Zach's Secret Babies (ON-HOLD)

By lesson101

208K 10.3K 1.8K

After taking a drug that really enables men to get pregnant, Sam run off to Chicago with his 2 months old bel... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight

Chapter Nine

8.7K 423 60
By lesson101

* * *

Geremy acted quickly and later that day Sam's uncle, Mike, called that he could start coming to school on Monday and just have to bring the necessary documents.

So Monday morning, 8 am the trio was already up and all prepared. Sam have to send Allen and Alex to school so he might be a little late for his school but for him, it didn't matter.

" Mommy, don't worry about Allen and Alex. Allen will be strong and protect Alex," Allen said when they arrived at the school. The kindergarten teacher now held Allen and Alex's hands.

" Okay, mommy will trust you. Later mommy will come to pick you up so remember what mommy said earlier, okay? " Sam reminded both not to go with strangers and hugged and kissed as they nodded. Thankfully, Alex didn't cried like other kids do when going to school. Sam thought that it's because they were the ones who wanted to go to school in the first place.

The twins' class was supposed to end at the noon but because Sam will be at school the whole day, he enrolled them both morning and afternoon classes. Students enrolled in both classes include two hours nap time after lunch before the class starts and the class itinerary is light and very fun and educational for the kids so Sam wasn't worried, the school also have a friendly atmosphere so he was even more at ease.

Looking at the two slowly disappeared at Sam's sight, he finally decided to drive to his school with ease. Unlike before when he was younger, he would feel so nervous on the first day. Worried that he might not fit in and be bullied all the time but now Sam doesn't feel anything at all. Even if he manages to make friends or not, he didn't care about it now, all of that doesn't matter to him anymore. Sam is under an intensive class for 6 months and his schedule is pack from Monday to Friday, but he knew he could do it.

" Hi, I'm Samuel Abiñon I'm here to give my documents so I could start class today? " Sam said when he entered the faculty office. The person he was talking with seems to know that he's coming so after a moment of pause he greeted him warmly and accepted the documents.

" Yes yes, I was told you're coming. Come with me, I'm the one assigned to tour you around the campus but because you're 20 minutes late I'll lead you to your class first and you can come and see me after lunch for the tour. " The man kindly said, they walked to the classrooms while informing Sam about the rules of the University.

Sam just silently listened until they arrived at his supposed to be class. The moment they went inside the room, suddenly all attention went to Sam making him a little bit uncomfortable.

" Sorry for intruding Mr. Mendez. " The man excused to the professor then urged Sam to walk in front. The professor immediately pauses his lessons and let the man took over nodding while he stood in front of the class.

" Students this is Samuel Abiñon. He's your new schoolmate for the next six months, Please be nice to him and help him cope up with the lessons he missed this past 2 weeks. " The man introduced. Sam nodded at the students, introducing himself again.

" Okay, Mr. Abiñon you can go and sit wherever you like. " the man whispered to Sam which Sam nodded as a reply saying thank you before walking to an empty chair on the 3rd row. As soon as he sat on the chair, the man immediately left the room and the class soon after resumes.

* * *

Five days had passed and everything went smoothly. Allen and Alex love school and even kept bragging about how they got 5 stars to stamp on their arms and on their activity papers that always have a perfect mark. It had only been five days but the twins are copping up quite well. Sam knew his sons are smart and brave kids and it always makes him happy when the two achieved even the simplest things. It's normal because Sam is a parent. Sam became so proud of his sons and realize that they grew up really fast, it wasn't too long when Sam had to deprive himself of sleep just so he could take care of the twins.

His pregnancy was kept secret and back then, male pregnancy in Chicago wasn't that widely known so Sam didn't want to risk his sons' safety just so he could get a couple of sleep. Sam knew he did the right choice.

Now the twins had grown so big that they could even manage to be normal and cheerful kids in kindergarten without any problem unlike him before when he was a kid.

Meanwhile, as for Sam, his class also went smoothly and had no problem at all. He's also adjusting quite nicely since he already knows some of the concepts taught in the class, he just didn't know what it's called but he already used it when he was working in the company in Chicago. And of course, Sam also learned a lot of effective techniques and theories that may be applied in real-life situations. Sam thought business management is really amazing.

