Ace For Hire // BTS Reader In...

By tokki-maknae

908K 43.3K 22.2K

Who is Ace? Besides being the deadliest hitman on the market in the underground, whose really under the hood... More

Queen for Capture Intro


10.7K 446 294
By tokki-maknae

I do not remember this many bodies being here when I fell asleep. Was the first thought that crossed your mind as you were woken rather abruptly. The source of the rude awakening being you sandwich between a rock and hard place. AKA, two of your members no doubt.

On your right was Jungkook, who you knew for a fact was the only person you remember being in your room last night. Then on your left was the new body addition. Carefully reaching over just to make sure there was a pulse because he slept like a rock, of Tae taking up half of the left side. Moving the back of your hand away from his lips after feeling his soft breaths, you started to untangle yourself from both of their sleep cuddle hold on you.

Whereas Tae had his arms circling around your waist snuggly, while Jungkook let you used his inner arm as pillow as he was nearly suffocating you into his chest. Although his bicep made for a surprisingly nice non pillow, you just wish he wasn't shirtless.

Wait- What the hell happened to his shirt?! Sitting up in a straight panic, you covered your eyes in a natural reaction. Staying still as if you thought maybe you finally were just seeing things. Ever so slowly, you hesitantly turned your head over to where Jungkook laid on his side. Forcing your stiff fingers to break apart to peek through, you felt your cheeks burn as they flushed what had to be a neon shade of red. Not even realizing you were practically immersed in checking out every inch of his skin on Jungkook's sculpted body before you covered your eyes again in embarrassment.

Suddenly feeling the need to be away from the two members who were sleep-consciously using you as a personal teddy bear. You tried to pry off Tae's arms to slip out without disturbing those two. Only to be pushed back down by Tae's arm as it snaked it's way over the front of your chest like a strap bar, along his hand grabbing your shoulder lazily in the process.

Mustering a small surprised squeak, since you didn't know someone who slept with the same gentle visuals as a Greek oil painting could handle you with a tired roughness in his actions. Pulled into Tae's chest as his frame surprising molded well against yours while he enveloped you like a jellyfish. In a deep raspy voice, Tae mumbled through his cheek smushed against the pillow, "Go back to sleep, it's too early.."

Maybe you would've found it childishly endearing how peacefully cute Tae looked, but right now you were too busy being crushed by said member. About ready to go into cardiac arrest, you finally conjured enough strength to untangle Tae's limbs from the cuddle trap it had you locked into. There was a soft whine from Tae as you did so, turning around you pulled your pillow down from the headboard closer to his arms. Like a V-enus fly trap, he instantly pulled it into a crushing embrace, using it as a substitute for you.

Debating whether or not to wake them up so you could lecture them on proper bed sharing manners, like not hogging half the bed or ending up half naked at some point. You didn't get to make your final decision as your door practically busted open from an outside force.

"Told you they be in here." Yoongi spoke first, relieved somewhat that the missing members were all in one spot. Only for Jimin to pop his head in, taking in the tired form of you in sitting plopped down between two peacefully sleeping giants, as some kind of secret slumber party you guys through without the other member's knowledge.

"You guys were doing a sleepover," Jimin gasped with betrayal, "Without me?"

With your mind waking itself to be up and running, you did a slight eye roll before telling him, "You can take my spot." Sitting up to go onto your hands and knees as you climbed over the mountain lump that was Jungkook. Nearly yelping at your bare feet touching down onto the freezing cold floor boards.

The second you stepped away from the bed, Jimin practically launched his body from the doorway onto the bed. Landing onto the spot where you were just a moment ago. As Jimin started to wake up his members by smothering their heads into a pillow while aggressively smacking his hand agaisn the bed as he yelled "Hello? Is anyone home, hello?"

Noticing Yoongi was still planted in the doorway, you crossed your arms tiredly under your chest as you tiredly shuffled over to him. Laughing a bit as his exhausted expression that paired effortlessly with his bed hair sticking up from his head, evidence of a heavy sleeper no doubt.

Figuring he was only up because there was a collective heart attack when Tae and Jungkook were missing from their beds. "Do you wanna keep standing out there or do I need to invite you inside like some vampire?" You asked as rubbed your upper arms with your crossed over hands.

Yoongi casted you a minor glance as he did an old man hobble over to the bed, smacking his lips tiredly while rubbing his abdomen, all the while with his eyes struggling to stay a wink open. Unable to take your eyes off of him like some stray cat that you can't bring yourself to kick out, you watched as Yoongi climbed into bed with the other members.

Which was now being taken up by Jimin who was now sprawled out on top of Jungkook like a baby koala, the smaller member began to nod off since Jungkook held him like a straightjacket to cease the Jimin alarm clock. Making a spot as Yoongi wedge himself into the pile of bodies, the older member did a content smile as he went back to sleep within a second.

Envying them for their abilities to just pass out like that, you soundlessly tip toed over to your dresser top. Holding the stack of clothes against your chest, looking over with a smile of fondness as they basically invaded and conquered your bed. Telling yourself this might be their first real sleep in light of all the recent events, you quietly made your exit. After all you were the type that once you woke up, you couldn't just go back to sleep as easily as they did.

