The One That Got Away (Percic...

By percysconstellation

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"What if the one that got away came back?" **PLEASE DO NOT JUDGE MY WRITING BASED SOLELY ON THIS PIECE OF WOR... More

The One That Got Away
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
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Chapter 1

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By percysconstellation


After a few weeks in California and the di Angelo's new house was unpacked and decorated, Nico came out to his parents officially. He was still fourteen at the time, and he was still scared of his father and terrified of his mother's opinion.

"Okay, so you're gay. The sky is blue, the grass is green, the world goes on. You get an 'A' in maths then I'll be surprised." Hades shrugged, flipping the newspaper he was reading to the next page.

Maria hit her husband's arm playfully before turning to Nico. "Nico, baby, don't listen to your father, your maths is fine. Gosh, I'm so proud of you." Maria pulled Nico to her chest, engulfing him in a warm embrace and kissing his forehead.

Bianca was another story. His big sister pulled him to her chest for a moment, a very small moment, but then she shoved him away and flicked his head.

"You could have told me sooner, dweeb. But something tells me I don't have a shopping buddy, huh?" Bianca smiled slightly.

Nico smiled back and rubbed his head. "Nope."

Bianca laughed and ruffled Nico's hair, earning an irritated glare from the boy.

Nico didn't want to call himself  vain because he knew there was more to a person than their looks, but he couldn't deny that he had a morning facial routine and spent at least an hour in front of the mirror and picking out his outfit.

But now at seventeen, his hair had gone from small waves to untameable curls and it was darker and thicker than ever; he struggled to keep it under control. His face has slimmed and his eyes were clear and sharp, although they held years worth of pain and secrets.

School was okay. His grades were doing fine, since Nico was quite smart because of Bianca's intelligent physcobabble. The best part, though, was definitely his new friends. Best friends, rather. He'd made 4 in total, and they were all outcasts, like Nico.

First, there was Rachel Elizabeth Dare. At first meeting, Nico knew he wanted to hate her. She was going to inherit millions from her rich grandfather, she had the looks that would make any guy melt on the spot, with her curly red hair, evergreen eyes, Ivory skin, small nose and Cupid's bow lips.

She had an ultimately perfect life, compared to Nico's. But when he got to know the girl, he learned she was an outcast too, because everybody thought she was the snobby rich girl that nobody should bother to get to know.

But Nico learned she was smart, funny, brave, fierce, loyal, outgoing, and a downright amazing girl once you get to know her. Nico loved her and was glad she was one of his best friends.

Second, there was Frank Zhang. Nico absolutely adored the guy. He was sweet, caring, and loyal to his friends. Frank was built like a handsome football player and he had a strong jawline with buzz cut dark hair.

But, he had soft, caring deep brown eyes. Although he was large in size and could probably break Nico like a twig, he gave the best hugs in the entire history of the universe. It was like being enveloped in a fuzzy feeling, warming you to your core.

Nico still didn't understand why Frank was an outcast, but he guessed it was because he was half Chinese and half Canadian, which didn't seem fair because Nico was half Italian and half American. But overall, he loved Frank and he was one of the greatest friends Nico could ask for.

Thirdly, there was Hazel Levesque. Hazel was like a little sister to Nico, and Nico loved her so, so much. Nico nicknamed her his 'baby girl' because she was the youngest in the group. Hazel was sweet, caring and was always there for her friends. She had dark skin, which contrasted beautifully with her bright golden coloured eyes.

She was smaller than most people, and had a head of long, curly, untameable dark hair. She was as most people would call 'Innocent' and 'Angelic'. Hazel was an outcast because there was a stupid rumour that her mother is a witch and Hazel is cursed. But. Nico didn't care. He was so grateful that he had Hazel as his best friend.

Then, there was Leo. Leo Valdez. A funny, caring, sweet guy once you get past his childish demeanour. But Nico understood completely why Leo was an outcast, because Leo was gay. No, like, hella gay. Like, take a unicorn, put it in a bath of rainbows, give it a pair of sunglasses, put wings on it and make it moonwalk over the sun to 'I'm walking on sunshine.'. Yeah, take that and multiply it by 50. That's how gay Leo is.

Leo was Nico's first friend, he was the first one to even talk to Nico or glance in his direction. They became fast friends, it was scary how much they were alike. If push came to shove them they would both call each other best friends, since it was true. Nico loved Leo like there was no tomorrow, he couldn't imagine a life without him. Leo took away some of the sadness in his life and turned it into happiness; and Nico couldn't thank him enough.

Leo was, undoubtedly, the most amazing friend Nico could ever wish for. Sometimes, Nico felt like he didn't deserve Leo, even though Leo dismissed with a wave of his ever moving hands. Leo had ADHD, and he could never ever stay still. Leo was small and around Nico's height, and he had quite, with all of his masculinity, beautiful features.

He had huge brown eyes that always sparkled, an adorable grin that showed traces of dimples, chocolate coloured, neck length curly hair, tanned skin and elfish ears from his Latino roots. Leo's native tongue was Spanish, just like Nico's was Italian. They understood each other, and Nico appreciated that.

Nico had even told the four about his past, about Percy Jackson. The boy he still loved and held in his heart dearly, even though he had been yelled at for being himself.

They still hadn't abandoned him. They wanted to stand by him, help clean up the mess Percy made on Nico's life.

