Diabolik lovers x Oc

By BakugoPlaysDDLC

14.1K 383 113

Well, it's a story about a girl named Sayori. Currently, she was seeking help from the church of Seiji komori... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Author's note:
Chapter 15
"It's Yo Hoe BaguhoePlaysDDLC"

Chapter 12

434 14 9
By BakugoPlaysDDLC

(A/n: vote, comment, share, and enjoy!)

Previously on diabolik lovers:

Reiji's p.o.v

"Maybe she's the girl he's talking about." When I turn to the voice, I saw the good-for-nothing on the couch, as usual he was laying down. "Why didn't you inform me earlier?" He just shrugged. "You didn't ask." Once again I sighed. "Let's take this to the living room, the entrance is not a place to have a conversation." We walked to the living room, where Laito, Subaru, kanato, and Sayori were. 'I thought she was asleep?' "Nfu~ who is this?" Laito flirtuously asked. "Reiji-sama!" Sayori pounces on me, which startled me a little. I smiled and Pat's her head, with her arms around me. "Did you sleep well?" I asked and she nods happily. "Who is she?" Sayori asked, pointing to the blonde girl.

"She's a sacrificial bride."


3rd p.o.v

"A sacrificial What?" Sayori asks, tilting her head to the side. "A sacrificial bride.  Brides that are given to us to kill." Ayato explains to her but sadly, Reiji covered her ears. "He said, we can't kill her." Shu breaks in. "What?! Why not?!" Ayato lashes out. "He just said not to, he didn't tell why." Shu replies. "Reiji-sama?" Sayori looked up at Reiji, with the brothers talking in the background. "What is it, pet?" She removed his hands from her ears. "Even though you placed your hands over my ears, I can still hear you..." this alarmed the brothers. "You did...?" Reiji asked dumbfounded. He was shooked for a moment. 'Right, she's half vampire...'  he sweat dropped to himself. "Since she will be living with us and you heard what we said, we might as well tell you." Reiji sighed.

"Sacrificial brides are humans that one of us will marry. The one who is able to be married to that sacrificial bride, will gain strength and will have the power to kill father, so much to his desire. Once the married one kills father, he will gain the throne of the vampire king." Somehow, when Sayori heard that one of her master will marry the sacrificial bride, her heart felt heavy. "What's that look on your face, neko-Chan? Are you sad that we will have to marry bitch-Chan?" Laito smiled at her worriedly yet playfully. "Laito, stop that vulgar language!" Reiji scolds Him gravely. "Don't worry, doll. I will love no one but you." Kanato said to her, with a soft smile. This comforted Sayori. "R-really?" She asked hopefully. "Yes, when the others go and leave you for other women, I will forever be by your side. We will forever be together and we'll get married. Then we will have MANY children and have a big house!" Kanato exclaimed cheerfully, then looked at his brothers menacingly. 

Sayori- who didn't even realize what her master meant- nods happily. The others glared at Kanato. 'That brat...' they all thought. "Okay, Let's get over with this, I am Reiji, the second son. That dead-beat there is Shu the eldest son. The third son is Ayato." Reiji cued And Ayato smirked at the blonde girl. "You will be ore-sama's soon, chinchinachi." He said. "Kanato is the fourth son." Kanato glared at yui. "Don't you dare lay a finger on my doll, you filthy mortal!" The human girl flinched at his tone and backed away. "Laito is the fifth son and the youngest of the triplets." Laito smiled at her flirtatiously, licking his lips. "I can't wait to have a taste, bitch-Chan~" Subaru looked at him with disgust. "Urusai! Hentai!" He yelled. "That's the last son, Subaru." Reiji said as the blonde girl looked at him. "Tch!" Subaru glared at her and left. 

"Who....is she?" She asked, pointing at Sayori. "Don't ask for people's name without telling them yours, mortal." Shu butts in. "Such deplorable manners." Reiji sighs in disappointment. "I-I'm Yui Komori..." she introduced. "Her name is Sayori. She's in our care. If you dare harm her, we won't hesitate to punish you. Ayato, take her to her room." Once the two (yui and Ayato) left, Reiji turned to Sayori. "What do you want to do? I still have free time till dinner time." He asked with a soft smile. "Hmmmm..... I don't know..." she replied, looking down at her feet. "Is there anything your interested in?" Sayori shook her her head, saying: "nothing in particular.... but I do want to know about you, master Reiji." This warmed reiji's heart.

