MyStreet (My Aphmau fanfic) B...

By DJfox012

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Wow Blues still alive what a surprise! Let's see what kind of trouble he gets himself into now! More

Chapter #1: New Opportunity
Chapter #2: Moving Houses
Chapter #3: Meeting The Neighbors
Chapter #4: I Claimed Him First
Chapter #5: Out With The Boys
Chapter #6: Scared To Be Alone With him
Chapter #7: Nightmares Coming True?
Chapter #8: The Tourture She's Been Through
Chapter #9: Haunting Memories
Chapter #10: Home Sweet Home
Chapter #11: An Unexpected Visitor
Chapter #12: Sometimes People Do Dumb Things
Chapter #13: Here Again...
Chapter #14: Christmas Soon
Chapter #16: Christmas Shopping
Chapter #17: The Christmas Cats
Chapter #18: Getting Mugged
Chapter #19: My Savior Is An Idiot
Chapter #20: Getting Fixed Up
Chapter #21: Party Time!
Chapter #22: Petal's Keeping A Secret
Chapter #23: They're what?!
Chapter #24: More Presents?!
Chapter #24 1/2: Meanwhile...
Chapter #25: You Love Me?
Chapter #26: Quickly! We've Gotta Go!
Chapter #27: The Affects Of Red.
Chapter #28: Rebel Causing Havoc
Chapter #29: A Protector...?
Chapter #30: Playing Games
Chapter #31: An Unwanted Visitor
Chapter #32: Unexpected Fun Time~
Chapter #33: Le-Levi! No!
Chapter #34: I Don't Like It Here
Chapter #35: The Man...
Chapter #36: The Victims.. Pt.1
Chapter #37: The Victims... Pt. 2
Chapter #38: Malcolm's Oppsies
Chapter #39: The Worst Of It
Chapter #40: I'm To Blame...
Chapter #41: Where The Hell Am I...?
Chapter #42: Valentines day~

Chapter #15: List Of friends

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By DJfox012

🦊Blue's P.O.V🦊

After The pups walk I brought them back home "I better get a list and find out my friends favorite things..." I nodded to myself I ran into the basement found a notebook and pencil then wrote each person's name down the pages title was 'Friends Likes'.

Levi: Tigers, fragile things
Petal: Flowers, butterflies
Lucky: Anything considered 'lucky"
Magic: ???

"Hm... I know nothing about Magic, I'm going to have to ask Levi. Next house hold I'll do is..."

Temraki: Stars/night sky
Bently: Temraki, Cows and Bulls

"Ok.. next.."

Aphmau: Cats and dogs, werewolves
Kawaii~Chan: Baking, shipping people
Katelyn: Martiel arts, Not werewolves
Aaron: Guitar, Singing(?), Manga

"Ok... next..."

Dante: Chocolate
Laurence: Soccer, Roasted marshmellows
Travis: Cherry breath mints, Tacos
Garroth: Cats, Breaking down doors

I chuckled at what I had put down for Garroth and continued writing.

Luna: Cats, Stars, werewolves
Jax: The Ocean, horror movies, Challenges

"Great I have an idea for Jax's gift"

Rookie: Fighting, strength
Cosmo: Things to do with Space, toughness
Ash: Fire, being a tease

"I'll go to all of my friends houses to check out if they have more likes..."

Miku~Chan:Flirting, Not dogs(scared of em)
Coral: Dogs, Anime, flowers
Maddie: Bunnies(?)
Benjiman: long hair
Maikai: Too young to know ask mother

"And last but not least"

Zane: Cute things, My little horsies.

"Well I think that's everyone..." I thought closing my eyes tightly, I felt someone peer over my shoulder "What yah working on" Travis asked "Nothing, I need you to tell me some things you like though " I turned so Travis couldn't see what was on my page "I like video games" I nodded writing down 'video games' beside Travis's name "Ok thanks" I smiled happily getting out of my spot.

"I should be back in awhile" I walked up the stairs Travis watching me confused "Dante!" I called barging into Dantes room "What?" Dante was standing, he looked as if he were about to walk out of his room but was too glued to his T.V. "Hey, I have a question!" "Ask away" Dante peeled his attention from the T.V. and looked at me. "Tell me something you like" "I can tell you something I love" Dante smirked "Ok! Even better" I perked up happily "Your nice curves" I blushed and looked away "D-Dante! B-Be serious please!" "Fiiine" he sighed thinking for a moment.

