Shatter Me: Creepypasta X Rea...

By Screamyourdeath_ST

119K 3.3K 2.4K

Almost all her life, y/n had been treated like shit. Her mother was horrible to her and she had problems on h... More

Chapter 1: The Meeting
Chapter 2: The Traveling
Chapter 3: The Greetings
Chapter 4: The Saving
Chapter 5: The Terror, The Cure, and The Protectors
Chapter 6: The Threat
Chapter 7: The Choice
Chapter 8: What He Did With the Girl
Chapter 9: The Aftermath
Chapter 10: Under Close Guard
Chapter 11: Round Two
Chapter 12: The House In The Woods
Chapter 13: The Hidden Power
Chapter 14: The Return
Chapter 15: The Visiting Pastas
Chapter 16: Rage
Chapter 17: Huge Love Triangle
Chapter 18: Dealing With Love Issues
Chapter 19: Problem Comes and Problems solved
Chapter 20: A Day With the Slender Brothers
Chapter 21: Vincent/Purple Guy
Chapter 22: The Doll Masters
Chapter 23: The Puppeteer's Expectations
Chapter 25: The Beach
Chapter 26: Jason's Plan
Chapter 27: The Confirmation Ceremony
Chapter 28: Plenty of Changes
Chapter 29: Zalgo
Chapter 30: Exploring
Chapter 31: Yearning
Chapter 32: Prepping
Chapter 33: My Queen
Chapter 34: Fairly Old Friends
Chapter 35: The Garden
Chapter 36: Taken
Chapter 37: Captured
Chapter 38: Escape
Chapter 39: Return
Chapter 40: The Demon Enmity
Chapter 41: A Plane of Serenity

Chapter 24: Training As A Doll

2K 59 10
By Screamyourdeath_ST

Your POV

"Y/n you're leg needs to be higher then that! I wouldn't call that kick a fan kick! Less twirling more actual body movements!"

Uff... this is really hard. I mean, Pup's nice and all but he really does push me when it comes to training. He told me that dancing training would all lead up to The Love Confirmation, which is when a Doll and another Doll Master join together to perform a dance then kiss at the end to confirm their love for each other. (A/n its probably cheesy but that's all I can think of) Puppeteer said that the Dolls get to choose the song they dance to, and if it's going to be Jason I'm going to be with, I know exactly what song we're gonna do.
     So lately I've been practicing all my dance moves and techniques. Puppeteer always makes sure to show the the dance move and how to do it before he lets me try. And hell, is he good at dancing! Well, if he's a Doll master then he should be good at dancing I guess...
     Anyways, I've gotten pretty good over the past two days and The Puppeteer is noticing it too.
     "I'm proud of you, my Doll," He had said, "I know you'll grow to be very powerful."
I smiled at him and said, "thank you, master."
"You know, you can always call me Pup. I never told you you had to call me 'master'," He said.
"Ok Pup!" I said happily.
I was practicing YGIO by Miatriss and I did fantastic in all the fast movements. Pup didn't even have to tell me what to do.
"Very Good, y/n! I believe that performance is worthy of a break," he said.
I smiled at him and walked out of the stage room. (Yes, the mansion does have a stage room in this book)
When I walked out I was greeted with Liu and Sully running down the hallways towards me.
"Yo, y/n!" (Liu is regular Sully is bold) sully said.
"Hi sully! What's up?"
"The ceiling, now smiley face wanted me to tell you that we're going to the beach today. Tell your boss that too, 'Kay?"
"Sure, Sully! I'll do that right now!"
Sully and Liu walked away and just in time, because Pup walked out of the stage room.
"Pup! The pastas are all going to be going to the beach! Can we please go?" I asked.
Pup thought about it, "I don't know, y/n. Jason wants the love confirmation to be next month. That isnt a lot of time..."
"Please Pup! I promise I'll practice extra!"
"If you say so... we can go," he said.
I flung myself around him, "thank you, Pup! I won't let you down!"
With that I ran off and prepared myself and a bag.

*Puppeteer's POV*
She's really cute. I wish Zalgo wouldn't know about her if we were to be together... right, she's gonna be given to Jason soon... she'll be ok with him. Then again, he really isn't one to be trusted with Dolls... we'll just have to see.

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