MyStreet (My Aphmau fanfic) B...

By DJfox012

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Wow Blues still alive what a surprise! Let's see what kind of trouble he gets himself into now! More

Chapter #1: New Opportunity
Chapter #2: Moving Houses
Chapter #3: Meeting The Neighbors
Chapter #4: I Claimed Him First
Chapter #5: Out With The Boys
Chapter #6: Scared To Be Alone With him
Chapter #7: Nightmares Coming True?
Chapter #8: The Tourture She's Been Through
Chapter #9: Haunting Memories
Chapter #10: Home Sweet Home
Chapter #11: An Unexpected Visitor
Chapter #12: Sometimes People Do Dumb Things
Chapter #13: Here Again...
Chapter #14: Christmas Soon
Chapter #15: List Of friends
Chapter #16: Christmas Shopping
Chapter #17: The Christmas Cats
Chapter #19: My Savior Is An Idiot
Chapter #20: Getting Fixed Up
Chapter #21: Party Time!
Chapter #22: Petal's Keeping A Secret
Chapter #23: They're what?!
Chapter #24: More Presents?!
Chapter #24 1/2: Meanwhile...
Chapter #25: You Love Me?
Chapter #26: Quickly! We've Gotta Go!
Chapter #27: The Affects Of Red.
Chapter #28: Rebel Causing Havoc
Chapter #29: A Protector...?
Chapter #30: Playing Games
Chapter #31: An Unwanted Visitor
Chapter #32: Unexpected Fun Time~
Chapter #33: Le-Levi! No!
Chapter #34: I Don't Like It Here
Chapter #35: The Man...
Chapter #36: The Victims.. Pt.1
Chapter #37: The Victims... Pt. 2
Chapter #38: Malcolm's Oppsies
Chapter #39: The Worst Of It
Chapter #40: I'm To Blame...
Chapter #41: Where The Hell Am I...?
Chapter #42: Valentines day~

Chapter #18: Getting Mugged

19 1 0
By DJfox012

⚠️Trigger Warning: Talk Of Rape⚠️

🦊Blue's P.O.V🦊

I glew brightly and turned back into a human, I wrapped my arms around Katelyn and held her tightly against my body, she quickly let go of me. I did the same "What the..." Katelyns eyebrows furrowed "I... was the cat..." I mumbled looking down "I can tell..." she growled looking away "You still have the ears and sweater on" "What?" I touched the top of my head, I still had the ears and tail of 'Gummy Bear'

"I can't go home... not with the ears" I acidently spoke aloud "What? Why not?" "We went to my house... and well Garroth named us" "Us? We? Are you talking about the other cat? That wasn't a real cat either?" I shook my head "It was Aphmau. We went to Garroth in attempted to get changed back but well... he bathed us and named us before we ran away..." "Oh...?" "And knowing Garroth he's going to be sulking about 'Gummy Bear and 'Sprinkles' running away" "Gummy Bear and Sprinkles?" Katelyn laughed. Gah her laugh is so cute...

"Yea..." I chuckled rubbing the back of my neck "He named me Gummy Bear and Aphmau Sprinkles" "I assumed so" "He attempted to name me Cupcake but I hissed and he changed it" Katelyn chuckled again, but went serious "So where are you going to stay until the ears dissapear?" "They should be gone by tomorrow if not then I don't know..." "Until then you can stay here" Katelyn smiled.

"Really?" "Yea, you can sleep on the couch or... nevermind" "No tell me" I leaned in closed "I was going to say...... That... you... could...sleep on my... floor" Katelyn blushed "Really? I could stay in here?" She nodded "Thanks, I'd like that.... I'll stay on the floor so I can give you your space" Hopefully tonight isn't a full moon or else I'll be up all night with the temptation of howling or biting someone I sighed.