"I really like... hm... arcade games, they're fun" "Ok thanks!" I wrote arcade games down beside Dantes name than ran into Laurences room "What is it now?" Laurence sighed lowering a book from his face "I wanna know what you like" "I like cooking, I'm the king cook" Laurence said digging his face back into the book he was reading, I didn't care to read the cover but added 'cooking' beside Laurences name.

I walked up to Garroth who was sitting at the kitchen table looking at his phone"Garroth, what do you like?" I asked "I love cookies and cereal" Garroth replied with a monotone voice I nodded than walked to the door putting on my winter clothes "I should be back in about an hour!" I called to the others in the house than walked out and to Levi's house.

Before walking into the picket fence I checked to see if Beast was in the yard which he wasn't so, I walked in and up to the door knocking on it. "Heeello?" Lucky answered "Oh! Blue hey!" "Hey Lucky" I smiled "I would like to ask you guys some questions, Can I come in?" "Sure! C'mon in!" Lucky waved me in and I stepped in "What do you like other than clovers?" "I love horses and horse shoes they're so cute and cool!" Lucky's tail wagged.

"Ok thanks" 'Horses and horse shoes' I wrote beside Lucky's name "Can I talk to your sister? or can you tell me about Magic?" "Oh! Magic you want to know what she likes?" "Yes, that would be nice" "She loves stuffies and she loves any toy that can be chewed on" I nodded "Ok, Thank you! Can I talk to Petal?" "Sure! Lemme go get her" as Lucky left I erased the question marks beside Magic's name and added 'Stuffies and Chewable toys' "Blue?" The soft and fragile voice flowed through my ears.

"Hi... Lucky said you wanted to talk to me" I nodded "I want to know what you like" "What I like...?" She cocked her head, I nodded in return "I really like birds... though I am scared of them... and Gravity falls, both Lucky and I love it" I nodded and thanked her writing down 'Birds amd Gravity falls' beside Pets name. "I'm assuming your going to want me too?" Levi asked "Yea that would be nice" "I like collars, and anime" "Anime? What kind?" "I'm watching Pokemon with Magic, so both her and I really like Pokemon" "Oh ok" I smiled writing 'anime' beside levi's name hoping I would remember which anime.

"Is that all you needed Blue's?" I nodded a big smile plastered across my face "Yep! Thanks!" I walked out of the door and went straight to Temraki and Bently's house trudging my way through the deep snow. Once I got onto the porch two dogs started to bark "Tem, Someone's here!" I didn't even knock and Bently could already tell I was at the door because of how many dogs they had.

"Calm down Gunter, Moo sit" Temraki pushed through the two barking dogs "Hello?" he opened the door a huge smiled on his face as always "I need to know something you like" "I still love Adventure time" "Ah, ok" I wrote 'Adventure time' beside Temraki's name "And what about Bently? I'd like to ask him the same question" "He likes stress toys, frisbees and balls" I nodded writing down 'Stress toys, frisbees and balls' beside Bently's name "I gotta hurry up, I still have a lot of people to ask.

I turned away from the door and stepped down the steps "Ok see you Blue" Temraki waved closing the door, I walked over to Aphmaus house and knocked on the door "Come in!" I heard Aphmau call from inside. She doesn't even know who it is... How does see know that it's not a stranger? I sighed opening the door and walking in "Hey!" Aphmau leaned over the couch. She was sitting down with Aaron on the couch.

I looked around knowing Kawaii~Chan would be sneaking on these two "I need to know your guys favorite things" I held up my note book, my pencil in hand "Corgi's" Aphmau squeaked happily as I wrote down 'Corgis' beside her name "And I like anything really" Aaron shrugged "Ok... welp thanks. I'm gonna go check with Kawaii~Chan's and Katelyn" I started to walk up the stairs, once I reached the top Kawaii~Chan was taking photos of Aaron and Aphmau.

