Dream a Little Dream // Danie...

By AutumnsFl0wers

27.4K 1.1K 728

"Who's Daniel Howell?" You've never really been interested in YouTube. Quite frankly, you don't really care f... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39*
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Biggest News!
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50: Turning Point

Chapter 42

389 18 21
By AutumnsFl0wers

After hearing (Y/N)'s outburst from behind the closet door, the two boys held their breath as they listened to her quiet sobs, frozen in shock from the uncharacteristic rage that boiled over in their friend. Phil looked towards the direction of Dan, the dimly lit closet making it impossible to correctly make out his features. Judging by the heavy atmosphere that practically choked the two, he figured Dan was equally taken aback as he was. "We have to go out there!" whispered Phil, urgently tugging on Dan's arm as he pushed for the door.

Dan was one step ahead of him, practically kicking the door open as he rushed towards the spot where (Y/N) was hunched over, quiet sobs wracking her tired body. "(Y/N)?", called Dan, his words slow and tentative. "Are you okay?"

(Y/N) heaved a great sigh, roughly swiping her arm across her raw eyes. She sniffed loudly, hiccuping once before looking up at the boys. Phil's heart shattered when he saw the layers of pain that painted her face. "I'm fine. Really, I'm fine. Just... give me a moment." She abruptly stood up, spooking Dan as he quickly hopped away from her. Dan's eyes darted towards Phil as his gaze flooded with concern. Phil looked back, mirroring the same confusion.

(Y/N) began bending down to collect various objects that littered the ground, some of which included women's lingerie and articles of clothing. She snatched them without care, harshly bunching them into a ball as she carried them out to the living room. The boys watched wordlessly as she carried on her ritual, silently following behind as they observed her behaviors. Once the garments had been collected, (Y/N) continued searching her apartment for anything that didn't belong to her. She kept a steely frown on her lips, her eyes narrowed as she flicked her eyes back and forth through the room. She eventually laid eyes on Hailey's suitcase, the traveling box carelessly left open as objects spewed over the edge. (Y/N) simply placed the balled up fabrics back into the suitcase, throwing any remaining belongings back into the case. She hastily zipped up the bag, remaining deadly silent through the whole ordeal. Without any emotion, she wheeled the suitcase towards the front door and placed it outside of her flat, slamming the door with great force; Phil yelped from the sudden noise, his heartbeat becoming erratic from the scare.

The boys watched from afar as (Y/N) kept her back to them, standing motionless in front of the door. Phil swallowed nervously as he approached the girl, lightly placing a hand on her shoulder. "(Y/N)?"

She sighed loudly, turning to face the raven-haired man. She smiled sadly, a lone tear running down her cheek. "Hey, how's it going?" She looked at the door, seeming lost in thought. "Sorry, I didn't mean to slam the door like that. It just kind of... happened I guess." (Y/N) looked back at Phil, gently taking his hand away from her shoulder. "I think I'm going to go back to bed. I don't really feel like standing right now." Phil dragged his eyes downwards, taking note of how (Y/N)'s legs shook relentlessly. Her entire figure was taken over by exhausted trembles.

Dan stepped closer, seeming alarmed by how weak she looked. "Here, I'll bring you back to your room. You look like you can hardly stand." He extended his arm outwards as he walked over to (Y/N), bringing his left arm around her side as he gently coaxed her forward. (Y/N) was too tired to protest, as evident by the lack of flustered interaction that usually took place. As Phil watched the blank expression across her face, he knew she was definitely shaken up by everything that had happened. Dan looked back at Phil, his expression troubled. "I think we should stay the night; we can't leave her alone like this."

Phil nodded in agreement, thankful that Dan was thinking the same thing that he was. There was absolutely no way he was going to leave their friend along after all that had happened. (Y/N) needed to be around her friends. Her real friends. "I agree completely. But only if (Y/N)'s okay with it." Both of the boys looked towards the girl expectantly, silently hoping that she would allow it.

