It's All In Your Head (Villai...

By Rin-egade

815K 26.8K 44.2K

3 years ago a 15 year old boy disappeared, never to be seen by his mother, friends, or anyone again. To this... More

Chapter 1-In This World
Chapter 2-People Are Insufferable
Chapter 3-A Group Made In Hell
Chapter 4- Say It Again
Chapter 5- Surprise
Chapter 6- My Heroes
Chapter 7- Hiding
Chapter 8- Memories Burn
Merry Christmas My Fellow Weebs!
Chapter 9- Kill count
TIK TOK WTF (And I'm sorry)
Chpater 10- Like Real Heroes
Chapter 11- The Spiders Web
My entire existence is a crisis
Chapter 12- The Monsters Words
Chapter 13- I Know What You Are
Chapter 14- How Pitiful
Chapter 15- Many Names
Chapter 16-Stimulus
Chapter 17- Psychopath
Chapter 18- I Could Never
Chapter 19- The Good Ending
Vent (Please Read)
Chapter 20- They and Them
Chapter 21- Waiting
Not a chapter but a thank you
Chapter 22- The Mystery
Chapter 24- See You Soon
Chapter 25- Dead Part 1
Chapter 25- Dead Part 2
Chapter 25- Dead Part 3
Chapter 26- The End Part 1
Life Update/Question from me :)
The final chapter/ The End
The End Part 2
Chapter 28- Epilogue (?)
The potential reboot (and no book two)

Chapter 23- I'm Falling Deep

13.8K 507 1.2K
By Rin-egade

*song is called Pit if Vipers*

Midoriya's POV

It was around now that I have come to realize that everything I've been doing is wrong... I myself, am running out of time. Soon, they'll figure out a way to turn me in... god how could I be so stupid? I have to leave. I have to go.

My time...


Tick tock

Goes the clock

Down to the hour...

Before it stops.


No ones POV

The green haired boy sits, staring out the window into the starry night. It's open. Wide open. The night wind was blowing in and ruffling his Hair, making his breaths short  but sweet. 

He looked around the room, and saw all three other students fast asleep. Everyone keeping their distance, except Kirishima. Bakugo, was on the floor, back against Midoriya. Todoroki was in a chair on the other side of the room, slumped over in a rather uncomfortable position. Kirishima, was slouched over in a bean bag right by the bed Izuku was still attached to.

His wrist had began hurting.

He'd been there for...

He didn't even know how lOng.

It was starting to drive him crazy.

He knew sooner or later he'd have to go, so why not now? Disappear again, but not for to long... they'd see him again. Very soon.

Slowly but swiftly, he unchained himself and stood. He was still in his under layer, never reviving fresh clothes. He desperately needed a shower and not smuggled shitty school food.

So he stood, careful not to make the floor creak with any noise or disturbance. 

He paused for a moment before looking at the three others. They were fast asleeP, one of them supposed to be watching him. The one night they fail... the night he slips out of their grasp.

Any smart villain would kill them. Slit their nEcks and run.

But Izuku didn't. He couldn't. He wouldn't. 

He just smiled and hopped out the window walking away into the cold night.

How does one even that takes up so much time in a storY become so meaningless you may ask. Well...

It wasn't.

What's the pOint of eventually ending someone if they can't even see it coming? That was the boys excuse. He need to act fast, after all this was more than just increasing his kill count.

He wasn't that shallow.

But here we are... all of yoU wanted him to stay or the wrong reasons... now his duty is only solidified.


Midoriya's POV

You all wanted me to stay for Todoroki! As if I'd stay foR him...

I'm only doing what he asked for a second time...


What's wrong? Still havEn't figured it out?

You don't know what's going on? How shameful.




Thursdays are weird aren't they? It seems as if things only ever go wrong for me on Thursdays... LiKe today. I leave UA to harness my plan with the league. 

It's going to bEbig.

Like a celebration... yeah... a big party.

You know what's funny? I remember my 4.4th kill so vividly.

It was the first and only time I had killed a child.

I remember being sent to kill hEr parents, and she just... got in the way. They didn't tell me she was there and I was afraid. I'm not usually afraid.

I remember murdering her parents and turning around to see her sobbing. Right. There. 

My eyes widened and before I knew what had hapPened her body was on the floor with a knife in the center of her head.

My hands shook as I had walked over to her little corpse and plucked the knife right out of her skull. Tears were still rolling down her wide open eyes.

For the first time ever, I closed the eyes of my victim. I couldn't bare the little girl looking up at me.

The last thing she'll ever know is seeing a monster stand over the corpses of her beloved mom aNd dad.

And then she died too.

I went back to the lair that night and scrubbed my knives clean of her blood, cuttinG my own hands in the process. I didn't care. Even when I knew there wasn't a trace of blood...

I had to get it off.

It wasn't clean enough.

EvenTually, Dab stopped my while my hands were bleeding from numerous cuts. 

I didn't kill for a while after that.

But here we are now.

4 kills lateR, and that memory haunts me still.

But this is irrelevant...

You All have bigger things to worry about don't you?

The day of her death was on a Thursday. The poliCe found her dead body, laying in her parents arms later that day.

They didn't catch her Killer.

And a few weeks later, she was put into the ground on Saturday.

Good things happen on Saturdays...

Bad on Thursdays.

So here I walk alone on the streets at night, in a thin piece of protective lining, waiting for the clock to tick down to zero.

We all know what happens then...

It stops.





Today is SaturdaY, isn't it?

You're waiting for clue number 2...

I'm aware.

I feel yOu all creeping in on me like a pack of hungry cats.

It's unsettling.

Like a hundred eyes staring me down, waiting for anything I've said to make sense.

It's... weird.

If yoU would please stop searching my brain for details, that would be nice...

What are you hoping to find?

What is this person telling you'll find?

What if it's nothing? 

What if you're searching for Nothing?

Is it worth it?

Come on, just givE up already!

I'm asking nicely aren't I?

What chance do all you silly voicEs have at figuring this out when even the police couldn't?


Homicide agenTs


You're just little chatter bOxes making fun.

This is my game, I make the rules.

But again... If you can Solve it consider me impressed.

You cAn't miss a single detail.

Now I'm just chatting away like you all. Apparently I haVe no shame in my actions.

I'm just a dirty hypocrite, arEn't I?


One More thing: 

BEaware of your time now that you know it.






Did you get all that? (2 major things)

Look closely.

Be ready.


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