Sam scanned through his notes while he ate his lunch. Because he always made Allen and Alex's lunch, he also ended up making his own lunch box and ate it in the classroom so he didn't have to rush back when classes start. Since Sam hasn't made friends with anyone yet, he always ate his lunch alone but today because they are assigned to perform an activity by pair, he's now eating with his pair although he's the only one actually eating.

Sam's pair is a silent guy who seems older than him with his huge built and strong features. After talking to him a little, Sam learned that he was in the same intensive class for six months. Sam also learned that his family owned the very pharmaceutical that created the OmegaX drug that made the male species to be able to get pregnant. Sam was surprised the man he didn't take medical-related studies but when he learned again that he actually already graduated in Pharmacology and now learning business, Sam was even more surprised. His family, if not the first, is one among the wealthiest family in the world but even so, he wasn't very difficult to talk to. Sam thought they'll be at least be friends after the activity.

" You already know a bit about me, what about you? " He suddenly asked, pausing from reading his book. He sat one chair away from Sam.

" hmm, Okay since you said something about yourself then I think there's no need to hide it. Well, I'm not actually hiding it but yeah. I have two sons already, actually twins, they're almost 4. You see, I once use your family's OmegaX. " Sam revealed and waited for the man's reaction but he didn't react at all and just simply stared at Sam with his green eyes. Honestly, the man was surprised to hear it, the OmegaX was his mother's and brother's hard-earned work and it took almost her whole life just to create the drug. Not all men could use it effectively so he was surprised Sam managed to bear two without a problem. It just proved his body was very compatible with the drug.

" I bet they're wonderful kids. " He commented removing his eyes from Sam.

" Yeah, they are. Although it was very difficult to raise two kids alone I manage to do it. " Sam shared smiling and they didn't talk anymore. The man wanted to ask if he didn't have a partner but ended up not saying it afraid it would offend Sam so after Sam finished his lunch, the two started doing their activity silently and before the next class started, they finished almost half of it.

" Sam," Christopher called after the class ended. Earlier before the afternoon class started, the two decided to continue the activity at Sam's house but Sam ended up forgetting it thinking of picking up Allen and Alex.

" Oh yeah, I still have to pick up my kids,  is it okay? " Sam asked worried about the twins. If Chris didn't call, he might have left him. He's already 10 minutes late, Sam didn't want Allen and Alex to wait that long.

" it's okay, I'll tail your car. " Chris replied walking towards his car and Sam to his. The two arrived at Allen and Alex's kindergarten school and when Sam came out of his car, he saw the two playing alone in the kids playground. The scene broke Sam's heart, it's already so late that all other kids had already left leaving the two alone.

" Baby,  sorry mama is late again. How was school? " Sam immediately apologized and asked the approaching Alex who saw him first the moment he arrived.

" It's okay mama, Allen and Alex understand. Today we sang a lot of songs. " Alex replied hugging his mother and burying his nose against Sam's neck. Allen also runs towards his mother hugging Sam after seeing that he finally arrived.

" Mommy, Allen, and Alex waited patiently. Allen and Alex understand. " Allen said causing Sam to smile and hugged his twins tighter. For Sam, no matter how tired he becomes as long as Allen and Alex are there, all his pain and fatigue just magically disappear. The twins had always been his source of energy.

" Thank you, my babies. " Sam kissed both Allen and Alex's cheeks and couldn't help but hug both again because they smelled so good. They smelled like babies with a hint of milk and powdery scent.

" Mommy, who is he? " Allen asked noticing Chris in front of the school gate waiting.

" Oh that's uncle Chris, mommy's classmate. Uncle and mommy have homework to do so he will come with us at home. Is it okay to Allen and Alex? "

" It can't be helped mommy since you're doing homework. Teacher said we have to do our homework all the times so mommy should do his homework too. "

" Ahww thank you baby. Come on I'll introduce you to uncle Chris. " the three walked towards Chris who seemed busy looking around the school building.

