Nico Di Angleo the Baby Ghost...

By smilinglexy

121K 3.6K 1.5K

Nico and Hades get in a fight, what happens when Nico gets a turned into a 4 year old? Will the demigods be a... More

Nico Di Angleo the Baby Ghost King?!
Chapter 2- "Nico" talk of the camp
Chapter 3- Camp Half-Blood and Bullies
Chapter 4- infirmary and dreams
Chapter 5- Sally's House
Chapter 6- the mall
Chapter 7- would you rather?
Chapter 8- the food fight
Chapter 9- present and beach
Ch.10- Karaoke
Ch.11- the new boy
Ch.12- Percy and Annabeth
Ch.13- Drew and soldatino
Ch.14- foster angency
Ch.15 secrets
Ch.16 the secret slipped?
Ch.17 Suprise Guest
Ch.18 Santa Monica Pier
Ch.19 smelly
Ch.20 Pranks and Jealousy
Ch.21 ...hi?
Ch. 22 first task
Ch.23 second task
Imporant A/N please read
Ch. 24 Baby Nico
Ch. 25 Awww!
ch. 26 Nico fluff
ch.28 councilors meeting
Ch.29 doctor who and sherlock marathon
Ch. 30 The Pacifier
Ch.31 Drew Problems
Ch.32 Park
Ch.33 long time no update
Ch. 34
The final chapter...

Ch. 27 poor squirt

2K 81 101
By smilinglexy


Me: asdfghjkl guys Blood of Olympus!!!

Rick: yes, we know. You and fangirls are a bit crazed...

Me: but it's out!!!

Rick: ok, just get on with your story, btw credits go to the amazing Rick Riordan

Me: who is a troll...

Rick: but the most amazing, sarcastic, sassy, hilarious king if trolls

Me: sure whatever sails the Argo 2...

Also, for the Halloween party I went to the other day I went as Simon Lewis (girl version) from the mortal instruments and the guy in my grade who also likes that series went as Clary, but still she dressed as normal Clary. Like he was girl Clary. It was hilarious.

(no spoils please, I have to wait till my sister finishes the book first)

(The song I have attached to this chapter, I'm obsessed with and decided to share it with you guys xx)


~Percy's POV~

When we get back to my cabin I set Nico down on the floor and rolled him a ball. He laughed and picked it up in his chubby baby hands. He throws the ball back at me and claps his hands. I smile and pick up the ball and roll it back. This goes on for a bit while the others play a card game called 'bull sh*t' but they say blue shoe instead because Nico's a baby and will repeat anything and Hazel hates cursing. Once Nico got bored of the ball he crawled over to Annabeth and layed on her lap while on his stomach. (A/N: my baby cousin did this to me a couple weeks ago. She is so adorable!) Annabeth smiled and said "Hi, Nico," he waved at the floor trying to wave at Annabeth because he still had he's pacifier in his mouth so he couldn't say 'hi'. Nico rolled over so he was on his back. "Let's finish the game," Piper says. We all agree and go back to the game. In the end Jason won, but I'm sure he cheated. "You cheated!" I shouted. "No I didn't!" Jason said.

"Did to!"

"Did not!"







"Not-wait you tricked me! That's not fair!" I shouted. Annabeth rolled her eyes at me and said, "Percy, it's a game get over it." "Fine," I whined. "So what should we do now?" Jason asks. "I don't know, let's go walk around camp?" Piper suggested. "Yeah, sure." We all say. Annabeth picks Nico up as she grabs the bag, and we all head out the door. "Walk," Nico tells Annabeth, so she sets him down so he can walk. But in the end he ended up falling, so Annabeth just carried him. "Hey guys, Chiron needs your help with something in the big house. He said to leave Nico with someone, because he could get hurt," Katie Gardner says as she comes up to us. "Ok, tell Chiron we'll be right there. We have to find someone to watch Nico quickly," I tell Katie. She nods and runs off to the big house. "Who should watch Nico?" I ask. "What about Colton?" Piper says. "He can't, he got sick," Annabeth informs us. "What about Evelyn from the Demeter cabin?" Sarah says. "Yeah, she's really nice. I bet she would do it," Jason tells us. "Ok, yeah. Let's go ask her," Hazel says. We head over to cabin 4 and knock on the door. "Hi, Rosie! Is Evelyn here?" Piper asks. "Yeah, let me get her," Rosie replies. "Hey, guys whatcha need?" Evelyn says as she walks to the door. She has short blonde hair, green eyes, she's pretty short herself, but she's kinda pretty. "Um, we got called to the big house and we were wondering if you could watch Nico?" I ask her. "Yeah, sure. No problem," she says. "Thanks, Evelyn," I say as Annabeth hands her Nico and the bag. "Bye bye!" Nico says and waves at us. "Aww! Bye Nico!" She says. We all wave goodbye to Nico and start to head to the big house. When we arrive we see the big house completely ruined.

