Running From Hell

By Mud-Bug0129

443 18 7

Zoey Springdale was forced to move in with her father at a young age. He remarried Zoey's step-mother, who co... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Author's Note
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 3

45 4 0
By Mud-Bug0129

Zoey's POV

      I had been driving for about eight hours, and realized I should stop at a store and pick up the stuff I had wanted to buy earlier. Up ahead, I spotted a strip mall and pulled into the parking lot outside of Wal-Mart. I unlatched my seat belt, and grabbed my keys and wallet. I slid out of my truck, closing and locking the doors. I quickly make my way across the parking lot, and into the warm store. I didn't bother to grab a cart or even a basket, I wasn't going to buy a lot.

      I walked to the electronic section, and grabbed to cheapest disposable cell phone they carried, and a phone card to go with it. I walked over to the food section and got some non-perishable food, and some bottled waters. I made my way to counter at the front and checked out. The cashier, a middle age woman, quickly looked between me and my purchase without saying a word, which I was grateful for. I grabbed my bags then headed back into my truck.

      Once inside and settled I pulled out the pocket knife I had stashed in the pocket of my doo. I had never tried to stop the physical abuse from my step-mother, but always made sure I had two knifes hid in my truck. The pocket knife in my hand, a small Swiss Army knife in the dash console. It was a way to insure myself I would have them in case of an emergency. A small piece of safety in my dangerous life.

      I set my new phone up, writing my new phone number on the inside of my wrist, just incase I needed to know it. Once I made sure all of my stuff was settled, I drove a little further up the road to a twenty-four hour drive through McDonald's. I ordered a large fry, and a coffee with lots of cream and sugar. I knew I wanted more to eat but the uneasiness of my head and stomach, gave me the feeling if I ate much it would just come back up. I parked in the empty parking lot, eating my fries and pausing now and then to sip the hot coffee. The warm liquid soothed the cold emptiness inside of me.

      Leaning back in my seat, I let my eyes close. The emotions washed over my body like waves on a shore. Not drowning, just covering then receding the process repeating. Never really stopping or changing.

      Max's face flashed behind my eyes, anger, hurt, disappointment all came flowing over my soul. I was still shocked that he was so kind to my face, but I guess it was never real. It felt real. That boy could probably win an Oscar award for his performance.

      Or my wicked step-mother, how happiness sparkled in her eyes when she hurt me. My father who hadn't loved me enough to be there for me.

      The ladies and Alex from my favorite bookstore in town had cared. Or maybe they were acting just like Max. Who's to say that anybody I've ever meant had ever cared? Snap out of it! You can't let the past bring you down, you need to move forward! That voice in my head was right. I'm free now, it's time to fret over things and people that aren't in my life anymore. I will move forward!

      A yawn quickly escaped my mouth. I think I'll get some sleep before I go any further. I drove until I found a cheap motel. I need to save money, and it would be harder to get a room where they ran everything by the books. The motel I found I was hoping to bribe someone.

      I grabbed my duffel bag, my wallet, phone and keys. I made sure to lock my truck before heading towards the main lobby.

      A teenage boy with pimples all over his face sat behind the counter. "Hey, I'd like to rent a room, please." I greeted making sure to keep my voice low. "Yes ma'am, just a single bed?" "Um, yes. That'll be fine." I kept my voice calm. "That will be seventy-five dollars, and I'll need to see your I.D." Crap! I had hoped to avoid that, and I only had one option. "I'll give you an extra twenty-five if you don't check my I.D." I raised my eyebrows, hoping he was smart enough to understand.

      "Ma'am, I really shouldn't..." He looked around as if someone could catch us. This had to work, it just had to. "Please, it's just for one night. I simply need somewhere to sleep other than my truck. I promise not to do anything stupid, and I'll be gone by nine in the morning." I was pleading with my eyes, just this one thing I hoped could go right. "Fine, I guess one night won't hurt," he said with a sigh. "Oh, thanks a lot. It means more than you know. Here's the money," I handed him a hundred dollars. "I think I know how much it means to you, no one as pretty as you stays in a place like this." He said putting away the money, and grabbing my key, holding it out for me to take. "I don't know, it's just how my cards played out, anyways I better go. Goodnight and thanks again." I gave him a genuine smile, and he returned it with a simple nod of his head.

      My room was on the bottom level, and I quickly unlocked the door and walked, then made sure to lock both of the locks on the door behind me. The room wasn't exactly the place I'd ever imagine I'd be staying, but it was a place to clean up and get some rest. I set my stuff next to the bed, kicked my shoes off, set an alarm on my phone, before laying down to get some rest.


      The annoying sound of the alarm I set woke me up. Knowing I needed to get ready and leave soon, I reluctantly got out of bed. I picked up my duffel bag and went into the small bathroom. I peeled my clothes off, examining the injuries I still had. The bruises from Jake's grip on my waist and wrist had left small but still noticeable and the bruises from my step-mother were starting to fade, the welts and bruises on on my legs were still healing, and the scars stood out like bright lights in a dark room.

      I took a quick shower, making sure I cleaned all of yesterday's make-up off. When I was done, I got out and dried myself off. I unzipped my duffel bag, pulling out a pair of yoga pants and a long sleeve athletic shirt, and quickly slipped the clothes on. I brushed my hair and put it in a loose side braid. The bruises on my face were now yellow, but again the bruises were ugly. I grabbed the concealer, applying less than usual but still enough to hide the flaws. I brushed my teeth, than applied some lip balm. Once I was ready, I grabbed my duffel bag, then went to the room and grabbed my other stuff.

