Pinky Promise - Park Jimin FF...

By Bangtanboycrazy

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Just as easily as a promise is made, it can be broken. "Pinky promise?" I extended my pinky out to him with... More



42 2 1
By Bangtanboycrazy

Happiness is fleeting, Joy is everlasting

*Jimin's POV*

I hate this.

I hate not being with Sang-Hee, knowing something could be hurled at her at any giving moment and her, without any source of protection, would fall headlong into the trap laid out before her. And then what?

Everything: gone.

My everything: gone.

Even though I can never be with her so long as she's most definitely my target, I still promise to protect her. And that's a promise I intend to keep for as long as I live.

That. . .kiss last night.

Although it was magnificent, it can't happen again. It was an innocent mistake. Because now, more than anything, I want her.

I want more of her.
I want to be with her.
I want to be hers and only hers.
I can't lose her.


Shoot! I'm gonna be late for gym!

I ran to my locker and ripped out my gym clothes, a baggy tanktop, basketball shorts, and tennis shoes, and bolted to the locker room. I quickly changed into them and darted into the indoor basketball court.

Everyone's eyes immediately shot at me.
Not at me.
Something behind me?

I slowly spun around to see what was the big jawdropper. And down went my jaw, too.

Sang-Hee entered into the arena in her tight T-shirt and shorts. I smiled sweetly at her. But no sooner had the smile appeared, that it vanished.

There, beside her, stood her old friend, Felix, with her fingers entwined with his. I gulped at the sight.

Suddenly, she caught sight of me and let go of his hand. I smiled promptly again. Her hands sprung to her face and she let out the cutest little gasp I've ever heard.

"Jimin! I didn't know you were in this class!"

My hand smoothed through my messy hair as I nervously explained to her. "Well, you see, I wanted to transfer out of my other class to be able to do what I really want to do."

She nodded eagerly. "So you're taking this dance class with me?"


She held in a gleeful scream before turning around to face the other boy who just stood there quietly, in complete confusion. "I'll see you later, Felix."

She stood up on her tiptoes and pecked his cheek quickly. His face turned cherry red and he scuttled out of the room.

"Ummm?" I gave Sang-Hee a questioning look. She giggled lightly.

"Oh...I'll explain at lunch."

I angled an eyebrow. "You're still sitting with me?"

"Of course! Why wouldn't I?"

I returned my focus forward. "No reason."

After several moments, the silence was eating at me. My thoughts somehow made their way off of my lips.

"What was that kiss about last night?"

Her cheerful expression in her eyes faltered and in it's place came sadness - want.

"Jiminie. . .please don't hate me for saying this, but I think it was-"

"A mistake?"

Her eyes widened and she slowly nodded.

"I agree. Let's put it behind us and pretend it never happened. Deal?"

I hid behind my smile. She frowned and shook her head.

"I could never just pretend it never happened. I can avoid thinking about it as much as possible, but I will never forget."

I nodded slowly. First kisses never fully disappear. The contact may disappear, but the memory remains. So does the joy, love, and pleasure.

Just don't think so much about it and maybe it'll hurt less.

"Alright, class! Enough with the chitchat. Let's get stretching."

I briefly looked at the teacher. "Who's teaching?" I whispered to Sang-Hee.

"Oh, him? That's Kim Jin Hwan. But he goes by-"


I nodded. A puzzled look grew on her face. I chuckled lightly to myself.

"I know him. He was a senior last year. Nice dude. He's in a boy group, too."

Her enthusiasm only seemed to grow. "Jinja?"

I nodded eagerly. "They're called iKON."

"Jimin! Yoooo, how ya doing?" Said Jay slung his arm around my shoulders.

"Aish, Jay. I'm good." I wiggled out of his hold and rubbed my shoulder lightly from the imfact he left.

"So you're taking my class, huh? Get ready to work, Park Jimin, because knowing how advanced you are in this, I will not go easy on you."

Jay winked at Sang-Hee playfully and swaggered his way to the center of the room.


Sang-Hee flashed me an odd look so I just shrugged.

"OKAY, class!"

Everyone's attention returned to him. Except for these two guys in the corner. I squinted in attempt to see who they were. It was no use as the teacher called them out.

"Jackson Wang, Henry Prince Mak."

Both boys' heads popped up to him.

"What?" Henry asked innocently.

"Remember that little stunt Jackson tried to pull yesterday? Remember how it went haywire? And then how he got his ass handed to him?"

The boys' faces grew cold.

"Want an encore to that performance?"

They shook their heads aggressively.

"I figured."