"So... Uh... sorry about the last time I saw you... I scared you a little too much didn't I?" I nodded fumbling with my thumbs between my crossed legs "But at the same time... you didn't seem... scared of me this time" I shook my head I can't just tell her I like her... not now... not ever... I looked away from my thumbs and I looked around her room, my eyes stopping on her computer "Wanna watch something on my computer?" she raised an eyebrow

"S-Sure!" Katelyn picked up her computer from the desk and moved it to her desk chair she through a few blankets and pillows on the ground than set up a movie, it looked scary... As she layed down on the ground she patted a spot beside her and I rolled off the bed, it caused a jolt of pain to run down my leg "Wait, you couldn't move your leg as a cat, is it ok?" I nodded "Just sore" There was a knock on Katelyns door which caused me to jump and turn back into Gummy Bear, I ran under Katelyns bed and she looked confused "Uh... Come in!"

Aphmau opened the door and Looked around "Is Blue in here?" "Uh... no? He went home awhile ago..." Katelyn said resting her head on her propped up hands "Ok, I'll talk to yah later Katelyn" Aphmau closed the door and walked away from the door. I came out from the bed and turned back into a human "What was that about?" "I don't know honestly" I chuckled "What're we watching?" "A horror movie" Katelyn smirked pressing play on the T.V. Oh no... does she want me to be cuddling into her?! Doesn't she rememeber all the sleepovers we had when we were kids? I was always cuddling into Zane and she knows it!

while watching the movie the whole time my body was pressed up against Katelyns, my tail wrapped around her leg and my face was hidden in my pillow "T-Tell me when it's over" I said through the pillow "Ok will do Blue" she chuckled petting my head, it calmed me slightly and made me start to purr so she continued to pet my head until I loosened up my tense body and lightly closed my eyes.

It didn't seem like I slept that long but I did because when I woke up the movie was over and Katelyn was asleep, she didn't move from the spot beside me since well I stole her arm and used it as a pillow. I lifted my head and felt so much more hyper than I should be I'm gonna go for a walk I grabbed a piece of paper and wrote a note for Katelyn.

It read: 'Dear Katelyn, your probably wondering where I am. Don't worry I am in no danger I just decided to go out on a walk since I fell asleep so early and my hyperness was kicking in. I'll try to be back sometime tommorw. Love, your friend Blue' I put the note right where I was laying and limped out of her room lightly stepping down the stairs and out of the house.

It was cold and was probably freezing to normal humans but to me currently a Meif'aw it was cold with a nice breeze I tucked my hands into my jacket pockets and continued to limp down the snow covered sidewalk my blue and white tail sweeping the ground. It was a full moon just like I was hoping it wouldn't be, I didn't actually feel the urge to howl since I was currently a meif'aw but I felt the urge to bite people since I was still an Ultima.

I heard rummaging of a trash can and turned my gaze towards an alley way, a cat was looking through a garbage Attack it! Red yelled What no! don't even, we're currently a Meif'aw! the black cat looked at me, he wore a mask the had a cat face and blush cheeks on it That's odd... he had two scars peeking out from under the mask and red on top of his head, he wore a bright red collar with a bell on it, the fur on the tip of his tail didn't exist it looked like he had been attacked once or twice, he also had a bite on one ear, a nick taken out of the other.

C'mon! Get em! Red no, not now. Well, I'm taking over! I'll get him! Red took over and growled at the cat, even though I was a Meif'aw I still could growl like a werewolf. The cat bolted off and Red followed close behind it, the cat did some crazy parkour and jumped over the back wall of the alley way "Damn... Lost him.."Red turned around to be faced with two werewolves, one wearing a pitch black mask covering his eyes and the other wearing a wide smiling mask that covered his whole face.

"Well. Well. Well." spoke the one with 'Razzle' on his hoodie "Lookie who fell for our trap, looks to be a Meif'aw this time. Good job Jazz!" The one with 'Dazzle' on his tank top spoke. 'Razzle' had three scars running across his mask two deep cuts on his neck, his ears torn and mangled, 'Dazzle' was just covered in deep cuts and bruises, each ear had a single tear in it.

