Whiplash- Book 4

By youneverknow22

169K 5.1K 3.6K

Book four of my previous book Whiplash book 3- Y/n Rogers... what is there to say? Depression hanging over h... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
I got tagged
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 4

5.5K 174 166
By youneverknow22

Everyone piled into the Benatar, the guardians ship. The ship glided into the air and was exiting the upper atmosphere. Everyone was secured in their individual seat. Rocket glanced at everyone from his pilot seat.

"Okay, who here hasn't been to space?" He asked. Natasha, Steve, Rhodey, and yourself raised yours hands shyly. Carol giggled lightly.

"You better not throw up on my ship.." Rocket mumbles loud enough for everyone to hear. "No promises.." you say as you shift uncomfortably.

"Will you be okay Y/n? You're pregnant and I'm pretty sure your not supposed to fly.." Rocket says, making sure your good.

"This baby is used to fast speeds by now. I think I'll be fine," you smile genuinely.

"Approaching jump in three..." Nebula spoke. Steve grasped onto his seat tightly, preparing himself.

"Two.." Natasha took a deep breath as you grabbed onto your belly.

"ONE!" Nebula said the last word and the ship jumped to light speed.

The bright colors engulfed your eye sight as you move through space as vast speed. Before you knew it, it was over just as fast as it had started. Carol flew out of the ship towards the outside hull.

"I'll head down for recon," she informed as she zoomed off. You unbuckle and stand, stretching lightly as you pat your stomach. You overhear Tasha speaking to Steve.

"This is going to work Steve..." she said. You just noticed he held his famous compass on his hand with your grandmothers face on it. You smiled slightly and looked down.

"I know it will, because I don't know what I'll do if it doesn't..." he says, barely audible. Meanwhile.. Carol comes back to the ship, but still outside.

"No satellites, no ships, no armies, no ground defenses for any kind. It's just him.." she says with confusion. Everyone in the ship was just as shocked, except for you.

"Then that's all we need..."
Titan 2... the new planet Thanos had found and had planted a small house and garden there.

He took small steps, each one ending in a limp. He was badly injured but it didn't matter, he was at peace. He picked a piece of vegetable from his garden and threw it in the sack that laid on the ground.

Once he was finished, he walked up the few stair to his small cottage. He wore a raggedy t-shirt and lose pants. He makes himself a meal as he breaths calmly. His left arm was significantly smaller than the other, the gauntlet had burned up his arm and to half of his face.

As he sits in front of his cooking food, he looks to the sky. Unbeknownst to him that Carol was right there.

She busts through the roof with a powerful beam of light shooting at Thanos. He used the gauntleted arm to protect himself from the rays.

She flys in and kicks his down easily. Quickly, she jumps onto his shoulder and puts him in a harsh head lock. She used her left foot to push away Thanos' gauntlet.

Thanos struggle as Bruce, in Veronica, the large iron man suit, crashes in and holds the gauntlet down.

Rhodey, then, also comes in and holds down Thanos' other arm, or right arm. Suddenly, Thor busts in with Stormbreaker and cuts off Thanos covered hand.

Thanos screams in agony as the gauntlet lands with a metal like thud. The stones faced the ground as Thanos' fingers twitched slightly.

Then, you, Steve and Nat walk into the now demolished house as Rocket flips over the gauntlet. As he flips it over.. his small jaw drops.

The stones were missing.

Rockets eyes gloss over with tears as everyone exchanges uneasy looks.

"Where are they?" Steve asks as everyone continues to hold down the weak Thanos. He stays silent.

"Answer the question," Carol says as she tightens her grip around his thick neck.

"The universe required correction. After that, the stones served no purpose beyond temptation..." Thanos said, his voice raspy and horse.

"You murdered TRILLIONS!!" Bruce yelled as he pushed Thanos backwards, out of everyone's hold.

"You should be grateful.." Thanos spits as Bruce sends a hard punch to his jaw. There was a small pause until Nat spoke.

"Where are the stones?" She asked, tears threatening to fall at any moment.

"Gone. Reduced to atoms.." Thanos spoke.

"You used them two days ago, LIAR!" You scream as you point in his face.

"I used the stones to destroy the stones. Nearly... killed me. The work is done, and it always will be. I am... inevitable.." Thanos said with a small smile.

"We gotta year this place apart, he's-he's gotta be lying!" Rhodey said, flabbergasted.

"My father is many things.. a liar is not one of them," Nebula said as she walked towards him slightly.

"Ah. Thank you daughter. Perhaps I treated you too harshly-," Thanos got cut off by Thor raising Stormbreaker to decapitate him.

You quickly step up and stop Thor from swinging his mighty axe.

"Everyone out.... NOW!" You scream as you still hold Stormbreaker inches away from Thanos. Thor reluctantly leaves, along with everyone else.

When it was just you and Thanos, you pulled up a chair and sat next to him. Since he was still on the ground, he attempted to stand.

"SIT!! DOWN!!" Your voice rattled, what seemed like, the entire planet.

Thanos sat back down, practically trembling. You pause and look down at him.

"You know what I'm about to do, don't you?" You ask. He stays silent, he knew what was coming, but he refused to say it.

You slowly stood from your seat. Suddenly, you use your speed to pick up the chair and slam it onto thanos' head, dazing him. You quickly move to his body and kneel down, putting a hand in his large forehead and pinning it down so he couldn't move.

"I'm not going to nearly kill you like the stones, oh nooo..." You start. Then you kneel down to him closer and finish.

"I'm going to kill you until your nothing but blood and bones..."

"You took everything from me. I'm just simply returning the favor..."

Anyone in the galaxy could hear the painful screams of Thanos. The bones cracking and the skin being teared away from his body. The Avengers were wide eyed, how could a girl like you hurt someone so bad?

After about 30 minutes of them waiting, you walked out of the house completely covered in purplish blood. It dripped from your hands and forearms, your chest, your legs, your face, small parts of your hair... anywhere you could think of.

Everyone stared at you, mortified to even see the body... or whatever was left of it.

"Let's go home.."
1102 word count. Until the next chapter my hero's😘😘 -Kay😜

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