MyStreet (My Aphmau fanfic) B...

By DJfox012

679 4 0

Wow Blues still alive what a surprise! Let's see what kind of trouble he gets himself into now! More

Chapter #1: New Opportunity
Chapter #2: Moving Houses
Chapter #3: Meeting The Neighbors
Chapter #4: I Claimed Him First
Chapter #5: Out With The Boys
Chapter #6: Scared To Be Alone With him
Chapter #7: Nightmares Coming True?
Chapter #8: The Tourture She's Been Through
Chapter #9: Haunting Memories
Chapter #10: Home Sweet Home
Chapter #11: An Unexpected Visitor
Chapter #12: Sometimes People Do Dumb Things
Chapter #13: Here Again...
Chapter #14: Christmas Soon
Chapter #15: List Of friends
Chapter #16: Christmas Shopping
Chapter #17: The Christmas Cats
Chapter #18: Getting Mugged
Chapter #19: My Savior Is An Idiot
Chapter #21: Party Time!
Chapter #22: Petal's Keeping A Secret
Chapter #23: They're what?!
Chapter #24: More Presents?!
Chapter #24 1/2: Meanwhile...
Chapter #25: You Love Me?
Chapter #26: Quickly! We've Gotta Go!
Chapter #27: The Affects Of Red.
Chapter #28: Rebel Causing Havoc
Chapter #29: A Protector...?
Chapter #30: Playing Games
Chapter #31: An Unwanted Visitor
Chapter #32: Unexpected Fun Time~
Chapter #33: Le-Levi! No!
Chapter #34: I Don't Like It Here
Chapter #35: The Man...
Chapter #36: The Victims.. Pt.1
Chapter #37: The Victims... Pt. 2
Chapter #38: Malcolm's Oppsies
Chapter #39: The Worst Of It
Chapter #40: I'm To Blame...
Chapter #41: Where The Hell Am I...?
Chapter #42: Valentines day~

Chapter #20: Getting Fixed Up

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By DJfox012

🦊Blue's P.O.V🦊

Without a warning Blaze picked me up causing pain to surge and shock my bones "Ow!" I yelped out "Oops... sorry..." Blaze looked at me his ears going down "It's fine...." My voice squeaked "I'll go get the car started!" Daniel grabbed the car keys out of Blazes pants pocket, when Daniel put his hand into Blazes pocket he jumped which startled me.

"Ok, You two be out in a second" Daniel ran out of his room and out of the house to the car "You want anything before we leave?" I shook my head "No, I just wanna go." Blaze nodded walking out the front door "We're leaving now you two!" Blaze called to Dottie and Rylan "Ok! See you soon!" Rylan Called back, with a groan. I looked out of the door and saw Daniel, the car was started but Daniel was sitting in the back seat, Blaze place me onto the car seat and Daniel scooted closer to me and pulled my head closer to his shoulder allowing me to lean on him "Rest" Daniel whispered quietly into my ear, I yawned and closed my eyes.

The car hit a large bump and I yelped out in pain "Gah!" "S-Sorry! We're almost there!" Blazes ears went down and so did Daniels "It's ok" I groaned holding my stomach "Blaze! He's bleeding!" "I-I'm fine! Really!" "What happened? You weren't bleeding last night" "I was, but it didn't leak threw my shirt" "Yes but it's getting worse!" Daniel yelled panicked, he covered my stab wound holding me tight to his body. It did hurt my ribs but... I felt comforted.

"We're here" Blaze said aloud, He stopped the car and got out. He opened the door for me "C'mon" Blaze undid my seat belt and picked me up, Daniel opened his door and got out quickly running to the houses door. He walked in and yelled out "Hey mom!" "Hi sweetie" Daniels mom smiled "Where's your friend?" She asked "He sounded like he needed urgent care" "Right here" Blaze called out, He quickened his pace and brought me inside.