The girl nodded numbly, a ghost of a smile gracing her lips. "Sure, that's okay. But..." She looked around the room, directing her attention to the futon in the living room. "I only have that one blanket for guests. I'd feel bad if you guys were uncomfortable during the night. I can give you my bed's blanket, that's not a problem—"

Phil shook his head forcefully, practically making a milkshake out of his brain. "No no! You sleep in your bed tonight; no exceptions! You need rest and the best sleeping environment there is. Dan and I can handle the blanket situation. Here's what we'll do—" Phil walked towards the door and began putting on his shoes. "—I'll run back to the flat and grab one of our spare blankets and a few pillows. Dan can stay here with you while I get them, okay?"

Phil could see the beginning of a blush on Dan's features when he suggested this, the idea of being alone with (Y/N) something he hadn't experienced yet. Dan's grip around (Y/N) unconsciously tightened, causing him to blush a little more; Phil felt reassurance when (Y/N) began acting bashful once again. "You sure? Because I could run out if—"

"Nah, I'll take care of it. I want you to make sure (Y/N) is alright when I'm gone. When I come back, you and I will stay here for a while. If you're feeling up to it we can even continue watching our shows on Netflix. How does that sound, (Y/N)?"

(Y/N) looked up at Phil, her eyes beginning to shed their previous cloudiness. Proper emotion began to reappear, her smile becoming brighter as she grinned slightly. "That sounds great. Really, it does."

Phil beamed happily. "Awesome. I'll be back in about an hour. Until then, I want you back in bed and relaxing, okay?" (Y/N) nodded at his request. Phil then turned to Dan. "And you. Make sure she actually rests, alright? I don't want you keeping her up unless absolutely necessary!"

Dan scowled in embarrassment. "Hey, why would I keep her up? I'm not a blabber mouth like you!"

Phil scoffed and turned his body towards the door. But not before sending a sly wink Dan's way; Dan just about melted with how red he became. Luckily (Y/N) didn't see the childish actions of Phil, the girl blissfully unaware of how Phil was teasing his friend. "Like I said, let her sleep! I'll be back in a bit!"

Dan muttered to himself as he and (Y/N) slowly made their way to her room, his arms around her side like a protective barrier. Phil sighed, a small smile creeping across his lips. Despite his teasing, he knew Dan would do everything in his power to get her to rest. After everything she's been through, it was most likely Dan's goal to have her healthy and in high spirits once more. Judging by her momentary mood boost, Phil hoped that it would be uphill from here. He was optimistic about this; keeping her company tonight would no doubt help as well.

Without further delay, Phil opened the front door and excused himself from the flat, closing the door behind him without the excessive force from before. As he entered the hallway he noticed something out of place. His eyes widened as he realized that Hailey's suitcase was gone, the bag snatched from the front door. Phil whipped his head to look around the hallway, feeling a cold sweat beginning to form as he anticipated running into Hailey. Thankfully it seemed as if she had either picked it up and abruptly left or that someone had taken it away. Regardless of the reason, Phil still felt a little nervous about the case being gone.


Phil exited the flat with no troubles, reaching the main street without any interruptions. He heaved a large sigh of relief when he didn't see any unwanted visitors. Usually he was a little more relaxed in public, the idea of people recognizing him becoming less of an issue as the years went on. However due to the current circumstances he felt like he had to be extra careful for a little while.

Phil looked up at the sky and was very pleased to see the sun shining brightly. If anything good was to come out of this day, surely the pleasant weather would help. Though he doubted (Y/N) would want to go outside today; it was probably going to be a strict indoor day for them. He shrugged to himself. There was nothing wrong with taking a day or two to recuperate from the mess of these last few days. If anyone deserves to relax it was definitely (Y/N).

Whenever Phil thought about all the Hell that his friend went though, it made him unbearably angry. Her friend abandons her and practically leaves her for death during the night; how could someone be so irresponsible as a friend?! The concept baffled Phil as he was unable to wrap his head around Hailey's mannerisms. All (Y/N) had done was be a good friend to this woman. The fact that none of this was reciprocated made Phil feel sick to his stomach. He valued his friendship with Dan, and now he felt an equal amount with (Y/N). He'd do anything for his friends; no hesitation whatsoever.

