Murder She Wrote

By fxckrauhl

14.3K 799 1.1K

A couples' good deed turns into something they have a hard time getting out of. A sadistic stranger takes ove... More

1. Veronica
2. Inconvenience
3. Lunch date
4. I Watch You
5. "Shit! Fuck! Shit!"
6. Temptation
7. Till Next Time
8. Lady in Red
9. Do You Wanna Get Out of Here?
10. Calls After Calls
11. You're Sick
12. Power
13. Research
15. Lets Play It Safe
16. She's not crazy, You are!
17. I, too, Am Lifeless
18. I Know What You Did
19. The Snitch
20. I Spy
21. Greater Damage
22. The Truth
23. The Truth Pt 2
Part 2: Smooth Sailing
25. Fear
26. Past Relations
27. Picture Perfect
28. It's Over
29. Impulsive Liar
30. Sick and Tired
31. You're fired
32. Divorce
33. Heavy Evidence
34. Leave While You Can
35. You're A Monster
36. The Intruder
37. Locked In
38. Sorry I Can't Help You
39. Then Shoot Me
40. Murder She Wrote
41. I'll Find You

14. Yoga & Tension

313 15 8
By fxckrauhl

Veronica's POV:

"Thank you so much for agreeing to this. Not many people I know enjoy this sort of thing." She said placing the mats near the park tree that stood greatly upon the grassy hill. She wobbled her way up while she was holding her pregnant belly. I gripped her arm so I could help her balance onto her mat.

"It's no problem really. I'm just glad we're spending more time together." I formed a smile on my face.

"Me too." She said excitedly. "I'm just glad I have a reason not be in the house alone."

I chuckled, "I'm glad I came to the rescue."

"Have you done this before?" She asked, beginning to stretch. I shook my head in response. She then proceeded to show me ways to stretch out my muscles before bending. She was very clear and thorough with her instructions.

"You must do this often with Michael." I said to her.

"No he doesn't enjoy these sort of things." She replied. "He doesn't understand it at all." The way she smiled while talking about him was just making the jealously in me build up even more. I envied the fact that she could do anything she wants with him whenever she wanted. I would kill to be in her position. Not having to watch from afar would be a relief and getting to wake up next to a face like his would be a greater benefit.

"You're a very lucky girl." I said to her. She stopped stretching for a bit to look at me.

"Yeah I am aren't I?" She said. "Here let's try a different position. She stretched her right foot to the center and the other foot stretched out behind. She steadily held her arms out in a straight line and posed in that position for a while. "Now you try it."

I imitated her position. "Aside from work, is he present all the time at home?" I spoke again.

She kept her eyes closed, "Sometimes. His job takes up most of his day."

"He deserves a break don't you think?" I could tell my constant questions were distracting her from her focus. I barely had any interest in this activity one bit but I figured what better way to use this time than to collect more information I needed. Besides if I'm going to stick around for a while, I need my enemy as close I can.

"Yeah he works a lot but we need it. For the baby." She rubbed her belly. I rolled my eyes in disgust. Part of me wanted to laugh at the fact she's expecting a baby with a man who couldn't even stay loyal to her while the other part of me wonders how fast that baby would come out if she accidentally rolled down this hill right now.

"The baby is going to have wonderful parents." I said.

"Ok this next position about to be a little difficult. Give me your hands." She said. I did as I was told. She interlocked it with mine, both of our palms pressed together. She then raised it high up on the air. "I want you to balance your weight and slide yourself further back." I was confused at her instructions at first but I watched her slide herself back until she was leaning down a bit, with her hands pushing a force against mine.

"What if I drop you?" I chuckled.

"I know you wouldn't do that to me. I trust you." She responded. Oh Sierra.

"You know Michael is one of the few male friends I've ever had. People don't really get along with me very well sometimes, I'm glad you've guys taken me with open arms." I said to her.

"You're one of the first female friends he's brought home. I'm just glad he's finally friends with someone I know." She joked.

"He doesn't introduce you to his friends?" I asked. She shook her head no and I wasn't surprised one bit.

"Not even one?" I sarcastically gasped. "You're kidding right?"

"No. He's never around with his friends as far as I know. He hangs around with one coworker outside of work that's about it."

"I find that hard to believe. He's a very friendly guy and with that personality he probably has tons. Either he never brings them home or...he doesn't tell you about them." I said to her. I could tell the last part of my sentence got to her as she looked blankly at the ground. "I don't know one person who doesn't know the names of their significant other's friends." I shrugged.

She pulled herself back and let go off my hands, "I think that's enough yoga for the day."

Michael's POV:

I came home around 7 pm today. Believe it or not, this is the earliest I've gotten out of work in a while. It felt great not having to drive in the full nights darkness and getting here right at sunset. I did inform Sierra I would be coming home early in case she wanted to prepare dinner or something. She hasn't picked up my calls all day, I left her a few text messages but all were left on seen.