" what's the matter? " Sam asked curiously.

" Oh I just realized, my nephew attends this school too. " Chris said making Sam a bit surprised because the school wasn't the school he would thought a family member of Chris would attend. Although the school had high standards, this school isn't that prestigious compared to other schools for the wealthy like the one he attended when he was in kindergarten.

" Oh really? Wow that's amazing I hope he can be friends with my Allen and Alex. Baby, this is uncle Chris say hi to him. "

" Hi uncle Chris. " both said in chorus making Chris smile and bend his knees to level his height with the two.

" Nice to meet you, I'm your mom's classmate. I hope you don't mind me intruding at your home this evening. "

" It's okay Uncle. Mommy doesn't have a lot of friends so we want mommy to make a lot of friends, like Allen and Alex. " Allen politely and Alex nodding in agreement.

" thank you. I'll definitely be a good friend to your mommy. " Sam smiled looking at the three talking before finally decided to stopped them so they could he'd back early and so Sam could prepare dinner early.

" Mommy, uncle Chris said he is Matt's uncle. Matt is Alex's and Allen's friend in school. His mommy is very nice too. " Allen excitedly reported while Alex nodded.

" Wow really? That's nice I'm glad you're making friends at school already. "

" Allen and Alex are friends with everybody at school but the bullies always bully Matt so Allen and Alex protects him. Matt is always silent but he's super nice and he shares us his snacks. " Allen said. Sam felt bad for this Matt kid and thought he should tell Chris that his nephew was being bullied at school.

" Baby, that's good. You have to protect Matt because nobody deserves to be bullied and you have to tell this to the teacher okay? "

" hmm we told teacher and teacher talked to Francis, he's the bully but Francis is good to us. " Allen replied while Alex nodded again. Sam smiled approvingly looking at the two from the rearview. He's glad that the twins already know what to do in these situations, at least he won't get worried if the two becomes a subject bullying and hoped that never happens.

" Very good,  from now on you always have to tell the teacher if you two or someone is getting bullied okay? "

" Okay mommy/mama. " the two replied in chorus. Sam continued driving to their home when suddenly Alex ask about Zach.

" Mama, when is papa coming home? " the little one asked hesitantly. He wonders if their father would once again leave them. They had been with their father for one and a half-day, both Allen and Alex eager to know. They didn't want to lose their father anymore.

" I don't know yet, why don't you ask papa later when he calls. " ever since Zach went abroad, he had been calling Sam every night because of the time difference and because he's busy all day and even at night trying to secure the project earlier but every call he made, he never had the chance to talk to the kids because they are already sleeping. So tonight since it's Friday,  Sam decided to let the twins stay up late so they could talk to Zach.

" Okay, I'll talk to papa later. " Alex shyly smiled. Sam doesn't mind them sleeping a little late tonight as long as it's not past 10 pm where the two will sure lack sleep in the next day.

The three arrived at the house with Cris following. Sam encoded a number of remote control and moments later the gate opened with them driving further inside. After parking, Sam immediately went out and opening the passengers' seat unbuckling Allen and Alex's seat belts. He also saw Chris coming out of his car and looking around the place.

" Welcome, I haven't called a landscaper yet so it looks empty. " Sam explained looking also at his empty lawn.

" It's actually refreshing like this. And your house looks lovely. " Chris complimented. It was indeed a lovely house for a small family Sam's,

" Thank you, I asked my friend to design it. Come on let's go inside, it's getting dark. " Sam said walking at the door following with him are the twins with their bags. When they got inside, the three removed their shoes and placed it on the side shoe rack replacing it with indoor slippers. Allen and Alex then walked inside putting their bags on the sofa before going to the kitchen to get some water. Sam glanced at Chris and he looks like he was hesitating whether he should remove his shoes too or not. Finally, he bent down and started taking off his shoe.

" Oh no Chris, you don't have to take off your shoes. It's okay you can come inside just like that. " Actually Jenny was the one who made the entrance like this. The floor in the foyer is lower just like a Japanese style house because Jenny is half Japanese and she wanted them to practice this tradition so that the whole house would stay clean longer.