Phil could feel himself beginning to brood with each step he took, a cloud of resentment hovering over his once sunny attitude. If he continued thinking this way he would surely contribute to the clouds in the sky! Yet he couldn't help it; everything was unacceptable. He was unspeakably angry, his hands shoved in his pockets as he marched down the street in the direction of his flat. Even the pedestrians could tell he was in a sour mood. They quickly sidestepped whenever Phil was close to them, his aura giving off unpleasant vibes to all those who were near. Phil felt terrible about the whole thing, his insides churning with guilt whenever someone looked frightened by him. This was the complete opposite of what he wanted to portray in his life! What else could go wrong today?

Everything seemed to annoy him. The quick steps of people as the hurried out of his way, the way people looked at him with uncomfortable eyes, the noise the cars made as the sped past— Jeez, even to sound of rolling wheels ticked him off to no end!

Wait, those aren't car wheels.. Phil's eye twitched when he heard the most unwanted sound in the world. It was very easy to tell that the noise was coming from a suitcase since the street he turned down was practically empty. Also there was no mistaking the sound of heavy breathing as a woman ran with said suitcase in tow, her heels clicking against the uneven surface of the pavement with each step she took. Phil grit his teeth as he inhaled sharply, sending the air back out like a strained whistle. Out of all the times he wanted to be alone, the person he wished to see the least was behind him at this very moment.

"W-wait up! Oh my God, hold up one second!"

Phil inhaled once more to calm himself. Wow, it really is her! Unbelievable! He forced himself to put on a facade like he did before, urgently willing himself to hold onto the fakest smile in the entire world. "Yes? What can I do for you, miss?"

Sure enough, Hailey's blond locks came to a bouncing halt when she stopped herself behind Phil. her breathing sounding strained as she tried to recover from her exhaustion. Phil allowed her to regain her composure even though he would much rather leave her in the dust right now. "Hi! Yes! I don't know if you remember me but I saw you a few days ago and I—"

Phil looked down at her, his faux smile unwavered. "Oh yeah, I remember you. You're named Hailey, right?"

Hailey looked positively pleased that Phil remembered her name. She jumped up and down excitedly, fanning her face sporadically. "Oh my God! Yes, that's me! You remembered?!" She looked about ready to faint from Phil's words. He briefly wondered what he could say to make her actually faint and not speak to him again.

"Yes, I remember. It was only a few days ago." Phil looked over her shoulder and pointed out her suitcase. "You seem to be going somewhere. I should tell you that you have something hanging out of it."

Hailey looked back at her suitcase and gave a small gasp, quickly shoving whatever article of clothing was hanging out back into the bag. "Oops, my bad. I was in a rush packing today."

"Oh, is that so? Where are you headed?" Phil knew he should just drop this conversation and try to break away when he had the chance, but something inside him forced him to stay a little longer and weed out whatever Hailey had to offer. He knew this was wrong of him, yet his bitterness was getting the better of him.

"O-oh, nowhere in particular. I'm just taking a stroll through the town. It's such a nice place that you live in!" Her words suddenly become sugary sweet as she livened up her movements, wiggling her body in a way that was probably supposed to come off as cute and innocent. Phil bit his tongue in anger when she began to bat her eyes. "It's too bad that I'll be leaving this place. I wish I could stay forever~!"

"Leaving? Wow, that's too bad." Phil gave her flirtatious attempts the cold shoulder, stopping them dead in their tracks. "Say, is your friend leaving as well? She must be near; I should say hello to her too."

Hailey's composure flattered, crossing her arms at the mention of (Y/N). "What friend are you talking about? I didn't come here with anyone." Phil looked at her closely trying to find any indication of regret, remorse or even sadness. He found none of that.

"Is that right? Who was that (Y/N) girl then? You know, the one that took the picture?"

"I... No, that was just some random person I met here. You must be mistaken." She flipped her hair to the side, looking up at Phil with doe eyes as she tried to change the subject. "All my friends are back home and it makes me so lonely... They all have boyfriends too! I'm still the only one without one~!" She heaved a sigh that was drenched in wallowing pity; Phil wanted to vomit on the spot with how obnoxious this girl was.