"Hey Kc?" she turned around and her phone flashed in my face,I looked at her stunned. The bright light had blinded me for a moment "Opps! Sorry Blue~Kun! Kawaii~Chan was just watching her OTP!" I nodded "I assumed so" I shook my head and cleared my vision

"I need to know what you like" "Kawaii~Chan loves shipping!" I chuckled "That's obvious. I need to know something you like that isn't 100% obvious" Kawaii~Chan cocked her head and nodded "Kawaii~Chan likes cats" I sighed "Yea. Of course you do" even though I already knew she liked cats I wrote it beside her name. "Anything else?" I asked "Kawaii~Chan likes bows and anything cute that could be put in her hair" She smiled "Thanks, I'm gonna go asked Katelyn" "Be careful Blue~Kun! Katelyn~Sama is being mean!" Kawaii~Chan pouted crossing her arms.

"Ok thanks for the warning Kc, I'll talk to you later" "Bye Blue~Kun!" Kawaii~Chan waved, I walked up to Katelyn's door and knocked "Come in" she sighed angrily and I opened the door, I stepped in closing it behind me "What do you want?" she growled, she had gauntlets on her hands. They had a fire design and they had sharp blades on each finger, Katelyn turned towards me and she swatted at me, her hand stopped just beside my face.

She dug the blades into the door and pulled down causing a painful scratching sound right in my ear. Her hand stopped right at my cheek and she smirked at me. She was a lot taller than me surprisingly "What do you want?" her eyebrows furrowed and I could feel myself sweating "I-I... I... Um.." I couldn't get a full sentence out. She's so scary I whimpered lightly "You're cuter than I remembered" my cheeks turned a bit red like a strawberry.

"W-What...?" "Oops I said that aloud" Katelyns cheeks turned a bit pink and she looked away. Katelyn was wearing a light blue training bra with a black trim and a pair of white baggy shorts, her hair was powder blue and eyes shimering turquoise for someone as active as Katelyn she was very pale. She looked back at me and bit her lip "What do you want?" She demanded an answer "O-Oh... right... I-I just want to know something y-you like" "Hm.." Katelyn pulled the claw like gauntlets out of the door with a snap.

She slipped them off and put them on a shelf above her bed. I sighed of relief "I really like... punching things" Katelyn turned her hand into a fist and clenched it a smirk on her face. "O-Ok... I-I... I'll... T-Thanks..." I had to get ou god there quickly. I opened the door and closed it behind me I don't think I'm gay... "What did Katelyn~Sama do?" Kawaii~Chan looked at me unimpressed "N-Nothing" I blushed looking away from the pink haired girl, my heart thudded quickly in my chest.

"You sure? You look confused..." I nodded "Y-Yea.... I'm s-sure..." I shook my head and wrote 'Punching things' down beside Katelyns name. "I've gotta go. I'll see you guys again" I ran out the door and across the street knocking on Jax and Luna's door. I heard the yaps of Maxwell and Maximus "Hey" Jax opened the door. He was holding the two puppies back with his foot "I need to ask you and Luna a question" "Ok, I might be able to answer it for you" "Ok, what's yours and Lunas favorite thing?" "I love the ocean and Luna loves fish" "I know you like the ocean, can you give me another one please?" "I like turtles" Jax shrugged "Ok. Thanks!"

I stepped off the pouch and Jax closed the door, I wrote 'Fish' beside Lunas name and 'Turtles' beside Jax's name. I ran to the next house which was Cosmo, Ash, and Rookies house. Before I even knocked Rookie opened the door "Ok guys I'm leaving!" He called behind him then looked forward, He looked surprised to see me "Oh, Hey Blue. What do you need?" "I need to know what you like" "What I like? Hm... I like sharp things""Ok" I nodded writing 'Sharp things' beside rookies name "I'm assuming your going out so I will let you leave." I stepped out of Rookies way "Yea, go on in if you need to talk to the others" "Will do so thanks!"

Rookie walked to his car and hopped in. I stepped into the house, Cosmo was laying on the couch watching T.V. Cashco on top of him sleeping  "Oh. Hey Blue. " Cosmos breathing was heavy, probably because of the giant dog laying on top of him "I need to know something you like" "Eating ass" Cosmos replied, he didn't even peel his eyes away from the T.V. or smile, he wasn't joking.

"Cosmo please be serious" "I am. I'm 100% serious" "Oh... ok... Do you know where Ash is?" as he told me I wrote 'Eating ass' beside Cosmos name "In his room with Blitz" "Ok thanks which is his room" "The one that says 'Rookie' on the door, What do you think?" Cosmo growled "Sorry I hadn't realised there were name's on the door" I growled at him stomping to the door that said 'Asheys room' and opening it "Come on Cos! We've talked about this!" Ash hissed looking at me, Blitz was laying on the bed watching his owner. He was shirtless and was holding a weight he was holding it just below his shoulders  "Oh? Blue?" Ash, as lightly as he could put the weight onto the ground.