"Shit..." Red spoke out Looks like your problem now! Red gave me back control and disappeared What! Red you pussy! You know you're stronger than me you could atleast help! He didn't answer "Uhm... H-Hi... I think we might have a mistake... I'm not the person you're looking for." I scratched the back of my neck. 'Dazzle' laughed holding his stomach with his sharp black painted nails "We're not looking for anyone in particular" 'Razzle' smirked

"Just for someone to take everything from" A Meif'aw that looked really close to the cat Red chased into the alley came around the corner, he had a red hoodie that had 'Jazzy' on it "Bout time you showed up Jazz" Razz growled "Right boys, you ready? Razz, Jazz. Get his arms" "Wait what?!" I yelped as the two did as told, they grabbed me and slammed me into the brick wall. "Gah!" I cried out in pain, it felt like they just shattered my entire spine. I breathed in sharply feeling the pain spread through my body.

"Good job" Razz's smile was still spread across his cheeks, unless that was just the illusion of his mask. He clenched his hand into a fist and raised it up to me "Get ready for pain" He punched me hard and kneed me in the gut, I saw stars, I felt like crying and breaking but I stayed in one peice "Hm... looks like I'm not the only one to wear a mask, why does this pup wheres one though?" Dazz smirked.

"I don't know, how about we's find out and take it off?" Jazz said his grip tightening on my wrist much more "N-No..." I hissed weakly, for some reason I started to purr. Right... cats don't just purr when happy. They purr when scared too "Ah, I's hear the sounds of a Meif'aw in fear" Jazz laughed "Good, we have him scared stiff" Dazz laughed "What're we going to do with him Razz?" Jazz asked "He seems easier than the last one, he's already scared" Dazz added.

"Beat him, simple as that, beat him until he thinks he's going to die but, we won't kill him... we'll leave him in so much pain He wishes he could kill himself" "Do I use the pocket knife?" Dazz asked a smug smirk on his face "Yes, but tries not to leaves too many visable scars" Jazz's voice grew deep. "N-No, let me go..." I felt a body numbing pain all through out my body, I already wanted to die. Jazz and Dazz threw me to the ground, I attempted to get up but was kicked back down. I hissed and was rolled over, Dazz pounced on me he had his pocket knife in his hand, he had the sharp part at my neck, and he was pressing down. I quickly realised I needed to resist and push up.

I grabbed his hands and with all my strength I started to push his hands away from my neck I pulled his arms up and flipped us over so I was on top, that soon ended since Razz curb stomped me in the ribs off of Dazz, Jazz laughed and stomped on my head, he was soon stopped by Dazz "Remember, don't kill him." "Ugh, yours no funs Dazz! We haven't killed someones in months" "Well this one's a Meif'aw, we kill werewolves" "I ain't so sures abouts that! I've seens this ones around! He hides his tail and ears" Jazz hissed pointing to me, Dazz continued to go at me, he kicked me in the ribs and I heard a snap.

He pounced at me once again but stabbed me in the side "Gah!" I growled clenching my teeth, I could feel my head pounding in pain, and I was seeing stars. Dazz wrapped his hands tightly around my neck and attempted to soffacate me, but soon realised he wasn't supposed to kill me and instead bashed my head off the ground twice before standing and lifting me up along with him.

I bit his hand and he dropped me on my back, it sent a shocking pain through my body and I froze up arching my back off the ground "You're is letting Dazz has all the funs!" Jazz hissed "I'm sorry Jazz, just remember no killing this one" He nodded in anger and kicked me in the side hard, Dazz had seemed to stop beating me up and was now guarding the alley way.

Dazz growled shaking his hand "His fangs be sharper than I expected" he snickered picking me back up, he through me against the wall than brought me back to my feet and pinned me up against the wall "How's about we does a little more than just 'beating' this one Razz?" Dazz looked at the 'leader' "Like?" Razz smirked "Great ideas Dazz!" Jazz smirked, I was in to much pain to even disagree, Dazz forced my head to the side and he bit my neck, allowing his sharp werewolf fangs to dig in and draw blood.