"Really? I wonder why."

"Exactly! I mean I'm nice, funny, kind in every each way—"

"Perhaps it has something to do with your horrifying personality."

Hailey's voice died immediately. She looked over at Phil with wide brown eyes, her expression carrying all sorts of emotions. "Wha—"

Phil had had enough. When most people got angry, you could tell by the way they raised their voice, frowned and waved their arms frantically. Phil on the other hand was a different type of furious; the deadly composed type. He looked over at Hailey with a gentle smile, his words mirroring nothing of his kind exterior. "Truthfully, I think your inability to keep a partner comes from the fact that you constantly prowl the male population for some quick action, dumping guys and leaving them feeling used in the end. It probably makes you feel so much better when you get to manipulate someone's feelings for your own personal gain."

Hailey took a step back, trying to escape the crushing words that come from Phil. "I don't know what you're talking—"

Phil looked down at her and flashed another smile; Hailey shivered under his stare. "Let's not forget the fact that you also abandon people when they need you the most. Take (Y/N) as an example—" Hailey looked like she was about to faint before Phil motioned for her to compose herself. "—Before you pass out, I want you to hear this. Again, take your friend (Y/N). An amazing girl, her heart is full and willing to do anything for the people she loves, including you. She waits for you to call her, growing stressed with each day you ignore her. She worries for you, putting your happiness and health above her own. She constantly looks out for you, taking care of you whenever you've had too much to drink and patiently listening to your boy troubles; To put it simply, (Y/N) would do anything for you, no matter what."

"Now let's look at what you would do. You cast her to the side and only think about yourself. You only think about the next boy you'll flirt with and conquer— Yeah, don't think Dan and I didn't notice your blatant attempts at seducing the two of us. Not going to happen, ever— Let's not forget the fact that you left (Y/N) alone at a bar where she was drugged and almost violated by a sex offender." Phil let out a hollow laugh, the action void of any humour. "But I guess you didn't know that seeing as you had fun sneaking away with some guy, breaking the promise you formed with (Y/N). Then you come back to her apartment, concerned about only you and no one else. Your friend is obviously in distress yet you don't care. You got what you wanted in the end."

"To put it simply, you use people. You used (Y/N). How many times? I have no idea. But trust me, I believe that even once is too many." Phil looked down at his phone nonchalantly, completely ignoring the girl in front of him as she lost all the blood in her body, turning as white as snow. Phil shrugged, flashing Hailey a phony apologetic smile. "Sorry, I have to run now. But it was nice seeing you again! Now hopefully I never see you again... and I mean that. I hope (Y/N) never utters your name again, okay? Not while we're here looking out for her. Just like friends should."

With that, Phil waved goodbye. He turned his back on Hailey, acting oblivious to the sputtering mess that erupted from her mouth. As he continued walking he felt the need to wrap up his conversation a little more formally. He looked back on more time, grinning gleefully. "See you never!" He waved both his hands in her direction, a single middle digit raised high in the sky. As Phil turned to face the other direction, the sound of a body hitting the pavement created quite a noise. She most likely fainted. But Phil wasn't worried; the crowd of people forming around her would most likely help her out.

Phil wasn't feeling that kind today.

He continued walking towards his and Dan's apartment, feeling an odd numbness about him. He noticed that he had a certain jump to his step. This was odd considering how dry his mouth felt and the sporadic rhythm of his heart right now. Not only that but he was sweating profusely causing him to wipe his forehead clear with trembling hands. He examined his palms closely, running his gaze up and down the various lines on his skin.

He stood there for a good moment or two simply looking at his hands. He nodded to nothing in particular. "Huh."


Phil fell to his knees, feeling as if his soul was trying to escape his body.

Oh my God!! What have I done!!?

He wanted to curl up in a ball and die right now. Thankfully he was already at the steps of his flat so it meant one of his neighbors could deal with his deceased body later. He briefly wondered if they would be able to tell all the awful things that left his lips moments ago; this was the exact reason why Phil hated being angry! He was scared of himself and his big mouth!


A/N: Oh my.


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