Reece's Haven

By MissNautica

163K 7.3K 2.4K

Update schedule: Every Sunday! ❀❀❀❀ Reece Walker has loved only once. With a rough childhood, he grows up to... More

Prologue I
Prologue II
24: Reece
39: Reece
40: Reece
47: Reece
51: Reece
52: Reece
55: Reece
57: Reece


4.2K 185 88
By MissNautica

I see Nolan in this guy (attached photo)...

"If love were stars, ours would be the whole universe..."
– Nautica

~ D O R O T H Y ~


November 1997

To be his?

If he is being honest – I highly doubt he is – then this is definitely not what I want. I can't afford to have some guy pursuing me. My only goal right now is to get into Imperial. The prospect of dating or getting into an amorous relationship has never crossed my mind.

"Is this some kind of a joke?" I say, slapping his hand away from my face and narrowing my eyes at him.

He slowly shakes his head, his crystal eyes still staring into my own.

"I'm actually on the verge of falling in love with you, Dorothy Sherman," he says.

He sounds serious, and the way he is looking at me does not give away any hints of mischief.

Oh please no.

"Well stop," I order.

He raises an eyebrow, a gesture that I cannot do apparently.

"You want me to stop myself from falling in love with you?"

"Yes, that's exactly what I want you to do."

He then chuckles softly, very amused by my reply.

"What kind of creature are you? Any other girl would at least be touched if she were in your position."

"Why are you so surprised? Didn't you just tell me that I'm not like any other girl?" I drawl.

"Yes I did. You're different. Different in a good way."

"Why thank you. I'll try to somehow find a part of me that is appreciative of your feelings. But for now, I've got to say that I have no intention to be yours."



He crosses his arms, a small grin plastered on his face.

"Well you're just saying that because you barely know me. Once you do, I'm sure you will not be able to resist me."

He winks, grinning, and I grimace.

"Trust me, that will never happen," I say sternly. "I am not interested in you at all."

"Hmm, come to think of it..." he says, knitting his eyebrows. "You're not interested in me, and you're not interested in Reece. Are you perhaps not interested in guys in general? Are you into girls?"

"If I say yes, will you leave me alone?" I say, crossing my arms.

He examines my face, and then smirks.

"No. You'd be lying then. Look, I've never been serious about a girl before," he says, pulling away from me and rubbing the back of his neck with his right hand, serious. "And believe it or not, I have never asked anyone to go out with me..."


"So, will you go on a date with me?" he asks, hopeful.

"No," I immediately say.

"Great, are you available this Satur–" He suddenly pauses and his smirk disappears when my reply sinks in. "Wait... Did you... Did you just say no?"

I guess Damien Clark has never been rejected before.

Oh ho ho, now I feel touched.

"I declined, yes," I say. 

He drops his hand to his side, his eyes widening. I try to hide a smile that is threatening to show.

Gosh, he did not expect me to reject him at all!

"You didn't even stop to consider," he says.

"Didn't need to. My answer is a definite no."

He crosses his arms.

"Dorothy, did you hear me right? That you're the first girl I asked to go on a date with?"

"Yes I did. I'm not deaf."

"Then go on a date with me."

"No, thank you."


Did he just say please? Wow, I'm good.


He clenches his jaw, all hints of friendliness disappear from his face.

"Why are you not giving me a chance?"

"Because whenever I see you, all I see is this massive ego in the form of a spoilt human being that gets on my nerves all the time!"

He narrows his crystal eyes at me.

"I am nothing like that. If you go out with me, I can prove it to you that I am nothing like how you have just described me. I have been told countless times that I am quite a gentleman."

"You don't have to prove anything to me."

He runs his fingers through his hair in frustration.

"One date, that's all I'm asking for. Just. One. Date."

"And my answer is the same," I say. "No."

"I can prove it to you that I'm not spoilt!" he finally snaps.

The corner of my lips tugs upwards.

"Damien, right now you're clearly acting spoilt. You asked me to go on a date with you, I declined. You're now becoming persistent and throwing a petty tantrum."

