SuperFamily 101

Par deadroosterdonoteat

10.7K 260 87

Peter Parker, an innocent child awkwardly gets tossed into the already hectic lives of the Avengers as the ad... Plus

One a.m.? Drunk? Me?
I mean, sure, go ahead.
Greetings, my frien-
I always have a reason.
I promise.
What do you mean break- aaaah!
It's you and me against the world, buddy.
Long way home.
Chicken gobbling?
That felt oddly like one of our missions.
How hard can it be to find a 3-year-old in New York?
Thank god, they are dead.
Fvck, I almost shot you.
Stop guilt-tripping me!
Hell hath no fury as a woman scorned.
Good thing I'm not a cat then.
At least I'm not balding.
Clint felt extremely uncomfortable.
I've known you for most of your pitiful life.
Who are you?
You can't touch us child. No one can!
It's not him.
Just, die already.
Well, there goes that idea.

Screeching pterodactyls.

124 5 0
Par deadroosterdonoteat

Edit / 22 - 06 - 19 / 

Ok people, I'm going to edit and possibly change just some little parts of this story and because I suck at editing there might not be any chapters for a while! I'm really sorry, so I suggest. Just, when I repost all the chapters that you go back and reread them. Really sorry. And no, this does not mean it's the end of the story yet. We, still have to fight Gamot remember?

Chapter Twenty - Screeching pterodactyls. 

"Thank you so much, Peter!" MJ said as Peter was guiding her out of the building. "I had so much fun today." she continues. Peter grinned and said,

"You're welcome. I'm sure Miss Potts and Aunt Nat won't mind at all if you come over any time you please. Maybe next time you can meet Shuri and Wanda." He smiled at her. 

"Where are they right now?" MJ asked. 

"Shuri is in Wakanda with her brother and Wanda is with the "Rogue" Avengers," Peter said, putting air brackets around rogue.

"Rogue?" MJ asked confused. 

"Pops' death hit 'em hard. Bucky couldn't handle it and since Wanda, Vision and Samuel are his closest friends they helped him through it. Every once in a while they come by, I learnt Russian from Aunt Nat, Wanda and Bucky. Vision helped too." Peter replied sadly. 

"Poor Bucky, is he okay?" MJ inquired. 

"He's okay now but he's always on edge. Like, someone is going to suddenly attack him." Peter responded. 

"Oh," MJ returned. They had reached the front door, 

"Are you sure you don't want me to come back with you? I can arrange for Happy to bring you home, or I can bring you home?" Peter fretted.

"Peter you worry too much, I'll be fine," MJ said. She turned away and started walking, she only got a few feet before she turned around walked up to Peter grabbed him by the collar and kissed him. Sure, the kiss was like 3 seconds but it was still a kiss. As soon as they broke away she had speed-walked out of there leaving Peter wondering if it even happened his hair ruffled and his fingers ghosting his lips. 

Natasha and Pepper had watched this entire interaction from the third level where they had creepily watched them through one of the meeting rooms windows while the people that were using the room tried not to look at the assassin and the boss lady weirdly and tried to focus on their meeting attempting to ignore the frantic whispers from the two ladies. 

They had both acted like screeching pterodactyls when MJ had kissed him. That scared the shit out of one of the men in the room and he spilt his coffee all over the important papers and contracts in front of him. 

Peter turned back around and dazedly walked, yes walked, into the tower, he passed interns, secretary, scientists, he even passed Thor who had been found by Loki and was sporting a blue bruise on his face. When he walked back into the lab he didn't even glance at Tony. He just grabbed his backpack and jumped out of the window.   

Peter sat on a rooftop in his suit after sticking his backpack to one of the walls on the Tower.

"Karen?" Peter asked the AI built into his suit. 

"Yes, Peter?" Karen responded. 

"Call Ned," Peter replied.

"Calling Ned . . . " Karen answered. By the third ring, Ned had picked up. 

"'Sup Pete." He said. 

"Guess what?" Peter asked fiddling his thumbs. 

"What?" Ned questioned. 

"I kissed MJ," Peter said squealing like a girl at the end. There was a pause at the end of the line. 

"You, kissed? MJ. MJ. Like, actually Michelle Jones." Ned asked. 

"Yup!" Peter said happily. 

"I didn't think you'd have the guts." Ned teased. 

"Rude! Well, technically MJ kissed me, but we kissed each other and I was caught off guard, I was going to kiss her, I swear. I, uh, I was planning on it." Peter stuttered. 

"Uh-huh." Was all that Ned responded with. 

"Yes," Peter stated adamantly. 

"So are you two dating now?" Ned asked curiously. 

"I mean, I dunno. I'm not sure. Maybe?" Peter said. 

"Then what are you waiting for? Go ask her out!" Ned said. 

"Now?" Peter asked. 

"Now!" Ned said.

"Are you sure?" Petr questioned. 

"Of course I am," Ned answered.

"But, I don't know where she lives!" Peter said worrying, was he really considering doing this. 

"Oh my god, you lovesick clueless moron. You are the son of Tony Stark, you are a genius, you are Spiderman and you can't even find the address of the girl you just kissed?" Ned asked shocked. 

"Shouldn't I just text her to ask for her address?" Peter asked.

"No, that's too forward," Ned said. 

"When did you become the dating expert?" Peter teased.

"When I watched my best friends slowly fall in love with each other," Ned stated. 

"In love?" Peter asked. 

"In love," Ned said. Peter wasn't sure whether he was in love with MJ. Sure, he liked her a lot, but he didn't love her. 

"Now, go get ya, girl," Ned yelled into the phone. 

"What the fuck man, quiet it down. Sensitive hearing." Peter scolded. Suddenly 

"lAngUAge," Karen said. Yes, Tony had programmed everything. 

"OK. ok. ok. ok." Peter said hanging up. 

After a few phone calls, Peter swung onto MJs window sill.  He took a deep breath and knocked. A couple of moments later the window creaked open and a baseball bat was swung at his face. He quickly ducked gasping. 

"Jesus Christ, MJ.," he said. He heard a faint 'lAngUAge' coming from Karen. 

"It's me." He continued. MJ peaked out from behind the window looking up at Peter. 

"Oh, geez. Spiderboy, you scared me." MJ said. "Come in." She opened the window wider and Peter crawled in. 

"So, what's up?" MJ asked. 

"IreallylikeyouandIwaswonderingifyouwantedtobemygirlfriendyoucantottallysaynoIwasjustaskingifyoudontlikemeyoucanalsojusttellmeandI'llbeperfectlyoktoo." Peter rushed to spill. 

"What? Slow down." MJ asked. Peter took a deep breath and pulled off his mask.

"I, uh, was wondering if you would like to be my, uh, girlfriend?" Peter nervously asked. Suddenly he felt a pair of lips on his, 

"Of course dummy," MJ said. They spent a long time talking until MJ was called for dinner. 

"I have to go now," MJ said. Peter nodded pulling the mask back on. He climbed out the window and shot a web up to the bannister on the metal balcony outside of her house. He hung upside down as he looked in and pulled his mask a bit above his nose. MJ leaned out of the window and kissed him, originally he had wanted to say 'See you tomorrow' but this was so much better. She leaned back and whispered. 

"Seeya Spiderman." before shutting her window and closing the curtain.

"Uh-huh. Yeah." Peter responded. He swung home and rolled into the living room. 

"I have a girlfriend." He announced to the entire room. They all burst into cheers and decided to have ice-cream for dinner that night because they were such responsible parent figures. 

Continuer la Lecture

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