"To this room" Daniels mom brought us to a room with a big metal table in the middle of it "Put him down on the table please" She asked, she soon left and started to looked through her doctor stuff. "Ok..." Blaze put me onto the table and stepped away, I slowly sat up and looked around "Your bleeding, what happened?" "Stab wounds..." "Ok, so stiches?" I nodded.

"What hurts?" "Everything..." She sighed "Where's most of the pain?" "Ribs and head..." "Head trauma I'm guessing?" "H-How..." "Most of the werewolves found dead that were attacked by the Azz muggers had head trauma, stab wounds and... other stuff" Doctor mom looked worryingly at Daniel stopping herself from saying something. "Their heads were stomped in and also ribs... some of their... chests were also cut opened..." Daniels held his stomach he looked as if he was about to puke.

Blaze noticed that Daniels tail had dropped and his ear gone down so Blaze had decided to pull him closer and whisper something in his ear, whatever Blaze had said it made Daniel chuckle. "What else had happened when you had gotten attacked?" Daniel's mom had looked back at me "I was kneed a few times in the gut... rammed into the wall and punched in the face few times... they had also kicked me multiple times in the ribs than when Blaze came to help me Blaze was thrown on top of me, I got stabbed in the side and shoulder and he left a small scratch on my neck when he tried to slit it and they seem to have..." I looked at my crooked tail twitching it painfully "Broken... my tail..."

Daniels mom looked towards me "Close your eyes and hold your arms to your sides. Boys can you two just.. move over a bit?" Blaze nodded and so did Daniel the two scooted out from behind me and Daniel's mom snapped a photo "W-What the" "Just to show the fellow doctors how badly you were beaten" I nodded.

"Ok, let's start off with what has been annoying me the most..." "What...?" "Your arm, you haven't moved it once..." "They... They pulled it hard backwards when they tried to removed my mask, I heard a crack... and it hurts to move it... it just hurts no matter what I do..." Daniels mom walked up to me and inspected my arm "It's just dislocated" She turned back around, she seemed to be looking for something.

"Can't we just... relocate it?" Daniel asked walking to his mom's side "Yes we could but-" "And how do we do that?" Blaze cut off Daniels mom and he walked up to my side "Lift up and push in until you hear a crack, but he'll have to go to the hospital for that and he has a different bone structure than humans and werewolves so it might be different than doing that to a human" Blaze grabbed my elbow holding it tightly "Blaze wait what're you!" He pulled up my arm and pushed it in, I heard a snap and I nyaed.

Daniel, his mom and Blaze looked at me all wide eyed. I chuckled embarrassed and my ears went down blush covering my face "You just nyaed..." Blaze pointed at me blushing "Y-Yea... It happens out of habit ok?" "Blaze you shouldn't of done that" Daniels mom walked up to me and held my shoulder "Does it hurt?" "No, it feels better, I can actually move it now" I smiled "That's good, ok let's bring you over here" Daniel quickly ran over to me and helped me off of  the table and onto my feet.

I arched my back in pain and limped over to a screen "Stand behind here" Daniel said "Stand straight" Daniels mom said, I stood straight feeling pain jolt down my spine. "Ok, good" Daniels mom pressed a button on the machine and looked at it "You have broken ribs..." "H-How many?" "All of them..." Daniels mom looked away from the screen worried "I... I'll be fine..." "I have a rib brace for you, that should keep them in place as they heal" I nodded "You can go sit back down" Daniel helped me to the metal table and helped me up.

"A lot of bones in your body have been broken, its really not good" "I would've never known that" I chuckled my bent tail twitching painfully, out of the corner of my eye I could see Blaze cringe his ears going back and he held his own tail "Here you go" The light green haired doctor gave me a rib belt "Oh..." I sighed lifting up my arms and taking off my shirt, I put the rib belt behind me and put the velcro on the soft fabric making sure it was tight, the pressure at first hurt but after a second it started to stop.