"I'm not throwing a petty tantrum!" he snaps again.

Rolling my eyes, I lean back against the tree and look at him with a deadpan face. Realising what he has just done, he clears his throat and looks away.

"I will take you on a date, Dorothy," he whispers after a pause of silence.

Gosh, this guy is really like a child.

"Don't be so confident. Now let's drop this matter. I want to go home," I say.

"I will, Dorothy," he repeats, fully determined.

I sigh in exasperation, dropping my hands to my sides.

"Of course you will, Damien," I say, causing him to raise his eyebrows in surprise. "In your dreams, definitely," I then add, causing him to slump in defeat.

I start to walk ahead of him, making my way to my house.

"You really are ruthless," he mumbles before he begins to walk too, trailing behind me in silence.


Monday comes too quickly. I have a music club meeting and volleyball tryouts to attend today. Lunchtime begins, and the twins and I make our way to the cafeteria. As we walk down the bustling corridor, I cannot help but notice that nearly everyone is staring at us.

"Guys, do you feel that everyone is staring at us?" I ask, scratching the side of my left arm.

"Us? Honey, they are staring at you," Leo says, looking at me as if I'm stupid.

Well, maybe I am.

"Wait, what?" I say quickly.

"Well of course they will stare at you. You literally stunned everyone with that voice of yours," Luna drawls.

...Ok, what is up with her dull tone?

Since Leo appears to think nothing of it, maybe it's nothing?

"Yea! You know, if you ever become a famous singer, do make me your manager, ok?" Leo says, becoming emotional.

Luna elbows him.

"Ow! Jesus Christ woman!"

Ok, Luna is definitely acting strange.

When we enter the cafeteria, Jenny spots us and approaches us. After a brief hug, she and I leave the twins in the cafeteria to make our way to the music club meeting, carrying our lunchboxes.

"So why were you in a hurry yesterday?" I ask her.

"Oh yea, sorry about that," she says, smiling sheepishly. "I was on my way to the bookstore. One of my favourite authors released a book a few days ago. Because of the gig, I didn't have much time to buy it, and there are only a limited number of copies. When I got to the store, there were only two copies left."

"Wow, lucky you! What's the name of the book?"

"Hiraeth. It's actually a collection of poems."

"Never heard of it. What's the name of the author?"

"Lucas Wright. If you want to read a good book, I highly recommend his other book, Anchor. It's a novel. I swear, the story got me crying a whole river. I have the book, so if you want to read it, let me know. I'll lend it to you."

"Thanks. That's very nice of you."

We reach the classroom where the meeting is to be held. We enter the room and stand still at the sight in front of us.

Remember that I saved an eccentric girl from being bullied by Monica and her minions? The one whose father apparently left her to get milk?

Yes, that's Rachel Barns. In front of us, Rachel has her arms crossed, standing next to a girl who is sitting on a chair, sobbing. Jenny told me that Rachel is the president of the music club. Crumpled tissues are strewn across the floor. A guy is holding a box of tissues, handing a tissue to the miserable girl.

"What's going on here?" I whisper.

"Another break up," Jenny sighs.

"I'm so sorry to hear."

"Don't bother. She's Amelia, Nolan's girlfriend. Well, ex-girlfriend now."

"You mean..."

"Yup. She finally found out that he cheated on her."

"Poor girl."

"Well, to be honest, she did know that he's a major player. I guess she was blinded by the idea that she could be the one that can change his ways," she says.

What is wrong with those three guys? Do they not have any idea of how much they are hurting girls emotionally? Heck, the whole school, except for my own friends, is weird.

"Forget the boy already!" Rachel huffs to the distraught Amelia, oblivious to our arrival.

"What's Rachel doing?" I ask my dear friend, raising my eyebrows.

"Consoling her," she groans, rubbing her temples.

"B-But he said I was the only flower in his garden," Amelia croaks, wiping the wetness away from her cheeks with a tissue.

"He told you you are the only flower in his garden?" Rachel laughs dryly. "And you believed it? Tell me, have you ever seen a garden with one flower?"