They wanted to help fix him, and Nico found that touching, warming his heart to the very tip of his existence. He finally has some good friends, people that won't abandon him when he's falling apart. He finally has friends who will pick up the pieces and put him back together; and Nico can't find a way to thank them enough.

The four were currently seated in West High's front garden, relaxing on the grass. Rachel was sprawled out with Hazel, innocently scrolling through her Instagram feed when she looked over to Nico, who sat with Frank and Leo a little bit back.

"Hey, Nico. Why don't you get an Instagram?" She asked, looking over the ridge of her Gucci sunglasses.

Nico lifted his eyes up from his chemistry book and looked over to Rachel. "Why?"

"Because then we can all stay in touch. I mean, Frank, Leo, Hazel and I all have one, so why can't you?"

"Because I don't need one. My dear Rachel, I can stay in touch with you all through texting and Skype calls. Besides, it's not like I'm going anywhere."

"You might, you never know." Rachel shrugged and went back to scrolling. Nico narrowed his eyes suspiciously; she knows something.

"Hey Nicky, heard anything from Octagon?" Leo asked, grinning. Usually, Nico would punch anybody that called him 'Nicky' since it only reminded him of Percy, but Leo was his best friend and too adorable to punch.

Nico shrugged and ran a hand through his hair. "No, nothing. Not even a text. It would make sense through, because we've had yet another fight."

Leo scrunched up his face. "Neeks, can't you see Octagonus is using you? You're just the arm candy, which I can understand. I don't mean anything by this, but you're gorgeous, Nico. You've got a dark, brooding look about you that guys fall over their own feet for. I have to admit, I'm jealous." Leo put a hand on his chest and pretended to wipe away a tear.

"It's not my fault you go to level 5 stalker when it comes to guys, Leo." Nico smirked as Leo huffed and crossed his arms. Nico ruffled Leo's hair and laughed as Leo broke out into a grin. He couldn't not smile.

"Hey Frank, you okay? You've been quite quiet." Nico said, looking over to Frank, who was looking at his hands which rested on his lap.

Frank looked up and smiled slightly. "Yeah, I'm fine. I was just thinking about something."

Nico noticed Hazel look up curiously, but look back down quickly, blushing. If Nico didn't know any better, he would say his friends had a crush on each other.

Nico raised an eyebrow. "Something, or someone?"

Frank's eyes widened and he blushed, looking down. "Okay, you got me. There's just this girl, she's amazing. I don't deserve her, though." Frank admitted.

"Well man, I say go for her." Leo intervened.

Rachel and Nico nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, go for it." Hazel smiled sadly. Frank blushed again and looked back down at his lap.

Nico internally squealed as his phone buzzed in his pocket, signalling he had a text. Nico brought out his phone and read the message. It was from Octavian.

'Come hang with me' it read.

"What does Octagonus want now?" Leo said, peering over Nico's shoulder.

"How many times do I have to tell you?" Nico sighed, rubbing his forehead. "His name is Octavian. Not Octagon, not Octagonus."

Leo chuckled. "Whatever you say, Nicky. So, what does he want?"

"He just wants me to come over, that's all."

"Are you gonna call him?"

"Yeah, one sec." Nico dialled his father's number and told him he was going home with his boyfriend, and after a lot of 'Yeah, whatever's he finally got to call Octavian, who picked up on the third ring.

"Nico?" Octavian's voice was deep and soothing, like a politician or a therapist. He had a way with words that made people believe almost anything he said. Even though Nico needed an overall fix, Octavian was morphine and helped numb the pain, but was unhelpful in the long run.

"Yeah, who else would it be dumbass?" Nico could see Octavian smiling at the other end of the line.

"Hey, babe. You get my text?" Octavian purred.

"Yes, yes I did. Come hang with me? You haven't even apologised for last night." Nico heard Octavian laugh from the other line.

"Okay, fine. I'm sorry, baby. Forgive me?"

"Fine, fine. Whatever. Now, are you going to drag your lazy ass outside and pick me up? My friends are annoying me."

"You love us really." Leo whispered loud enough for Nico to hear. Nico rolled his eyes and turned back to what Octavian was saying.

"Yeah, okay. I'll be there in 5. I love you, Nico. You know that, right?"

"Yeah, I do. I love you too." Nico hung up and slid down on the grass, groaning. Hazel and Rachel stood up, dusting off their jeans.

"We're gonna get going, see you later, dorks." Rachel smiled and she and Hazel walked over to Rachel's Volvo.

Nico's phone buzzed again, and he looked at the text. 'Here'.

Frank bid him goodbye and Leo said "Send our love to Octagon.", in which he got a smacked head for.

Nico scanned the car park for Octavian's silver Mercedes, and when he finally found it he saw his boyfriend leaning on the door.

Octavian was handsome, he had blond hair and beautiful baby blue eyes, pale skin, and he was tall and lean. Nico didn't see what Octavian saw in himself, he could do so much better. Nico walked up to him and Octavian looked over the ridge of his Prada sunglasses.

"Hey baby," He said, kissing the crown of Nico's head.

"Hey yourself. So, what're we going to do at your place?" Nico smiled.

Octavian smirked deviously. "I have a few ideas,"


Hey guys! So, second chapter finished. I'm really enjoying writing this tbh, but what do you guys think?

- Ella xx

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