~Evelyn's POV~

Drew's whole plan is falling into place.

Step 1: get the Stoll's to ruin the big house so that the seven has to fix it. Check. But the hard part was to get them to do it because we couldn't tell them why.

Step 2: get the seven to go fix the big house. Check.

Step 3: I get to watch Nico. Check.

Now I just need to text Drew. I drop Nico onto the floor and he starts crying. "Shut up, twit," I tell him.

E: Hey, I have Nico.

D: Good. I'll be over in a few.

E: see you then.

I put my phone away and look at Nico pulling the petals off the flowers. "No! Stop it! Bad Nico, bad," I say as I swat his hand and pull him away from the plants. He pouts and sticks his tongue out at me. "You better keep your tongue in your mouth or I'll cut it out," I threaten him. He starts crying and puts a hand over his mouth to protect his tongue. Drew walks in and says, "why is the thing crying?" "He was picking the petals off the flower and I told him no," I told her. "He is such a baby," Drew says in disgust as she rolls her eyes. I just nod. "So what are we gonna do?" I ask her. "We're gonna torture him, of course!" She says as it was the most obvious thing the world. "Yeah, but what are we gonna do first?" I rephrase my question. "Oh, well, I don't know. Give me his bag," Drew commands. I had her the bag and she looks through it. I watch as her face grows a smirk and says, "I have the perfect plan." I smirk back and ask "what's the plan?" "Hand me the twit." I pick Nico up and hand him to her. "Come on, freak. Bath time," she says. "Baf!" Nico says excitedly. Drew goes into the bathroom and turns the water on full heat. "Drew, don't you think that's a little harsh?" I ask her. "No, it's fine." She says. Drew doesn't even take his clothes off before putting him in the steaming hot water. He screams and thrashes in the water trying to get out. She pulls him out and wraps his body in a towel as he cries. "You're such a baby, stop crying," she says. She takes his wet clothes off and I can see that his skin is tinted pink. She replaces the wet ones with dry ones that are covered in some white powder. Nico sniffles his cries and puts his pacifier back in his mouth as he scratches at his clothes. "Oh no you don't!" Drew says as she yanks it out of his mouth. He starts to cry again and Drew puts her had over his mouth to shut him up. Once he had stopped crying she took her hand away. "Do mean," Nico says. "Excuse me?" She asks and she diggs her fake nails into his forearm. He screams and cries until she stops. After that Nico crawls away from her and towards the door. "No, stay in here. I'm not done yet!" Drew tells him. He looks at her with big, wide, innocent eyes filling with tears. She rolls her eyes at him again, and back hands him, hard but not to hard. I can see her hand mark imprinted on his cheek. He lays down on the floor and cries. She takes his blanket and puts more of the white powder on it. She lays the blanket over him and he starts itching again. "What's the powder stuff?" I question. "Itching powder," she replied. She slaps him a couple more times before she stops. Drew takes out a bottle of stuff and puts it in his pacifier. "What's that?" I ask her nervously. "Some sleeping drugs, it will be fine," she says and shrugs like it was no big deal. "Oh my gods! Drew you can't drug a baby!" I yell at her. "I can do whatever I want. Plus you agreed to do this with me," she said. "Yeah, because you threatened me. But I never agreed to drug him. This crosses the line," I told her. "Oh, whatever," she says and puts the pacifier up to Nico's mouth and holds it there as I yell at her to stop. His head lolls to the side and I scream. I kick her out of the cabin and I pick Nico up so I can lay him on a bed. Oh gods, what did I do? I think to myself.

