Sophomore Year Journal

By SaraSempiternal

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It's kinda depressing. Sorry. It's my only outlet. More

The year of decades.
Not everything = happiness in Japan.
Cymbalta probably doesn't help.
Don't I make ya wanna scream?
How do you describe colors?
Cogs and Robots.
Symmetrical Sam.
The art of breaking.
Biology/computer teacher/whatever he is.
Five Nights at Freddy's (Tyler's Story, Somewhat.)
The envelopment of hate (Josh's story)
We're only poor little souls who have lost all control.
I am Wolverine.
Can you reject yourself?
Coffee and Band Concerts
I don't care what "they" say.
"-polish gibberish-" SHUT UP WE'RE PRAYING!
Smokey Hoodies
Then I surrender unto sleep.
Dirty Dishwater Bumballooned Blonde hair.
press 1 for melee weapon
Ooooohhh ♪
That eyeroll though!
Sanic, surprise boxes and EEEAAA.
What Bible are you reading that says "sacrifice virgins"?
Christmas break, oh boy.
.... I wish someone actually read these.
Haters gonna hate
Badum, Badum... Badum!
Better beware, I go bump in the night.
Oh man.
again and again AND AGAIIIIN.
Like my status!

Chalk Outline.

7 0 0
By SaraSempiternal


Life feels rushed and out of place by a long shot.

Jack got kicked out of his house, my family is in a mess, my head is a tired mess, school is just forcing me to work and to work and to work and it's all pretty much like


Life needs to just stop.

Like, now.

Even then I would still be worrying, still be doing this and that.. still be wasting my time away from needed a break from everyone.

I haven't cut my hair yet and I'm happy to do so. Maybe I'll get a bit happier when I'm not worried about my stupid locks of knots.

My dad made the worst dinner in the world. Scrambled eggs with hazelnut cream.. eeeeew what? Why? Then he didn't cook his biscuts all the way and it's just STILL like "I'm done with dinner thanks anyway."

I suggested subway but my dad wanted to cook. Oh well let the man do as he needs.

He seems to be doing better since they pulled his teeth out too, which is good! I don't need him all sick and yucky all day because of stress.

I'm suppose to hang out with Tyler tomorrow too. I was hoping to just sit by the pond with him and have a heart to heart over.. Everything and anything between us and ourselves.

I miss that.. I never really had that either..

I'm just ready to go home.. Life is way too much work that I'm not willing to put in. :/

Home sounds great.. Laying by the pond does too.. I should bring an old and dirty blanket there and then wash it.

Sleep.. Drifiting away sounds like a good thing.. No one would be bothered anymore without me aroudn either..

I'm done. Let me sleep. Not eternally.. But long enough for people to forget me.

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