"Let's talk in my room." With that, they teleported to Reiji's room. "Have a sit." Sayori sat down. "I learned how to make a new drink that I think you would like." Reiji said as he make the beverage. After preparing the drink, he prepared two tea cups and poured the drink on it. "Here." He gave her a cup. Sayori blew on it and sips. "It's good! What is it?" She asked with excitement. "It's milk and honey. So, Where do you want me to start?" 

(Timeskip about an hour | At yui's room.)

The human girl sat on her bed. She was actually bored. "It won't hurt if I went out, right?" She asked to herself as she stood up and left her room. She wandered around the mansion till she stumbled upon a door. 'What is in this room?' She thought and placed a hand on the door knob, twisting it open. Once she opened the door, the first thing she saw was two people sleeping on the couch. 'Who is that ...?' She approaches the couch to get a better look.  But, before she step closer, one of the couple sat up. *gasp!* Yui steps back, looking for a place to hide. 

But she was too late. "Yui...?" There sat sayori, rubbing her eye with her hand. "S-Sayori...? What are you doing here?" Yui asked, furrowing her brow. "I was napping with Ayato-sama...*yawns*" Then Ayato sat up with a grunt. "What's going on?" He asks, squinting his eyes on the blurry figure in front of him. He blinked twice and he waited for his vision to clear out. Once it did, he saw Yui. "What are you doing in ore-sama's room?" Yui blushed and looked away. "I-I just happen to pass by... and I want to talk to you..." she shyly replied, twiddling her thumb. "I'm spending time with Kitten, go away." He said bluntly. 

Yui looked at him with a dejected look on her face. "Y-you can spend time with her later...right?" She nervously reasoned. "Kitten is my first priority, I have no time for you." Yui gave up and turned around to leave. "O-okay...don't hesitate to come to me when you get tired of her." She said then glared at Sayori before leaving. "She doesn't seem to like me...." sayori said sadly. "That does not matter." Ayato pets and rubs Sayori's ears. She purred at his touch. "You like that, huh?" Sayori nods. "Sadly, I have to stop." Then he removes his Hand from her head. "Why did you stop, master?" Sayori asked sadly. "Dinner is ready. I sense Laito near." Ayato stood up, heading to the door to see Laito, who was about to open the door. "So you know why I'm here?" He asked with a smirk. "Good evening master Laito." Laito pets Sayori in reply. "Let's go." The three of them teleported to the dining area. 

(Timeskip| after dinner)

Ayato And Sayori walked back to ayato's room, they didn't talk till Ayato noticed the sad look on his kitten's face. "Why are you looking like that? I thought you said that dinner was delicious?" He asked her with a confused look. "Its not that, Ayato-sama. It's just that, Yui kept on glaring at me. Am I really that bad?" They arrived at Ayato's room. "Don't mind her, let's sleep. Ore-sama's tired." He said then stretched his arms then headed to the couch. He laid down and opened his arms towards Sayori. "Come on, be my pillow." Sayori giggles. "I'll just get fikiyuku." She said and took the plush fox peacefully sitting on the armchair near them. "You named it?" Ayato asks. "Of course, everything deserves to have a name." Ayato chucked. He sat up and pulled Sayori to lie down with him on the couch with her head resting on his chest. "Good night, Ayato-sama..." Sayori yawned. "Goodnight, kitten." 

(Somewhere else) 

"informez-moi de ce que vous avez découvert sur le sort du sujet hybride NKKT01." (Report to me what you found out about the whereabouts of hybrid NKKT01) a man sitting in the middle of the room asked. 

"Nous n'avons rien trouvé, mais nous devons la retrouver avant qu'elle ne soit tuée." (We found nothing, but we have to find her before she gets killed.) another man kneeling in the shadows replies. "Que voulez-vous dire?" (What do you mean?) the seated man asked as he furrowed his brow. "Les frères tsukinami ont les yeux rivés sur elle." (The Tsukinami brothers have their eyes on her.) "Ils ne peuvent pas l'avoir! ils pourraient tuer notre chef-d'œuvre!" (They can't have her! They might kill our masterpiece!)

The man on the shadows sighed and glared at the man in front of him. "Je ferai ce que je peux, vous feriez mieux de me donner ce que je veux après avoir terminé votre petite tâche." (I'll do what i can, you better give me what i want after i finish this little task of yours.) The other man chuckled to himself waving his hand. "Ouais, ouais, je te la donnerai quand j'en aurai fini." (Yeah, Yeah, I'll give her to you when I'm done with her.) upon hearing his reply, the man in the shadows stood up, revealing himself from the darkness.

"Assurez-vous de tenir vos promesses, Azura." (Make sure to fullfil your promises, Azura.)

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