Silently plucking your shoes off the floor where you left them, you made sure to leave the sleeping bunch undisturbed as you headed out. Exiting your temporary room, you carefully closed the door behind you as you began your search for the bathroom. Taking each step cautiously to avoid making a massive creak under your weight in case the others were sound asleep. Racking your brain around as you made your way down the hall, you tried to recall if Jin ever told you the direction of the bathroom.

As soon as you were about to start checking door by door for the bathroom, the door at the end of the hall opened up. Revealing a tank top and plaid pajama bottom clad Jin. He also wore a wetted towel draped around his neck with his freshly washed hair having a few drips of water run off a few of the clumped strands. Taking only a moment to admire his arms, you suddenly found yourself being given a scrutinizing squint from him as stared at your legs.

"Where are your pants?" Jin asked while gluing his hands to his hips as he awaited your response.

Remembering that you were a girl in a house with seven men, you found yourself subconsciously holding your change of close to your chest. "This shirts oversized and I only dressed like this to sleep. I was going to change in my room, but then half of the gang came in a set up camp for the morning."

"Fair enough," Jin grumbled as he took your excuse while stepping away from the bathroom. Making a dart into the bathroom, Jin turned to hold the door, stopping you from closing it as he spoke in a low tone, "Everyone's still asleep, I can easily take you out for a check up but we have to move fast. The kitchen has a garage door so we could slip out through there."

Giving him a nod, you made sure no one was in the hall as you leaned out from the bathroom's doorway, "If you finish changing before me just wait for me in the kitchen for me, I shouldn't take long."

"You got it." Jin did a thumbs up along with a confident nod before taking off to what you assume was his room. Closing the bathroom door, you made sure the lock clicked, then began to set a record time of changing. Deciding to skip putting on the fish net tights altogether, you worried more about not having butterfingers as you buttoned up your shirt anyways. Tucking the balled up fish net fabric, you stuck it into your short's pocket from under the skirt layer that cover a majority of your short.

Using your fingers for a make shift brush, you started to look forward to going back to your own apartment. Not that you weren't happy to be here, it was just you felt as if you came underpack greatly to a sleepover with all the popular kids from schools. If this is anything like you assume a school sleepover to be like. Also important for you to mention to yourself that you totally stuck out like a sore thumb if you walked around in this outfit any longer than necessary. Nearly looking like those people who did dance covers in public mall plazas with how your outfit was pulled together.

Unlocking and slowly opening the door, you did a small check before making a light dash down the hall to where the staircase was. Holding your shoes in your hand still to avoid any loud foot falls as you descended to the kitchen. Reaching the bottom, you did an unusual one legged hop with each of your legs as you put on your boots. I can just tie them in the car. Was all you thought as you entered into the kitchen.

"Hey, Jin, ready for- Oh, good morning Hoseok." You caught yourself as you noticed Hobi preached on the table with a piece of toast in hand while Jin was busying himself with the coffee machine as if he came down to make a fresh pot coffee. Noticing he shot you a small glance of, 'Abort' at the unexpected factor of Hobi being up and about in the kitchen already.

Like a deer caught in headlights, you worked mentally hard to come up with some logical excuse. "Morning [Y/n], so where are you two heading off to?" Hobi asked purely curious, putting it together that you obviously came in here knowing Jin was inside.

"Breakfast at that new café."

"Stopping by my apartment."

Both Jin and you made awkward eye contact before you way too quickly explained, "Jin's taking me home to change so we can breakfast together without me looking like a Halloween costume for a fetishized version of a school girl."

Hobi gave an innocent 'Ohhhhhhhhh' before asking, "Can I tag along? If you guy's don't mind of course." You couldn't help but feel like Hobi was trying to pin you into a slip up, as if he knew something else was going on. This is Hobi we're talking about, of course he knows something's up.

"Yeah, more the merrier, the others are still knocked out cold so we can grab them something to-go." You gave flashed him a smile as he pushed off the table.

Already making his way over to the door that must've lead to the garage as Hobi yelled back, "I call shot gun." Meeting Jin's eyes as you both looked over at the same time, you gave a light shrug of your shoulders. There was no question about you feeling guilty about lying to your members, especially the ever so caring Hobi. But you'd feel even more nauseated about it all if you did have an injury that became a burden for everyone.


"You guys can wait here, I shouldn't take to long." You told Jin and Hobi as Jin put his truck into park in your apartment's designated parking area.

Jin turned over his shoulder to look at you as you opened the door. "Hey, take your time okay? We're in no rush." Giving him a nod in understanding of what he told you. You still wanted to make quick work of your visit.

Closing his car door with a satisfying shut, you did a light walk run over to the aged with layers of rust stairs. Making your way down the hall with quick strides before arriving in front of your own door in no time. About to reach for your hidden spare key, you froze.

