Wet Dreams || Yoonseok

By saucemastuh

8.2K 574 41

Yoongi and Hoseok didn't know their dreams weren't just dreams. Top!¡ Hoseok Bottom!¡ Yoongi (Discontinued) More

I'm here
telling them
figure out
Beer and pizza
found him
to the park
first day
ice cream
The Jungs
The Jungs2
well sh!t


233 17 0
By saucemastuh

Not proofread

"Yoongi sweetheart, I made a doctor's appointment for you tomorrow." his mom called out just as he was falling asleep.

"Okay, thank you mommy." he mumbled just before falling asleep.

"Min Yoongi." Yoongi and his mother stood up and followed the nurse to one of the rooms in the back. She took his vitals and asked why he came in. "Okay, the doctor will be with you shortly." they waited a few minutes.

"Hello I'm doctor Xi." a man in his early 30s entered the room smiling. "So I see you have been throwing up a lot and been feeling tired." he looked up from the chart, Yoongi and his mom nodded. "Have you eaten anything bad."


"Fevers? Runny nose? Coughing?" Yoongi shook his head muttering a no. "Any pain or stomach cramps?"

"Y-yes. Just occasional cramps, not much though." the doctor nodded and wrote it down.

"Any chance you may be pregnant?" Yoongi thought about 'his Hobi' 'but Hobi isn't real' Ms. Min looked to her son, concern on her face.

"No." he answered.

"Okay we'll run tests to make sure you don't have a virus or anything." he got up and grabbed a clear plastic cup that was in a bag directing him to a bathroom. 4 continued taking Yoongi to do the tests.  Finally Yoongi was done he sat in the doctor's office with his mom waiting for the test results. After what seemed like forever the doctor finally came in with a folder. "Mr. Min have you been having any cravings or sensitivity to foods or certain smells?"

"U-um yes sometimes."

"Sir, what's wrong with my son?" Ms. Min questioned.

"Well it's weird since he said there was no chance, but Ms. Min your son is..pregnant."

"What?!" both her and Yoongi yelled.

"Both the blood test and urine test were positive."

"How far along is he?" she asked. Yoongi was stunned of course he knew what pregnancy was, to him there was a little Yoongi growing in himself. But from who.

"I would say 2 and 1/2 months." he said looking at the chart again. "I'll give him vitamins and things that will help him with the baby."

"O-okay thank you." Ms. Min stood up. "Come on sweetheart." she spoke lightly. They left and picked up his prescription and left the hospital. "Are you hungry sweetheart?" she asked once they got into the car.

"Can we get McDonald's mommy?"

"Of course sweetie." After they picked up his food they drove home thinking about the news they received today.

Yoongi knew this was serious, he may be new to big people problems and pretty childish for his own age but he knows a little about basic things like, it takes two people to make a baby. So who was his other person. He's only done 'the nasty' in his dream. But that's just a dream right. So how does all this make sense.

As they entered the house they went to the living room not really speaking besides asking what movie to watch. About half way through the movie Yoongi's mother said she had to make a phone call.

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