Mobile Suit Gundam: Rogues

De JoKing101

1.1K 8 2

War engulfs many planets that stretch around an entire solar system. Families get torn apart, people become s... Mais

1. The Rogue Chaos
2. The Ugly Truth
3. Cerberus Appears
4. Dire Situation
5. Skill, Pride and Emotions
6. Home
7. Tools Of War
8. S.O.S.
9. Ambush
10. The Cobalt Paladin
11. The Simple Truth
12. The Little Giant
13. Heavy Artillery
14. Turn Of Events
15. Reinforcements
16. Intel
17. Complications
18. Instinct
19. Code Red
20. Phenomenon
21. Risky Mission
22. The Odds Even Out
23. Impossible Escape
24. Sacrifice
25. Detour
27. The Truth Of It All
28. Grief and Regret
29. Cold Logic
30. Arbiterra
31. Rough Ride
32. A Plan In Motion
33. Mission Impossible
34. Slight Hindrance
35. Countdown
36. The Mission Comes First
37. The Festival Pt. 1
38. The Festival Pt. 2
39. The Festival Pt. 3
40. Heavy Rain
41. Uninvited Guests

26. Survival Of The Fittest!

13 0 0
De JoKing101

"Please don't find me please don't find me please don't find me." Tenna says repeatedly in a failed attempt to keep herself calm.

Penta curls herself in Ares's lap.

"A...Ares... I know...We're not on, the same... Side but, I... I need you... I can't do this... Not by myself... Please. I'll do whatever you want. You can take me hostage. You can even take my Gundam. That'll work right? I'll do anything please!" Penta

"Penta. I need you to Listen to me alright?" Ares

Penta slowly raises her head, positions herself face to face with Ares and is still shaking in fear.

"Reach behind of the seat and grab the box." Ares

Penta carefully uses her free hand to reach behind of Ares's seat, feels a box and pulls it out of place. She brings the box around and notices that it is a first aid kit. Penta wipes her tears to notice the blood running down from Ares's head.

"Blood? I didn't even notice. I-" Penta

"No more talking. Just listen. I've lost a good amount of blood so I'm not exactly at 100 right now but its better than 0. Patch me up and make it fast. Then, we'll go meet our welcome party." Ares

"What?! No! I can't! I-" Penta

"We have less than a minute before those blood hounds outside fully finds your scent, force their way in here and have us for appetizers. I don't know about you but I for one am going to slaughter those suns a bitches before they even have the chance to say dinner time. Now shut up, take a deep breath and hurry up." Ares

Penta is frozen for a couple of seconds until a large footstep knocks her out of her trance. On the outside a Harlequin hovers around the entrance of the Ultimatum's cockpit and sniffs all around the hatch. The hatch door suddenly slides open and would startle the Harlequin. The Harlequin didn't make any noise but it continued sniffing out of curiosity since they are blind. It slowly sticks its head throught the hatch as it continues to sniff around. The Harlequin suddenly catches the scent of its prey but it instantly feels a sharp pain in its neck. It groans for a split second just before its head slowly seperates from off of its shoulders and fall in the cockpits chair. The Harlequin instantly becomes lifeless as the blood pours from its open neck. Penta quickly moves in from the side and shuts the hatch. Ares quickly moves up to the decapitated head with 2 large knives in hand and quickly holsters them on his lower back.

"Do... Do we really half to?" Penta

"I'll let you know from now. I ain't answering the stupid questions." Ares

Ares pauses for a minute before he finally digs his hands inside of the Harlequin's severed head.

"Good thing I didn't eat to much." Ares says as he does his best not to think to much about what he is about to do.

Ares uses both of his hands to repeatedly scoop up blood and cover himself in it from head to toe. Penta covers her nose and mouth from the foul stench an the unruly urge to throw up. Once Ares felt satisfied with his work he gestures for Penta to do the same. Penta groans in disgust but reluctantly repeats what Ares did.

"Did you see how many there were when you were out there?" Ares

".... 6 maybe 7?" Penta

"If only you were so sure of yourself. You better stick to the fucking plan." Ares

"You could at least try to make an effort to trust me!.... I don't exactly want to be here by myself!" Penta

Ares thinks for a moment and nods his head. He moves to the bottom hatch and quickly open it allowing the blood to pour outside in the sand storm. Ares puts on a pair of goggles, sticks his head down and examines the area around his Gundam. He looks around and sees the number of Harlequins all around his Gundam is much more than he wanted to see. Ares picks himself back up and gives Penta a glares of annoyance.

"..... What?" Penta

"6 maybe 7 she says." Ares says shaking his head.