I pulled up to the driveway and noticed a car parked by in my spot. The tinted window of the white car became very familiar to me and I was nervous about what I would walk into when I step inside the house. After parking the car, I was greeted by my dog who I haven't seen playing around in quite some time now. He's usually energetic and right on his feet whenever he sees me but today, he looked tired. He circled around me as I petted his back. "Hey Astro, where have you been buddy." I softly said to him scratching behind his ear. He made a pouting noise and crawled up into a small ball by the door. He's never this quiet or down. Maybe he's having one of those days.

Instead of knocking, I unlocked the door and let myself in, I dragged Astro into the house with me. "Sierra I'm home! I just had the craziest day today." I took of my shoes and began to walk into the dining room where I could hear the sound of her talking.

"Oh really? You should tell us about it." She said standing by the kitchen with a plate in her hand. I was confused at first when she mentioned us but when I turned my head to the dining room table, I saw Veronica standing there, setting the table up with forks and napkins.

"Crazy day huh? I bet you ours was much wilder." She smirked at me with her staggering eyes.

I was choked up and frozen in place. I had two exact thoughts in my mind. One, this crazy bitch doesn't listen at all and two, she's here to tell Sierra about everything or worse she have told her everything already.

I gulped nervously trying to keep a straight face. "I wasn't informed about you being here."

"I was here the entire day, doing a little catch up with Sierra. Isn't that right?" She kept her stare at me the whole time without making a single movement. We both stood there eye-ing each other like it was some type of stare contest and you could feel the heavy tension in the room.

"Veronica and I did yoga today, it was so fun. I have to tell you all about it." Sierra spoke from the kitchen.

"Did you make some dinner honey because I'm starving." I responded to her.

"It's coming just give me a second!"

I took a couple steps closer until I stared down at Veronica. "I thought I made it very clear that I didn't want you back here ever again?"

She smiled up at me, "yeah the cops made that clear as well. How lovely of you to get the police involved on this. Wasting their time and having them to show up to my own house, accusing me of harassment." She slowly shook her head. "That's not a very nice thing to do Michael."

"I have no problem calling them again." I gritted my teeth, restraining myself from yelling.

"And perfect this perfect dinner me and Sierra prepared for you? It's taco night. You wouldn't want to ruin taco night." She sarcastically pouted her face.

"What the fuck do you want from me?" I sighed. "Is it money you want? If I give you cash would you leave me alone then?" I took out my wallet and began to take out whatever strand of cash I had left in there.

"You don't understand it do you? You can't get rid of me, it's too late." She said. "You can block me all you want but you can't block me from your life Michael. You don't have a choice this time. You started this not me." She shrugged.

Just when she was about to walk away, I gripped her arm tightly and pulled her back. "Which part of I'm not interested do you not understand?!"

"I don't take no for an answer. I'm not anyone's second choice or one night stand. You're not allowed to throw me away so easily like everyone else. And I know you won't, wanna know why?" She said coldly with a devilish smile. She waited for me to take a guess but I was silent. "Unfortunately you've screwed your own self over and I'd hate to tell others about what you've done......especially your pregnant wife" she placed the emphasis on wife.

I haven't met anyone as deceiving as her ever in my life. I couldn't believe every single word that was coming out of her mouth. And how she didn't flinch one bit or have any sort of remorse while doing so. She was insane and manipulative, and worst part of all, she already has me hanging by a rope.

"I'm not a bad person." I found myself saying out loud.

"Neither am I." She said.

"Alright, I got the tacos ready!! Who's excited." Sierra finally walked into the dining room with several plates in her hands. Veronica went back to her "normal" act and began to clap with excitement.

"I am!" Veronica squealed. She helped Sierra with plates and sat them on the table. They both took a seat. I was still standing at my place still dumbfounded at what just happened.

"Let's eat. Michael honey, sit down." Sierra instructed. I pulled up a chair at the head of the table. Sierra sat on the left side of me while Veronica sat on the right side.

"I'd like to say a few prayers before we eat." Veronica suggest sticking her hand out for us to join in. I gave Sierra a look, she just shrugged at me and took a hold of her hand. I rolled my eyes and forced myself to do the same thing.

"Father, we praise you for friendship and family. Thank you for bringing us together today to share a meal." She started the prayer. "The people in our lives bring us such joy, and we are grateful for time spent in fellowship together." Her grip on my hand became tighter, squeezing it harder each word she said. "Help us use this time to bond closer as a group, and learn to love each other more. In God's name, Amen." I quickly let go of her hand that caused pain towards mine.

"Amen." Sierra repeated. They both then simultaneously stared at me, waiting for me to say amen. I didn't want to give closure to her prayer because I knew every once of it was bullshit and I don't think God accepted someone so evilly spirited like herself.

"The food looks good." I said instead. "Let's eat."


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