"Gaaaah!" I growled than hissed when he bit harder, I grabbed his head tightly digging my sharp 'claws' into the back of his neck. "Lookie Dazz, he enjoys it" Jazz chuckled, Jazz grabbed and removed my hand from the back of Dazz's neck "Hold this wrist Dazz" Jazz gave Dazz my one wrist and Dazz pinned it, Jazz grabbed the other arm and started to reach up my shirt. Dazz bit at my neck harder, I didn't think Dazz's fangs could go any deeper into my neck but they did, I could feel blood dripping down my chest.

"Gah! I-it hurts! Please s-stop!" Dazz moved his head but all he did was rip my skin, I yelped in pain and kicked Dazz off of me, kicking caused his fangs to rip my skin and he fell. Jazz laughed "How could you let this pup beat you?" Jazz stopped reaching into my shirt and threw me back on the ground Red... Please... You've gotta help me... you can't get me into the mess than leave! I can do what I want! Please, I'm begging you... I was put on my knees the cold snowy ground made them burn, but Dazz and Jazz held me by my arms, Razz joined back in.

"Please... I'm just a helpless weak meif'aw" I begged "I don't care" Razz clenched his fangs looking down at me "Now what would you rather? Sucking dick or getting beaten?" I whimpered my body tensing up once again "Answer! or I will for you~" Razz chimed, Both Dazz and Jazz laughed "Uhm.... I... I.." I feel so dizzy.... C'mon Blue, he's going to beat the shit outta you If yah don't answer! I much rather that... I don't want to be raped again...... Uh uh! No I'm not getting beaten. You're not taking control why does that matter to you?! Because I was going to help? You should really think next time asshole, I'm leaving! Wait! Red please!

"Hello?" Razz growled "I... I don't know... I... just ... I choose being beaten....." I mumbled "Haha! We's broked him!" Jazz cheered laughing "Good boy" Razz punched me... I couldn't do anything to stop these guys from doing anything, I feel.... so... useless That's because you are! Red yelled at me Maybe you shouldn't be so mean to me and I would've helped you! You weren't going to help me. You just want me to be raped again!

I did my best to block out pain and the Laughs. You didn't want to help, and you weren't going to. You've been here long enough for me to know you just like to torment me! Hahaha! You think you know me soooo well hm? Well for your info I really enjoy having 3v1's I would've easily taken those three out if you chose sucking dick instead of getting beaten! They're probably going to make me suck dick anyways I coughed, almost puking. as Razz punched me in the gut.

Well you should've chosen sucking dick then you wouldn't be doing both! Maybe you shouldn't be such a dumbass sometimes! And maybe you shouldn't of gotten me in this mess or else we wouldn't be doing either! I growled clenching my teeth together. Razz punched me in the face with one hand than he kneed me in the gut, he allowed me to breath for a second but I started to puked up blood instead of just breathing. Dazz and Jazz let go of my arms and allowed me to place my hands in the freezing cold snow. I coughed and threw up more blood, soon finishing I wiped my mouth off, blood staining my Blue winter jacket.

I opened my eyes and I was grabbed by the front of my coat "Please... just kill me..." I said weakly, blood dripping out of my mouth "We promised not to do that" Razz whispered in my ear "but we promised to make sure you wish you were dead" "And we seem to be achieving" Dazz whispered in my other ear grabbing my wrist on that side, Jazz seemed to have gone on patrol.

"Hey guys?" Jazz turned around "What Jazz?" Razz growled "I'm gonna get going. I've had my funs for the night" Jazz said, Dazz nodded than replied "Cya bud" "Yep, Cya" Razz's wide smile had not once left his face, I could swear that smile was apart of the mask, but every time he talked it move with his words.

I was punched once again, causing me to see more stars. "Now... How about we see what's under his mask?" Razz asked. Dazz nodded happily, he had taken my back off the wall and he was holding my two arms behind my back "N-No... No... No..." I lightly growled tugging at my arms behind my back, soon my struggling ceased since my right arm was pulled back roughly, I heard a crack and I yelped out in pain.