"Yea, I need to know something you like" "I like..." Ashes long tail darted back and fourth as he thought "I like shiny things" "Nice" I nodded writing 'Shiny things' beside Ashes name "Thanks I still have a few more friends to go ask. I'll be going now!" I walked out of the house saying 'Bye' to Cosmo as I left. "Zane and Corals house hold I still need to go to" I sighed "I have to walk all the way down the street" I started to walk.

It was a short walk but once I got to Corals house I knocked on the door "Mommy! Someone's here!" Benjiman voice yelled. He came running to the door "Don't open it Benji! Give your mom a second!" Miku's called back, she was probably caring for Maikai. The door handle twisted and soon the door opened, just to scared Benjiman as soon as he opened the door I grabbed him.

He screamed it was high pitch and painful to my ears, he started to cry and Miku quickly bolted to the door "Benji!" Miku growled at me but soon realised it was just me "Benji, it's ok." Miku said in a soft voice lightly taking him from my arms, Benji wrapped his arms around Mikus neck and hid his face in her shoulder, he was balling his eyes out "Shhh, it's ok it was just Blue, you're ok" Benji sniffled "I'm sorry..." I looked down guilty "Its fine, That'll teach him a lesson on listening when I tell him not to open the door" "What would you like? You can step in if you need, it's cold outside and Maddie is sick" "Ok I'll come in" I took a step in and closed the door behind me.

"I need to know something you guys like" "Me? I like anything that's sweet, it can't be chocolate though. Remeber I'm part werewolf" Miku whispered the last part in my ear, I nodded writing 'Sweet things not coco' thats what I wrote down beside her name "I'm guessing you'd like to know Benjis too" I nodded "Benji" Miku spoke sweetly "Can you tell Blue something you like?" "I-I... hmpf... I like squeaky things" his words were muffled by Miku's shoulder "Ok Thanks" I wrote 'Squeaky toys' beside Benjiman's name "And what would Maikai like?" I asked "He would probably like a stuffy" Miku said, I heard crying

"Corals in Maddie and Benjis room, if you need her Benjiman can take you to his room. I need to go quiet down Mai" Miku put down Benji and walked off "Here, follow me. I can take you to mine and my sister's room" I nodded as the small child took my hand and started to drag me through the house and soon up stairs. He took me into a bedroom, there was a bunk bed and Coral was leaning against the boy on bunk, she was lightly singing well petting her daughter's head.

"Benji" her vocie was soft "I though I asked you not to come into the while Maddie was trying to sleep" She didn't look up "But mommy, Blue wanted to ask you a qestion"  Coral chuckled at her son not being able to speaking big words "Ok, well go ahead and ask" Coral looked at me a smile on her face, her dog ears weren't perked, nor down they were only a little perked though. "I want to know what you like "I like books and anime" I smiled nodding then writing 'Books' beside Corals name "And Maddie? What does she like?" "She love baths and bath toys" Coral rubbed the small girls back.

"Ok Thanks, I'll take my leave" "It was nice seeing you Blue" Coral flashed me a smile as I left the room, Benji followed me but soon bolted for the stairs, he sat on his butt and scooted down the stairs. I stoped down the stairs and walked out of the house "Bye Miku~Chan!" I stepped out into the cold air and walked to Zanes neighboring house. I knocked on the door and heard him yell from inside "Give me a second!" I waited for a second and heard loud quick stomps coming down the stairs.

The door opened and Zane looked at me "Hey what do you want?" "I need to know something you like" Zane blushed looking away "And don't even say something edgy. Say something you actually like" "... Fine... I love desserts..." I nodded happily and hugged Zane "I can't stay, I've gotta go but thanks for being truthful!" Zane nodded "Bye Blue" he closed the door. I looked at my list and wrote 'desserts' beside Zanes name "I should've known" I chuckled as I started to walk home. It was almost dark it had taken me a lot longer than I thought to go to all my friends houses.

Once I got home I walked inside, Basil and Tater ran up to me both their tails wagging happily "Hey guys, calm down" I yawned "I need to go to sleep" I sluggishly walked to the basement and plopped onto my bed, Tater Tot and Basil joined me.

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