"Now.. for the stab wounds" I sighed "Stiches right...?" Daniel's mom nodded, she readied the string and needle "Ok, I can't put you to sleep for this, you should be fine" I nodded taking a deep breath. I set my shirt beside me gripping it in my hand tightly, my tail stiffened when I felt a cold wipe being dragged across the cut on my shoulder, it stung making my ears go back and as an instinct I hissed, not loud or directly at Daniels mom but in general and in pain. "It's ok" Daniel whispered into my ear, I could feel his tail wrap around mine.

I felt a light pinch in my shoulder feeling string getting pulled with the pinch, the string tightened and I winched, Daniel lightly grabbed my hand, he had sat up onto the table with me. another pinch happened string being pulled along, that tighten and continued "Done the first one" Daniels mom smiled at me, I looked at the stiches "Yikes... I didn't notice how deep the cut was" I chuckled uncomfortably "You were stabbed what do you mean you didn't realise how deep the cut was?" Blaze growled "I didn't notice he got me that good!" I hissed back, I could tasted blood...

"Next wound" Daniels mom spoke breaking up the argument between Blaze and I. "Sweetie can you lay on your side please?" I nodded, Daniel slipped off the table and I slowly lied down onto my side, as quickly as the stitching started it ended, this time it was clear of pain. "Ok sweetie, I have one more question for you" I nodded, giving all my attention to the doctor.

"Have you been coughing up blood?" Daniel's mom put a popsical stick on my tongue "Say ah" "ahhh" I did as told the Daniels mom allowed me to answer her question "Yea... at one point they got me really good... I was puking up blood... a lot of blood... not just a little" "Oh no... I really think you should go to the hospital sweetie, they'll be able to stop any enternal bleeding, or find what's bleeding" I shook my head "N-No! I can't..." I tried not to tear up "Fine... but other than me saying you need the hospital there is nothing more I can do" Daniels mom put her hand on my head and I flinched in pain.

"How many times were you hit in the head?" "I was curb stomped multiple times and had my head bashed up against the concrete ground and wall..." I replied as I started to put my shirt on "You deffinetly have a concussion sweetheart, you should go home and rest instantly" I sighed nodding "anyways sweetheart, you're good" She nodded towards me "Ok thanks mom!" Daniel said, he was already out the door. I pulled out a twenty dollar bill and went to pass it to Daniels mom but she smiled pushing it away.

"It was my pleasure to help such a sweet and nice friend of my son, I hope I can see you again soon. Bye" Daniel's mom waved Blaze helped me off the table and growled "Daniel!" Daniel came back into the room and cocked his head "Help me" Blaze looked at me "Right sorry!" Daniel ran up and wrapped my arm around his neck "Guys" I laughed "I can walk, my ankle isn't broken" "Now you tell us this?" Blaze growled letting me go, I almost fell but regained my balance "Sorry" I chuckled "I just thought it was so sweet how you two were trying so hard to help me" I followed the two werewolves out the door a limp in my step.

Once we got outside Blaze growled turning around "Your so slow!" He put his arm behind my neck and the other swept up my legs, I meowed out than started to laugh "Blllazze!" "You're slow, don't even" Blaze opened the car door and put me inside Daniel jumped into the seat beside me "Y'know the front seats open right Dan?" Blaze said getting into the drivers seat "I know! I just want to sit back here with Blue..." blush had covered the werewolf's cheeks "To uh... make sure he's... s-safe" "Yah right" Blaze laughed loudly.

"He'd be fine himself someone has just grown a liking to him" I chuckled blush now covering my face "Blaze... C-can you take me to my house?" "Sure buddy, you don't want to come back to our place?" "No I need to go home, I told Katelyn I'd talk to her tommorw, and I said that yesterday" "Ok, you should rest. I'll wake you when we get there" Blaze backed the car out of the driveway, I nodded. Daniel had scooted himself into the middle seat so he could be closer to me and as I fell asleep I leaned my head on his shoulder.

My nice sleep was soon ruined by two large hands shaking me awake "Blaze! Let. Me. Sleep" my ears went back and my bent tail twitched "We're at your house, do you want me just to take you back to my place?" Blaze growled. He had not stopped shaking me "Ugh, I'm up I'm up!" I opened my eyes behind my dark blue mask "Thanks you two" I got out of the car and limped to the door of the house waving Blaze and Daniel as I opened the door and walked in.