Razz rasied his hand towards my mask... but... was stopped by someone. He turned to the person and growled "You!" Razz growled "Yes, me" the person growled back, I tried to look at the person but I couldn't. My vision was twisty and turny and I was seeing more than just doubles. Dazz, as hard as he could threw me to the ground, he curb stomped me to make sure I stayed put, he held his foot up threatening to do it again if I moved.

"Leave him alone!" The voice either sounded familiar or my hearing was off because of how many times my head had been kicked and bashed against something. "He never tried to fight back" Razz laughed "We had him from the gecko!" Dazz added, he was still making sure that I wouldn't move from my spot laying on the ground, which I didn't, I was in too much pain and I was laying in a small puddle of my own blood, I had completely forgot I had been stabbed so at first I was confused why I was bleeding.

"So? He's had enough shit happen to him! He's probably too sick of getting beaten up to try and fight back, he already knows the punishment for attempting to fight back, so why risk getting the punishment when he could just get beaten up and not risk getting the punishment?" Who is this person? how do they know me....? I wish I could tell who was talking but everything sounded like it was underwater

"I don't know, but still. It was his choice to not fight back and get beaten up this badly, so why not just leave him?" Razz asked "Because he's my friend" the person yelled, it sounded like two wood peices were hit together, which I assumed meant that the person saving me had punched Razz or... the other way around. Someone was thrown on top of me, my rip cracked again and I screamed out in pain, tears finally falling down my cheeks Dazz laughed "Looks like we're going to have to end him" Razz chuckled, holding my savoir back.

Dazz smiled "Finally!" He jumped onto me and got his knife ready, but before he attemped to stab me he grabbed and removed my mask from my face. I kept my eyes closed tightly and looked away "Open your eyes and look at me or I'll make this death long and painful" Dazz whispered into my ear. He... sounded lustful.... "N-No..." He had his knife in his one hand as he lightly dragged the knife against my neck, teasing me.

I growled lightly, tightening my eyes closed "Stop teasing him Dazz! Just end him already!" Razz yelped in pain and I heard a 'thud' multiple joining it 'thud' 'thud' 'thud' 'thud' I realised what was happening and growled I kicked Dazz in the nuts and he yelped. Before he dropped his pocket knife he had dug it lightly into my neck, blood dripped down my neck and I grabbed the knife. I held the knife tightly in my hand readying myself for Dazz to jump on me and try to end me.

He did as I thought but I was ready for him. I stabbed him in the arm and he yelped taking the knife from me and putting into my shoulder, I clenched me fangs tightly together trying not to yell out, I punched him off of me but heard a thud behind me and a snarl towards Dazz and I. "W-What... the!?" Dazz looked into my eyes, I looked away and my pupils shrinking "An Ultima werewolf" Dazz smirked, he forced me look at him though I attempted to resist.

He laughed "For the Ultima you're weak" he whispered, Dazz punched me than got kicked "Leave him alone!" the person snarled loudly "I half killed your leader before he ran off, I'm not scared to fully kill you" "Fine. Fine. But... I will remember that face and next time I see it, it's done for" Dazz pretended to cut his throat with his finger before he ran off with his leader.

"Blue!" the person yelled running up to me "Are you ok?!" "I'm.. in... so... much... pain..." I said slowly "I'm bringing you to the hospital!" "No!" I felt my eyes well up "I can't go back there... just... Take me to Levi's..." "...Will do foxy bro..." Blaze... It's Blaze... "Prove to me... that I'm not gonna die alone..." I mumbled tears dripping down my cheeks. Saying that caused Blaze to get choked up "I can't prove to you you're not gonna die alone, but trust me to take you home, to clean up that blood all over your paws" I smiled and nodded.

*A/N A nice long chapter! If you guys get the lyrics at the end of the chapter than you're my favorite*

DJFox out!

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