Mature Student

By NoOneImportant2211

216K 6.2K 4.5K

Kakashi x reader You were taken away by Lord Orochimaru when you were around 12 or 13. 7 years later you fina... More

Chapter 1: Escaped
Chapter 2: An old friend
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Authors note
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 10

9.2K 318 206
By NoOneImportant2211

Authors note: Thank you so much for 15 votes and 135 views. It means so much to me! I hope you enjoy this chapter 😉.

You were getting ready for your date tonight with Kakashi. He said he was taking you out on a moonlight picnic.

You checked the time, 5:00pm. You had about 30 minutes before Kakashi picked you up. You stood in front of your closet wearing nothing but a towel. "What should I wear? This is impossible." You had enough outfits but your problem was deciding on the perfect one.

You checked your clock a second time. 5:15pm. "What? It was 5:00pm a second ago!" You quickly took a pair of (f/c) shorts and a (f/c) shirt to go with it. You chose your favourite sandals to compliment the outfit.

After getting dressed you sat in your living room waiting for Kakashi to pick you up. You examined yourself many times in the mirror. The outfit looked fine on you, you just hoped Kakashi would like it.

After a few minutes there was a knock on your door. You opened it to find Kakashi and Guy.

"Guy..." You forced a smile. "What are you doing here?" It sounded as if you were pleased he was with Kakashi but it was the complete opposite.

"I'm here with Kakashi to pick you up. Did you forget. We are going out to celebrate tonight." He gave you a thumbs up with that goofy smile of his.

You looked over at Kakashi who just shrugged his shoulders.

Guy walked on ahead of you and Kakashi. "Kakashi." Your voice was high and irritated. "I know you and Guy are kinda close but bringing him on our date?" You whisper shouted.

"I told him I wanted to be alone with you tonight but he insisted I was being silly and followed me to your house. I'm really sorry." He made his puppy dog eyes. You couldn't possibly stay angry at him. After all it wasn't really his fault. Well it kinda was.

"Come on Guys keep up." Guy called out.

After finding the perfect spot Guy and Kakashi started setting up the picnic.

All three of you sat down on the blanket, Guy laying down between you and Kakashi.

"The moon sure is beautiful tonight." Guy smiled looking at the night sky. "You should kiss (Y/N), it's the perfect time to kiss her right now."

"Guy." Kakashi said. "I challenge you to a duel."

"There's a time and place for everything Kakashi. Now isn't the appropriate time for this." Guy answered. You were staring to feel like the third wheel in this date.

"As if you would know about doing things at appropriate times." Kakashi commented sarcastically.

"What do you mean?"

"Nothing. But I understand if you're too scared to..."

"I accept your challenge Kakashi." Guy said over enthusiastically. You rolled your eyes at their antics. "What's the challenge?"

"Rock paper scissors. If I win then you have to do 500 laps around the leaf village before tomorrow morning. If you win then (Y/N) and I have to go home and miss out on this amazing picnic with you." You for one really loved those conditions.

"I accept. I hope for your sake you win. It would be a pitty if you missed out on this."

"Rock, paper, scissors!" They shouted in unison. Kakashi won so that meant 500 laps around the village.

"Good job Kakashi. I'll be off then." Guy got up and started with his laps.

"Alone at last." Kakashi turned to you, taking his mask off.

You blushed at how charming he was being. He gently caressed your cheek. He was staring at you so intensely, as if he was analysing every detail on your face. "You are so beautiful." He whispered seductively.

"You too. I mean not beautiful, handsome of course. You're handsome Kakashi." He gave out a small laugh.

"Geez you weren't kidding when you said this was your first time being with someone." You pouted at his remark.

"Hey, shut up." You buried your face in your knees.

"No, no." He titled your head up so that you were looking at him again. "It's cute. You have this innocence about you."

"Yeah unlike you, you pervert." You were referring to him constantly reading porn.

"Hey watch it. I'm still your sensei." He joked.

"Kakashi." You said, looking him in the eye. "Thank you." You smiled, a faint blush forming on your cheeks.

"For what?"

"It's just, I've been through hell when Orochimaru kidnapped me. I still have nightmares most nights. But you Kakashi, you've made it all bareable. I feel I can face any challenge or hardship if you're standing with me." You giggled nervously. "I know that sounds super corny..."

"No." He kissed your forehead. " I'm glad I have that effect on you. And seeing that we are being open feely." He took a deep breathe before continuing. "Ever since you disappeared we all thought you were dead. I had just lost Obito and Rin. Losing you was my breaking point. I fell into a deep dark depression. Then when you showed back up to the village, my heart was over filled with joy. You brightened up my life again (Y/N)." He took your hands in his. "Now that was corny." He joked.

"Yeah that was pretty corny Kakashi." You giggled. "I'm sorry you had to go through all that pain alone. I wish I could have been there for you." You placed your hand on his.

He leaned in slowly, almost teasing you. He brushed his lips on yours which only caused you to want his kiss even more. You then crashed your lips into his. He was startled by your action as you were passive when it came to things like this. However he went with the flow.

He gently laid you down on the blanket. He used his left arm to support his body so that he wasn't putting his full weight on you. He kissed you passionately. You wrapped your arms around his neck, deepening the kiss.

He moved down to kiss your neck. His hands wondered down your body. Instinctively you pushed him away. "I'm sorry Kakashi I..."

"No." He said getting off of you. "Don't apologize. I was getting a little carried away. I'm sorry (Y/N). I'll be sure to be more respectful of your boundaries in future."

"Thank you Kakashi." You rested your head on his shoulder. He put his arm around you while resting his head ontop of yours.

You both sat there in silence looking at the sky and just enjoying each others presence.

Kakashi then laid down on the blanket and asked you to lay next to him. You rested your head on his shoulder. You placed your hand on his chest. Unconciously outlining his defined muscles with your finger.

It wasn't too long before you fell asleep in his arms.

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