachukwu. This chemical weapon is equivalent to the one Gaius used on G T Johnson,just that it kills faster and doesn't erase memories. It reduces the beating rate of a heart,stops blood from pumping freely and induces dizziness within 30 minutes.

I've already loosen a little portion of the elevator roof where i intend to pass through whenever he use it. And when Taiwo informed me of how close he was,i covered my face with a black medical mask,tugged on my face cap and fasten the thick military belt on my waist before hocking the thick rope which i will use while ascending on it,and stood firmly on top of the elevator.

“How many people do he have around him?" •*I asked Taiwo through the transmitter as the elevator gently descent from the tenth floor and stop at the eighth floor*•.

Taiwo: Just two pot belle members of his party.

“What of their bodyguards?" •*I asked*.

Taiwo: They all are waiting downstairs. •*he said and the elevator began to descend again,indicating that God's Will and his colleagues are already in there*•.

“Defuse the elevator by powering down the building's electricity for two minutes”. •*Agent Sonia,the cyberian acting boss ordered as i gripped tightly on the syringe that contents the chemical weapon,and Taiwo muttered “COPY" as he works towards that*•.

“Agent Dan? You gat not less than two minutes to get in,execute your mission and get out as soon as possible". •*She instructed immediately the power went down and elevator stopped at the fifth floor,while i muttered “COPY" as i shift the already loosed portion of the elevator roof,unveiling the interior part of the barely dark elevator that contents my target and his colleagues whom were murmuring something to themselves regarding the just seized elevator*•.

I quickly descend behind the ex-minister of economy,stab him on the side of his neck with the syringe and press the whole content into his body,while he groan and pulled out of my grip. I forcefully hit his two colleagues behind me with my both hands at the same time,and they staggeringly crash sideways on the elevator walls,while i tugged twice on the rope that hocks on the military belt,and it quickly pulled me out of the elevator and up to the eighth floor within seconds.

“Mission accomplished,get the escape route ready". •*I muttered as i unfastened the belt and put it into my backpack,including the syringe before fast walking into the door that leads to the staircase,where two male workers of the multipurpose building were still laying unconscious,caused by the sleeping chemical i used to drug them earlier*•.

“Agent smith get ready to evacuate the building". •*Sonia said to smith my driver,and he muttered “COPY" as i descents the stairs so fast to meet up with time*•.

“Go through the back door,it's clear". •*Taiwo said as i got to the last floor,and i quickly obeyed without hesitating*•.

From there i was already seeing the tinted black Audi we came with as it waits for me,and i hurried up.

“Taiwo? Power on the building electricity". •*Sonia instructed as i got into the car,and Smith quietly drove off and pass the arm securities as if nothing happened,and immediately we hit the road,smith increased his speed*•.

This was one of the most silent mission ever in the history of the organization,and i hope my chemical works on God's Will,so that this won't be a waste of time.
Location: Home

Since morning i haven't eaten anything. kamsi (Gaius's cook) fried something good for breakfast (plantain and eggs) but i got no appetite,all i wanted was to see my Dad. But unfortunately he was already out for a meeting before we got home.
By noon,Desmond had lunch with his grand mum and followed her to her room afterward to give her some headache (it been long). While i still insist on not eating anything. Mum thought that i and Gaius wasn't in good time,probably because i haven't given my reasons for not wanting to eat.

And by 03:40pm,hunger failed on me,and i decided to go fry some plantain and eggs myself just to cure the hunger. I was acting weird and i knew it. I hardly cook,the maids were kinda surprise with the sudden change after been away from home for few weeks now.

After frying and eating almost half of the stuff at the same time right in the kitchen,caused by hunger,i put the remaining stuff in a plate and carried it to the dining table,along with a cup of tea.

“Okay doctor... Don't keep me waiting please". •*My lovely Dad said to his phone as he walked into the living room from the the front door,and i smiled for the first time since this day*•.

“Dad Welcome". •*I smilingly greet from the dining room as he dropped the call,and he glanced at my direction*•.

“Ah! Peak milk mummy... This one you came home,it's like Gaius had traveled again?" •*He playful said as he walks towards my direction*•.

“No Dad,He's in town..... Just that i was missing everybody". •*I smilingly said as he got close to the dining,stretching my plate of fried plantain for him to have a taste,and he unhesitatingly picked one*•.

Uhm! Delicious! •*He muttered and pick another one before saying “What about Desmond?"*•.

ME: He's with Mum upstairs.

“Let me go and see what he gat for me. He promised to buy me something while coming back". •*Dad said as he walked towards the staircase*•.

Erm. Clara? •*Dad called out as he got to the staircase*•.

“Yes Dad".

“When doctor Kingsley gets here,direct him to my room". •*he said,referring to our family doctor,and i recalled that terrible nightmare that brought me home*•.

“Dad? Are you okay?" •*I asked with concern*•.

“Of course,or do i look like i am sick?" •*he asked*•.

“Then why do you need the doctor?" •*I asked and he kept quiet for some seconds,and said “I have a confidential business with him" as he ascends the stairs*•.

“Hmm! Dad? I have something to tell you. Just a minute".

Dad: Later honey.

“Why can't we talk now,it's important". •*I kept insisting,while my heart began to beat rapidly*•.

Dad: Meet me in my room when you're done eating. •*He said without even glancing at me*•.

Grandpa!! •*Desmond shouts from upstairs. I can't see him,but with his voice i don't need to be told that he was close to the interior veranda*•.

Dad glanced up towards Desmond's direction and misstepped as he made to step on the next case. And within seconds,he was tumbling down on the same stairs he has been using for years now.

Oh my God!!! •*I screamed so loud and the plate of plantain failed off from my hand and broke as i ran towards my Dad who his eyes were already closed as he lies still on the tiled floor*•.

“Daddy open your eyes please".  •*I cryingly said as i shakes his body,and stared from his face to his broken neck which it's bone was threatening to poke out from his flesh,getting me so scared and hopeless*•.

Somebody help!!! •*I cryingly screamed with all my might in the sense that no one will say “i didn't hear you scream".and within seconds,the whole house hold began to gather from every corner,including the security guards,while my mum began to scream right from the staircase*•.

By Kingz Gaius Chinedu.


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To be continue.....

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