"I was in a hurry!" Penta

"You forget how to act the minute you even think about Jupiter and I just had to be stuck with you." Ares

"That's not fair! You know why I'm like this!" Penta

"I also know that I was there with you! I went through the same exact thing!" Ares

"I watched my friends get eaten alive right in front of me! Everyone isn't able to handle something like that the same way! What do you want from me?!" Penta

"What I NEED is the ace mobile suit pilot Penta! What I need is the Penta that kicks ass and takes names! I need the Penta that can hold her own with the best of them! Without THAT Penta.. I don't even think I can make it out of this." Ares

Penta's eyes open wide surprised with Ares's  sincere words. Unable to respond Penta lowers her head in a sort of shame only to be shocked for dear life the second her gaze fell. Penta dives over the hatch, into Ares's arms and shoves him on the side console. Before Ares could say a word and Harlequin bursts through the bottom hatch with its mouth open and slams it shut. The Harlequin instantly turns towards Penta and Ares the moment it realised that it caught nothing in its mouth. Before it fully opens its mouth toward Penta, Ares uses his left foot and uppercuts the Harlequin against its jaw. Penta uses that moment to wrap her arms around Ares's body, dives to the side and moves them both behind the chair.

"Oh fuck!" Ares says the moment he notices that the Harlequin isn't giving them any time to relax by quickly climbing over the chair.

It thrusts itself forward with its mouth open but Ares reacts by grabbing one of his knives, places his body over Penta and cuts the Harlequin's nose horizontally. It shrieks in pain as it swings its head upwards with blood gushing out. Penta notices a familiar item in the corner of her eye, grabs it and tales aim. She empties her pistol in the Harlequin's underbelly and it became lifeless soon after. They both take deep breathes and would turn to each other.

"Well? Was that good enough?" Penta asks with her voice shaking.

"It's a dam good start. But there's more where that came from." Ares says as he hears the collective growls of the Harlequins get closer.

Ares opens a small part underneath the consol and pulls out a a grenade.

"How long do we have to hold out again?" Penta

Ares pulls the pin, shoves the grenade down the dead Harlequin's throat and pushes him back out through the hatch.

"My best guess?... Long enough." Ares says right after he closes the hatch.

The grenade goes off killing a few Harlequins in the process. Ares opens all the hatches he could think of and mounts weapons all around his and Penta's body. He opens the top hatch, moves the decapitated Harlequin carcass, climbs out through the hatch and helps Penta right after him.

"Remind me again why we didn't just stay in the safe, comfortable and durable Gundam?!" Penta asks raising her voice through the sand storm.

"Didn't know if the hatch doors were durable enough! Now be a doll and get their attention will ya?!" Ares

Penta reluctantly heads toward the edge of the Ultimatum's chest, aims her gun down and shoots after a few Harlequins. All Harlequins simultaneously raise their heads toward the sound of the gun shots and they start to run towards it. Ares quickly makes his way up the Ultimatum and Penta follows. They make it to the massive stone pillar when the Harlequins arrive onto the Ultimatum's chest area.

"Shit their fast!" Penta

Ares lets Penta climb up the stone pillar ahead of him and he follows close behind. Every few moments Penta would turn, aim the rifle that she got from Ares and fires after the Harlequin. Whenever the Harlequins would get to close, Ares would use one of the many knives on his person to cut at the carnivore's vital areas causing them to go into disarray. They make it to the top and glance down at the many Harlequins that have gathered and currently climb up the pillar after them.

"What was your plan again?!" Penta

"Shut up and shoot!" Ares says as he pulls out his side arms.

They both position themselves on the cliff sides and shoot after the many Harlequins that climb up after them. With each one they shoot the move to a different part of the cliff and repeat the process.

"I'm running low and they're getting closer! Was there an actual plan here?!" Penta asks as her gun runs out of amo.

Ares simultaneously runs out of bullets as well. He holsters his guns and pulls back out his knives. Penta pulls out a machete mounted on her waste and moves to the center following Ares's movement. They turn back to back waiting for the Harlequins to make it to to the top.

"There isn't a plan is there?! I'm going to die here aren't I?!" Penta

Before Ares answers be hears a few beeps on his wrist device and instantly takes a breathe of relief.

"You worry to much oh yee of little faith!" Ares

The first Harlequin to reach the top immediately begins to sniff around and would lock onto the foul stench that Ares and Penta are covered in. Both Ares and Penta ready themselves for a grueling life threatening fight when they both hear a familiar sound. The sandstorm blinds their view from anyone thats not right in front of them so they can't tell where it came from.

"Ares! Was th-" Penta

Ares cuts Penta off by grabbing her arm and sprinting for the edge of the pillar.

"What the fuck are you doing!! No! No! Noooooooo!!!" Penta says just before Ares jumps off of the stone pillar with Penta in tow.

The Harlequin snaps its jaw after them but misses by a close margin. Penta quickly wraps her arms around Ares's body and presses her face in his chest. The next thing that Penta knew she feels Ares's feet hit the ground a lot sooner than she thought. She slowly opens her eyes to see what type of ground that they landed on.

"Some guardian angel you are! You are all kinds of late!" Ares

The Red Archangel, the Arsenal Gundam caught Ares and Penta in the palm of its hand as it hovers high up.

"I was hoping that you were dead. Some more than others...." Miyuki says as he stares at Penta holding tightly onto Ares.

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