"...N-No," Amelia says before she wails loudly once she realises how right Rachel is.

"Is this how she... consoles?" I ask Jenny.

"Unfortunately, yes," she replies.

"That Nolan! Why does he victimise my club members? First Hannah, then Penelope, then Daniela, then Jennifer and now you!" Rachel snaps, placing her hands on her hips in annoyance.

"Really?" I ask Jenny, referring to the amount of the poor girls who were 'victimised' by Nolan.

"Again, yes."

"This is the fifth time I have to deal with someone's ocular fluids. The fifth!" Rachel continues to huff. "I did not take charge of this club just to put up with wailing girls!"

"I want go home," Amelia cries, blowing her nose.

"Then go! It is not like we are getting anywhere with you in here. Leave! Come back when you find your self-esteem!"

"You're terrible, Rachel!" Amelia yells, shooting up from her seat to dash out of the room.

She passes by Jenny and me, ignoring us. The door shuts with a slam, and the guy holding the tissue sighs, slumping.

"I guess we lost the fifthth member of our club," he says, facing Rachel.

Rachel crosses her arms.

"Well I guess it is just the three of us. You, me and Jenny..."

"Actually, it's still four," Jenny says, finally catching their attention.

The two of them finally turn around and face the two of us.

"Four?" Rachel says, trying to process the word and her sight of me before her eyes widen.

"Hey Rachel," I say, giving a small wave. "I signed up for this club."

"William," Rachel quickly says.

The guy, William, looks at Rachel.


"Do you not know know who this girl is?" she asks.

"She does look familiar...?"

"You fool! This girl, who is gracing us with her marvellous presence right now, is the Dorothy Sherman!"

"Is it really her?" he gasps with widened eyes.

"Of course! Now, what are you still standing here for? Offer her something!"

She nudges him from his back, and he stumbles forward.

"Right! I am so sorry, Dorothy," he quickly says. "I should have realised sooner. Your performance on Saturday still gives me the goosebumps when I think about it. Oh, would you like something to eat or drink?"

"Woah woah woah," I say, immensely shocked by his way of addressing me. "Calm down. I don't need anything, thank you."

He nods his head, continuing to stare at me, apparently starstruck.

What sort of treatment is this? I am flattered, but I feel that this behaviour is just a little too weird.

"William, breathe," Jenny says before she looks at Rachel. "You too, Rach. Just breathe."

"I am very much breathing. If I was not, I would be dead."

My friend rolls her eyes at her words. The sound of the door opening is then heard by all of us.

"Yo geeks," I hear a deep voice say.

All four of us turn around to face the attractive, blonde-haired person at the doorway.

"Oh, it is you. To what do we owe this displeasure, Nolan?" Rachel says, narrowing her green eyes at him.

"Shut it, Barns," Nolan says. "Where's Mikaela?"


How rude!

"Mikaela? It's Amelia."

Thank you, Rachel. THANK YOU!

"How is it even possible that you cannot remember the name of the girl you were messing with for the last two weeks?" she sighs in exasperation.

Yes, girl! YES!

"Just tell me where she is so that I can break up with her!" he snaps.

His eyes move across the room in search for Amelia until they land on me. A flash of recognition crosses his features.

Uh oh.

"Wait a minute... you're that feisty girl, right?" Nolan asks, looking at me.

"And you're the guy who apparently broke Amelia's heart," I say, crossing my arms.

He shrugs, unfazed.

"She knew the deal. It's over between us now," he says, winking at me.

What is up with these stupid guys and their stupid winks? Rachel, fortunately, notices the wink and immediately pales, dashing to stand in front of me to block his view of me.

"Oh no no no no no! She will not be your next victim! You have already snatched away five of my club members," Rachel says.

"Actually, it's not technically his faul–" William is interrupted by her.

"Oh hush, William! You're on my side."

The poor guy sighs again.

"Who do you think you are, Barns? You can't stop me from doing anything," Nolan says, narrowing his hazel eyes at her.

"I do not care. Now get out!" she snaps.