      I left the hotel room, making sure to lock the door behind me. I headed to the main office and dropped off my key, then made my way to my truck. I unlocked the doors and hopped into the driver's seat. I settled my stuff quickly, before starting the truck. I pulled out of the parking lot and started driving. Once into the nicer part of town, I found a small diner where I could eat breakfast. Next to it was a bookstore called "Barbara's Books", not really original but it was catchy. I decided I'd eat breakfast before I visited the bookstore. I pulled into a parking spot directly in front of the diner and grabbed my wallet, keys and phone.

      Getting out of the truck, I walked to the diner and opened the door. The smell of various breakfast foods overwhelmed my senses, making my stomach growl with hunger. I walked in a sat on a stool at the counter. A older lady who looked to be in her fifties, walked over to me.

      "Hey there, hun, can I get you something to drink?" She had a strong southern accent. "Yes, ma'am, can I get an orange juice?" I couldn't help but notice was voice sounded meek. "Sure thang, you need a minute to order, doll?" "Yes, ma'am." She nodded her head as if she expected it. "Okay, I'll be back in a few." With that she walked off. I picked up the menu lying on the counter in front of me. Scanning it, I decided on a ham and cheese omelet.

      When the lady came back she placed a tall glass of orange juice in front of me, then I told her what I wanted. She soon returned with my omelet with looked mouth watering. Taking a bite, I savoured the food.

      Once I finished my orange juice and omelet, I paid my bill before heading to the bookstore. Looking through the different isles, I found several books I decided to buy. I waited patiently as the woman behind the counter rang up the total. I paid for my books then grabbed my bag and headed to my truck. I set my books in the passenger seat, then got my other stuff settled. Once I was all set, I started the truck and pulled it out of the parking space, and starting what looked to be another long day of driving.


Travis (Zoey's friend from the bookstore) POV

      I can't believe she left. And that dumb-ass that told us didn't seem to be too worried. The way she talked about him, it surprised me that he wasn't freaking out. She always spoke so fondly of him, yet he was still hanging around town after she ran away.

      I wasn't a complete idiot like him though, I managed to call Melinda as I made my way to my house. "Melinda, I'm going to help," I told her straight when she answered her phone. "You stay, the girls and I will find her," she sounded like she was doing something while talking to me. "No. I'm not going to stay put while she's out there. The more people that are looking for her the better," I made my voice firm, as I parked my truck then jogged up the stairs into my house then up to my room. I heard her let out a sigh, and I knew I had won. "Fine. Be at my house in an hour." I was already packing my stuff as I replied, "I'll be there." I quickly hung up, and finished packing my stuff.

      Once I was done, I grabbed my packed bags, and carried them to my truck, putting them in the bed. I went inside to get Bull, my bull-dog I'd had for about a year. Zoey met him once and quickly fell in love with him, and he loved her just as much. Making sure I had everything he would need, I grabbed him then locked up the house. I let Bull crawl over into the passenger's seat, as I climbed into the driver's seat. I didn't bother with a seat belt as I started the engine and drove towards Melinda's house. I made it there, and checking the clock on the dash I was about fifteen minutes early. I didn't want to wait to find her, but I knew it would be best to work together.

      I let my mind wonder to the mental images of the blonde hair, blue eyed beauty that was missing. The way she would sit in the back of the store and let out small giggles while reading. The way she would focus and play with her hair when she was talking to any of us about her home situation, or lay on the counter when we'd talk about other things. Sometimes she would talk about a book she'd read, going on and on about what she thought about it. How her eyes would light up when she found a good book, then she'd skip to her place in the back. The customers never bothered her, and some of the elderly that would come in would smile at her lost in talking about her books while laying on the counter. Something told me she felt at home when she came into the bookstore. The look she would get as soon as she walked through the door, it was as if the pieces of her life completed and made a whole.

      I was brought out of my thoughts by the sound of a car horn, and looked up to see Theresea, another one of the ladies who has grown close to Zoey. She got out of her car and came up to me, wrapping her arms around me in a tight embrace. I wrapped my arms around her in response. "Come on, let's go figure out our plan to get our girl back." Theresea pulled me towards Melinda's front door, where Melinda was standing with the door open. We all walked into the living room and sat down.

      Roberta, another woman who worked at the bookstore, sat on the couch already. We all sat down in the available seats, I stayed on the edge of mine, anxious to find Zoey. "Sue-Ann is going to stay to run the store and keep an eye out for Zoey, in case she comes back to town. I figure the rest of us should split up and search for any signs of where she could be." Melinda said, being the natural leader. "I agree," Roberta said with her Hispanic ancient. "So do I," Theresea answered. "Sounds good to me," I replied. "Okay, so now that we all agree to that, we need to find out who will go where. Roberta can head west, Theresea can check the east, I'll go north and Travis can drive south. Sound good?" We all nodded our heads in agreement. We all got up and headed towards the door, then out to our vehicles.

      When I got into my truck, Bull greeted me. I scratched his ears before buckling my seat belt and cranking up my engine. Pulling away from Melinda's driveway and starting towards the highway, I told Bull, "Let's go get our girl." With those words I turned up the radio, letting the music slightly relax, as I started my search for that amazing Zoey.


A/N: Sorry I haven't updated in a while. Life is like really busy, and my friend has been going nuts about me needing to update the other story. I hated not being able to update for such a long amount of time, because to me the characters in this story are real so I want to know what they're up to. The teachers seem to disagree and just give out more homework. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed and I'll update as soon as I can.

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