She's a Challenge | 5sos AU

By Liadne_14

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"You're a challenge I gladly accept." He smiled. Lola Heart, a complex girl that no one has really figured ou... More

Heartless Lola
Get a Clue
Group Therapy
Not A Date
Mr. Popular
A Challenge
No Option
Never Have I Ever
No Fighting
Probable Regret
The Reason
No Scars
Fights and Scolding
Muffins and Awkward Feelings
No Simplicity
Walking And Talking
Sweet Victory
Broken Promise
Banners and Stuffed Penguins
Day Gone Wrong
What Falls, Breaks
A Day With Lulu
Fortune Cookies
New Start
Champagnes and Past Lovers

Repairing A Friendship

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By Liadne_14

Chapter 19: Repairing A Friendship

After Luke dropped me home, I got a text from Piper, asking me to come over soon. I couldn't promise her anything, so I told her some time next week, if possible. It's midnight and I can't sleep at all. I've tried everything to entertain me, but I couldn't grow tired.

I went for a walk, I know it's dangerous to go out at midnight, but I need something to make me tired. I was outside his house, banging erupted from inside. I know he's awake, so I walked up to the keypad to the garage and opened it.

"Why are you up so late?" I asked, smirking at him.

"What are you doing here?" His eyes wide, obviously surprised to see me.

I shrugged as I walked inside the garage. "I couldn't sleep."

"Why are you here?"

"Something brought me here." I looked around, the place was exactly the way I remember it, besides the drums. "I never got to ask when did you start playing?" I tapped on his symbol, he quickly grabbed it to stop the vibration. I held my hands up in surrender.

"Since you stopped talking to me." He set his sticks on his snare and sighed. "I want to go back to that day."

"I would never want to go back to that day, it was the worst day of my life," I chuckled.

"Well, it was mine too."

"I can't imagine," I muttered.

"Do you think things would be different, if I didn't make that move?" I looked at him, sincerity in his eyes. Would've it been different if he did? Would me and him still be as close as ever?

I shrugged. "I don't know, I've never thought about it."

"I have, every day since then."


"I'm sorry, no need to talk about this now," He waved the subject away. "Let's go inside."

I nodded and followed him, we walked into the kitchen and started the coffee pot. I pulled out two coffee mugs out of the cupboard. He chuckled while filling the two cups.

"What?" I asked.

"You still remember where everything is."

I chuckled. "Yeah, I know it's been awhile."

"It's been five years."

I rolled my eyes and grabbed the sugared cinnamon and whip cream. I handed it to him as he sprayed the whip cream then sprinkled cinnamon to top it off.

"Well, it's not my fault that you keep everything in the same place." I mocked.

"Living room?" He asked as he handed me my cup.

"Where else?" I asked as I walked ahead of him.

"How was the concert?" He asked as he sat next to me. "I have a feeling he took you anyway."

"It was fine," I answered then took a long sip. "I mean, the only entertaining thing there was what was going with me."

"Conceited much?" He chuckled.

I rolled my eyes and stared at the blank TV. "No, some drama went down and I found it better than the band that was playing."

"So they were that bad, huh?"

I chuckled. "So bad," I set my cup on the coffee table and faced him.

"How are thing with you two?" No bitterness nor jealousy in his tone, just a curiosity.

"We're fine, I guess." I shrugged.

"Is he your boyfriend yet?"

I shook my head. "No, I don't do relationships."

"Why not?"

"Love . . . love isn't something I'm longing for. I've seen people in it and I've seen it crumble and break a person. I don't want to go through that."

He nodded then set his now empty cup on the table. We sat and stared at each other. I didn't have anything to say and it looked like he didn't either.

"How's the search?" He asked.

I shrugged. "Okay, I've found a source. . . Well, Calum did because Luke asked him to."

"What's your source?"

"A girl named Piper." He nodded. "Ash?"


"Do you think I'm falling for him?" He opened his mouth then closed it. I shook my head, realizing how ridiculous my question was. "Never mind, it was a stupid question anyway."

"No, no . . ." He sighed. "I'm just surprised you asked a question like that."

"Let's just forget I asked," I set my cup on the table and grabbed a pillow.

"It's good to talk about things like that, L."

"I know, it's just that I'm not the one who usually talks about it."

He chuckled. "It's fine, even for you, to talk about. Don't worry about it." I rolled my eyes and huffed. "And yes, I think you are."

"Can I stop it?"

He shrugged. "Maybe, but you'd probably regret it," He wrapped his arm around me and pulled me to his chest. "Just let everything fall into place, okay?"

"I don't want to fall in love," I muttered.

"You say that now, but you'll love it later."

"Ash?" I looked up at him, his dimpled smile and bushy hair. He's changed so much in the past few years, yet he's the same Ashton I use to hang out with.

"Yes, L?"

"Why don't you wear your glasses anymore?"