Yes, Rachel. Keep it going. Kick him out. 

"Nope," he says, popping the 'p' and looking very much amused.

"Why not?" she asks loudly.

"Because I want to be in the music club too," he says and everyone holds their breath, except me.

"You're joking," Jenny says, widening her eyes.

"I'm serious. I can actually play the piano, believe it or not," he replies, causing Rachel to pale.

"William, check my pulse," Rachel says weakly.

William hurriedly holds her wrist and checks her pulse.

"I think you need to sit down," he says, grabbing the nearest chair and bringing it to her.

She sits down, looking as if she would pass out any second.

"I guess the club president is unwell. On behalf of her, I welcome the two of you to the music club," Jenny says, looking at me with a smile and then at Nolan.

Nolan returns the smile, showing off his straight, white teeth.

"Why thank you," he says. 

Then, he glances at me and I frown.

What the heck is he planning?


I'm standing at one end of the volleyball court, wearing black shorts that reach just below my knees and a short-sleeved white shirt with Hampton's logo on the left side of the chest area. My hair is in a messy bun. The cold wind pricks my exposed skin while I stretch. Suddenly, I hear a shrill cheer and look at the verdant football pitch.

"Go Reece!" a bunch of cheerleaders chants.

The six cheerleaders are jumping up and down in excitement. I realise that Monica and her two minions are a part of them. Following their line of sight, I see a familiar dark-haired guy running with the ball dancing along with his feet. The members of the opposing team are trying to get the ball away from Reece but his movements are evasive. He finally kicks the ball and scores a perfect goal.

The cheerleaders squeal even more loudly. Reece throws his arms up in the air, victorious, before he gets patted on the back by his teammates.

After securing a place in the volleyball team, I go back inside the building to the girl's changing room. When I enter, many of the girls are just about to leave. I go to my locker, unlock it, take out my clothes, towel and shampoo and make my way to the showers. After I hang my clothes and towel by the hook on the wall next to the shower curtain, I go stand underneath the shower head, close the curtain and peel my smelly clothes off. I throw my clothes on the floor outside of the shower curtain. Once the knob was twisted, hot water hits my skin and washes away the sweat. It feels good against my skin, soothing my sore muscles. I squirt shampoo onto my palm and then massage my head.

When I finish, I let my hand out, past the shower curtain, to get my towel. When my fingertips feel the cool surface of the wall instead of my fluffy towel, I frown. Poking my head out, my eyes widen.

My towel and my clothes are not there. I look at the floor; my smelly clothes are not there either.

"H-Hey! Who took my clothes?" I say loudly.

I receive no answer.

"Anyone? Please return my clothes. This isn't funny!"

Again, my demand is met by silence.

I look around, trying to find any form of cloth that can possibly cover me. My eyes frantically search everywhere until they land on the shower curtain that I'm gripping on. I look up and realise that I can unhook the curtains from the silver rings encircling the metallic bar.

After I manage to unhook the shower curtain, I wrap it around my body securely. Strangely, no one is in the locker room. I try to search for my clothes everywhere but I can't find them. I can't call anyone since my phone is in my backpack, which is inside my main locker in the corridor.

I go to the entrance of the locker room, hoping that there is someone at the corridor who can help me. It's when I stand at the entrance that I finally see it.

My underwear on the floor.

Behind my underwear is my bra. Too stunned to see my pieces of clothes on the floor, I quickly go after them without a second thought. I pick up my underwear first and then my bra. I notice that behind my bra is my black camisole.

What I fail to notice, unfortunately, is that my clothes are scattered across the floor in a form of a trail, leading me somewhere. When I bend down to pick up my camisole, whispers and a few whistles erupt.

Confused, I look up and freeze.

In front of me are about a dozen of guys. Majority of them were fully dressed, however, a few have just showered, with towels secured around their waists. I avoid looking at the latter. All of them are staring at me in amusement. Feeling my heart pound against my chest, I stand straight and quickly look at the open door behind me. My heart sinks in absolute horror and disbelief when I read the sign plastered on the door.

Boys' Locker Room.



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