Someone was here, no, someone could still be here. You told yourself as you noticed your door wasn't closed all the way. The small gap in your doorway growing as you barely applied any force to open your door, causing it to freely opened itself. Since you last left your apartment with the curtains and shades drawn. You felt your chest tie itself into knots while the darkness from inside stared back at you.

Snapping you out from your captivated state, their was a hand gently bracing your upper back, finger tips putting pressure against you. Probably out of them being were worried you would suddenly stumble backwards or you looked like you needed the support. Looking up to your side, you met the eyes of a concern Hobi. Who shifted his attention from you to your doorway. "What's wrong? I saw you hesitate so I ran up here just in case."

"I think someone broke in." You whispered, treating it as if the burglar was still lurking inside. Glancing around back down to see Jin watching you two from the parking lot. Seeing him point to himself, making a walking motion with two of his fingers before pointing back over to you both. Asking if he should also go over to you two, shaking your head you held a hand out to him as if to say, 'Keep the car running in case.'

Watching Jin reluctantly shift back into his driver's seat, you turned to face the place you would no longer call home again. Taking a stride foreword, you were jerk back carefully by the back of your belt loop. "Wait here, I'll check it out first to see if it's safe." Hobi told you as he already began to move in.

You appreciated the concern truly, but you also didn't want to be babied since your dangerous brush against death. Completely understanding where they'd be coming from to treat you like a princess that always needed saving, except you couldn't stand the idea of them finding you any weaker or in need of being protected consistently like some kind of burden on them.

Just in case this was an instance of Hobi doing so, you quickly nip the bud of it, as you told him, "As if I'm just going to stay put, it's my apartment. Or at least was, break-ins here have a one in a million chance of happening because," Doing a small gesture towards the outdated construction of the building, you continued, "It's not exactly the kind of places robbers scope out for a hit."

"All the more reason for you to," Grabbing you by the shoulders as he leaned down a bit to clearly articulate his words to you. "Stay put, and don't go in. If what your saying is true, then your apartment was only broken into because whoever knew you were here." Sighing out, you crossed your arms to him before muttering 'Fine.'

Giving you a closed lip smile as he turned around to open the door all the way cautiously. Watching his other hand grope around the inside wall as he hit the switch to turn on the lights. Once the nightmarish looking abode was finally illuminated, Hobi began his very careful investigation. Taking each foot step with calculated precision.

Getting antsy, you stepped up to look more from the doorway, technically as long as you didn't step inside you stayed put like Hobi told you to. After Hobi moved towards the doors down the hall, you assumed the living room and kitchen must've been cleared. Tempted to just walk in like you own the place, because you did pay the rent so you had every right too, you resigned the idea as you didn't want to upset Hobi.

That was until you heard him yell out from inside the house. Sprinting into the apartment, you easily made a minor detour as you grab a knife out from a kitchen drawer. Locating the yell from inside your room, you busted through the semi closed door. Ready to stab whoever or whatever caused Hobi to yell. Only to watch as a stray cat darted past your legs as it made it's escape.

Hitting the light switch since the room was still shrouded in darkness, you were met with a startled Hobi sitting against the wall as he held a hand over his chest. "What happened?" You asked as you held onto the knife still, closing the small gap between you two to help him up.

"I heard a noise from under your bed, then the cat jumped out scary the fuck out of me." Hobi explained through relieved breathes as he took your hand. Not chewing your ass out for not staying put as he gave you a grateful glance that you ran in for him. Returning his look with a relieved expression of your own as it was just a jump scare from a cat and not a crazed burglar verging on being a serial killer.

Letting out a light laugh as you said, "I think you scared the cat more than the vice versa." Causing a laugh to also erupt from Hobi as both of you found humor in how from another perspective you two would look absolutely ridiculous.

As the chuckles died out, there was another urgent step fall as Jin came rushing into the door frame as well. Probably running out of his car when he must've noticed you were gone or saw you in the moment you dashed inside.

Seeing Jin rest his hands onto his knee as he was catching his breath after sprinting up the stairs and into your apartment. Facing Jin, you set the knife down onto your vanity counter, before coming up with an alternative to what must've happen, "It's okay, no one's here and no one's hurt. I guess I was wrong, maybe there was a desperate robber that broken in but got cold feet. Or my landlord could've assumed I died since I haven't been here in a while and busted the door open to look for a corpse."

Jin's sharp eyebrows furrowed together downwards and he stood up perfectly with straight posture. "Have you two, not seen the wall behind you?" He asked slowly as if he believed he was seeing things, eyes still holding a glint of grimness in them. Hesitantly tearing your eyes away from him, you turned back towards the wall as looked at the wall.

Quickly stumbling back away from the wall along with Hobi. As both of you went to where Jin was as all of you looked on in a mixture of horror and disbelief conflicting over your expressions.

Feeling your mouth suddenly go dry, you spoke up wearily asking, "Is that..?"

Finishing for you, Hobi responded with a slight nod from the corner of your eyes as he confirmed by saying, "Blood." The one tacky yellow of the room's paint now covered in red smears and various spatter marks.

As a message written in the same dark crimson substance wrote out the message, 'WELCOME BACK' with the following letters marked in the same substance, '-BIN'.

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