"Blue thank Irene you're ok!" Garroth's head perked up and he looked at me "Oh my Irene what happened?!" Garroth just about shot up from his stop on the couch and ran to me "I got attacked...?" "Like mugged?" Laurence asked, he sat up because apparently he was laying on the couch "No... they didn't steal anything... They just broke my bones, bruised me, and gave me a bad concussion" "Just?! Blue what the hell!" Laurence yelled as if it were my fault I got beaten.

"I didn't chose to get beaten so what're you yelling at me for?" "You went out at night that's why!" "Wha..." I looked at Laurence cluelessly soon changing my gaze to Garroth than back to Laurence. Even Garroth was confused but he was more confused of why I was confused.

"How do you know I went out at night..?" I growled looking away from Laurence and crossing my arms. "Katelyn woke up soon after you left I assume, to the note, she called our house phone and asked if you came back home and since I was still up at the time binge watching somethings with Garroth who had fallen asleep in my lap, I answered the phone I told her no you did not come home annnd... she started to panic. She read me the note than asked me what she should do, I obviously told her not to worry and that you should be fine, as long as you didn't go towards the stores. Then I told her that she should go back to sleep and let me worry about it, she did and that was that" Laurence sighed taking his phone off the side table.

He clicked a name than held the phone up to his ear "Yea, he's home" "Wait..." Garroth looked up at my ears suspiciously "The idiot went to the stores" "Those are... Gummy Bears ears..." "No, don't worry he's fine, got beaten up pretty badly other than that still alive" "W-What are you talking about Garroth...?" I rubbed the back of my head nervously.

"Those... look like Gummy Bears ears, a-a cat that came here..." "Yea Yea, I'll send him over in a bit. Oh? Really? I thought Aphmau would've invited us if anything" Laurence laughed "A cat?" I started to sweat "T-These are just supposed to look like ears I would have if I were a meif'aw.." Garroth was about to speak but Laurence cut him off.

"I told Katelyn I'd send you over, so. Go change. Get out of that blood covered shirt and put on a different one. I nodded, running into the basement, I realised that I was also still wearing the same Christmas sweater that 'Gummy Bear' had on, I sighed relieved that Garroth had not noticed "I'm going to get this shirt cleaned and sewed up" I said tossing into the laundry basket "Just in time" Travis laughed picking up the basket "I was just about to do a load" I chuckled "Thanks" "No problem" Travis looked at my stitches but didn't ask anything and just walked away.

I grabbed my 'Foxy' hoddie out of my drawer and put it on, I ran up the stairs and before anyone could speak to me I ran out of the house and across the street in the freezing cold and knocked on Aphmaus, Katelyn and Kawaii~Chan's door shivering, Aphmau opened the door and smiled "Katelyns in her room, she told me to send you up once you got here" I nodded, I went inside and ran up the stairs knocking on the door.

"Come in" Katelyn said, I opened the door and closed it, she was ready for me again because she punched the door just beside my head, the gauntlets on her hands. I jumped and meowed out "You scared me half to death!" She yelled obviously angry "I-I'm sorry" My voice shook and my heart raced as I shook, she looked me up and down glancing over my visable bruises.

"What else did they do you you? That's not visible currently?" "I got stabbed... and kicked alot... in the ribs... they... broke my tail" I showed Katelyn my bent tail "That doesn't matter, those ears and tail will just go away. I'm more worried about your broken bones and stab wounds" "All my ribs are broken... and my stab wound only took blood... I'm worried about the enternal bleeding I might have..." I said, Katelyn sighed.

"I'm sorry for scaring you again..." She stood up straight and took the gauntlents off, putting them on the shelf over her bed "Other than to scare you and see how badly you were bruised, I only needed Laurence to tell you that you were invited to a Christmas party here tommorw. You can leave now if you want" I nodded smiling "A Christmas party! That's great!" I opened the door and ran back home happily.

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