~Percy's POV~

Chiron wanted us to fix the big house so we got to work on it right away. When we finished fixing up the stuff we head back to the Demeter cabin to pick Nico up. I see Drew on my way there and she smirks at me. Ok, then. We arrive at the cabin and I knock on the door. "Oh, uh, h-hi guys. What are you doing here?" She asks us. "We came to pick Nico up," Annabeth says. "Um, to pick Nico up?" She stalls. "Come on, Evelyn. Let us in so we can get Nico," I say. "No! I mean, you don't wanna-" I cut her off by pushing past her and walking into the cabin and the others follow close behind. I see Nico on the bed asleep, so I go over to wake him up. "Squirt. Squirt. Wake up, buddy. Wake up," I say as I shake him gently, but he won't wake up. I look over at the others and they look as confused as I am. Evelyn, on the other hand, looks guilty and her heads down. "Evelyn, why won't Nico wake up?" I ask her. She mumbles something but I can't hear her. "What's wrong with Nico!" I shout. "Drew came in and put some sleeping drug in his pacifier and held it there. But I kicked her out as soon as she did it," she says in a rush. "Drew did what?!" Everyone screamed but I picked Nico up and ran him into the infirmary. "Will! Nico had some sleeping drugs and he won't wake up! Help him!" I shouted as I ran into him. His eyes widen and he took Nico from me. He told me to get out as he worked on him. I went and sat on the porch with the others. We waited in silence until Will came out. "Nico's okay, I had to pump the drugs out of his system. He's still asleep but he should wake up soon." Will tells us. "Thank you, Will. Can we go in?" Hazel asks. "Yeah, go ahead. But be careful with him. But one question, how did he get ahold of the drugs?" He asks. "Drew gave him the drugs," Annabeth told him. "That's terrible! Just don't let him take anymore. It was bad for him once, but if he takes anymore..." He said but he didn't finish his last sentence but we all knew what he saying. If he takes more we might not be as luckily as we were this time. We went into the infirmary and sat down next to Nico. "Oh squirt, I'm so sorry." I tell him as I notice the big red hand mark on his face. We talk in hushed tones about what happened. Eventually Nico woke up and started to scratch at himself. "What's wrong buddy?" I ask him. "Ishy," he says. We all exchange glances and I ask him, "can we take off your shirt?" He nods and I carefully take his shirt off. The inside is covered in a white powder, but what catches my eye is the light pink tint on his skin and the claw marks on his forearm. Everyone's eyes widen. "Nico what happened when you were with Evelyn?" Annabeth asks him. "Dwop, hwat baf, hwit, ishy, patifier," he says taking his time to recall what had happened. "We should tell Chiron," Annabeth says. We all nod in agreement and we pick Nico up to take him with us to the big house. "Chiron?" Annabeth says as we enter. "Yes children?" Chiron says. "When we came to fix the big house, we left Nico with Evelyn from the Demeter cabin. But we believe Drew was with her. We know for a fact, that Drew did drug Nico. But he told us, if we heard him right, they gave him a scolding hot bath, dropped him, scratched him, and hit him," Annabeth told him. Chiron looked shocked and horrified. "Good gods, that's terrible. Get Evelyn and Drew here immediately, please," Chiron told us. The girls went to go get Evelyn and Drew, while the guys stayed with Chiron. When the girls arrived with them Evelyn looked guilty and Drew looked pleased with her self as always. I wanted to slap that look off her face. It also made me even more mad that I could feel Nico shaking against me when they walked in. "Evelyn, Drew, I've been told you have abused Nico. Is that true?" Chiron asked. "No," Drew says right when Evelyn said, "yes." "Drew, did you girls abuse Nico?" Chiron said a little more sternly. "Yes," she mumbled. "And what exactly did you two do him?" He asks. "When he first came in, I dropped him on the floor. Then he went and picked the petals off the flowers so I told him no and swatted his hands away. So he stuck his tongue out at me and I said if he didn't keep it in his mouth I would cut off. Drew then came in and sat him in a steaming hot bath. After that, she changed his clothes but they had this powder that made him itch and he went to go suck on his pacifier but Drew wouldn't let him. He called her mean and she dug her nails into his skin. He tries to leave but Drew said no and back handed him. She then covered Nico's blanket in the powder and lays it on him and hits him a few times. Then she gives him the pacifier with sleeping drugs in it," Evelyn tells him as Drew glares at her the whole entire time. "Girls, what you did is unacceptable. We will have a councilor meeting tomorrow on what we should do with you." Chiron tells them. They nod and we all leave.

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