"I . . . " He sighed and ran his free hand through his hair. "I threw them when I came home that day and they shattered. I didn't bother getting a new pair since I have contacts."

I nodded and laid on his chest, just like we use to do when neither of us could sleep. This was just like old times, we would make coffee, talk for awhile then doze off, usually him before me.

"Ashton?" I heard someone yell.

I groaned and sat up, rubbing my eyes. I looked at him sound asleep, snoring a bit. I chuckled as I grabbed our two cups and brought it to the kitchen. I put it in the sink and brewed a fresh new batch of coffee.

"Ashton?" His mom walked into the kitchen, surprised to see me. "Lola," Her eyes wide.

"Good morning, Anne," I smiled, pouring her a cup. "Coffee?" I handed it to her then poured myself one.

"It's good to see you " She smiled at me. "It's been a long time."

"I know," I took a sip then set my cup down. "It's been awhile, I just couldn't sleep and neither could he."

"How are you?"

"Still the same," I shrugged.

"Any leads?"

I nodded. Anne was the only adult that helped me on Diana's case, she's a detective. She helped look for clues and possible suspects but they were all a dead ends. I asked her to stop helping me when Ashton and I stopped being friends and the whole freak thing happened.

"That's great," She chimed.

"I know, it is. I just hope it'll lead me to the guy."

"I hope so too."

"How are you? I hope Ashton's been treating you well."

"Barely," She laughed. "He helps sometimes but he's mostly in the garage playing his drums til the neighbors call." I laughed along with her. "So you and Ashton are friends?"

"Sort of. I was walking and I ended up here."

"Coffee with cinnamon?" I laughed and nodded. "I think that's a start to repairing a friendship."

"Me too."

"I smell coffee and hear laughing without me," Ashton said, strolling into the kitchen and breaking our conversation. "Why wasn't I invited to this?"

I chuckled and handed him my cup. "We're just catching up."

"Without me?" He gasped.

I rolled my eyes and nudged him to stop his ridiculousness. "We were doing great without you."

"Now that's just mean." He glares at me, making me chuckle.

"Well, I have to get to work, don't burn down the house while I'm gone," Anne points to Ashton.

"It was just the kitchen, three years ago," He defends himself.

Anne shook her head. "Lola, I think you should call your parents."

"I think my mom's going to yell at me," I muttered.

"That's what parents do, honey. We yell at our kids when they do something crazy," She tells us. "I'll be back later," She kisses Ashton then hugs me. "Be good."

The front door shuts, leaving me with Ashton in the kitchen. He smiles down at me and I just arch a brow. What is going on in his head?

"I think I should get you home," He said then finished his coffee.

"Actually, can you drop me off at Luke's place?"

"Sure, if that's what you want."

"Yeah, I think we need to talk thing out anyway."

He nodded and I followed him out to his truck. I remember sitting at the dealership with him when his mom was getting their first car here. He told me he wanted that same truck he has now. 2006 grey Toyota.

"Did you beg your mom for it?" I asked as I got in the passenger side.

"We both pay for it, I take only half of my allowance each week." I nodded then told him the directions to Luke's house.

"Wait, what about Harry and Lauren?"

"Relax, they're old enough to look after themselves."

"Ashton!" I slapped his arm.

"I'm just joking, they're at a friends house," He laughed. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. "What are you two going to talk about?"

"Nothing that concerns you," I chuckled. "It's about him and I."

"Oh, the 'talk.'" He laughed.

"What do you mean the 'talk?'"

"About where you two are in your relationship."

I rolled my eyes. "We're just going to talk," I muttered. "You know, I'm surprised you weren't being a total dick to me last night."

"After therapy, I thought about what you said. I screwed up trying to get you to be my girlfriend, for sure, but that doesn't mean that I don't want you as a friend. Plus, being a dick to you was hard."

I punched his arm. "It's good to know therapy works for you."

"Still not working, huh?"

"Mom spent years trying to get me into going after the first time. When I did, things still turned out the way I thought it would be," I chuckled, rembering that day. "We made a deal, if I didn't like it, I don't have to go anymore."

"Why did you go yesterday?"

"Piercings was being stubborn and was making choices I would make, so I said I would go with him if he doesn't make those choices anymore."

"Sweet," He chuckled then stopping the car. "So we're friends now, right?"

"I don't know, I think I have to establish what Luke and I are before I can label us as friends," I answered honestly.

"It's okay, take your time."

I nodded and got out, saying bye and thanking him for the ride. I knocked a few times calling out Luke's name. He didn't answer. The door was opened and I walked in. I heard glass shatter.

(A/N): Hiya.

I updated early because I updated late for He's No Stranger. So yeah, here's a new chapter.

I still can't believe foreverirwin followed me on Twitter. I honestly love her sorry Fault, one of the best fan fictions I've ever read, still reading. When she followed me, it made my day.

So yay, Ashton and Lola are friends again, even though she hasn't really established it yet. I know cliffhangers such but how else are we going to keep you interested?

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