He shifted his focus from them to the rest of the class. "Alright, that's enough dillydallying. Let's get this show on the road."

*Sang-Hee's POV*

"Well. That was hot."

I blushed at Jimin's cheeky compliment as we dove out of class, heading to change in the locker rooms.

"Thanks." I shortly replied.

I stopped walking as I approached my destination. Jimin continued walking backwards as he spoke.

"Hey! Remember, you've got some explaining to do during lunch." He lowered his gaze at me before turning around and running off to change.

Aish. I can't believe this is happening.
And all so fast, too.
Me and Felix?
A thing?!
Never in a million years did I think we'd finally be together again.
Did I dream about it?
Heck yeah! All the time.
But for it to actually be happening?
It's kind of scaring me.
Why do I get the feeling something bad's about to happen?

I shook off the weird feeling and finished changing into my school uniform. As I approached the door to leave, someone blocked my way out.

"Ummm? Hi?"

The girl just glared at me.


"Look. I seriously don't want any trouble. Please. Just let me get by."

She didn't budge. But she did respond. "So now you're hopping from guy to guy, huh?"

I blinked. "What?"

She sat in her hip. "First Jimin, now Felix? Wow. What a golddigger." She let out a little sinister laugh.

"I don't understand what you're saying."

She stopped and walked closer to me. "Then read my lips. Stay the hell away from Jimin." She backed away with a false smile. "Easy enough?"

As she turned around to leave, the dots began connecting in my brain.

This little....

"No." I growled. She turned around slowly.

"Excuuuuuse me?"

I stood my ground. "I'm sorry. Maybe I didn't say it loud enough. Let me try again: NO."

She took a step closer to me. "Do you want a part 2 of yesterday's little hussle?"

A smirk formed on my face. "Sure. And this time, I'll be turning the tables on you."

She scoffed. "As if."

The heat of anger grew up in me and I thrust her up against the wall and pinned her wrists together to one side of her. My other arm held her chest against the same wall.

"Look. I don't know who you are and I sure as hell don't know why you hate me so much. But. It's time for you to listen closely."

Fear grew in her eyes, the tighter my hold on her became.

"Jimin does NOT belong to you. And he does NOT belong to me. He belongs to himself. We never dated and we never will."

Damn. That hurts to admit.

"As for Felix? I've known him FAR longer than anyone else in this school, in this country, in this WHOLE FREAKING WORLD. And I don't need you telling me that I'm hopping around, switching it up on guys. Because. I'm. NOT."

I pulled her off the wall for a second and slammed her back into it again and started out the door. But then I heard something. A whimper of pain.

Curse my overly sensitive side!
Don't stop.
Just keep going.
I....I can't.

I found myself backing up into the empty locker room again. The girl sat with her knees pulled into her chest and her head hung low. I heard almost silent sobs being released from her. Her legs slid out from under her.

"So this is what it's like, huh?" She slowly lifted her head up to me. "Being the victim?"

She shook her head and wiped the smeared makeup out from beneath her eyes.

"Now I know how you felt."

I looked back at the door, contemplating my next decision. I mentally groaned and facepalmed myself. I walked towards her. Her eyes widened and she recoiled in fear, until I extended my hand out to her in hospitality.

"I hate hurting people."

She stared at my hand in doubt.

"Come on. I'm not gonna hurt you anymore. I give you my word."

She gradually relaxed and took my hand as I helped her up.

"I'm sorry." I said.

She narrowed her eyebrows at me. "Why are you sorry?"

I grabbed my gym clothes and started heading out with her beside me. "I didn't mean to cause you so much pain."

She looked shocked. "Me? Pain? I'm the one who put you in the hospital yesterday!"

I shrugged. "And yet. I'm the one who apologized."

I continued walking until I realized she vanished from my side. I looked over at her, standing stockstill.

"You're right."

She pursed her lips together in a tight frown. "I'm really sorry."

I nodded and gave her a small, sincere smile. "I forgive you."

She returned the smile. "I know this is a longshot, and you don't have to agree to be friends with me. But....can we at least agree to stop hating each other's guts and stop beating one another up?"

My smile grew. "I'd like that." She relaxed again and took a deep breath. I continued. "All that fighting gives me stress and that requires way too much work." She chuckled lightly and I joined in.

"What's all the laughter about?"

I felt an arm drift up and around my shoulders and I turned to look up into the beautiful face of my Aussie.

"Nothing. I think I just found a new friend." I smiled at her.

"Oh, really? What's her name?"

I froze.

I literally forgot the first rule for making new friends.
Catching their name.