" Are you sure? " Chris asked which Sam nodded as a reply.

" The architect and interior designer of this house is half Japanese. She insisted on making my entrance this way. I also like it since its way cleaner and I don't have to clean the house all the time. I don't have someone helping me in the house. " Sam explained while walking inside.

" You can sit on the couch first. I have to take care of Allen and Alex first. Can you wait for me? "

" yeah sure. "

" What would you like to drink? Coffee, tea, juice? " Sam asked while instructing Allen and Alex to climb up their room with their bags and head to the shower first.

" Water is fine. You don't have to worry, I'll just start reading what we've done so far. "

" Okay, I'll be really fast. Make yourself at home. " Sam excused serving Chris his water before climbing up and joined the twins in their shower. After the shower, Sam helps both to dress up after putting cream on their bodies. And finally, Allen and Alex showed their activity papers and their star stickers to Sam.

" I'm so proud of you both, you are both so smart, mommy is happy. Don't worry I'll tell you immediately when daddy calls later, okay? " Sam praise his babies kissing both on their cheeks and taking the activity papers to compile.

" Yey, we love you mommy/mama. " Both replied in chorus and hugged their mommy tight. Sam also hugged his sons tight replying I love you too and finally letting them go to play in the playroom.

* * *

" Hi, Chris I'm really sorry can you wait a little bit longer? I'm going to prepare for dinner first. " Sam called after climbing down the stairs. Chris was still on the couch reading something on his laptop.

" Yeah,  don't worry. Do you want me to help? " Chris offered standing up.

" Oh No, I can handle it but thank you. " Sam politely declined walking straight to the kitchen. Chris nodded okay and didn't insist on helping anymore but looking at the newly showered Sam, he couldn't stop staring at him as his eyes followed Sam's small figure working around the kitchen. He wasn't thinking anything weird but his eyes just couldn't stop following Sam, it's like the man was built to stay at home and take care of his husband and children. Chris thought Sam is the very image of a good housewife. Very gentle and caring, not to mention sexy in his own way. If he had a partner like Sam he would be running back home after work.

Chris continued to take a couple of glances at Sam until he finished cooking dinner. Sam awkwardly set the table as he had been feeling Chris' eyes on him. Sam never liked being stared at.

" Uhmm dinner is ready, I'll call the twins over then we can finally start that activity. " Sam awkwardly informed before calling the twins from the intercom connected to each of the rooms and pool area of the house.

" Hey, come downstairs. Dinner is ready, remember not to run down the stairs okay? " Sam reminded and seconds later the two came down the stairs and running towards the dining table. Chris' who had been silent also came to the dining table warmly smiling.

" You know. You'd make such a good wife. " Chris comments looking at the dishes which Sam didn't expect, Chris was that guy in the corner that doesn't seem to speak out what's on his mind but now he actually did. Sam just didn't expect Chris would actually say something like this since obviously his a man and not a woman.

" Haha thank you but that's only simple dishes. Back in Chicago, I used to order deliveries from restaurants because I didn't have much time to cook. "

" At home, no one even knows how to cook except the chef. " Chris gently laughs.

" hahaha, that's okay. Actually, if I hadn't got pregnant I wouldn't have known how to cook or even do house chores. " Sam replied as he fed Alex whose appetite isn't that great like Allen's. When Sam was living in an apartment before, he always had someone coming to clean and would always buy take-outs. The only food he knew how to cook before was noodles.

" Mommy, when is Daddy going to call? " As Chris and Sam were talking, Allen suddenly spoke, although he allowed another man in the house, he still after all doesn't like his mother talking to other men so he purposely mentioned his father. Hearing this, Chris looked at Sam also interested to know the answer. Because of what Sam had told him earlier, that he took care of the twins alone and had no one at home to help him. He thought Sam was a single parent and without a partner.

" Maybe in a bit, You know how busy Daddy is right? I'll definitely call you when Daddy calls, okay? " Sam looked at Allen and he seemed upset.