"I....don't know. What is your name?"

She smiled and extended a hand out to Felix. "You can call me Rosé."

He shook her hand. "Nice to meet you. I'm Felix."

She nodded. "Oh! I gotta head to 4th period. See you after lunch?" I smiled in response as she ran off.

A deep voice cleared from behind me and I spun around to face my new boyfriend.

"I got you something."

"Wahhh? Already? Where did you even go? We haven't even been together half a day."

He smiled shyly and reached his hands to his neck. His fingers slid inside his collar and pulled out a silver chain from around his neck. I watched as he slid a small ring off the chain before putting it back around his neck.

"I got this for you the day your father kicked me out. I was heartbroken, but I knew your father was just trying to do the best for us. So I kept this ring around my neck in hopes that someday when you were freed, you would find me." He seemed to be getting nervous.

He's adorable when he gets shy omooooo.

"It was kind of like my good luck charm. But. . .now that you're here, you're kind of like my new good luck charm. And. . .I want you to have this."

I looked at the shining silver ring with little clear crystals lining along the exterior of the band.

"Felix, I-"

"I know exactly what you're thinking." His low voice immediately switched into an oddly cute high pitched one. "'Felix, no! I can't accept that. You're enough for me.'"

I snorted at his super adorable attempt at impersonating me.

"But, in all seriousness, I want you to have it." And with that, he put it securely around my right ring finger.

"It fits?" I said, bewildered.

He nervously giggled. "Uhhh, yeah. Well, you see, I may or may not have measured your finger one night while you were sleeping."

"Ohmygod, Felix." I pressed his chest away from me a little.

"It's not weird, I promise."

I took a short breath. "Thank you." I said quietly. He nodded.

"Let me walk you to your next class?"


*Rosé's POV*

Who would've thought that Sang-Hee, my sworn enemy since she got to this school, would actually be so incredibly kind to such a wicked wretch like me?
There's no way she's really this nice and compassionate, right?
Her father's BIG ruthless.
This has to be some kind of ploy, right?
She's the only daughter of the greatest spy ever known to the spy world.
She had to have picked up some kicks and tricks, right?!
Maybe she's playing me right now.
Or. . .maybe she just really wanted a normal life in a normal world.
Like me.
Like Jimin.
Like. . .all of us.

*Jungkook's POV*

Seeing Sang-Hee and Felix in the same room together is enough for me to feel lightheaded. But to see them TOGETHER, constantly invading each others' personal space bubbles? It made me sick to my stomach.

Aren't there any school rules against PDA? And if so, why aren't they being enforced?

I mean, sure.

I already figured that Sang-Hee would never truly like me as more than just a close friend.
I never thought she'd actually get with. . .him. I guess I always had an idea of who I'd be with in the future.

And for some odd reason, I feel like Sang-Hee matches that description. And maybe, just maybe, I had hoped I'd fit into hers.

Guess I was wrong.

Terribly, terribly wrong.

*Jimin's POV*

"It's true, isn't it?" I slid up to the lunch table next to Sang-Hee. "You're dating Felix?"

She looked up at the ceiling with a smile on her face. "I wouldn't say we're dating. Just. . .exploring."

My eyebrow arched upwards. "Exploring? Exploring what? Each others' mouths?"

Her hand clasped tightly around my mouth. "SHHH! Keep it down."

I peeled her fingers away from my lips in slight frustration. "Keep what down? It's not like you two are trying to keep yourselves a secret."

A look of surprise erupted on her face. A tinge of guilt settled in my heart.

"Fine. If you want to know so badly. Yes. Felix and I are, in fact, dating. And for the record, the last person I kissed was you. Remember that?"


"Of course not. It didn't mean anything, right? It was just a worthless kiss anyway."

I placed my hands gently on her shoulders. "Hey. It wasn't worthless. It meant something to me. But I'm willing to let it go. Let you go."

They say if you love something, let it go.
But how do you let go when they still seem to be hanging on?
Do you pull them back up?
Or do you just let them drown in their own guilt?
What a sad predicament.

"Let's just eat our lunch, okay?"

She nodded. No sooner had we dug in, that Taehyung and Jungkook joined our table.

"Hey, heyyyyy!" Taehyung said, sliding his tray in front of him.

"Hey." Sang-Hee quickly acknowledged him before turning to Jungkook. "Did you get the stuff?"

My eyes widened. "What stuff?" Kookie must have been in on it.

"Ohhhh, yeah. I got the stuff."


"It's the good stuff, right?"

Jungkook slid his hand under the table and handed something to Sang-Hee. "The best stuff there is."