" Okay, I just miss Daddy. " Allen complained and Sam just rubbed his hair saying he should hurry up and eat. Chris also understood that Sam is in contact with his partner, whether they are together or not? Chris is curious about it.

Dinner had finally finished, Chris didn't talk a lot anymore and they just started doing their activity until late at night. Allen and Alex remained at the living room waiting for Zach to call and Allen also wanted to guard his mommy, but in the end, the call never came.

" Allen, Alex, it's already past 11. It's bad for you to stay up this late. Maybe Daddy won't call tonight, can you go to bed first? Mommy will just finish this up with uncle Chris. " Looking at his two angels who's obviously bored at waiting for their father to call, Sam approached both of them to hug. Sam knew they're upset because he knows how excited the twins were after meeting their father but Sam knows Zach can't fulfill his responsibility to the kids a hundred percent. He's Zacheus Welton and he had other huge responsibility on his shoulder and now Allen and Alex just added.

As Sam was carrying the sleepy Alex to his arms, the doorbell suddenly rang causing Allen to look at the main door. There's no one aside from Jean and Zach that knew the passcode of the main gate so Sam thought maybe it's Jean, but what would she be doing at Sam's house so late at night!?

" Mommy maybe that's Daddy. " Allen excitedly, running to the main door. Sam also walked to the door and opened it only to find out it was really Zach still on his suit at his doorstep.

" Daddy! " Allen called out and jumps to his father. Zach flashed a smile to Sam as he carried Allen and walked deeper into the house giving his lover a warm hug and later a long passionate kiss on his lips that caught Sam off guard.

" W-what are you doing here? I thought you'll be in abroad till Monday. " Sam gasped for air after his tongue had been violated in front of his sons.

" I finished work early so here I am. " Zach smile then kissed Alex's sleeping head and then Allen's who curiously watched his mother and father suddenly kissing.

" Did you miss Daddy? "

" Yes, hehe Alex and Allen were waiting for Daddy to call but now Daddy is here. " Allen reported while Zach listened.

" Sam, I think I should. . . " while Sam was still surprised at Zach's sudden appearance, Chris decided to excuse himself and didn't want to disturb the couple's reunion but before he could finish talking he was surprised to see Zacheus Welton. Chris frowned then suddenly his eyes went slightly wide in shock.

" Christopher!? What are you doing here? " Zach asked confused why his brother-in-law in his wife's house late at night!? Frowning Zach pulled Sam to his side. Seeing this, Christopher realized what was happening so he took his things and walked towards the two.

" Don't worry, we were just working on our school activity. " Chris explains smiling towards Sam.

" Okay. " after looking at Sam's nod,  Zach finally replied but still upset that there was a man in his wife's house aside from him.

" hmmm, I think I should leave now. See you on Monday. " Noticing Zacheus' jealous expression, Christopher finally decided to leave. Sam also didn't stop him since they were already done with the activity. He also noticed Zach's expression so it's better for his classmate to leave.

" Okay, I'll open the gate for you. " Sam offered but was stopped by Zach putting Allen down. Sam didn't argue and decided to let Zach send Chris off since the two seemed to know each other.

" No, I'll send him out. You take the kids upstairs so they could rest, it's already this late. " Zach said rubbing Allen and Alex's hair after looking at his wristwatch.

As Sam disappeared into the room with the twins, Zach looked at Christopher as if giving him warnings.

" Don't look at me like that. Don't worry I won't touch him since he's yours. But I didn't know you like the types who already had kids. " Chris commented assuming that the kids weren't Zach's because he never heard of the news before.

" Hmmm right back to you. Aren't you the one looking at Sam like a hungry wolf!? " Zach replied raising one eyebrow.

" Don't say that. Hahaha, I was just curious about him. "

" Well, don't be cause he's mine and the kids are mine. I haven't revealed it to my family but I will soon. " Zach replied making Chris surprised again but understood where the man is coming from since Chris knows Abiñon and Welton family aren't in really good terms.

" I understand. " Chris replied tapping his brother's shoulder before finally leaving.

* * *

To be continued...


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