She smiled mischievously and took the object from him with a little too much excitement for my taste.

"Sooooo no one's gonna tell me what's going on here, huh?"

Sang-Hee's head snapped over to me. "Nope." And she popped a large piece of chocolate chip muffin into her mouth.

*Felix's POV*

She likes me.
She really does.
Oh, how I've missed her.

My eager footsteps halted when I saw her sitting at a table, laughing and giggling with three other boys. The smile on her face was like nothing I've ever seen before. She was purely happy.

Suddenly her eyes shot up and her already happy grin grew as she met my gaze.

"Oi, Felix! Come here, bro!"

I shared a small grin and approached their table. The boys all looked at me with caution, like they were expecting me to do something.

"Uhhh...heyyyy guyssss."

Sang-Hee scooted over closer to Jimin and patted the now empty spot next to her. I slowly sat down and looked over at my girlfriend.

My girlfriend?
I didn't know I'd ever use those words to describe her ever again.
It seems like a foreign word to me now.

I frowned.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

I brought my head up to look her in the eye.

"What are you talking about? I'm with you. Nothing's wrong."

She arched her eyebrow. "Felix. I've known you long enough to know when you're lying."

I brought my voice to a whisper and spoke through slightly clenched teeth. "Can we just. . .not handle this here?"

Her confusion only grew. "Oh. O-okay."

She dug back into her food again. I looked around at the guys as they shifted their glares from me to their own meals. The rest of lunch remained pretty silent from our table.

Sang-Hee whispered something in Jimin's ear and he nodded. I started to pull out my phone and dropped my earbuds in the process. As I bent down to pick them up, I caught a glimpse of their hands beneath the table, pinkies interlocked.

I felt my insides burn and my head shot up, hitting the table above me in the process. As I pulled my head back, I rubbed the area that had made contact.

"Felix! Are you alright?" Sang-Hee's attention averted to me.

"What?! Oh. Yeah. Yeah, don't worry about me. I'm fine."

Her worried expression didn't leave her face. But I realized her hand didn't budge from Jimin's either.

Said person started chuckling at me. "I'm sorry." Jimin said. "But that was probably the funniest thing I've ever witnessed."

The fury resonated through my veins, but I fought the outburst with a condescending smile and a small laugh.

Maybe it was a bad idea to put my trust in Sang-Hee again.

*Sang-Hee's POV*

When Felix straight up lied to my face, I thought that maybe now wouldn't be the best time to tell him about me and Jimin's kiss. I leaned over and whispered lowly in Jimin's ear.

"Can we promise not to tell Felix about that kiss?"

He immediately nodded and locked my pinky in his.

*Jimin's POV*

So she asked me to keep our kiss a secret. Could this possibly mean something? Like. Maybe she doesn't want Felix to know because she's in denial of her true feelings?

Who am I kidding.
She never liked me.
And she probably never will.
I'm just a joke to her.
A laughing stock.

Our little deal from the night we met? Yeah. That's long gone by now. She probably just doesn't want her new, REAL, little boyfriend to keep her from talking to me.



All heads turned over to Felix, rising up from beneath the table, holding his noggin.


*Taehyung's POV* weird.

No matter how much Jimin may try to deny it, his feelings for Sang-Hee are quite obvious.

Especially right in this moment.
In this space.
I mean. . .just look at their chemistry.

Her nervous giggles, his beaming cheeks.
They're practically a match made in heaven.

But. . .she's our target.
And we can't date our targets.
No matter how sweet and innocent she may seem, he can't date her.
Not really.

And this new guy?
Yeah...there's something off about him.
But I just can't put my finger on it.
He seems. . .possessive?
Yeah, that's the word.
Like, he doesn't even want to leave Sang-Hee alone for .2 seconds.


She's got her own life.
Let her live it up however way she wants to.
He's restricting her, whether he realizes it or not.
And why does he seem so familiar?
Gosh, it's driving me bananas.

*Sang-Hee's POV*

Can I be honest for a second?

I feel bad.
Like, no.
I feel really bad.

I'm here, at a lunch table, surrounded by a bunch of boys that I call my closest friends.
But the promise I made to Jimin the other day. The dating week thing? Remember that?

I. . .jacked that up.

And now I'm in a pool of regret.
No, not a shallow pool.
A deep sea, tinged with salt and fish feces.
It stinks!

I broke a promise.
And now I feel really, really bad.
It's awful.
But I can't do anything about it now.

I've got a boyfriend.
My longtime best friend.

But. . .am I happy?

Or. . .am I wrong?

WC: 3,586

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